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Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


Khóa học Toeic 450 +

Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương


A. Câu hỏi với When

Question & Answer Patterns


Question Patterns Answer patterns

✓ When did Paul take off? ✓ A week ago.

✓ When was the form submitted? ✓ Last week.

✓ Yesterday morning.

✓ At 7 o'clock.

✓ During~.

✓ While/ While S was [were]


Question patterns Answer patterns

✓ When is the meeting? ✓ At 8 o'clock.

✓ When does John arrive? ✓ By Wednesday.

✓ When will the conference end? ✓ In an hour.

✓ When are you going to start your ✓ Not until~.

✓ Sometime tomorrow.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

✓ When are we supposed to get ✓ Not for another week.

✓ This evening.

✓ As soon as~.

A response that does not answer the question directly may be given as the correct
Ex: When did you pick up your passport?

➢ No, I didn't drop it (x)

➢ It's for Tuesday. (x)

➢ I had it delivered to my office. (√)

Vocabulary related to time

next week/month. tuần/tháng tới.

in 2 months. trong 2 tháng nữa.

in an hour. trong một giờ nữa.

right now. ngay bây giờ.

not until 3.30 p.m tới 3.30 chiều.

2 days ago. 2 ngày trước.

by the end of this week. trước cuối tuần này.

a couple of weeks ago. cách đây 2 tuần.

as soon as. ngay sau khi.

be due. tới hạn.

reserve. đăng ký trước.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

workshop. hội thảo

apply for. nộp đơn.

be supposed. theo dự định.

vacation. kỳ nghỉ.

Listen and fill in the blanks (mp3.1)

1. When did Jerry go to the head office?

=> I think ____________________________
2. When was Terry supposed to get here?
=> _________________________________
3. When were the directors supposed to be here?
=> __________________________________

4. When is the sales conference?

=> __________________________________
5. When does the meeting finish?
=> ___________________________________

Listen and choose the best answer. (mp3.2)

1. When will she leave for Canada?

A. B. C

2. When will the party begin?

A. B. C.

B. Câu hỏi với Who

Question & Answer Patterns

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ Who drew the portrait? ✓ John did.

✓ Who called you this morning? ✓ Mr. Lee.

✓ I think I’m not sure.

✓ Probably Ron


Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ Who's going to make the speech? ✓ I will.

✓ Who's supposed to make the delivery ✓ John already picked it up.

✓ Sarah is.
✓ Who's coming by this afternoon?
✓ Paul said he will
✓ Who will get the package from the

Present 1

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ Who is your new partner? ✓ One of the new staff members.

✓ Who's heading this project? ✓ John did. I'm not sure

Present 2

Question Patterns Answer Patterns
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

✓ Who has the report? ✓ Susan does.

✓ Who owns the folder on the table? ✓ I think it belongs to Jane.

✓ Who can work overtime tonight? ✓ I already have plans tonight.

✓ Who should I take to the party? ✓ I don't think

✓ Jennifer is doing anything.

Các mẹo làm

✓ Câu trả lời thường là tên người

Who will be helping you with the project?

=> Mr. Kevin will give me a hand.

✓ Câu trả lời có thể là đại từ không xác định

Who was assigned as the manager of the Mannheim Officers Club?

=> One of our employees.

=> A man in our other branch.

✓ Câu trả lời có thể là tên công ty, phòng ban hay vị trí trong công ty

Who produced the cloth for your table?

=> A small design company made it.

Who is going to the conference this year?

=> The Human Resources department is chosen.

Who sent the report to the head office?

=> The sales manager did.

✓ Câu trả lời có thể không trực tiếp trả lời câu hỏi

Who's using my screwdriver?

=> It's on your toolbox.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Who owns the item from XZ company?

=> It’s in the drawer.

