B1 G11 08 Stem - Proposal Paper

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Cover Page…………………………………………………………… i

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………… ii

The Chapters

1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 1

1.1 Background of the Study …………………………… 2

1.2 Statement of the Problem ………………………… 3

1.3 Significance of the Study ……………………… 4

1.4 Scope and Delimitation ……………………………… 5

1.5 Definition of Terms ……………………………………… 6

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies …………………………………………………

2.1 Related Literature …………………………………………

2.2 Related Studies …………………………………………………

2.3 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………

3 Methodology …………………………………………………………………

3.1 Research Design …………………………………………

3.2 Research Respondents ……………………………

3.3 Research Environment ……………………………

3.4 Research Instrument ………………………………

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………………

1. Letter of Request ……………………………………………………………………

2. Letter of Consent ……………………………………………………………………

3. Questionnaire ………………………………………………………………………………


























Class Schedule

Friday 10AM-12PM

March, 2022


First and foremost, I want to praise and thank God, the Almighty, who

has blessed us with numerous blessings, knowledge, and opportunities,

allowing us to finally complete the research. Apart from my efforts,

the success of this research is primarily dependent on the support

and guidance of a huge number of individuals. We'd like to take this

opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this


Without the help of my lecturer, Ms. Pamela Faye Laborte Abayle, this

paper and the research that went into it would not have been

acceptable. From our initial meeting through the final copy of this

paper, her passion, experience, and professionalism have been an

inspiration and kept us on track.

We’d like to thank our class leader, Klyde Cyza Linian, for all of

her helpful and constructive ideas during the preparation and

implementation of this research project. Her willingness to offer so

freely of her time has been much appreciated. Also, I'd want to

express our gratitude to our sub-leaders, who have made several ideas

and plans to make this study work achievable. Finally, I'd want to

thank my classmates for willingly contributing their abilities, being

exceedingly kind, and participating in the development of our

Chapter 1


This chapter includes the background information of the study, the

statement of the problem, scope and limitation, significance of the

study, and definition of terms.

Background Information

On December 31, 2019, WHO was alerted of cases of unknown cause

pneumonia in Wuhan City, China on 7 January 2020, Chinese authorities

identified a novel coronavirus as the cause, which was temporarily

dubbed "2019-nCoV" or COVID-19. The World Health Organization

declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International

Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020, causing

the government to begin putting some areas on lockdown, and DepEd to

be forced to instantly halt classes even though the semester was not

yet completed. So the Department of Education devised a solution to

have online learning because students may fall behind if they wait

until the pandemic is over before beginning.

Effects of COVID-19 related school closures on student achievement.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to numerous governments deciding to close

schools for several weeks in spring 2020. Empirical evidence on the

impact of COVID-19-related school closures on academic achievement is

only just emerging. The present work aimed to provide a first

systematic overview of evidence-based studies on general and

differential effects of COVID-19-related school closures in spring

2020 on student achievement in primary and secondary education.

Results indicate a negative effect of school closures on student

achievement, specifically in younger students and students from

families with low socioeconomic status. This study focuses on how

student and their classmates can establish relationships in each

other ever since COVID-19 shows in our life, students in PHINMA -

Cagayan de Oro College. The COVID -19 pandemic caused severe

disruption to everyday life around the world. As one of several

measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus, many government

closed schools for several weeks or months. Although school closures

are considered to be of the most efficient interventions to curb the

spread of virus. But it affects not only on the achievement of

students but also. It has negative effects on students’ communication

and motivation. Moreover some studies results revealed that students

still prefer classes over online classes due to many problems they

face when taking online classes such as understanding of the

material, decrease in communication levels between students and

instructors, and their feelings of isolation.

We conducted this study to determine the impact of the COVID-19

pandemic on students' ability to form relationships with their

classmates as a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. We decided

to conduct this study due to the difficulty of interacting with their

new classmates, which is something that most students are now

experiencing. According to frontiersin.org, depressive symptoms

increased significantly from October 2019 to June 2029, and the mean

scores grew until March 2021. It also said that the satisfaction with

social interaction significantly decreased from 37.35% in 2020 to

24.41% in 2021. All schools are now using the new learning system,

which has resulted in students becoming socially isolated because

they are unable to leave their homes due to the COVID-19 virus.

