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® B0400BD


I/A Series®
Report Package User’s Guide
May 21, 2002

May 24, 2002
Foxboro, AIM*API, AIM*AT, AIM*DataLink, AIM*Historian, FoxAPI, FoxView and I/A Series are
trademarks of Invensys Systems, Inc.
Invensys is a trademark of Invensys plc.
Active X, Microsoft, Win32, Windows, Windows NT and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft
NetScape is a trademark of NetScape Communications Corporation.
OpalisRobot3 is a trademark of Opalis Software, Incorporated.
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
WinZip is a trademark of Nico Mak Computing, Incorporated.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Copyright 2000-2002 Invensys Systems, Inc.

All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you

should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of

May 24, 2002

those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.
Figures................................................................................................................................... vii

Tables..................................................................................................................................... ix

Preface.................................................................................................................................... xi
Audience .................................................................................................................................. xi
What You Should Know .......................................................................................................... xi
Revision Information ............................................................................................................... xi
Safety Considerations .............................................................................................................. xii
Request for Comments ............................................................................................................ xii

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package ............................................................................ 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1
System Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1

May 24, 2002

Configuring Excel ..................................................................................................................... 2
Excel, Installed from Office 2000 or Excel CD-ROM .......................................................... 2
Excel, Installed from Office 97 or Excel CD-ROM .............................................................. 2
Excel, Installed on Windows Terminal Server or Server 70 ................................................... 3
Disable Excel Macro Protection ............................................................................................ 3
Excel, Installed from Office 2000 or Excel CD-ROM ..................................................... 3
Excel, Installed from Office 97 or Excel CD-ROM ......................................................... 3
Installing the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian ....................................................................... 4
Creating ODBC Data Sources ............................................................................................. 4
I/A Series Report Package Installation Components .................................................................. 6
Running the OpalisRobot3 Setup Program ............................................................................... 7
Choose Setup Language ....................................................................................................... 7
Welcome and License Agreement ......................................................................................... 8
Setup Type and Program Directory .................................................................................... 10
Serial Number and Product Key ......................................................................................... 12
Choosing a User Account ................................................................................................... 12
Completing Installation ...................................................................................................... 13
Changing the User Account .................................................................................................... 15
Changing the OpalisRobot3 User Account ......................................................................... 15
Logging On as a Service ..................................................................................................... 16
Running the I/A Series Report Package Setup Program ........................................................... 18
Company Name ................................................................................................................. 19
Program Directory ............................................................................................................. 20
Choose Reports Folder ....................................................................................................... 21
Add to the Start Menu ....................................................................................................... 22

B0400BD – Rev B Contents

Start Installation ................................................................................................................. 24

Completing Installation ...................................................................................................... 25
Authorization of the Report Package and the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian .................... 26

2. Configuration.................................................................................................................. 27
AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian Reduction Groups ...................................................... 27
Hourly Reduction Group .............................................................................................. 27
Daily Reduction Group ................................................................................................. 27
Configuring Sample and Reduction Group Aliases .................................................................. 28
Delete an Alias ............................................................................................................... 29

3. Building Reports ............................................................................................................. 31

Configuring New Report Types .............................................................................................. 31
Building Reports ..................................................................................................................... 34
Adding a Report Tag .......................................................................................................... 36
Compound:Block.Parameter Settings ............................................................................ 36

Removing a Report Tag ..................................................................................................... 37
Saving the Report ............................................................................................................... 37
Sample Database Controls .................................................................................................. 37

May 24, 2002

Reduction Database Controls ............................................................................................. 38
Timestamps of Reduction Data: Concept and Application ............................................ 38
Configuring Report Options .............................................................................................. 39
Macro Option ............................................................................................................... 41
File and Worksheet Concepts ........................................................................................ 41
Building a Final Worksheet ........................................................................................... 42
Building Reports from a Remote PC ....................................................................................... 42
Remote PC System Requirements ...................................................................................... 42
Remote PC Functionality and Limitations ......................................................................... 42
Configuring the Report Server for Remote Communication .............................................. 43

4. Executing Reports ........................................................................................................... 45

Running an On-Demand Report ............................................................................................ 45
Scheduling a Report to Run Automatically ............................................................................. 47
Triggering a Scheduled Task ................................................................................................... 54
Configuring the Scheduler Log File .................................................................................... 55
Executing a Special Demand Report ....................................................................................... 55
The Special Demand Information File ............................................................................... 55
Triggering a Special Demand Report .................................................................................. 57
Time Synchronization ............................................................................................................. 60

