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Technical disciplines


Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

01 03/2020 Revision based on an ISO14001 audit finding

00 11/2017 First Issue

Owning entity: HSEQ Other approving entities:

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

Rev.: 01 Effective date: 03/2020 Page: 2 of 20

Revision Notes

Rev.: Date: Revision Description

01 03/2020 Section 6.2.1., section 6.2.3. and section 9 all of them added the new
environmental matrix (appendix 2) as required by the new Company
Standard "Project Environmental Permits (SD-NOC-ENV-018)".
All document was migrated to the new CMS document format.


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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

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1. OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................... 5

2. SCOPE.......................................................................................................................5
2.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................5
2.2 Application......................................................................................................................... 6

3. RELATED DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................... 6

4. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................7

5. IMPLEMENTATION....................................................................................................9
5.1 Timing................................................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Duration............................................................................................................................. 9
5.3 ENVID Team...................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Composition..................................................................................................................... 10

6. ENVID METHODOLOGY......................................................................................... 11
6.1 Preparation of the Review................................................................................................11
6.2 Introduction Session........................................................................................................ 12

7. RECORDING AND REPORTING............................................................................ 13

7.1 ENVID Record Sheet....................................................................................................... 13
7.2 Action Sheets...................................................................................................................13
7.3 Reports............................................................................................................................ 14


9. APPENDICES.......................................................................................................... 15
Appendix 1 Typical ENVID Record Sheet.............................................................................16
Appendix 2 Risk Matrix......................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 3 Example of ENVID Agenda................................................................................18
Appendix 4 Generic list of Categories of Environmental Aspects........................................ 19
Appendix 5 Example of ENVID Action Sheet........................................................................21

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

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The objective of this document is to provide technical guidance for the preparation of
Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID) prior to development of Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment (ESIA) document.

This Guideline describes the environmental impacts identification as per the NOC ENVID
technique for any new NOC projects or modification projects or activities which imply to changes
in design and operation philosophy. The document provides recommendations on how to
conduct an ENVID using ENVID category checklists and guidewords.
The ENVID shall identify environmental and social aspects of a proposed project and potential
environmental and social impacts of the project’s lifecycle, from construction, installation,
commissioning, operation and decommissioning phases. The ENVID shall address different
operational modes of project (normal, upset and emergency modes).

2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Guideline is to provide technical requirements which enable the
identification of environmental aspects and impact evaluation during normal, upset and
emergency situations. This assessment is done based on a formal systematic examination of
the installations with a checklist of key words.
The ENVID process is intended to identify all environmental and social aspects and impacts
associated with activities during a project phase, considering the project lifecycle (from
construction, installation, commissioning, operation and decommissioning phases). This
document is prepared in accordance with the NOC HAZID study (GM-NOC-SAF-002) and using
the environmental risk matrix and method outlined in SD-NOC-ENV-015.
The ENVID process involves a multi-disciplinary approach including all relevant disciplines and
stakeholders. An ENVID technique is adopted and appropriated to the complexity of the
installation, the stage of the project in its life cycle, and the scale and nature of the major
accident hazards on the installation should be employed, e.g.:
 structured brainstorming (guideword-based), generally termed as ENVID;
 “what-if” analysis.

An ENVID is guided by a typical checklist (Appendix 1) and taking benefit from the previous
experience of the team from different disciplines involved in the project. The purpose of the
ENVID is to identify environmental aspects in order to determine environmental impact
associated with a PROJECT realization (including normal, upset and emergency situations) and
to make sure they are not inadvertently omitted.

An ENVID does not preclude the need for further assessment; instead, it is typically a precursor
to a subsequent Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA, refer to GM-NOC-ENV-
001) which is required by the regulatory authority the Ministry of Municipality and Environment
(MME) in Qatar, and is normally carried out during the earliest stages of any project phase.

An ENVID is not an audit on the project engineering designs or activities.

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The result of an ENVID study is documented in table format, the ENVID record sheet (Appendix
2 and Appendix 3) where aspects, potential impact itself and proposed mitigation measures are
recorded. A final report summarizes the results of the study (including the record sheets) and
presents an action plan associated to the proposed mitigation measures. This report may be
used as a basis for the scoping and elaboration of an ESIA process.