Students struggle to form relationships with their new classmates

since they have no physical interaction.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers are interested about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic

in establishing relationship between students to their classmates.

The researchers are determined to answer the following questions:

1. What are the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on students'

relationship with their classmates?

2. How COVID-19 pandemic get involved in the changes of students’

interaction with each other?

3. Does students establishing relationship affects their academic


COVID-19 has a wide range of effects on kids. When it comes to

socialization, the pupils are unable to successfully communicate with

their peers. Others have a hard time discussing their activity or

goal with others. Online learning has a negative impact on students'

mental health since not all students have a nice household, some of

them are struggling financially, others have sensitive family

connection issues, and some are too busy to do housework.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on students' life, preventing them

from socializing or hanging out with their peers. Students are unable

to observe and build bonds with their peers, making it difficult for

them to interact and adjust.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the students' relationship to their classmates

in PHINMA-CAGAYAN DE ORO COLLEGE grade 11 students. Because there are

so many students at PHINMA-CAGAYAN DE ORO COLLEGE this school year,

the numbers of students are limited. The number of respondents would

be 50 students, they will also be observed in one week.

The number of students is limited due to the ongoing pandemic, some

students are unable to complete the survey, and the school has been

chosen for its convenience to the researchers. Other responders may

be sluggish to respond due to internet connection issues, and some

may be preoccupied. Due to a lack of time and internet connection

issues, the researchers may not be able to do further research.

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the students, professors, and

parents at PHINMA CAGAYAN DE ORO COLLEGE because it will allow them

to see how COVID-19 influences students' social interactions with

this new learning method.

STUDENTS - It is very advantageous to students because it helps

them understand how COVID-19 influences their connections with their

classmates and allows them to adjust to a new learning environment

and get used to studying at home, which is very important to them.

PARENTS - This research is extremely valuable to parents since

it allows them to keep track of their children's interactions with

others and helps them understand how they are changing.

TEACHERS - They will benefit from this research as well because they

will be able to figure out what they need to do to improve their

teaching strategies.
Definition of Terms

Limitation - a condition of limited ability; a defect or failing.

COVID-19 - an acute disease in humans caused by a coronavirus, which

is characterized mainly by fever and cough and is capable of

progressing to severe symptoms and in some cases death, especially in

older people and those with underlying health conditions.

Students - a person who is studying at a school or college.

Social isolation - is a state of complete or near-complete lack of

contact between an individual and society. It differs from

loneliness, which reflects a temporary and involuntary lack of

contact with other humans in the world it can create a mental illness

and in this situation you must educate yourself and increase your

mental health.

Preoccupied- when a person is busy and not convenient.

Sluggish-markedly slow in movement, flow, or growth; slow to respond;

economically inactive or slow.

Relationship - the state of being related or connected; the state of

interaction between two or more people, groups, or countries.

Depressive - mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of

sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder

or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and

can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

Online Learning - education that takes place over the Internet.

Symptoms - a physical or mental feature which is regarded as

indicating a condition of disease

Socialization - the activity of mixing socially with others; the

process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society.

Wrecked - destroy or damaged

Havoc - destruction

Prevent - keep something from happening or arising.

Peers - person of the same age, status, or ability as another

specified person.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter offers a review of foreign and domestic literature as

well as studies relevant to the current investigation. The literature

research leads to the development of recurrent and suggested

practices, which are discussed in this chapter.