Contents B0400BD – Rev B

5. Report Directory Structure and Files............................................................................... 61

6. Web Reports ................................................................................................................... 63

Web Reports Home Page Auto-Update ................................................................................... 63
Web Browser for Operator Environment ................................................................................ 64
Connecting the Web Browser to a FoxView Button ........................................................... 64

7. Purging Reports .............................................................................................................. 65

Purging Old Reports Automatically ........................................................................................ 65

8. Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................. 75
Troubleshooting and Log File ................................................................................................. 75

Appendix A. Configuration File (.ini file) ............................................................................ 77

Appendix B. Report Examples ............................................................................................. 79

Daily Report Examples ............................................................................................................ 79
Weekly Report Examples ........................................................................................................ 81

May 24, 2002

Customizing the Final Data Worksheet .................................................................................. 83

Appendix C. User Macro Code Template............................................................................ 85

Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports ............................................................................. 87

Updating Reports from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1 ................................................................. 87
Using Reports built with WIN32 Report Package ................................................................... 94

Appendix E. Windows 2000 Navigation.............................................................................. 97

Appendix F. Uninstalling OpalisRobot3.5f ......................................................................... 99

Uninstall OpalisRobot3.5f ...................................................................................................... 99

Index .................................................................................................................................. 101

B0400BD – Rev B Contents

May 24, 2002

1-1. ODBC Data Source Administrator Dialog Box ............................................................. 4
1-2. Create New Data Source Dialog Box ............................................................................ 5
1-3. AIM*Historian ODBC Setup Dialog Box ..................................................................... 5
1-4. WinZip Self-Extractor Dialog Box ................................................................................ 7
1-5. Choose Setup Language Dialog Box .............................................................................. 7
1-6. Setup Window .............................................................................................................. 8
1-7. Installing OpalisRobot3 Welcome Window .................................................................. 8
1-8. Software License Agreement .......................................................................................... 9
1-9. Setup Type Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 10
1-10. Choose Destination Location Dialog Box ................................................................... 11
1-11. Select Program Folder Dialog Box ............................................................................... 11
1-12. User Information Dialog Box ...................................................................................... 12
1-13. Enter User name Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 13
1-14. Start Copying Files Dialog Box ................................................................................... 13

1-15. Setup Window ............................................................................................................ 14
1-16. Question Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 14

May 24, 2002

1-17. Services Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 15
1-18. Service Dialog Box for Changing the User Account .................................................... 16
1-19. User Rights Policy Dialog Box .................................................................................... 17
1-20. Add Users and Groups Dialog Box ............................................................................. 17
1-21. I/A Series Report Package Welcome Window ............................................................. 18
1-22. Company Name Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 19
1-23. Choose Destination Folder Dialog Box ....................................................................... 20
1-24. Choose Reports Folder Dialog Box ............................................................................. 21
1-25. Add to the Start Menu Dialog Box .............................................................................. 22
1-26. Group Membership Dialog Box .................................................................................. 23
1-27. Start Installation Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 24
1-28. Installing Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 25
2-1. Report Builder Main Menu ......................................................................................... 28
2-2. Alias Configurator ....................................................................................................... 29
3-1. Report Builder Main Menu ......................................................................................... 32
3-2. Report Type Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 32
3-3. Timing for Shift Report Dialog Box ............................................................................ 33
3-4. Report Template Directory ......................................................................................... 33
3-5. Build or Modify Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 34
3-6. Report Type Dialog Box ............................................................................................. 35
3-7. Report Name Dialog Box ............................................................................................ 35
3-8. Report Builder Cell Editor Dialog Box ........................................................................ 36
3-9. Sample Database Controls .......................................................................................... 37
3-10. Reduction Database Controls ...................................................................................... 38
3-11. Timestamp Example ................................................................................................... 38
3-12. Report Builder Cell Editor Options Button ................................................................ 39
3-13. Options Configurator ................................................................................................. 40
3-14. rpt_pkg Properties Dialog Box .................................................................................... 43

B0400BD – Rev B Figures

3-15. Access Through Share Permissions Dialog Box ........................................................... 44