2.2 Application
This guideline applies to any NOC “PROJECTs” both onshore and offshore. Specifically, for
new field developments and modifications or upgrades to the existing facilities that results in an
environmental or social impact on or outside of the existing footprint including emissions and
discharges to the air or sea, increased footprint on the seabed, propagation of underwater noise,
increase in waste types or volumes.

The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this document.

External documents
Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.

Reference Title
Not Applicable Environmental Permits

North Oil Company documents

Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.
Reference Title
CP-NOC-014 HSE Risk Management Framework
CP-NOC-056 Blow out Contingency Plan
SD-NOC-ENV-010 Oil Spill Contingency Plan – Introduction
SD-NOC-ENV-018 Project Environmental Permits
GM-NOC-ENV-001 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
SD-NOC-ENV-015 Environmental Aspect and Impact Identification
GM-NOC-SAF-002 Hazard Identification

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

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Activity: action(s) of a person, a service, a department, etc. in a defined

domain contributing to the execution of a process.
features occurring during critical unexpected situations with
Accidental features: serious human, environmental, reputational consequences and/or
potential material loss.
as defined in the Appendix 1 of the OSPAR Convention 1992 BAT
“means the latest stage of development (state of the art) of
Best Available Technology
processes, of facilities or of methods of operation which indicate
the practical suitability of a particular measure for limiting
discharges, emissions and waste”.

Best Environmental is defined as “the application of the most appropriate combination

Practice (BEP): of environmental control measures and strategies” in Appendix 1
of the OSPAR Convention 1992.
ENVID (ENVironmental method for environmental aspect identification and impact
aspects and impacts evaluation (during routine, downgraded and accidental situations)
IDentification): based on a formal systematic examination of the installations with
a checklist of key words.
Environment: surroundings in which an entity operates, including air, water, land,
natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation.
element of an operator’s activities that can interact with the
environment, including those associated with normal operating
Environmental aspect: conditions, abnormal (downgraded) conditions including start-up
and shut-down, as well as reasonably foreseeable emergency
situations (ISO 14001).
any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial,
Environmental impact: wholly or partially resulting from NOC’s environmental aspects.
The relationship between environmental aspects and impacts is a
causal one.
ESIA: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.
any change, positive or negative, potential or actual, on the
physical, natural or cultural environment, surrounding community,
Social Impact: and the human rights of individuals – community members or
others, resulting from any business activity or, when relevant,
directly linked to the PROJECT and its business relationships.
IUCN: International Union for the Conservation of the Nature.
Mitigation: action to avoid, reduce, restore or compensate the effects of an
environmental impact (following mitigation hierarchy principle).

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a situation characteristic of an operation where the installations

Normal operation: are as per design basis, under control, and driven under
conditions considered as standard and planned.
Process: series of actions, measures, changes and functions that produces
a result.
Any oil and gas (O&G) activities in which the Company
PROJECT: participates and for which the environmental and social impact
assessment has been commissioned (e.g. exploration,
construction, etc.).
Project Affected Community Any community or group of people being subject to actual or
(PAC): potential impacts from NOC project within the Project’s area of
Project Affected Areas Areas subject to potential impacts from NOC project within the
(PAA): Project’s area of operation.
defined by multiplying the intensity of the effect of the project and
Severity: the sensitivity of the environmental receptors. It is qualified
according to a scale which ranges from "minor" to "disastrous"
(refer SD-NOC-ENV-015).
any change, positive or negative, potential or actual, on the
physical, natural or cultural environment, surrounding community,
Social Impact: and the human rights of individuals – community members or
others, resulting from any business activity or when relevant,
directly linked to the project and its business relationships.
The Societal approach includes initiatives undertaken by the
Company and its assets in order to better integrate their activities
Societal: into the societal context of their host communities, countries and
regions, notably by contributing to human, economic and social
development in those territories.
Any person, group of persons, or organization on which the
Project (or activity) has an actual or potential, direct or indirect,
Stakeholder: positive or negative impact, or one that has an actual or potential,
direct or indirect, positive or negative impact on the Project (or
Consultation/engagement is an ongoing, interactive process
between the affiliate and its stakeholders. The consultation or
Stakeholder Engagement engagement plan has three main components: information,
Plan (SEP): dialogue (listening and exchanging) and negotiation. It includes
the consultation calendar, the people involved, their roles and
responsibilities, and the issues requiring consultation.