Independent Variable

The way COVID-19 pandemic makes a great impact that causes

online learning that affected most of the students. It has made a

huge impact by affecting not only an individual's health but also the

daily lives of people. Students were forced to adapt to a new way of

learning. According to Ghaderizefreh, S. (2018), the students are

struggling with their learning today because of this new way of

learning. Mobile devices or any gadgets is the only way to learn, and

this really affects the communication between students and their

classmates. Some students don’t learn because of the changes in

teaching methods. E-Learning can cause social Isolation, it also

requires strong self-motivation and time management skills. Lack of

communication skill development in online student. Corman (2020) all

actors (teachers, students, and parents) had to connect completely

online while at home, the Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented. The

major obstacle to overcome during the emergency crisis was the loss

of interaction with kids with SEND and the subsequent marginalization

of these students.

Keivan Ranjbar(2020) Says that the study was conducted to

investigate the students' positive and negative attitudes and

emotions toward the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Findings of this study would help to establish a well-scheduled

strategy to optimize learning in the prone population. Yüksel, N.,

Çoban, C., & Yazıcı, D. N. (2021) the COVID-19 epidemic has had a

negative impact on human existence in numerous ways, including

greatly affecting field education. The pandemic has really affect

many people especially on students and to their education and social


Asghar,Iqbal, Hakkarainen and Barbera (20 October 2021) says that

in a normal setting, face-to-face interaction is regarded as a key

aspect in enhancing socialization; however, during the COVID-19

epidemic, social media has substituted face-to-face interaction in

enhancing student socializing. In addition, social media has become

an important tool for boosting student connection, sociability, and

learning, as well as connecting teachers with students and mentors .

But students believe that social interaction is way better and

healthier for them, in fact Kedraka and Kaltsidis (2020, p. 17) says
that students’ consider distance learning to be adequate, modern, and

convenient, but not able to replace their experience of social

interaction with fellow students and teachers. They express worries a

about lessons, examinations, and laboratory work, which may be due to

the specific and high demands of biosciences.

Dependent Variable

What is online learning and face-to-face learning? First, most

authors define online learning as accessing learning experiences

using certain technology. Both Benson (2002) and Conrad (2002) define

online learning as a more modern form of distance learning that

enhances access for learners identified as both nontraditional and

ineffective to educational opportunities.

The Arianna Prothero( September 2, 2020)says that educators cannot

take for granted or assume that relationships among students or

between students and teachers will develop and thrive on their own in

this new educational reality. Relationship building is going to need

an assist from educators and school leaders. “We know that kids learn

best when they feel safe and secure; when they feel anxious and

aroused and uncomfortable, learning stops. Relationships also create

a sense of belonging in school and in times of remote learning, it

may be the only tangible connection to schools that students will

have. If students are struggling to stay engaged through distance

learning or hybrid schedules, strong relationships with their

teachers and classmates may be what keep them logging in. Mohammad

Alawamleh, Lana Mohannad Al-Twait and Gharam Raafat Al-Saht, (2021)

said that prolonged lockdown had affected students.

Staying at home is stressfull for the students especially when they

have many problems. For them, social interaction is really neccesary

for it has many benefits for them. Neidell and Waldfogel (2010) said

that employed value-added models with school fixed-effects and found

that due to a spillover effect, only a handful of unruly students may

be sufficient for disrupting the academic progress of their

classmates. Student’s behavior may also affect on how the teacher

also approach to them. Canter, Paige, Roth, Romero, & Carroll, 2004;

Granström, (2006) said that disruptive behavior and disorder also

interfere with teachers’ ability to teach effectively and are viewed

as malfunctions of classroom management. Part toward the entire

classroom, which harm student achievements. A positive perception of

classroom disciplinary climate improves teacher-student relationships

(Cheema & Kitsantas, 2014), which do much to curb dropout rates and

improve self-efficacy and confidence.


Emma Garcia and Elaine Weiss, (2010), over 55 million U.S. school

children under the age of 18 were affected by the 2009 flu pandemic.

1.4 billion children are out of school or childcare across the globe.

