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How To

Success By Robert Zink

All rights reserved, Robert Zink & Law Of

Attraction Solutions, ©2021.
How To Trigger MASSIVE Success
By Robert Zink

Let’s be honest, every single one of us wants to be successful in some


People want to attract money, be happier, be healthier, be able to travel

the world without worrying about how much it hurts their bank balance,
create and develop intimate relationships with their partners and live a
quality life in every front.

The question is not if you can achieve all you desire. I KNOW that every
single person can attract, achieve and live their dreams, accomplish their
goals and live their dream life.

But most of us chase external desires without ever preparing internally

and doing the inner work first. Moreover, we have a strong belief that
external fulfilment will be the answer to our inner success (happiness,
contentment, fulfillment etc). And the irony is that the more inner work
you do, the faster, easier and more smoothly will you achieve everything
you desire externally.

Of course, not everyone enjoys doing the consistent work it takes to

achieve success. That’s why I created The 3 Word Formula.

The 3 Word Formula is a PASSIVE way to get you out of the way. And
once you are out of the way, the Universe literally becomes your
personal genie, opening yourself to massive, and sometimes instant
success. You can download my Formula here:

Download The 3 Word Formula

Here are some easy-to-implement principles to help you prepare

internally for external success:
Do what you Love. Love what you do.

The truth is, if you love what you do for a living, you probably started out
by taking small steps to reach that goal. Most people don’t enter their
careers and immediately have a passion for business. What is the IT
factor these people have in common? Purpose. If you use your own
sense of purpose to inform your professional decisions and progress,
you will end up teaching yourself how to do what you love.

In a simple sense - Love the Process more than the End Result.

Keep Learning, Keep Growing

It’s human nature to be curious. We learn every day in little and big
ways, whether we realize it or not. You are constantly learning, while
reading an article or book, practicing a new language, making a mistake,
meeting someone new, talking to a friend, mastering a new skill, using a
new online platform, watching the news or a TV show, watching Youtube
DIY’s or even asking someone a question.

All of these activities teach you social interaction, how to achieve/create

something new, facts, ways to connect with yourself and so much more.

Think about your everyday life outside of school or work. Look and see if
you can identify all the new things you learned that day or what new
thing you heard about.

Learning isn’t about knowing everything and being ‘smart’. Its about self-
improvement, confidence boosting, personal growth, creativity building
(ability to translate skills and learned information into another setting),
getting a broader worldview and mainly just staying current in every
aspect of our lives whether that be work, school or social media.

So keep learning and keep growing and becoming the best version of
you every single day. YES it will attract success.
Be Decisive and Sure about yourself

There are only so many hours in a day, and you want to make the most
of them. Being more decisive will help you reclaim the time you spend
going back and forth (and back again).

But for most of us, being assertive and sure is not a given.

If you’re chronically indecisive, build that decision-making muscle by

starting small. Give yourself 30 seconds to decide what you’ll have for
dinner, what movie to watch, or whether you want to go out tonight.
Follow through on that decision. Repeat. Then work up to bigger
things…Making small decisions in a timely fashion will help train your
brain to think through questions more quickly.

Be decisive. Be at peace with the decisions you make. Be courageous in

accepting responsibility for your decisions.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. This is another reason I

created The 3 Word Formula.

The 3 Word Formula is a magical way to fill your consciousness with

love (without actually doing anything), so assertiveness and certainty
becomes second nature. Because whether you realize it or not; when
you are filled with love, uncertainty does not exist.

You can download the Formula here:

Download The 3 Word Formula

Here’s what The 3 Word Formula did for Dawn:

Download The 3 Word Formula here

Be Self-Reflective

If you want to improve your skills you need to see three things clearly:

1. What you’re trying to do

2. What you’re doing
3. What you can do to bridge the gap between them.

Self-reflection is a very powerful improvement tool. Reflection is the

ability to think back, observe ourselves in action, and to learn from it.

Every day we have experiences that are in some big or small way
different than those we have previously encountered. We were not just
spectators to those experiences. We thought, felt, and acted (or didn’t
act) during them.
Often, we are not cognitive of what happened, so we miss out on the
benefits of those experiences. If we don’t notice what happened, we
can’t learn from them and thus miss opportunities to improve and grow.

Let Go of Grudges

Did you know that forgiveness is a very powerful tool in your manifesting
toolbox? It is MASSIVELY powerful.

Why use forgiveness to attract what you want?

It’s simple. It’s all about our vibrations.

As you already know, you are a vibrating being. And you want to keep
your vibrations high, especially when it comes to manifesting your

By forgiving others, your mind gets calm; you’re filled with love, which
again gets you out of the way. You get rid of those negative feelings
inside. You transform and start seeing things positively.

As you know, what you focus on, expands.

If you are walking around feeling anger, hate, envy, blaming others
etc…then you will add more of those feelings into your reality.

By forgiving, you switch to another frequency and thereby raise your

vibration. And by raising your vibration, miracles are drawn into your life.

By vibing high, you will attract more things, events, people to your life
that keep your vibe high.