3-16. Map Network Drive Dialog Box ................................................................................. 44
4-1. Report Pop-up Menu .................................................................................................. 45
4-2. On-Demand Report Dialog Box ................................................................................. 46
4-3. Connect to Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 47
4-4. OpalisRobot3 New Object Dialog Box ....................................................................... 48
4-5. Select a Wizard Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 48
4-6. Selecting the Report Execution Frequency Dialog Box ................................................ 49
4-7. Selecting the Report Dialog Box ................................................................................. 49
4-8. Selecting the Time of Day for Report Execution Dialog Box ...................................... 50
4-9. Task Properties Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 51
4-10. Selecting a Report Execution Task Dialog Box ............................................................ 52
4-11. Selecting a Report Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 53
4-12. Correlation between a Time Event, a Task, and an Additional Task ........................... 53
4-13. Log Window ............................................................................................................... 54
4-14. Service Options Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 55
4-15. Special Demand Text File Formats ............................................................................. 56
4-16. Select a Wizard Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 58

4-17. Select Folder and Timeout Dialog Box ........................................................................ 59
4-18. Event and Task for a Special Demand Report Trigger ................................................. 60
5-1. Executed Reports ........................................................................................................ 61

May 24, 2002

6-1. Reports Home Page Window ...................................................................................... 63
7-1. New Object Dialog Box .............................................................................................. 65
7-2. Event Properties Dialog Box ....................................................................................... 66
7-3. Event Properties Options Tab ..................................................................................... 67
7-4. New Event Properties Folder ....................................................................................... 68
7-5. Task properties Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 69
7-6. File Filters Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 70
7-7. Task Properties Advanced Tab .................................................................................... 71
7-8. Task properties Options Tab Page .............................................................................. 72
7-9. Correlate the New Event to the New Task .................................................................. 72
B-1. Daily Report Built Using the Report Builder .............................................................. 79
B-2. Daily Report Results of an On-Demand Execution ..................................................... 80
B-3. Weekly Report with Reduction Data and First Value Included ................................... 81
B-4. Weekly Report with Reduction Data and First Value Ignored ..................................... 82
B-5. Final Data Worksheet ................................................................................................. 83
D-1. Update Reports to Version 5.1 Utility Run Window .................................................. 88
D-2. Update Reports to Version 5.1 Window ..................................................................... 88
D-3. Select the Reports to Update Window ........................................................................ 89
D-4. Select the Reports to Update Window ........................................................................ 90
D-5. Select All Reports to Update ....................................................................................... 91
D-6. Reduction Groups to Update Window ....................................................................... 92
D-7. Cell-by-Cell Confirmation Dialog Box ........................................................................ 92
D-8. Cell-by-Cell Update Dialog Box ................................................................................. 93
D-9. Hide Config Worksheet Tab ....................................................................................... 93
D-10. Update Reports to Version 5.0 Utility Run Window .................................................. 94
D-11. Update Reports and Template Window ...................................................................... 95

3-1. Pre-Defined Report Configuration .............................................................................. 31
4-1. Report Schedule Times ............................................................................................... 46
8-1. Possible Problems and Corrective Action .................................................................... 75

May 24, 2002

May 24, 2002
B0400BD – Rev B

This document describes all aspects of the I/A Series Report Package including:
♦ Defining data sources and aliases
♦ Building production reports
♦ Scheduling reports
♦ Running reports.

This guide is intended for process control engineers and operators, and other qualified and autho-
rized personnel involved in using production reports and scheduling report execution using the
I/A Series Report Package.
This document is organized to reflect a typical sequence of actions in setting up a system. The

appendices provide examples of configuration files, report types, and macros.

May 24, 2002

What You Should Know
Prior to using this document, you should be familiar with the I/A Series system. Detailed infor-
mation for the software and the hardware is found in the full documentation set for I/A Series
Prior to using this document, you should be familiar with the AIM*AT™ Series system. Detailed
information for the software and the hardware is found in the full documentation set for the
AIM*AT Series system.

Revision Information
For version 5.1 of the I/A Series Report Package, the following changes were made:

Chapter 1 “Installing the I/A Series Report Package”

Updated to include support for Windows® 2000, Windows Terminal
Server and Server 70. Updated to reflect AIM*AT version 3.1.

Chapter 2 “Configuration”
Edited text (minor).

Chapter 3 “Building Reports”

Updated to include viewing configured cells and the option of excluding
the oldest reduction datum.

