Nove Jane Marie R. Rase 11 Stem - Neurons Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction.. Q4 - WK 1 TEST 1. ACTIVITY 1 - Page 5

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TEST 1. ACTIVITY 1 - page 5

1. Upon looking at the picture provided, I have concluded that there was a landslide because rocks were
falling and the water is flowing down until it reaches the bottom.

2. I concluded that various human activities caused this event to happen such as deforestation. Trees
hold the soil and cutting it down could lead to weakening of the soil or rock that whenever a heavy rain
hits the area, landslides will occur.

3. If I were to see the same event in real life, I would immediately evacuate the area because it might
sweep the whole community and much worse, it could lead to tragic death as the body will surely be left
covered with soil and mud.

TEST 2. ACTIVITY 2 - page 9

1. Sinkhole will be most likely to occur in our place because of illegal mining and with sad/angry tone of
voice, they answered "We, Sibuyanon are trying to protect the island by going against miners movement
because we are all aware that they will not just ruin the beauty of Mt. Guiting Guting but will also ruin the
lives of many for the sake of money.

2. With strong emphasis they answered "mining is the cause of sinkholes that will occur in our place,
because they keep on digging even without authorization and continue to mine even if it's illegal".

3.With realization, they answered in a lower tone of voice, "There is a factor that contributed to possible
landslides in our place and that is cutting of the trees in order for us to build a home or shelter. Thus,
construction of houses is another human activity that could cause landslides to happen".

4. They answered" In our house, hopefully there is no crack found but talking about our home which is the
Sibuyan Island, there are observable sign such as the falling debris along Cambijang and depressions at
ground level in some area

TEST 3. ACTIVITY 3 - page 9 - 10

1. Upon reading, I have concluded that the sinkhole is caused by a broken water or underground pipes.

2. In case the truck will not be removed, there is a possibility that it may continue to fall and water may
penetrate through mud and eventually erode the ground underneath which further leads to serious injury
or death of the truck driver.

3. Before the event happened, signs include depression of ground level in which people cannot observe
immediately because they simply pass through the road to arrive at their destination without realizing the
depression at ground level is possible especially when vehicles are heavy and broken water or
underground pipes weakens the ground.

TEST 4. ACTIVITY 4 - page 10

smell - smell of dust and rain

sight - cracks can be observe as well as the movement of rocks

sound - unusual sound or noises such as breaking trees and falling debris
touch - there is a movement of rock and soil it like vibration when it is about to fall down,

taste - none

TEST 5. ACTIVITY 5 & 6 - page 11

1. I'm thinking about planting trees to avoid possible landslide to happen in our place as it holds the soil
as the heavy rains fall

2. I am wondering what could be our future if we do not act today

3. I am noticing sign of landslide in our place and happy to see that our official are making immediate
action to resolve such cases

4. It reminds of the incident happen t the truck that fell of along remedios street and eager to make a
move to not let such incident happen again

5. I am feeling courageous to be part of Sibuyanon who fight against mining in Sibuyan to avoid sinkhole
that might put us our lives at risk

(What I can do)

1.If a sinkhole will occur in our home, the crack in the structure will be observed and the worst that could
happen is when our house collapses due to the appearance of a crater on the ground.

2. There would be damage on the wall of our house such as numerous crack and that would be
dangerous place for us to stay

3. To prevent sinkholes, there should be a good and strong foundation or construction of the house such
as keeping the water tables high which could lessen the water or underground pipes to burst.

4. We can lessen the damage it can bring by imposing water conservation rules inside the house and
doing regular checking of utility pipes to be able to replace the old ones.

TEST 7. Additional activities - page 15

1. Yes, because the water, especially when it's deep, might drown us.

2. No, because the current of the water might change anytime.

3. Yes, emergence of sinkhole became a part of swimming adventure to other people

4. Provide water pipes so water can be controlled

TEST 7. ASSESSMENT page 12 - 14

1. D 11. D
2. A 12. D
3. D 13. D
4. D 14. D
5.  A 15. C
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. D

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