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Error Code Error Type Description

1 WRN_GENERAL general warning

2 ERR_GENERAL general error

3 FATAL_GENERAL fatal error

4 FATAL_OUT_OF_MEMORY cannot allocate enough memory

5 ERR_INIT initialization error

6 ERR_DATA invalid data

7 ERR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED feature not supported

8 ERR_INV_ARGUMENT invalid argument

9 ERR_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS index out of bounds

10 ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED authentication failed

11 ERR_INV_STATE invalid state

12 ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILED cannot open file

13 ERR_FILE_CREATE_WRITE_FAILED cannot create/write file

14 ERR_DISK_SPACE_SHORTAGE cannot allocate enough disk space

Error Code Error Type Description

15 ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND cannot find file

16 ERR_RETRY_STATEMENT statement retry

17 ERR_CATA_VER_MISMATCH metadata schema version incompatible between database and executable file

18 ERR_SERVICE_SHUTDOWN service shutting down

19 ERR_INV_LICENSE invalid license

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