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Welcome to this practice of loving kindness. Begin by finding a comfortable position, either
sitting or lying down, in a posture that allows your body to be relaxed and your mind to flow

You don’t have to try hard for something to happen, or to achieve something in particular, just
leave your mind to relax.

Closing your eyes slowly begin by feeling yourself from inside (...) beginning to experience with
full awareness your body, feeling your feet, legs, hips, lower and upper body.

The arms, the shoulders, the neck, the head, beginning to feel the movement of your breath,
the body sensations of your breath, realizing that you are here now.

Shift your attention now to the heart, and notice what you feel, perhaps you want to take a
hand to the heart to feel it, and if you don’t feel anything, just realise that you don’t feel
anything at this particular moment.

Now bring to your mind the image of someone you love very much, that you like to have by
your side, and easily bring to your memory feelings of warmness and love.

It can be a friend, your mother or father, your partner, a son or daughter, or perhaps a pet,
imagine they are here, and while you visualize them in front of you, observe what you feel in
your body, and what is happening or emerging.

Perhaps you can identify an emotion, which may be joy, happiness or tranquility and peace.

Perhaps you can identify a sensation somewhere in your body, heat, palpitation or relaxation.
Loving kindness is a mental state of calm and patience, and is also an attitude, a real desire for
someone to be well, feeling the heart open in relation to another person.

If you notice that you are not feeling anything right now, or you feel that the sensation is
neutral, let yourself feel that sensation as well, giving yourself permission to feel nothing, or
have a neutral sensation at this moment as you visualize that person or creature in front of

You can now wish this person or pet health, well-being, joy, happiness, calmness and
And you can use the words that you want, I hope that you are well, that you are happy, safe,
free of stress and anxiety, that you are free of pain and suffering, that you have peace and
tranquility, find your own words and send from your heart those wishes, and try to feel from
your body what you want to desire.

Take a few minutes now to feel what it feels like to desire that,

Allowing yourself to feel the good wishes, desires for well-being that come from your heart to
that person, connecting with them, noticing how it feels inside your body while you send those
desires for well-being to that person you want and love.


Now imagine that these persons turn to you and tell you the same thing that you said to them,
knowing that they have your desire for wellbeing in their heart, and they wish that you are
well now, that you are happy and calm, that you are free of anxiety and stress, feel your body,
if you can receive these wishes, and feel what you are feeling as body sensations or emotions, I
hope to be safe, and free of risk, to be in peace and quiet, and you can imagine and ask
yourself if you can receive it from your body, as this is not always possible.

And if you realise that you cannot receive it, imagine that you receive it, and you can imagine
yourself telling yourself from the heart with your whole body, and you can ask yourself what
do I need to be happy? And see what comes to your mind, and see what that means to you
from your heart, with your whole body.

Maybe to enjoy my friends, my family, to have a job that makes sense for my life that is free of
stress and anxiety, maybe to accept myself as I am, allowing these desires to overwhelm you,
feeling their unconditional love and affection, letting those feelings of love and security grow
inside you, knowing that you don't have to do anything to deserve those desires and feelings,
that they are being given to you freely and unconditionally,

And while you're doing this, you might feel something else come up that isn't affectionate, and
if this happens, let it happen, take place and disappear.

And you can tell yourself that you can also feel this loving kindness, let it arise, develop,

And again I say that to myself with kindness and love.

Whatever comes up, you can hope all the living beings to be happy, and healthy, free of any
internal or external harm, and in peace.

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