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Final Exam (Take Home) Fall - 2020

Name: Anas Abbasi REG ID: 19395

Subject: Fundamentals of Management Submission Day: Monday

Instructor: Dr Kalpina Kumari Submission Date: 25-01-2021

Program: BBA

Max. Marks: 20



An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to
achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and
In many ways, organizational structure helps the organization achieve its goals and formulate
strategies and advertisements so that appropriate and effective decision making works on behalf
of the organization.
The organization structure put efforts on the organization to make things right and make accurate
decisions in order to achieve thier goals like team behaviour, group psychology, working
condition in the organisation , motivating the workers/employees, job satisfaction ,
organisational values and effective control over management. One of the major goal of any
organization is to having a pleasant behaviour among thier empoylee so that the employee focus
on thier work and works happily this will be a increase the performance of an organization , thus
this will be a great step towards success.Every organization should work as a team in this way
members of an orgaization gather the ideas, discuss the problem and thier solution, daily
achievement and discuss about the changes in future such ideas will be the great progress
towards their goals.Having a good leader in an organization culture will be the source of benefits.
A good leader makes a better enviroment, make things correct and make good decicion for the
sucess of a organization.If the organization has both organizational effectiveness and efficiency,
it will achieve its goal of making a profit by producing and selling a product without waste.
Such types of changes in any organization structure will help them to improve thier mistakes so
that it can achieve thier goals..

Span of control of the normal supervisor in an organization decides the width of the organization.
Less reports to the normal director will result in a taller organizational chart, with more
administration positions relative to the number of person supporters. A better number of reports
to the normal chief will result in a compliment or more extensive chart, with less administration
positions relative to the number of person supporters. The normal span of control will also
impact the company's time to form choices and taken a toll structure. Higher normal span of
control implies less layers of management within the organization, and a generally compliment
organizational structure. This could lead to; Faster decision-making due to less levels of
endorsements required for a particular choice, which permits the company to reply more rapidly
to trade issues. Way better and more visit communication between higher-level supervisors and
staffers, so the staff is more learned almost company objectives and the higher-level supervisors
are more learned almost day by day operational issues confronted by staff. Decreased costs
relative to taller organization, since there are less administration layers requiring emolument.
Lower normal span of control implies moderately more layers of administration inside the
organization, and a moderately taller organizational structure. Critical key choices by the
company will have generally less time went through on them, due to the diminished time
accessible to center on person choices. This could lead to less-than-optimal reactions to
commerce openings and threats.

(A) Goals play a important role in the planning of an organization. Habitat for humainty's gaol
to effective ise 100$ millions gift should follow the SMART format itroduced by Drucker. In
addition to beimg written, have students suggest ways that the goal meet thier objectives.
List of Goals:
• Increase awareness, understanding and action in support of affordable housing
• Support and assist low-income homeowners by executing an owner-occupied home
repair program
• Develop community partnerships that support the revitalization of targeted
• Provide services to support homeownership stability
• Acquire an inventory of land sufficient to meet long-term program needs
• Construct and renovate single-family and multi-family sustainably built homes
• Broaden and deepen organization’s opportunities for volunteer engagement

Planning invovles defining the goals of an organization, establish a important role for achiveing
such goals and developing set of plans to intergrate and coordinate oranizational work.
Determing how and where the $100 millions gift should be allocated requires careful planning
in both long and short term.Student think long term plans to not only evaluate what has been
allocated, but how remainting funds should be used and ttehn short term plans involved for the
initial of some of the gift. In addressing the importance of these plans, have students think of the
possible outcome of the plan if they decides to invest a percentage of the gift and the the
investment result in a significant return or the the investment result in a subtantial loss.

A gift of this size will ultimatley be managed by the top executives at habitat for humanity.
therefore, at the top organiozational, the planning will be strategic in nature. As smaller pieces of
the gift are passed down through the organization for allocation, lower managers will be engaged
in operational planning. Second, enviromental uncertainly will effect the planiing process in that
natural disasters, greater deed for housing, or unexpected occurrence could cause for executives
to rethink how the gift is used and third the time frame for the use of this gift is important.
Student might think in terms for the use of this gifts is important. Student think in terms of a
five-year plan, but shorter and longer plans are also possible if properly supported by the
A plan involving such a large amount of money would be quite challenging.  Very likely, not all
the executives will agree on specifically how the money should be utilized.  Reaching consensus
on the actual use of the gift could be a difficult process.  In addition, once agreed, others (the
media, Habitat employees, volunteers, and even needy families benefitting from Habitat homes)
may view the use of the gift in a negative fashion – in other words, executives might face some
Challenges Strategic Planning
Underprivileged citizens booming who are More selective to choose people who wants
interested and comparison enthusiasts with the to join with more specific qualification to
money are not balance reduce booming

The decreasing availability of land used to Construction of houses by using the vertical
build a habitable building in urban area concept (flats) that is safe and feasible for
efficient use of land

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