Chapter 4 “Executing Reports”

Updated to include the new Scheduling Wizard and the enhancements to
Special Demand reports.

B0400BD – Rev B Preface

Appendix A “Configuration File (.ini file)”

Updated to reflect AIM*AT version 3.1.

Appendix B “Report Examples”

Updated to reflect the Final Data Worksheet.

Appendix D “Updating Existing Reports”

This is a new appendix that specifies how to update reports built using the
I/A Series Report Package version 4.2 or earlier to version 5.0 and
version 5.1.

Appendix E “Windows 2000 Navigation”

This is a new appendix that specifies Windows 2000 navigation
Appendix F “Uninstalling OpalisRobot3.5f ”
This is a new appendix that provides the procedure for uninstalling the
OpalisRobot3.5f software. This is necessary if you are upgrading to the

I/A Series Report Package version 5.1.

Safety Considerations

May 24, 2002

Safe use of this product depends largely upon proper installation, use, and maintenance. This
manual provides the information needed to properly install, use, and maintain the I/A Series
Report Package.

Request for Comments

Please direct your comments and suggestions concerning the I/A Series Report Package to:
Customer Satisfaction Center
Invensys Systems, Inc.
33 Commercial Street
Foxboro, MA 02035-2099
Telephone within the US: 1-866-PHON-IPS (1-866-746-6477)
Telephone from outside the US: 508-549-2424
Facsimile: 508-549-4999

1. Installing the I/A Series Report
This chapter details the I/A Series Report Package installation tasks.

The I/A Series Report Package is an interactive, easy-to-use tool that allows users to build
production reports and schedule the report execution. It runs on a Windows NT® or later
workstation using the Microsoft® Excel environment. Configured reports are Excel files which
can be formatted using standard tools. OpalisRobot3™ is event-driven scheduling software that
allows scheduling of reports to run on a shift, daily, weekly, monthly or On-Demand basis.
The I/A Series Report Package can generate reports that can be accessed over an Intranet using a
standard Web Browser, or automatically e-mailed to predefined recipients.

System Requirements

May 24, 2002

The I/A Series Report Package requires the following:
♦ Pentium® Processor with 64 MB RAM. (128 MB if installed on an I/A Series station)
♦ Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with Service Pack 5 or later, Windows 2000 with
Service Pack 2, Windows Terminal Server with Service Pack 5, AW70 or Server 70
♦ Microsoft Excel 97 with Service Release 2 (avoid on Terminal Server and Server 70),
Microsoft Excel 2000 or Microsoft Excel 2002 Professional
♦ ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian.
The historian requires the following:
♦ I/A Series Historian or AIM*Historian™ version 3.0.2 or 3.1 with authorization for
one ODBC client
♦ Accessed I/A Series stations can be I/A Series Model 51 (Solaris™) at release 4.x or
later or I/A Series 70 (NT) at release 6.x or later
♦ Accessed I/A Series stations require a second Ethernet card.
The following sections explain how to perform these tasks:
♦ Configure Excel for use with the I/A Series Report Package
♦ Install the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian
♦ Install the OpalisRobot3 software
♦ Install the I/A Series Report Package software.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Configuring Excel
The I/A Series Report Package requires the following Excel Add-Ins and features to be installed
and configured for use with the I/A Series Report Package.

Excel, Installed from Office 2000 or Excel CD-ROM

The commonly-used Graphics Filters are installed by default during the installation of
Excel 2000.

For Excel 2000, the Internet Assistant VBA Add-In is not required by the I/A Series
Report Package, and at runtime, should be left unselected.

Excel, Installed from Office 97 or Excel CD-ROM

♦ Data Access Objects for Visual Basic®
♦ Internet Assistant Wizard

♦ Graphics Filter.
The Add-Ins and features are not installed with the default Excel installation and must be
installed as individual components.

