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Life Pre-intermediate ExamView Unit 8

Instructions: Choose the correct option (ac).
1. This is the town ____ is famous for its cheese.
a. which
b. who
c. where
2. That's the shop ____ has all those expensive clothes.
a. who
b. which
c. where
3. Look! That's the phone ____ works on solar energy.
a. where
b. who
c. that
4. The office ____ I work is only a five minute walk from the city centre.
a. where
b. that
c. which
5. Is that the house ____ they found those dead bodies?
a. which
b. where
c. that
6. The bank robber ____ the police caught has escaped.
a. which
b. where
c. who
7. Isn't that the boy ____ had a fight with your brother?
a. which
b. who
c. where
8. She's the girl ____ got the best exam results in our school.
a. that
b. which
c. where
Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make zero
conditional sentences.
1. If my dog _____________________ (hear) a noise outside, he_____________________ (bark).
2. When the kettle ____________________ (boil), it ___________________ (switch) itself off.
3. If there _________________ (be) no sun, we __________________ (not have) any hot water.
4. Mr Peters __________ (not be) happy if he __________ (not have) lunch at exactly one o'clock.
5. The air conditioning in the hotel __________ (not work) if the windows __________ (be) open.
6. When it _______________ (rain), my cat ______________ (not go) outside into the garden.
Instructions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make first
conditional sentences.

7. If you ________________ (not use) sun cream, you ______________________________ (burn).

8. The children ______________ (phone) us when they _______________ (arrive) at summer camp.
9. The computer ___________________ (not work) if you _______________ (not plug) it in.
10. If I ______________________________ (get) the job I ____________________ (have) a party.
11. If the world __________________ (run out) of water, there ___________________ (be) a war.
12. My brother ________________ (be) very angry if I _______ (use) his laptop without asking him.
Instructions: Replace the underlined words with the correct words.
1. The battery on this phone lasts a long time but you have to subscribe it quite often if you use it a
2. When you share a computer with someone else you need to switch on with your name and
3. I'll recharge our holiday photos onto my homepage so our friends can see them.______________
4. There are lots of sites where you can set up music and videos.__________________
5. You don't need to download this modem in because it's wireless._______________________
6. I uploaded the computer but nothing happened. Is it working properly?_______________
7. If you search this red button, a light will come on._____________________
8. When you have written your email, just press plug and off it goes!____________________
9. I set up to a daily newspaper online which means I don't have to go out and buy it every day.
10. Tell me what you want to buy and I'll send for it online to get the best price.__________________

Instructions: Put the sentences in order to make a conversation.

11. Reorder the following:
A. That's amazing, you won't need reading glasses. What's the screen like?
B. An e-reader! How does it work?
C. That's great. It looks just like a real book. How do you turn the page?
D. Yes, it means I will never have to carry a suitcase full of heavy books when I go on
E. As you said, it's like a normal book. You can even read in full sunlight.
F. Oh, you've got a new gadget. What is it?
G. So you can take it away with you and read on the beach?
H. You buy and download books from a special website and then you read them on the
I. Well, you just press this button here. And you can change the size of the print, too.
J. It's an e-reader.

12. Reorder the following sentences then answer the questions

A. That's very kind of you, but I think I know what I want. I've spent the last few days doing research on the
Internet. If you're not busy, I wouldn't mind some company, though.
B. I only did a short course. I'm not really good enough yet but I'm going to learn some more. Then who knows
what I'll be able to do?
C. I've got lots of time, and you know I like these kinds of shops.
D. Good morning, Bobby. I'm buying a new computer.
E. You probably don't know, but I've taken a little course in graphic design. I help my local theatre club with all
their leaflets and programmes. I design them, we send them to a printer's and then give them out at the theatre.
F. Oh, I see. Would you like me to help you?
G. Yes, you've always liked gadgets − even when you were a little boy. Look this is what I was thinking of getting
– an all-in-one computer.
H. Hello, Grandma! What are you doing here?
I. You could get a real job doing that kind of thing.
J. They're great! And they take up less space too. What exactly do you want to do on it?

Instructions: Match the descriptions with the nouns (a–j).
a. sunglasses .
b matches h laptop
. .
c. hair dryer i. towel
d microwave oven j. GPS
e. torch
f. hat
g telescope 1. You use this when your hair is wet.
2. If you use this to find your way, you will not 7. You dry yourself with this after a shower or a
get lost. swim.
3. This is a computer that you can carry about 8. This cooks food very quickly.
with you. 9. This lets you see the stars more clearly.
4. You wear this on your head. 110. You use these to light a fire or a candle.
5. These protect your eyes from the sun.
6. You use this to see in the dark.

Reading The seatbelt

Which sentence (a-c) is true for the author?

a The author thinks we need more inventors

b The author thinks Bohlin's invention is very important

c The author wants more people to use Bohlin's invention.

Read the article again. Answer these questions.

1 Who was Nils Bohlin?

2 When did he invent the seatbelt?

3 Who did he work for?

4 At first, did all drivers use the seatbelt in their cars?

5 Why did more and more drivers eventually use the seatbelt?

An invention which has Saved millions of lives

In recent history, there have been some amazing inventions which have changed our lives. The
aeroplane has made international travel faster and easier. The computer can store the contents of a
library. And you probably know the names of some famous inventors like Henry Ford or Steve Jobs.
But for every famous invention and inventor, there are many everyday objects which we don't notice
and we don't know who invented them.

Take the inventor Nils Bohlin who invented the modern-day car seatbelt. His invention has saved
millions of lives. Fifty years ago, Bohlin was an engineer who worked for the car manufacturer Volvo.
There were other types of seatbelts, but he developed the first one which went across the chest and
across the legs and then joined at the same place. Amazingly, this was a very simple idea which no
one had tried before - and that's probably true of so many great inventions.

Volvo soon started selling the new seatbelt in countries where cars were very popular. Fifty years
ago, and probably still today, the biggest market was the USA. However, it took a long time for the
invention to become popular there. Even in cars which had the invention, many drivers didn't use it.
People enjoyed driving without a seatbelt. It was difficult to change their habits, even though more
people survived a car crash when they wore Bohlin's seatbelt. Over the years, more and more
governments made laws that forced drivers to wear the seatbelt and today Nils Bohlin's simple
invention still saves thousands of lives every year.

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