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AzDGDatingMedium ChangeLog

Version 1.9.5
- Improved parameters checking in the include/
- Fixed xss error in the bad.php, ban.php, bedroom.php, card.php, mail.php,
send.php, stat.php, links.php, login.php, qsearch.php
- Fixed possible security bug in the photos.php

Version 1.9.4
Several bugs fixed

Version 1.9.3
* SEF (Search Engine Friendly)
> New SEF mechanism based on mod_rewrite
> SEF pages for View profile, Statistics, Last registered, Top users, Hot or
Not, Blogs, Forum, Links
> Configurable options: can be define url by template
> More Meta tags for forum, blogs, etc
* Links
> Any user can add link to database (by access)
> Admin can request to set Reciprocal Link
> All links are checking by email (or)and admin (various settings) before
> More improvements
* BBcodes
> Fully rewritten for better configurable and options
> Added new bbcodes: [IMG] (Image), [URL] (url), [VIDEO] (video from youtube
or google)
> BBCode now is in the sections: Description of Profile, comments, etc...
> Can define access level for each bbcode of each section
> Can decrease big images and define video size
> Limit number of posted images and number of posted videos
* Improved several templates
> Rewritten user menu
> Changed several templates index pages
* Maintenance for admin area
> cleaning cache - allows to clean all cache files to check new options or
> remove thumbnails - allows to recreate thumbnails again, if options of
image changed or just for improving disk space
> cleaning error photos - fixes possible errors with photos
> cleaning archive - remove messages from archive

* User Language by default may be selected (may not be "default") when

install/upgrade or from admin area
Full MySQL 5 support
Can be define, that users can`t contact with users with the same gender (by access)
Request to upload photo only for specific gender
Admin can to edit website in maintenance mode
Possible to login as user and then as admin without loosing access as user (if
secure login disabled in the admin area)
Added new filters to online users: by country, city and age
"Who seen my profile" added as separate menu entry
User registration all-in-one by sections like in step-by-step registration
Admin can set options to allow to update profiles only once in N hours
Members area add option: "All Users"
Added "select all" javascript into registration and profile update pages for
seeking countries and more seeking options
Administration of user comments, allow to create, edit and delete
Showing the "Last 10 registered users" regardless gender
Admin can define where to go when user logins (By default check messages)
New ajax checking for "You have N new messages" message for every N seconds + Sound
Showing banners between search results
Allow comment profiles for guests
Added more fields for Last registered and Most popular sections (but not included
into templates)
User can select template for own View Profile page (option, by access)
Ignored user can`t to add comments, rate and more
Today, Yesterday dates
Archiving old messages to make Messages table more small
View archived messages from IM (special button "Archive")
Suspend profiles, visible profiles with text "This profile is suspended", member
can`t login
Croping uploaded photos to improve portraits
When login by email lets admin choose what to use as login (ID, or else)
User can make profile invisible (by access) for forum, "Who see profile", search
results and hide own profile from views: "User does not exist or made his profile
User can link own profile with other (from user options) with some description, ex
"My wife", and in the view profile page will be showing this information (by
Online users number setting from admin area
Mail for birthday congratulations from admin area
New option for users - don`t receive emails from website
New Secure Image Verification (CAPTCHA) with difficult decoding for machines
Admin can set to don`t remove user from online users, when user logout
New option for users - Don`t receive kisses
Full States list as for many countries as option (but big registration page)

Version 1.8.3 with FixPack2

Fixed bug in the photos.php
Version 1.8.3 with FixPack1
Fixed bug in the administration area admin/index.php
Fixed Online users bug in the include/
Fixed messages removing bug (members/index.php)
Fixed message sending confirmation bug (send.php)
Restored required files in the Default template templates/default/forum folder
Added instruction and files how to create Love template from Default (in the

Version 1.8.3
Fixed sorting for seeking countries and optimized field`s values generating

Removed from Platinum 1.8.3:

- Instant messenger (Messaging between users works only in the old style (like a
mail messages))
- Privilegied users, Points, Coupons, User`s Plans, Affiliate
- Caching system to accelerate big websites
- Moderators area
- Private photos
- E-Cards
- 8 templates (only 2 templates available: default and sun)
- Chat
- Forum
- Addons (Users generate, Messages generate, username urls, cronjob mail sending,
- Subscribe
- Articles
- Blogs
- Views
- Zip locator
- IP 2 country
- SMTP mail
- Backup DB

Version 1.8.3 Beta

Beginning from Platinum edition

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