Many lose out on daily access to school and the basic support schools


Leonardo Villani, Roberta Pastorino, Enrico Molinari, Franco

Anelli, Walter Ricciardi, Guendalina Graffigna and Stefania Boccia

(2021) says that students at universities are a unique social group

with a strong social life that revolves around relationships and

contacts, as well as physical and academic pursuits, as well as

travel and social gatherings. Considering the university's

restrictions, they were forced to stop teaching in person from March

11, 2020, to the beginning of September 2020 due to the pandemic

situation. The campuses were only accessible to administrative and

technical workers. Simultaneously, an online teaching service was

launched, allowing students to take classes, take tests, and discuss

theses and doctoral dissertations from anywhere in the world.

(Krista Soria 2020) Many postsecondary students have faced

significant challenges as a result of COVID-19, with more severe

consequences for students of color, students with disabilities, and

careers, both in terms of gaining admission to finishing their


OECD Member,( 2020) Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic's

closures, kids from a variety of backgrounds who are more vulnerable

are less likely to receive the assistance and the gap between

students who face additional challenges. Closures can also have a

significant impact on students' sense of belonging to schools and

self-worth, both of which are critical for educational inclusion.


Santos, (2020) according to a study conducted by the University of

the Philippines Santos, remote learning may exacerbate existing

inequalities and may translate to barriers in online learning

thirty-two percent of Filipino medical students surveyed have

difficulties adjusting to new learning styles and do not have

reliable internet access, respectively . For some students, it may be

difficult to purchase a device that allows them to easily tune in to

online classes and immediately turn in assignments. Despite the

efforts to make education accessible for all, many difficulties are

still confronting Filipino university students in the practice of

distance education.

Franz Lewis Embudo (29th of October 2021) during the COVID-19

pandemic, many Filipino children struggled to study at home. In

comparison to their schools, 33% of student respondents believe that

the home is not a suitable learning environment. The majority (67%)

found it difficult to understand the learning materials in modules or

online classes.

Cleofas, J. V. (September 1, 2021) The Covid-19 pandemic, as well

as the transition of educational landscapes from traditional to

online classes, have exposed the students and increased risk of

mental health problems, which can impact their educational engagement

and learning outcomes. The goal of this convergent mixed-methods

study is to determine the relationship between self-care practices

and online student engagement, as to describe the barriers to self-

care practice among undergraduate students during the pandemic.

Tus, Jhoselle (February 15, 2021) The Asia and Pacific Regional

Bureau of Education mentioned that the world's population,

approximately 15% are living with disabilities, and that is

representing 1 billion people due to the lack of information, the

numbers of students with a disability that are receiving inadequate

educational support in this pandemic are unclear. PWD students are

facing barriers to education through remote-learning practices. In

health crises such as COVID-19, students with disabilities are

receiving less help and inadequately trained teachers. Fortunately,

various organizations help meet the students' needs with disabilities

that help disseminate awareness of this problem. This study explores

and identifies the related factors of reasons that led to their

decisions. The participants are male and female high school students

with disabilities. Furthermore, the type of impairment was another

aspect that causes a high rate of dropout of high school students

with disabilities. The participants also believe that a better school

environment requires more effort from the teachers and peers to sense


Franz Lewis Embudo (29th of October 2021) Many students are facing

difficulties in their schoolwork because of the pandemic. According

to research conducted by PSTCRRC (Psychosocial Support and Children's

Right Resource Center), 33 percent of students-respondents believe

that the home is not a good place to learn. Many students are finding

it difficult to keep up with changes in the learning environment,

pedagogy, modality, and technology. Some pupils also stated that they

prefer face-to-face instruction and that they wish to return to

school. The instructional materials in modules or online classes were

difficult to understand for 67% of respondents. Some students may

require mutual assistance if they are having difficulty in their

classes or modules. Adolescents seek assistance from their

friends/classmates and teachers, while children seek assistance from

their parents and other relatives.

Maria Angela S. Esteron (October 06, 2021) "Online mastering

additionally has fantastic and poor implication to the values and

ethics of the newcomers. Some of the fantastic implications to

newcomer’s value is having persistence, self-discipline, and

recognition whilst having on-line mastering. On the opposite hand,

there may be additionally a poor implication to newcomers' value like

on-line instructional fraud."

