VBK To WAV Converter Application

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CallPilot Desktop Messaging VBK to WAV Converter Application

The VBK to WAV Converter Application allows a PDA user to forward CallPilot messages to their handheld device in the native CallPilot format (VBK). The advantage to utilizing this application is that VBK has a much smaller footprint than WAV, which takes less storage. In addition, because of the smaller footprint, it allows for transferring and receiving of messages to the PDA quicker and more efficient. The following are the setup and installation instructions for configuring the converter. Notes:

1. These instructions have been tested on the Dell Axim and HP Jornada pocket
PCs. 2. They have not been tested on other models, but should work on all Strong Arm Pocket PCs. 3. This is only supported with Microsoft Outlook.

A. Setup Host PC 1. Install Outlook if necessary on the host PC 2. Enable the Message Forwarding Rule feature and set the CallPilot messages to
be forwarded in VBK format. (You will need to configure your PDA to download Outlook e-mail messages. See below) Alternatively 1. Install the CallPilot Desktop Messaging Client version or later 2. Make CallPilot the default message store (This is not necessary if you are going to be configuring the Pocket PC for wireless operation.) To make CallPilot the default message store, go to Tools>E-mail accounts>View or Change existing e-mail accounts>Deliver new e-mail to the following location:>CallPilot Message store.

3. Log into Outlook and CallPilot and download all CallPilot messages (Again, only
for non wireless operation) To download all CallPilot messages, go to Tools>CallPilot Desktop Messaging Tools>Download all CallPilot Messages.

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B. Setup Pocket PC
1. Setup for Non wireless operation a. b. c. d. e. Install ActiveSync on the host computer Connect Cradle / sync cable to Computer. Connect Pocket PC to Cradle / sync cable Reboot computer if necessary Run ActiveSync on PC Synchronize Inbox plus any other folders you like (calendar, contacts, etc...)


2. Setup for Wireless operation with CallPilot MFR enabled a. For consistency, follow instructions above for Non-wireless operation. b. Follow PDA instructions to synchronize Outlook Inbox wirelessly. CallPilot messages will be included if MFR is enabled. 3. Setup for Wireless operation without the CallPilot MFR feature

c. For consistency, follow instructions above for Non-wireless operation. d. From the Inbox, select Options and the New button. e. Enter the requested user information selecting Next after completing each
screen. f. At the Account information screen select IMAP4 from the dropdown list. g. Name the connection something unique like "CallPilot1". h. At the Server information screen enter the FQDN of the CallPilot server for both Incoming mail and Outgoing Mail i. Leave the Domain field blank. j. Click Finish

C. Setup Options without the CallPilot MFR feature 1. Open Inbox and make sure all connections are disconnected 2. Select Tools>Options... 3. Select the Storage tab and uncheck 'Store attachments on storage card' (this
is slower then keeping them in memory)

4. Select the Services tab

5. Select the CallPilot connection you want to modify 6. Select Next 3 times and select Options 7. Select Next 8. Select Get full copy of message 9. Check the When getting full copy, get attachments check box 10. Select Next 11. Important - uncheck the Only display messages from the checkbox 12. Select Finish 13. Select OK in upper right hand corner to close Options

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D. Install Pocket PC CallPilot software all

1. Ensure active sync has a connection to the Pocket PC in the cradle. 2. Double click on pocketpc.exe and follow installation instructions.

E. Test voice files

1. Establish connection to a CallPilot server that has at least one voice message from either the cradle or a wireless connection. 2. Double click on a voice file in your Pocket PC Inbox. 3. Select the Voice attachment and wait for it to download if it hasn't already been downloaded. The color should change when the download is complete. 4. Double click the attachment to open the voice file. 5. A voice toolbar should appear and the message should begin playing over the Pocket PC speakers. 6. You can pause and resume message playback.

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