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

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The ENVID should be implemented as soon as preliminary plot plans (geographic boundary),
environmental and social conditions, process and operational boundaries (process and
operational descriptions, process and utility flow diagrams) are available. ENVID can be carried
out in full o partial scope, depending on the availability of project documents.

5.1 Timing
The environmental impacts identification should be updated or supplemented, to consider
changes in design, environmental changes (extension, new neighbouring facilities in the North
Field) or when the nature of the activity changes (drilling, construction, commissioning, etc.).
Performing the ENVID at the earliest possible stage starting in the project conceptual
engineering enables the statement of requirements (SOR) and basis of design for a project to
be taken or confirmed. These could include:
 The location of the platforms within the site with respect to the site boundaries,
environmental sensitivities etc.;
 The location and orientation of major facilities and equipment;
 Which particular aspects of the field design will require special development in order to
contain any identified impacts;
 What further analysis is required to obtain the information needed to produce an
effective design to address environmental impacts.
The constraints on the timing of any study arise from establishing a balance between having
enough information available to the team and still having the ability to change or affect the basic
development decisions, or to implement the corrective actions within the Engineering phases.
An ENVID does not preclude the need for further assessment; instead, it is typically a precursor
to the subsequent ESIA or specific environmental studies or modeling. The ESIA is normally
carried out during the project development stage, after the ENVID has been finalized, and the
environmental aspects identified during the ENVID process inform the ESIA development. This
can include mitigation, controls in place, or additional actions and controls to be developed by
the project team.

5.2 Duration
The duration of an ENVID would normally be of one to two days depending on the development
size and complexity. However, it can be split generally in several one-day sessions in the
course of the project.

5.3 ENVID Team

The ENVID team (NOC’s employees, Contractor and sub-Contractor specialists) should be
selected for their knowledge of the technical and operational aspects of installations on site.
Where the team is unable to identify an appropriate control within the ENVID workshop, an
action is raised for a specialist to further investigate suitable mitigation measures.
If representatives identified and nominated to participate in the ENVID study cannot work on a
full-time basis, a suitable replacement is recommended.

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5.4 Composition
Typically for an ENVID, the team composition could be as follows:
 An ENVID facilitator: independent Environmental Advisor, such as the Contractor in
charge of the ESIA,
 An ENVID team leader: senior environmental advisor/engineer, representative of
HSEQ/ENV Environmental Projects team,
 A Project Manager,
 A petroleum architect from Major Project or E&C Departments,
 A technical secretary/scribe.
Additional participants depending on requirements:
 A representative of HSEQ/SAF (Safety Engineering) or OSS (Operation Safety),
 A representative of HSEQ/ENV Operations,
 A representative of DW (Drilling and Wells),
 A representative of MP (Major Projects),
 A representative of Engineering and Construction,
 A representative of FOPS (Field Operations),
 A representative of LOG (Logistics),
A representative of RG/GSR (Seismic Acquisition).

5.4.1 Roles of ENVID Facilitator

The role of the ENVID facilitator is critical to the success of the workshop. S/He is required to:
 Prepare ENVID Terms of Reference covering methodology, applicable standards, and
rules of the workshop,
 Prepare summary of each project being assessed, covering geographic and process
boundaries, process and operational description, environmental and social conditions of
the proposed project,
 Divide the Project into consistent Project components and associated activities prior to the
brainstorming workshop,
 Explain ENVID methodology and provide a technical overview to the ENVID team,
 Lead the discussion and prompt the brainstorming,
 Issue regular updated outputs of the ENVID record sheet to interested parties,
 Produce the ENVID report, including action sheets.

