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[Galaxy Technologies]

Compliance Report

Prepared by

[Nicholas Spellman]
January 10, 2025

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Executive Summary
[Galaxy Technologies] had its quarterly Safety Compliance Evaluation headed by the company’s HR & Finance
Department. This report analyzes and presents the cost breakdown and the details of the safety measures and
equipment to purchase based on the new Safety Protocols mandated by the state.

The objectives of this report are to:
1. To detail the cost breakdown of all purchases to be made in connection to the new protocols
2. To prepare the next quarter’s Safety Compliance cost estimate

To determine the cost breakdown, the HR & Finance Department contacted the company’s direct suppliers of the
items listed on the requirements to identify who has the lowest price offer. A representative also visited various
stores to acquire a better understanding of the prices for the cost breakdown.

Key Performance Indicators

Cost Breakdown based on the prices of the lowest price offer


Labor Costs $60.00

Material Costs $175.00

Delivery Costs $5.00

Total Costs $240.00

Cost Estimate for the Next Quarter


Labor Costs $60.00

Material Costs $200.00

Delivery Costs $5.00

Total Costs $265.00

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1. The estimated total cost for the current quarter is $240.00.
2. Assuming that the cost of materials increases by about 15% maximum, the estimated cost for the next
quarter would be $265.00.

The cost breakdown showed that the company will have to budget a minimum of $250.00 and above for each
quarter for the safety compliance updates.

Based on the analysis done, here are recommendations:
1. A consistent budget of $250.00 and above should be maintained for the Quarterly Safety Compliance
2. HR should keep posted about any changes in the protocols and requirements of the state.

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