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Story Telling
Kelompok A (1-3 SD)

Chaos in a Restaurant
A son took his old father to a restaurant for an evening
dinner. Father being very old and weak, while eating,
dropped food on his shirt and trousers. Other diners
watched him in disgust while his son was calm.

After he finished eating, his son who was not at all

embarrassed, quietly took him to the washroom, wiped the
food particles, removed the stains, combed his hair and
fitted his spectacles firmly. When they came out, the entire
restaurant was watching them in dead silence, not able to
grasp how someone could embarrass themselves publicly
like that. The son settled the bill and started walking out with
his father.

At that time, an old man amongst the diners called out

to the son and asked him, "Don't you think you have left
something behind?".

The son replied, "No sir, I haven't".

The old man retorted, "Yes, you have! You left a lesson
for every son and hope for every father".

The restaurant went silent.

One of the biggest honors that exist, is able to take

care of those older adults who ever cared for us too. Our
parents, and all those elderlies who sacrificed their lives,
with all of his time, money and effort by us, deserve our
utmost respect.

If you also feel respect for older adults, share this story
with all your friends.

BBC Spirit of Ramadhan 2022

Story Telling
Kelompok A (1-3 SD)

The Story of Jazan

Once Abdullah ibn Masud was passing by an area in

the city of Qufa. There, a group of wrong doing people
have gathered to have a party. They were engrossed in
drinking wine. A singer called Jazan was entertaining them
with songs. Jazan had a very beautiful voice.

When Abdullah ibn Masud heard his voice while

passing by, he said in amazement, "So beautiful is his voice.
How wonderful it would be if he had used that voice to
recite the Quran!"

After saying this, Abdullah covered his head with a

cloth and left that place. When Jazan noticed Abdullah ibn
Masud leaving, he asked, "Who is that man and what was
he saying?" The people in the gathering told him, "He is
Abdullah ibn Masud, a companion of Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him). He said that your voice is very
beautiful. How wonderful it would be if you had used your
voice to recite the Quran!"

Jazan was struck by his comments. He threw away his

musical instrument and ran to Abdullah ibn Masud. The two
of them embraced each other and shed tears profusely.

Abdullah ibn Masud said to him, "Why should I not love

the one who loves Allah?" Thereafter, Jazan repented to
Allah and stayed in the company of Abdullah ibn Masud to
learn the Quran and other teachings of Islam. He learned
to such an extent that he became one of the great
scholars of his time

BBC Spirit of Ramadhan 2022

Story Telling
Kelompok A (1-3 SD)

The Lost Ring

Once a young man lost his ring. He went to search for

it under the bright street light. Others who saw him
desperately searching for a missing ring, came to help him.

When no one was successful in finding the ring, people

asked him if he was sure that he dropped the ring in this
place. He said, "No, I lost it there," and pointed to his house.

Furious, the people asked: "Then why are you looking

for it here?"

The young man, trying to look clever said, "Because it

is dark where I lost it, and this place is bright with light!"

Everyone thought he was a fool and told him to go and

search for the ring where he actually lost it.

What we can learn from this story is that while our

success lies in preparing for the hereafter, we are too busy
looking for it in this world. If we spend all our lives only
looking for success in this world, we will soon leave empty
handed and take nothing with us.

BBC Spirit of Ramadhan 2022

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