5.4.2 Responsibilities of ENVID Team Leader

The ENVID team leader is responsible for:

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 Communicate action Sheet to relevant action owners,

 ENVID final report validation and transmission,
 Recommendations follow-up.

The methodology for conducting an ENVID workshop starts with definition of geographic and
process boundaries, the identification of relevant project documents, identifying activities that
may impact the society or the environment (environmental and social aspects) and prevention
and mitigation measures.

6.1 Preparation of the Review

The first step of the ENVID preparation is to select the Project components and associated plot
layout to be assessed (example: production platform, Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO),
pipeline, all subsea units offshore, etc.). The second step is to identify all activities (example:
drilling, pipeline laying, jacket installation, marine transportation etc.) within each Project
component and the relevant processes per activity. The last step is to include different
operational modes (normal, upset and emergency modes) and project stages for each project
component; the following Project stages should be identified (as a minimum):
 Site preparation,
 Construction,
 Commissioning and startup,
 Operations, and
 Decommissioning.

6.1.1 Agenda
The agenda should be prepared for each day of the ENVID workshop and should contain the
general information about: schedule, location and availability of the participants (i.e. if there are
participants working on a part-time basis, their exact time of availability should be included in
the agenda). Prior to the workshop, the agenda and a draft of the ENVID record sheet should
be sent to all the participants.
The brainstorming part of the ENVID study takes approximately one (1) to two (2) days
depending on the number of Project components. An example of agenda is presented in
Appendix 2.

6.1.2 Existing Studies and References

Environmental impacts identification is also included in different types of studies, such as:

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HSE Risk Management Framework Matrix (CP-NOC-014) based on an evaluation and

classification of the risks. An environmental risk matrix has been developed further to ensure
NOC operates within our Environmental Management System (EMS) and the requirements of
ISO 14001, this can be found in Environmental aspect identification and assessment
(SD-NOC-ENV-018). In general, this classification divides risks into 6 classes: minor, moderate,
serious, very serious, catastrophic and disastrous risks;
 Hazards Identification (HAZID) Study, lists all environmental hazards which can be
generated by a Project, but concentres more on the accidental aspects (GM-NOC-
 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) study determines impacts and
defines relevant mitigation measures (GM-NOC-ENV-001).
Other documents such as Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) (SD-NOC-ENV-010) or Field
Blow Out Contingency Plan (BOCP) (CP-NOC-056) describe means for hydrocarbons spill or
blowout prevention and response as well as accidental scenarios.
All these documents can provide or describe some elements and conclusions useful for the
ENVID study. A pre-screening stage is carried out by the ENVID facilitator and the ENVID team
leader based on these previous studies (if already exist). Then, additional aspects and impacts
suggested by the team are captured during the brainstorming workshop.

6.2 Introduction Session

Prior to conducting the technical component of the ENVID workshop, a PROJECT overview
should be undertaken.

6.2.1 Project Overview

At the start of the ENVID study, it is necessary to provide a technical overview of the Project to
ensure all members of the ENVID team are aware of the Project (technical issues, schedule,
etc.) and the scope. The team is advised of the scope of the ENVID and the need to remain
focused on environmental aspects and impacts. It is not within the scope of the team to resolve
concerns, but simply to identify environmental risks and potential impacts which they consider
need to be addressed.
Within each Project component the following actions should be taken:
 Identify corresponding activities, which can lead to the occurrence of the
environmental risks and impacts (e.g. anchoring);
 Identify all relevant processes, which influence the activity (e.g. drilling rig positioning).
Once all processes and activities have been detailed the following actions should be taken for
each activity:
 Applying aspects checklist,
 Applying cause-effect matrix,
 Identify existing safeguards and controls,
 Defining the residual impacts and classify it,
 Allocating further mitigation measure to reduce the residual impacts,
 Completing ENVID action sheets.

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6.2.2 Environmental Aspects Checklist

For each activity, a list of environmental aspects is established considering operational modes
and accidental situations:
 Normal operation,
 Upset conditions, including shutdown, start-up and downgraded situations (off spec),
 Emergency conditions including incidents and accidents,
 Any interfaces with other operations.
The generic list of environmental aspects presented in Appendix 3 can be a support for
establishing the associated impacts of the Project.

