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Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media

AC1 - Informing Ideas:

I have been asked to do a campaign that promotes Jordan Tourism
My campaign “Explore Jordan '' purpose is to promote the history of Jordan and to
encourage others to visit jordan. My target audience are students and teachers aged 16-30
from the Iics school and jordan tourism group. The people that I'm targeting are adventurers
who seek new adventures and chase new things, I'm not really specifically aiming towards
certain classes as I'm targeting classes ranging from low to high class families. I'll also
display my photos on a poster and I’ll post them on my instagram page as well.

My booklet related to my technical skills:

Brainstorm ideas

My survey responses:

According to this demographic representation mentioned above there are more girls than
boys therefore im going to use my persuasive techniques and the photo i took to encourage
both genders to visit Jordan
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
according to this demographic representation mentioned above the ages range up to older
than 19 to as young to 17 this works with my campaign because such age is considered
adventrurores and young.

My campaign is going to focus on landscape, portrait and fine art photography as mentioned

according to this piechart it shows that my target audience prefer to vist wadi rum and dead
sea this is one of the reasons i took pictures of wadi rum since the psychographic
representation of my target audience implies that they are very adventurous who like
challenging themselves and wadi rum is considered one of the challenging places in Jordan

I did several researched related to different campaigns in Jordan tourism and I noticed that
"The Jordan Tourism Board launched the "Breathe" summer campaign in the GCC market,
promoting Jordan as the greatest tourist destination by inviting Arabs and foreigners living in
the GCC to visit Jordan during the summer and enjoy its richness and diversity."
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
The "Breathe" campaign is one of many initiatives spearheaded by the Jordan Tourism
Board and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in aim to return Jordan's tourism industry
to pre-COVID-19 levels.What is so interesting is the colouring contrast and the caption they
implement in their posters to attract tourist attention as mentioned below:\

These are a collection of photographs I downloaded from the jordanian tourism boards
website to help me with inspiration while informing my ideas for the campaign.

Based on my survey, i found out that my target audience prefers WADI RUM and Deadsea
so i checked visit Jordan website and I found out that they use posters to encourage people
from around the world to visit Jordan
Examples below:
-Dead SEA

tourist beach in Amman

Are you planning a day excursion to the Dead Sea? Amman Tourist Beach is a fantastic day
trip destination; it's good for those seeking recreation and fantastic for those simply looking
to rest. With such reasonable prices, we don't see why you shouldn't visit this location.
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media

I like due to the colour contrast between brown and blue which inspires me to do lots of
landscape images similar to this one in term of the color contrasts

-wadi rum

With this compact and adaptable aircraft, you may get back to the fundamentals of flight.
With our skilled pilot, fly above the spectacular rock formations of Wadi Rum in an open
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media

This inspired me because it shows how people are really adventurous similar to my target
audience therefore my campaign will be more adventurores
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
I really like this landscape image because its unique and inspiring they took this picture
when the sun was setting .i would try and take my own pictures in sunrise and sunset.

I like this picture because it shows the same colours (monochromatic), i did the same for
some of my pictures
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media

Magic Hour - Sunset
Framing - Framed with the rock
Contrast between the rock and the sky
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
This inspires me because its simple beautiful which makes me want to take pictures during
magic hour

This is an example of landscape which will be my main focus when doing my campaign

Links below that implies problem solving and technical skills :

Link 2

Pictures i took
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media

This is an example of a picture i took in wadi rum.

Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media
Explore Jordan - BTEC L3 International Creative Media

I believe that my poster is so appealing and it will target my assigned audience from ICS
staff and Jordan Tourism , encouraging them to come and visit Jordan so they can be
enchanted by its aesthetic beauty,my logo and my caption are so captivating that will make
everyone wonder why they didn't come to Jordan before.

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