May 24, 2002

To install the Add-Ins and features as individual components:
1. Load the Office 97 CD-ROM or the Excel 97 CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Close all programs.
3. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.
4. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon and select Microsoft Office 97 or
Microsoft Excel 97 from the list of programs.
The Setup window appears.
5. Click Add/Remove.
The Maintenance window appears.
6. Add the Graphics Filter:
a. Click Converters and Filters from the Maintenance window Options list and
click Change Option.
b. Click the Graphics Filters check box and click OK.
The Maintenance window appears.
7. Add the Data Access Objects for Visual Basic:
a. Click Data Access from the Maintenance window Options list and click Change
b. Click the Data Access Objects for Visual Basic check box and click OK.
The Maintenance window appears.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

8. Add the Internet Assistant Wizard:

a. Select Add-Ins from the Maintenance window Options list and click Change
b. Click the Internet Assistant Wizard check box and click OK.
The Maintenance window appears.
9. Click OK to exit the Maintenance window.
10. Close the Setup window and remove the CD-ROM.

Excel, Installed on Windows Terminal Server or Server 70

It is recommended that you not use Excel 97 in this environment. Follow the Microsoft proce-
dures and recommendations when installing Excel 2000 or later.
1. Access the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Toolbox at the following internet link:
2. Locate the Office Resource Kit core tool set section.
To do this:

♦ Perform a Find on ORKTools.exe
♦ Download the file ORKTools.exe. and the related installation instructions.
ORKTools.exe comprises a number of core tools, notable the following core tools of

May 24, 2002

particular relevance:
♦ Excel Tools
♦ Terminal Server Tools.
3. Follow the procedures and recommendations provided at the Microsoft site described

Disable Excel Macro Protection

In addition to configuring Excel Add-Ins and features, macro protection must be disabled.

Excel, Installed from Office 2000 or Excel CD-ROM

1. Choose Tools > Macro > Security.
2. On the Security Level page, click the Low option button.

Excel, Installed from Office 97 or Excel CD-ROM

1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Open the General page and uncheck the Macro Virus Protection check box.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Installing the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian

The I/A Series Report Package is shipped with an AIM*AT Information Suite CD-ROM that
includes an ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian. The driver provides PC clients with access to the
I/A Series Historian and AIM*Historian databases. The driver can be installed as a sub-compo-
nent of either AIM*DataLink™ or AIM*Historian. Please refer to the I/A Series Information Suite
AIM*AT Installation Guide (B0193YM) and install the sub-components ODBC client and
AIM*API™ Admin.

Creating ODBC Data Sources

When you load the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian, the AIM*AT Setup program automatically
configures AIM*AT Historian as a User Data Source Name (DSN) so that individual users can
connect to historians by selecting that DSN.
Setting up the driver as a system service, requires that you configure system DSNs.
To configure the driver as a system service on a Windows NT 4.0 System:
1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > 32-bit ODBC.
Windows opens the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box with the User

DSN page displayed (Figure 1-1).

May 24, 2002

Figure 1-1. ODBC Data Source Administrator Dialog Box

2. Select AIM AT Historian Database.

3. Click System DSN to display system data sources.
4. Click Add.
The Create New Data Source dialog box appears, listing available data sources
(Figure 1-2).

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Figure 1-2. Create New Data Source Dialog Box

5. Select AIM AT Historian ODBC Driver to set up the data source and click Finish.

May 24, 2002

The ODBC Setup dialog box (Figure 1-3) opens.

Sample Database, or
Reduction Database

For Snapshot
Data Access

Figure 1-3. AIM*Historian ODBC Setup Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

6. Enter a name for the new data source in the Data Source Name field.
The suggested format is the historian name + the database name.
7. Enter a description in the Description field.
8. Use the pull-down menus to select the appropriate server (the ODBC driver supports
6-character server names) and the database type.
Do not check the Return Sample and MDE values as strings check box.
9. Click OK.
The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box returns.
10. Click OK to exit the administrator.
For every Historian you access, three types of System DSN data sources are created:
♦ To access Reduction data
♦ To access non-linearized Sample data
♦ To access linearized Sample data for retrieving Snapshot data.
For Sample data:
1. Click the Linearize Sample Data check box.