6.2.3 Matrix Determination

Concerning the identification of the potential environmental impact of the aspect, a severity-
probability of 6 by 6 matrix could be used (refer to SD-NOC-ENV-018). The evaluation process
for each aspect aims to assess the severity of the impact on the receiving environment. The
impact should be defined according to the following criteria: positive or negative, direct or
indirect, reversible or irreversible, short or long-term. Potential cumulative impacts should also
be considered. The geographical extent of the impact is also taken into account: localised on all
or part of the site, to what might be a global scale.
The qualitative evaluation of the environmental risks relies on the knowledge and experience of
the team members participating in the study.


A record of the ENVID workshop procedures shall be produced and include workshop
discussions and the actions identified.

7.1 ENVID Record Sheet

ENVID record sheets provide a systematic mean of identifying impacts. These sheets should
be completed during the workshop and agreed with all participants.
For each project stage, the following points should be expressed in the record sheet:
 Aspect,
 Potential impact or damage,
 Severity of the impact,
 Existing safeguards and controls,
 Recommended further mitigation actions,
 Person or Company in charge of the mitigation actions.
A standard ENVID record sheet (Appendix 1) can be used.
A copy of the final ENVID record sheet should be provided to ENV/PRO representative and
appropriately archived.

7.2 Action Sheets

An ENVID action sheet (Appendix 4) is established for each non-resolved item identified during
the ENVID study.

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The ENVID team leader comments (bottom left box) on the Project response (middle box):
“agree” means agreement on the proposed course of action or that the response answers
correctly the question. It does not mean that the problem has already been solved and/or the
Project documentation has been updated. In case of disagreement, it is expected that direct
communication occurs between the parties to solve the differences and that very few points
deserve a “disagree” mark.
The ENVID team leader endorses the responses of the team in the bottom right box “endorsed

7.3 Reports
Two types of report shall be generated. Draft and final reports will be completed.

7.3.1 Draft Reports

An ENVID draft report is submitted to all ENVID participants for review. This document
summarizes all the environmental aspects and impacts identified during the brainstorming
ENVID draft report should be written in a form which is conclusive and directive. ENVID draft
and final reports use the same format suggested by the following title headings:
 Cover sheet,
 Contents,
 Management Summary,
 Documents reviewed,
 Introduction,
 Team composition,
 Methodology,
 ENVID record sheets,
 ENVID action sheets (for each non-resolved item),
 Conclusions,
 Appendices if any.
Written responses from the ENVID team should be sent to the ENV/PRO Representative who
endorses them and passes them for internal validation by the ENVID team leader by the
required date (generally one month after the brainstorming phase of the ENVID study).

7.3.2 Final Report

After final review of the draft ENVID report, this last report is considered as the final ENVID
report. The ENVID team leader then transmits this final ENVID report in digital format to the
- Project Manager,
- HSEQ/ENV Environmental Projects representative (in charge also of the archiving),
- ENVID team members.
- As per specific requests.

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The following process is carried out to resolve the recommendations and close the study:
1. It is the responsibility of the discipline or Company identified against each action to
respond to the recommendations assigned to them. Only those recommendations that
could affect the current stage are addressed at this stage.
2. The schedule for resolving issues is dictated by the Project schedule and the need to
incorporate any changes to the design.
3. Responses to recommendations take one of the following formats:
- “Resolved” including details of what actions have been taken or changes implemented,
- “Cancelled” because the recommendation is no longer relevant to the design,
- “Deferred” because the recommendation is relevant to details of the design which is not
developed until a future phase of the Project,
4. Progress on resolving recommendations raised in the study is monitored by the ENVID
team leader,
5. At the end of pre-Project phase (if possible) and after the basic engineering phase, a
specific report is issued to detail the status of the actions,
6. Some additional specific studies may be required for action close-out.

Close out actions of the ENVID shall be documented in Synergi with clear designation of actions
and person responsible.


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Item No.

