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Australian International Academy

Kellyville Campus

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

Unit Name: Ecology

Title: Small acts, big changes

Name: Lama Tawfik

Year Level: 8 Subject: Science

Word Count: script word count =
Date: 28/ 02/2022 664
reflection word count= 100
Part 1: Presentation Script
Provide the script that you used to complete your presentation
key terms definitions, why it's important to reduce our carbon footprint, impacts that climate change is
having on ecosystems, ways in which science is being used to address the impacts that climate change is
having on ecosystems, ways in how an individual can reduce their own carbon footprint, Why we need to
start acting now to reduce our carbon footprint
Key Term definitions
greenhouse gases: a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation
greenhouse effect: the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere
Global warming: a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere
Climate change: a change in global climate patterns and attributed largely to the increased levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels
Carbon footprint: the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of
a particular individual, organization, or community
ecosystems: Interactions between living and non-living things
Importance of reducing our carbon footprint
It is important to reduce our carbon footprint because it lessens the global climate change effects,
improves public health, and increases the global economy. When we reduce our carbon footprint we
guarantee fresh air, clean water and food for our generation and the coming generations.
impacts that climate change is having on ecosystems
Climate Change affects where species live, how they interact, and the timing of biological events, which
can fundamentally change ecosystems and food webs. Climate change can overwhelm ecosystems' ability
to reduce extreme events and disturbances, such as wildfires.
Ways in which science is being used to address the impacts that climate change is having on
Studies have documented these responses. In doing so, science contributes to a better understanding of
how climate change impacts our lives and how we can slow or reverse the process.
Several techniques have already been adopted by farmers to reduce greenhouse gases, including precision
agriculture to grow crops efficiently, cover crops to prevent soil erosion, and biodigesters to reduce
animal waste.
Ways in how an individual can reduce their own carbon footprint
There are tons of ways for a person to reduce their carbon footprint and these are only a few of the
hundreds of ways in which someone can reduce their carbon footprint. One really obvious way and easy
way to reduce your carbon footprint is by trying to cut off as much plastic as you can out of your life. It
would be really hard to cut off all plastic out of your life but when there is another sustainable choice you
should always go for the sustainable option. Another simple way to reducing your carbon footprint is by
turning off electricity when it isn't being used. Leaving your lights on when you aren't in the room for
example just wastes electricity and burning fossil fuels. Another way for someone to reduce their carbon
footprint is by reusing bags when you go to the shops that way you won’t buy new bag every time which
can also create another minor effect but when they all add up, they create a major difference in our
Why we need to start acting now to reduce our carbon footprint
We need to act now. If we delay efforts in reducing either carbon dioxide or short-lived climate
pollutants, we will see severe consequences for global warming, rising sea levels, food security, and
public health. we need to act fast because the longer we wait the more damage will happen to our planet
and the worse the condition of global warming is going to get. at first, it's going to seem like not much is
happening and that they are all little effects, but all these minor effects will keep adding up until we get a
major possibly life changing effect
Thank you for listening I hope this presentation helped you build a better understanding of what a carbon
footprint is and the effects of climate change and global warming
Part 2: Reflection
Complete a 100-word self-reflection in which you evaluate your organisational skills
This presentation has helped me personally in understanding what a carbon footprint is
how we can reduce it and the effects that global warming and climate change is having
on us and the world around us all through out research. I spent quite a while on it and
organised my time by dividing my assessment and doing a part of it every day, so that I
don’t leave it for last second and rush it up while stressing about getting it done by the
due date. For this assessment task I used my self-management skills, thinking skills and
research skills.

Include a list of the references that you used to help you complete this task

6th slide:


Definitions: google oxford dictionary

8th slide:


10th slide:

14th slide:


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