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I yearn for him

As I sat in a cold corner on the hard floor of my bedroom, I couldn’t help but think of him-the
sole purpose of my life, the cause of my smile and, also, the one responsible for my current
condition. The mere thought of his brown eyes penetrating mine and his long fingers raising
goose bumps on my arm when they brushed against it; made me long for his presence beside me-
more than ever. The time we spent together passed in my mind like scenes from some movie and
made me want to have him even more. I longed for his hand in mine, his arm around my waist,
and his body cuddled up against mine. This, however, was possible only in my dreams, for the
barriers of this cruel world, added to the lack of his affection, worked towards my loneliness.
The tears from my eyes, flowing down my cheeks and dying on the brim of my black top could
not do much to ease the pain the truth had given me. The words-the agonizing words-rang in my
ears, telling me that no matter how much he may mean to me, I’m not fortunate enough to be the
girl of his dreams. I could no longer bear the smarting pain in my heart and decided to end it.
Once, and for all. As I turn my head to my right, I can see the deep crimson blood tickling out of
my wrist, forming a warm puddle on the cold bedroom floor, in which lies the knife used to
accomplish the deed…. I have convinced myself that I can not have him… and now I lay here…
waiting for the angel of death…or maybe he has already been here… maybe I’m dead… I don’t
know… ‘cause though I’m deprived of all physical senses, the craving still hasn’t stopped….
And I continue to yearn for him… 

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