Maria Angela S. Esteron (06 Oct 2021)"Internet learning has

benefits and negative marks. Internet learning is effective,

reasonable, and adaptable. It can likewise suit different learning

styles as a learning conveyance methodology. Web based advancement

likewise has positive and negative ramifications to the qualities and

morals of the students. A portion of the positive ramifications to

students' qualities is having ingenuity, self-control, and regard

while having internet learning. Then again, there is additionally a

negative ramification to students' qualities like web-based scholarly

extortion. Value in web-based learning in the Philippines is still in

progress because not everything students can have a decent web

availability, a gadget to utilize and innovative education. It

requires all instructors to be prepared in educating on the web with

value gives part of the preparation. This paper unequivocally upholds

the requirement for web-based learning in the hours of emergency,

however, proposes that it must be done expertly and with value. It

also state that online learning also has positive and negative

implications to the values and ethics of the learners. Some of the

positive implications to learners’ values is having persistence,

self-discipline, and respect while having online learning."

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the methods used in data collection and

analysis that are relevant for this study. This chapter will cover

four key aspects in this study. The methodologies will cover topics

including the research design, research instruments, and respondents

of the study

Research Design

In this study, the descriptive method was used. This design, in which

the researcher interacts with the participants, may include surveys

to collect or gather the necessary information. The research required

a systematic flow of actions that help to improve the effectiveness

of the outcome and achievement of the objectives. There are two types

of philosophies used to develop the systematic approach, interpretive

and positivism. For current research related to the analysis of the

impact of COVID-19 on the education system and institution. This

shows how students can build relationships with their classmates in

online learning.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted in PHINMA Cagayan De Oro College. PHINMA

Cagayan de Oro College is a private non-sectarian college on Max

Suniel St, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Since 2005,

PHINMA COC has been owned and managed by the PHINMA Group, an

investment firm with interests in property, energy, education, and

business process outsourcing. Courses in criminology, education, arts

and sciences, engineering, commerce, nursing, and vocational

education are available at PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College. PHINMA

Cagayan de Oro College began as a non-political, non-sectarian

educational institution in 1948 as Parent-Teacher College. The

college also offers preschool, elementary and secondary education,

which primarily serve as laboratory schools for its teacher education

programs. PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College was able to provide quality

education to children from all walks of life in Mindanao as part of

PHINMA. PHINMA also assisted in creating a positive learning

atmosphere that encourages kids to work harder in their studies.


Since this study focuses on the students' relationships with their

classmates, the respondents will be PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College G-

11 students. According to the Carmen campus group page for Grade 11,

there are 2,300 Grade 11 students, which is not a complete count of

all grade 11 students because some are not listed on the page. The

survey for this study will have 100 respondents.

Research Instrument

The researcher will self-administer the data/document analysis

through and by observation on focused group discussion and by also

having survey. Although the research Instrument is qualitative in

nature, the researcher deemed it a need to give one-hundred (100)

respondents to limit the study. This is done so that each respondent

with their correspondents’ answers would be put in groups which who

have the same answer, so that we could count upon over 100


The main purpose of this is so that each data we collect and the

opinion we stated can be supported by each 1 of them. The

questionnaire of the survey was made by the researcher; it will

determine the struggles of the students’ base on their academic

performance and so on. This is a yes or no type of survey which have

a standardized set of questions were given upon. This also determine

the performance of students practically during this pandemic

throughout this day.

This is achieved so that each research problem can be explained in

layman’s term or in other term’s, simple language that anyone can

understand. This also done to ensure that all data we collect would

be analyse and comprehend thoroughly. This utilized the observation

plus focus group discussion and the survey by not only providing

standardized questionnaire with comparable information from everyone

taking the survey but to also do the observation and the focus group

discussion upon selecting the respondents for the survey.

For the level of performance, the researcher will be rated upon their

participations and work on how they construct ideas for the study.