Vocabulary related to jobs and positions

manager trưởng phòng, quản lý.

assistant trợ lý.

director giám đốc.

head of the department trưởng phòng.

president chủ tịch

vice president phó chủ tich.

board of director. ban giám đốc.

secretary. thư ký.

supervisor. người giám sát.

executive officer. người lãnh đạo.

chief executive officer (CEO). giám đốc điều hành.

marketing consultant. cố vấn tiếp thị.

admisnistrative assistant. trợ lý hành chính.

representative. người đại diện.

receptionist. nhân viên tiếp tân.

Listen and fill in the blanks (mp3.3)

1, Who finished the work?

=> __________________________________
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

2. Who is supposed to drop by today?

=> __________________________________
3. Who will help out with the cleaning?
=> __________________________________
4. Who has the blue folder? It's probably
=> It’s probably _______________________
5. Who can do that for you? I've already
=> I’ve already ________________________

Listen and choose the best answer. (mp3.4)

1. Who should I see about the marketing reports?

A. B. C.

2. Who checks identification for visitors?

A. B. C.

C. Câu hỏi với Where

Question & Answer Patterns

Where + Noun

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ Where is your work? ✓ At the corner.

✓ Where are the tiles? ✓ In the downtown area.

✓ Next to the mall.

✓ Near the desk.

✓ On the table.

✓ Over by your desk.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Where + Verb

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ Where did John put the report? ✓ In the drawer.

✓ Where do you go to work out now? ✓ At the gym.

✓ Where can I take my parents? ✓ To the new restaurant.

✓ Where will the conference be held? ✓ In the lecture hall.

✓ Where should Ron store the goods?

A response that does not answer the question directly may be given as the correct
Where is today's paper?

=> Mr. Smith was looking at it this morning.

Where is that financing coming from?

=> Mostly foreign investors.

Where do you go for computer repairs?

=> Why? Is there something wrong with yours?

Vocabulary related to places

in the conference room. trong phòng hội nghị.

on the first floor. Ở tầng thứ nhất.

on your desk. trên bàn.

in your mail box. trong hộp thư của bạn.

next to the bus stop. cạnh trạm dừng xe buýt.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

across the street bên kia đường.

file cabinet tủ đựng tài liệu

in the drawer trong ngăn kéo

lecture hall hội trường

next to the mall cạnh trung tâm mua sắm

in the downtown area ở khu vực trung tâi

Listen and fill in the blanks (mp3.5)

1. Where are the copies?
=> __________________________________
2. Where did you go earlier?
=> __________________________________
3. Where should I take John?
=> _____________________ on the first floor.
4. Where did you go on the weekend?
=> __________________________________
5. Where will you be at 10 this morning?
=> ___________________________________

Listen and choose the best answer. (mp3.6)

1. Where does Mr. Leonard want me to put these plants?

A. B. C.

2. Where will Ms. Harrison sit at the awards banquet?

A. B. C.

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Listen to each dialogue and mark your answer (mp3.7)

Q1. ________________ the fax?

A. B. C.

Q2. Who will ________ John ___________?

A. B. C.

Q3. Who is ________ in the ____________?

A. B. C.

Q4. Who _____ the ________ room?

A. B. C.

Q5. __________ does John ____________?

A. B. C.

Listen to each dialogue and mark your answer. (mp3.8)

Q1. Where is the _____________?

A. B. C.

Q2. Where are ______________?

A. B. C.

Q3. Where ___________ earlier?

A. B. C.

Q4. Where should I ____________?

A. B. C.

Q5. Where ____________ this afternoon?

A. B. C.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Listen to each dialogue and mark your answer. (mp3.9)

Q1. When did you _____________?

(A) (B) (C)
Q2. When _____ the shipment _________?
(A) (B) (C)

Q3. _______ is the last ______ into the city?

(A) (B) (C)
Q4. When does __________?
(A) (B) (C)

Q5. ______would be a good time _______?

(A) (B) (C)
Q6. When does ___________ for New York?
(A) (B) (C)

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