Vibrating high does demand a LOT of discipline, as you need to do

it consistently. For those of you who don’t have that discipline, or
the time, The 3 Word Formula has your back.
The 3 Word Formula, as I explained earlier, has an INSTANT,
calming effect, as it soaks you in self-love.

Download The 3 Word Formula

Don’t sweat the small stuff & Manifest More

Worry is an emotion that arises from the evaluation of the threat. But, as
with most negative emotions, it is most of the time not rational at all.
And, more importantly, negative emotions, such as worrying, are among
the major abundance blocks that keep many from succeeding with the
Law of Attraction.

As long as we have control over something, most of us don’t worry that

much. But unfortunately, we spend far too much time worrying about
things we can’t change or control.

It’s important to understand and know what you can control and use your
energy there, but on the other hand, let go of things you can’t control.
Fortunately, the Law of Attraction already gives you the tools to take
control of your life. You can take your future into your own hands and
make your dreams come true.

While stress and worry might seem awful, they are actually a blessing in
disguise as they draw your attention to look at what is really going on:
They are a sign that you are not in vibrational alignment with what you
would like to manifest.

Whether you want to manifest a new car or a vacation to Tahiti, any time
you experience stress and worry, you are not a vibrational match to your
desired manifestation. You may be letting little things overwhelm you to
the point that your life begins to feel out of control.
Limiting beliefs could be cropping up to point out areas of resistance you
need to resolve to manifest your desires.

The key is to dissolve stress and worry before they wear you down by
small degrees until your worries increase, and fatigue and overwhelm
set in.

Always keep your word

There are a number of ways we measure a person’s worth or our own

worth. Perhaps none other evokes as much emotion as “keeping your

Words hold immense power and emotion for us. In the right/wrong hand,
they can start or squash a war! They can win the hearts and minds of
people to a cause, or send somebody crashing to the depths of despair.

We use words to describe physical ‘things’ we can both see and touch.

The physical world you now see at one time didn’t have labels, but
people like you and me began to label these “things” to communicate.
Somebody had ideas and thoughts around the “things” and called them
by sounds to begin simple language to share… to communicate.

Someone thought about a "thing", words were spoken, and eventually

items, buildings, cities, etc. were built.

Now that’s some pretty powerful stuff! And it all came about by the
power of words.

But words are not only powerful... there're also... important.

There are two concepts of the importance of words - One is "keeping

your word to others" and other is "keeping your word to yourself." If you
do both, you build trust with not only with others, but yourself.
Meditate Daily

So much of the Law of Attraction is based around the energy that you
put out…Visualizing, setting intentions, affirmations…

These techniques are all just energetic expressions, sent out to the
universe through the power of thought.

You see, human beings are ever emitting, through our words,
thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Every day we outwardly project our energies. But how often are we
actually taking time to listen?To connect with the guidance of our
higher selves? Or to recognize signs and synchronicity from the

If you had a bag filled with infinite gifts and you spent every second of
the day reaching into that bag, giving, giving and giving some more…
how would you ever get a moment to receive a gift yourself?

This is where meditation comes in.

Meditation has been proven to be beneficial for physical, mental,

emotional and spiritual health. And as we all know, when you feel
good, you attract more goodness into your life.

Considering the “like attracts like” rule, it really comes as no surprise

that manifestation and meditation would go hand in hand.

So meditate daily and keep connecting with your intuition and higher
self to tap into the infinite Universe.
If you want some help in that department, The 3 Word Formula
once again, has your back.

The 3 Word Formula has an extremely high vibration, which can get
you into a meditative state without even trying.

Download The 3 Word Formula

Start your day early

We always hear that the early bird gets the worm… That the earlier the
wake up, the more successful you will become.

The fact is, waking up early doesn’t necessarily make you more
successful, it’s that the people that do it are in fact high on life, do not
succumb to a lot of resistance, and therefore are able to massively
benefit from being awake early. They get much more done in their lives
and they credit most of that to having more hours in the day.

No matter what, to be manifest your dream life with the law of attraction,
having a successful morning routine is key.

A morning routine has a lot of health benefits for your body, your mind,
and it makes you more productive throughout the day. Of course, all the
things we can use when we want to make our dream life a reality with
the Law of Attraction.

Focus on what you desire

We all the concept that says: What you focus on, expands.

What this basically means is that whatever energy you choose to focus
your thoughts on, is exactly what you will attract into your reality.

Let’s say you’re single and you want to manifest the love you desire. You
wake up thinking to yourself: “another day of waking up alone and being
By thinking in this way, you are focusing on the lack of having a lover or
life partner. And because like attracts like, you will only attract more of
this single status of yours into your future.

The main reason why you are re-creating your past life situations is
because you are still thinking in the same way as you did in the past!

You need to start by observing your thoughts and changing them to

match the new life that you want to create for yourself.

Know your worth

The underlying cause of self-sabotage in a person’s life is undoubtedly

not feeling worthy enough to receive.

We tend to create unnecessary drama or obstacles that prevent us from

blossoming into our full potential. We might set New Year's resolutions
that fizzle out soon after they've been set and then hope to start the diet
again on Monday or save money starting next month etc.

Lack of worthiness manifests so many different ways for different people.