This will also depends on how a researcher reliability of work, not

only because they’re done with their assigned part they’re totally

done. This collected data will be proofread base on the

interpretation of the institutional tool will be used to correlate to

the other variables.

Theoretical Framework

Albert Bandura's social learning theory emphasizes the importance of

observing, modelling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and

emotional reactions of others.

Social learning theory considers how both environmental and cognitive

factors interact to influence human learning and behavior. This study

focuses on how COVID-19 pandemic affects in students establishing

relationship. If there is no social interaction, it can affect

students' behavior and change how they interact with their peers.

Effective communication and human interaction are essential to human

growth. Socializing has numerous advantages for people especially

students. The importance of communication in the learning process

cannot be overstated. It facilitates the exchange of information,

thoughts, and ideas that aid learning. It also helps in clarifying

information, inducing enthusiasm in learning, and building positive

relationships among students. Not only it alleviates loneliness, but

it also improves memory and cognitive abilities, as well as sense of

happiness and well-being. It is important for students to have that

human interaction to reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety, but

it’s important for their overall well-being.

Ineffective and lack of communication has been linked with a host of

cognitive problems, like stress and fatigue. It makes students all a

little more distracted, sluggish, and tired, which can lead to

cognitive issues that affect performance at school and their social

abilities. Students may experience conflict to others,

misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and mistrust as a result of

ineffective communication giving students a hard time building

relationships with each other.

The students' education was moved from the classroom to their homes.

If there is no social interaction, it can be stressful to students.

It can affect their behavior and change on how they interact with

their peers. The real-life experience of sitting next to someone on

the first day of class is diminished by having classes via Zoom and

other social media apps. Zoom makes it nearly impossible to form

relationships with classmates. With Zoom and other social media apps,

students have the option to not share their real-life self, making it

even less human-like, preventing students from building relationships

with each other

Appendix 1

March 31, 2022

Mr Michael Angelo Galos

School Principal

PHINMA - Cagayan de Oro College

Dear Mr Galos,

We are PHINMA – Cagayan de Oro College Grade 11 Students in the STEM

strand. We are conducting a research study titled, “The Impact of

COVID – 19 Pandemic in Establishing Relationships between Students in

PHINMA – Cagayan de Oro College Senior High School Department“. In

line with this, we would like to ask your permission to conduct this

study among the G11 students’.

We are eagerly anticipating your approval. Thank you!

Very truly yours,

Klyde Cyza G. Linian


Noted by: Approved by:

Pamela Faye L. Abayle Mr Michael Angelo Galos


Appendix 2

March 2022

Dear Participants,

Good day!

We are PHINMA - Cagayan de Oro College Grade 11 STEM students

studying APP 005: Practical Research this semester. "The Impact

of COVID-19 Pandemic in Establishing Relationships between

Students at PHINMA - Cagayan de Oro College Senior High School

Department," is the title of a study we're working on. In light

of this, we'd want to request your permission to undertake this

research. We guarantee that all information you provide for this

study will be kept private.

Thank you!

Very truly yours,

Klyde Cyza G. Linian


Noted by:

Pamela Faye L. Abayle Approved by:

Mr Michael Angelo Galos
Appendix 3

Survey Questionnaire

Dear Participants,

We are Grade 11 B1-G11-08 STEM students of PHINMA-CAGAYAN DE ORO

COLLEGE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. as part of the requirements of our

research proposal, we are conducting a survey which will complete our

research paper entitled “The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in

establishing relationship between Students in PHINMA-CAGAYAN DE ORO


would help us by answering this survey. Thank you and God Bless.

The Researchers

Name: Age: Sex:

I.Yes or No
Is Messenger, or any other social media platform, an effective tool
to communicate with your peers?

In this time of pandemic, did you establish any relationship with

your classmates?

Do you have approachable classmates?

Because of the pandemic, are you able to get along well with your

Did your online classes help you learn a lot more?

Do you find it difficult to form relationships with your classmates?

Do you believe it is necessary to make friends with your classmates?

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