Project component


Project stage

Aspect Guideword



Water quality

Seabed/ soil impacts

Flora and Fauna Biodiversity


Air quality (local)

Air quality (regional)

Appendix 1 Typical ENVID Record Sheet

Ozone Depletion

Climate Change

Resource and Energy use

Other sea or land users/ neighbours


Legal compliance

Reputation and/or Stakeholder


Existing safeguards
and controls

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The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar. Moderate


Very serious

Severity (residual)



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Action (ref Action

sheet number)
Appendix 2 Risk Matrix

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Appendix 3 Example of ENVID Agenda

Day 1
Morning session (09:00-12:00)
Introduction and Background:
 Opening session and introductions by the ENVID facilitator,
 Project overview – Offshore and onshore activities,
 Previous ENVID Workshop Summary and status of ENVID actions (if relevant),
 Description of the ENVID methodology by the ENVID facilitator.
Commence ENVID:
 Marine infrastructure construction and pre-commissioning.
Afternoon session (13:00–17:00)
 Marine infrastructure construction and commissioning.
Day 2
Morning Session (09:00–12:00)
 Onshore construction and pre-commissioning phase.
Afternoon Session (13:00–17:00)
 Onshore commissioning and operations phase,
 Decommissioning phase (brief review),
ENVID wrap-up, including conclusions and any actions arising.

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

Rev.: 01 Effective date: 03/2020 Page: 18 of 20

Appendix 4 Generic list of Categories of Environmental Aspects

Environmental aspects Cause (aspects detail) example

(Guideword) Impacts
Seabed habitat loss,
Footprint, deforestation, erosion,
Physical footprint
hydrology, accidental destruction, etc.
Disturbance to organisms
Cooling Water intake,
Resources usage wood, Electricity
From work force, production Drinking water
processes, logistics Fuel gas and diesel consumption
Depletion of raw materials
Atmospheric emissions Global warming/climate change
from flaring, venting (tanker Greenhouse Gases (GHG), CO2
loading, production, pressure
Atmospheric ozone increase (NOx, N2O)
relief, glycol venting), turbines,
boilers, heaters, transportation, Acid deposition (SOx)
drilling etc. H2S, VOC, SO2, NOx, particulates (trace
fugitive pumps and valves toxicity from PAH and metals), etc.

Refrigeration and Fire

extinguishers Climate change / atmospheric ozone
CFC and Halon generation

Floating layer, fish tainting

Liquid discharges
Biological damage to fish and other
Produced water, cooling water, aquatic organisms
bilge water, tank bottom water,
storm water runoff, site drains, Unfit waters for drinking, recreation
saline waters Accumulation of heavy metals, or other
Grey, black waters chemicals, in biota and sediments, toxic /
adverse effects on organisms
Methyl Ethyl Glycol (MEG),
hydrotest waters Eutrophication; increase in nutrients,
changes in planktonic community
Water-based mud structure
Oil in cuttings Anoxia, damage to organisms
Drilling fluids, mud and cuttings Increased water temperature, salinity,
(Barite) z turbidity, subsequent biological damage
Accidental events: HC spills, Smothering of seabed flora and fauna,
chemicals leakage, liquid damage to reefs, habitats
discharges, solid waste, etc.

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

Rev.: 01 Effective date: 03/2020 Page: 19 of 20

Waste: Sludge, metals, medical wastes,

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
(NORMS), etc.
Hazardous substances, contamination to
soil and groundwater

Visual Flare, tanks, seismic lines

Lighting Impact to birds, marine mammals, fish

Flare / Drill Rigs / Platforms attracted to light

Noise and vibration Impact to biological organisms

Seismic acquisition, marine vessel Changes in biological behaviour
transport, piling, blasting Disturbance and collision

Water treatment, HC storages, Sulphur

Odour products, Mercaptans, etc.
Impact to work force

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Environmental Impacts Identification (ENVID)

Rev.: 01 Effective date: 03/2020 Page: 20 of 20

Appendix 5 Example of ENVID Action Sheet



Sheet: ENVID Team Leader: PRIORITY:

«no» of XXX


CAUSES (aspect) :






Disagree Signed:


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