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Law enforcement is an effort in order to enforce or actually function legal norms as
guidelines for behavior in social life and state life. Currently, Indonesia is experiencing the
Covid-19 pandemic. The government's efforts in tackling the problem of the spread of Covid-
19 are imposing Large-Scale Social Restrictions. The enactment of these rules cannot prevent
people's interest in carrying out illegal racing actions in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic.
the action of illegal racing occurred in the city of Bandung and the perpetrators of the illegal
racing took advantage of the empty streets. This legal issue caused an imbalance in the
application of laws and regulations made by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic in
society, especially for those who race illegally during the Covid-19 pandemic in Bandung city.
The researcher used descriptive analytical research method with normative juridical
research specifications, namely describing legal theory and articles relating to the legal issues.
In this legal research, he used primary data, secondary data, and qualitative juridical data
analysis methods in analyzing the obtained data.
The outcome of the research indicated that the factors arising as a result of the action
of illegal racing during the covid-19 pandemic in the city of Bandung were internal and
external factors. The internal factor was the perpetrators of illegal racing themselves and the
external factor was the factors sourcing from outside the perpetrators of the illegal racing.
Law enforcement efforts against illegal racing perpetrators during the Covid-19 pandemic in
the city of Bandung were preventive and repressive enforcement efforts. The preventive
enforcement efforts included traffic control activities, traffic control, traffic control, traffic
patrols, while the repressive enforcement efforts involved direct legal action at the scene of a
case or when motorcycle racing activities were taking place. The efforts of law enforcement
officers in preventing and tackling illegal racing during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the City of
Bandung were preventive effort in the hope that the perpetrators of illegal racing actions
understand the form of causality due to illegal racing actions and repressive efforts. its goal is
to provide a deterrent effect to the perpetrators in the hope that the perpetrators will not
engage in illegal racing anymore.
Keywords: Law Enforcement, illegal Racing, COVID-19.

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