Some people love to shift the blame onto their parents, their genetics,
their circumstances (or whatever) to justify this empty experience of not
allowing themselves to feel worthy enough to receive all good things.

If this is something that you know that you do, please be aware that it’s
something you are totally able to rise above.

Understand and affirm that you are allowed to live life on your own
terms. You have nothing to prove to anyone and you don’t have to keep
yourself small just to make other people feel comfortable. You must first
give yourself permission to step out of the shadows and feel as if you
DESERVE the things you desire in your life.

To enter a state of worthiness within minutes AND retain it…without

doing a single thing, simply listen to my 3 Word Formula. I DARE YOU
to not feel worthy afterwards. It’s THAT powerful.
Download The 3 Word Formula

Attitude of Gratitude

The law of attraction states that what you put into this world is what you
will get out of it. Simply, what you think is what you create in your life.

If we think negative thoughts, we attract negative situations. Likewise, if

we live a life of gratitude, we will never run out of things to be grateful

Gratitude makes magic happen, quickly. Even better, it's extremely

simple to do.

In a nutshell, what you're doing is giving gratitude towards a specific

area of your life that you’re feeling “stuck” on.

By giving gratitude for the area you’re struggling with, instead of fretting
and worrying about it, you’ll find that your stress begins to unknot and
you’ll feel more peaceful and calm about the situation.

And that’s the TRUE miracle of this practice—because feeling peace

instead of stress around something that’s been causing you constant
fear and worry, is the biggest benefit of doing this, and when you can
start manifesting anything.

When you’re feeling peace around a situation instead of stress, that is

when you open your eyes to see the miracles that have always been
there, and you create even more miracles because it becomes a self-
fulfilling prophecy.

Trust the Process

If you want to use the law of attraction to manifest your desires, you’ll
generally follow a three-step process.

First, you’ll begin by setting clear intentions. Then, you’ll either use some
manifesting exercises or simply visualize what you are trying to attract
into your life. Finally, you’ll do your best to let go.

Most people have trouble with the aspect of letting go.

But it’s so important!

Once you ask, you don’t have to ask again unless your energy shifts and
you no longer desire what you’ve asked the universe to bring to you.

The major component here is trust.

You must put trust in the universe to answer your call.

When you go to a restaurant, you sit down. You read the menu. You
make your decision and place your order. And then you wait—with full
faith that your food will actually show up! There’s no need to order over
and over again and there’s definitely no need to run back to the kitchen
to make sure everything is ok.

The Law of Attraction works in exactly the same way. When you set a
manifestation intention, all you need to do is sit down and wait for your
order to show up with full confidence that it will.

Trusting the process requires you to let the details go. You have to leave
space for the magic to do it’s thing!

Decide what your success looks like

Visualize your success. Do you like what you see? How can you tweak
your vision to something you will be happy with? The visuals we usually
associate with success is money falling from the sky, flashy sports cars,
nice clothing and accessories, and a gorgeous woman or man at your
side. Is that what you want?

What if success was more about having the freedom to pursue and
strengthen the relationships that matter the most to you? To have the
resources to help the less fortunate.

Don’t simply assume success is what you see in popular culture. You get
to decide.

Affirm to attract success

Our mind is ALWAYS listening to our thoughts, words and even text
messages. So, when you state that your day is going to be bad or that
things are never going to work out, you tend to manifest that, as THAT
becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy.

The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling
prophecies. We talk ourselves into believing that we're not good enough.
And, as a result, these thoughts drag down our personal lives, our
relationships, and our careers.

But, if we deliberately do the opposite and use positive thoughts about

ourselves, the effect can be just as powerful but far more helpful.

Affirmations are nothing but the sentences that mostly start with I am,
We are and It is followed by positive feelings and actions. They are
aimed at your subconscious mind, so they, in turn, can affect your
behavior, thinking patterns, habits, and even your environment.

The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It's

useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up
in your notifications!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon
as you engage in the negative thought or behavior that you want to
Give to Receive

The more you give, the more you will receive. Even a simple prayer or
thought directs energy. It is a form of giving. A simple prayer, a showing
of appreciation are ways of directing energy outward. The intention
behind the thought must be to create happiness or joy for the giver and
the receiver.

Like the ebb and tide of the ocean, what goes out always comes back. In
fact, the return is always directly proportional to the giving when
unconditional and from the heart. More importantly, the thought behind
the giving has to be joyful.

As a result, the energy behind the gift increases exponentially with each
unit of joy. We are bundles of consciousness energy connected with
every other bundle of consciousness. Any movement or thought has a
ripple effect, touching everyone and everything.

Find a Mentor to Guide you

Everyone needs someone to guide them, coach them and mentor them
into their best versions. So identify a person who has achieved the kind
of internal and external success you desire.

See if you find out their story, ask them questions or if you can’t access
them, then follow their blog or podcast or YouTube channel.

Moreover, find books of people who inspire you and gain the guidance
you desire.

For those of you who need an instant way to clear negative energies, get
clear, get confident, and get vibrating high, but without the preparation
and hard work, I warmly recommend my The 3 Word Formula.

I love you,
Robert Zink

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