2. Set the Sample Interval to 60 seconds
3. Set the Number of Samples to 500.

May 24, 2002

I/A Series Report Package Installation Components
The OpalisRobot3 and I/A Series Report Package software are installed using separate Setup
programs. The Report Package CD-ROM contains the following components:
♦ Step1_Opalis_setup.exe
♦ Step2_RptPkg_setup.exe
♦ README.txt.
In addition, the following media are shipped with the I/A Series Report Package installation
♦ I/A Series Information Suite AIM*AT Installation Guide (B0193YM)
♦ A Registration diskette for updating the AIM registration file.
Before installing, log on to the computer with Administrator privileges.
The OpalisRobot3 Setup program must be run before the I/A Series Report Package Setup pro-
gram. Version 5.0 of the I/A Series Report Package included OpalisRobot3.5f and version 5.1
includes OpalisRobot3.6a.
When upgrading from the I/A Series Report Package version 5.0 to version 5.1, you must start
by uninstalling the existing OpalisRobot software. This is described in Appendix F “Uninstall-
ing OpalisRobot3.5f ”. The existing OpalisRobot Events and Tasks can be carried over and are
usable as-is. The exception to this is on Excel 2002; these OpalisRobot Tasks must be rebuilt. In
addition, the user-built templates and reports can be carried over and then updated as shown in
Appendix D “Updating Existing Reports”.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Running the OpalisRobot3 Setup Program

To load the OpalisRobot3 Setup program:
1. Exit other Windows programs before running the OpalisRobot3 Setup program.
2. Insert the Report Package CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your system.
3. Click Start > Run > Browse to display the Browse window.
4. Select Step1_Opalis_setup.exe on the CD-ROM drive and click OK.
The WinZip® Self-Extractor dialog box appears (Figure 1-4).

Figure 1-4. WinZip Self-Extractor Dialog Box

5. Click Setup to activate the program.

May 24, 2002

Choose Setup Language
Once the Setup program is activated, the Choose Setup Language dialog box appears (Figure 1-5).
English is the default selection.

Figure 1-5. Choose Setup Language Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

♦ Select a language and click OK.

The Setup window appears (Figure 1-6).

Figure 1-6. Setup Window

When the progress bar reaches 100%, the Welcome dialog box appears (Figure 1-7).

Welcome and License Agreement

The Installing OpalisRobot3 Welcome window reminds you to make sure that no other
Windows applications are running.

May 24, 2002

Figure 1-7. Installing OpalisRobot3 Welcome Window

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

As the Setup Wizard progresses, it displays a series of dialog boxes with one or more of these

Back Returns to the previous dialog box so you can review and change

Next Applies your selections as displayed and moves to the next dialog box.

Cancel Quits the installation program and cancels your selections.

Yes Indicates your agreement with the software license and moves to the next
dialog box.

Finish Completes the installation session and exits the Setup program.
To continue with the installation:
1. Click Next.
The program displays a Software License Agreement for you to read and
acknowledge (Figure 1-8).

May 24, 2002

Figure 1-8. Software License Agreement

2. Click Yes to verify that you accept the license agreement.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Setup Type and Program Directory

The OpalisRobot3 software displays a dialog box to designate the type of setup to install
(Figure 1-9). Three Setup types are available:
♦ OpalisRobot3 Client and Service (default selection)
♦ OpalisRobot3 Client
♦ OpalisRobot3 Service (Remote Installation).

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-9. Setup Type Dialog Box

1. Select the OpalisRobot3 Client and Service option button, if it is not already selected.
2. Click Next.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears for you to designate a
destination folder for the client directory structure (Figure 1-10).

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Figure 1-10. Choose Destination Location Dialog Box

May 24, 2002

3. Click Next to accept the default directory, or click Browse to choose another
destination folder.
The Select Program Folder dialog box appears (Figure 1-11).

Figure 1-11. Select Program Folder Dialog Box

4. Click Next to accept the default selection and continue with the installation, or enter a
new folder name and click Next.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Serial Number and Product Key

Setup displays the User information dialog box (Figure 1-12).

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-12. User Information Dialog Box

1. Locate the Report Package Authorization codes that you received by fax or email.
Refer to AIM*AT Suite Installation Guide (B0193YM) for information on authorizing
products. The guide also provides instructions and forms for obtaining the authoriza-
tion codes from Invensys Systems, Inc.
2. Enter the OpalisRobot serial number in the Serial field.
3. Enter the OpalisRobot product key number in the Key field.

If a serial number or product key is not entered, an evaluation edition of
OpalisRobot3 is installed. The evaluation edition expires 30 days after installation.

4. Click Next.

Choosing a User Account

Setup displays the Enter User name dialog box (Figure 1-13). The information entered in this
dialog box becomes the account under which tasks are run. The account can be different from the
account used to log into the computer. However the account must have the following attributes:
♦ Authorized for access to ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian
♦ Administrator privileges
♦ The right to log on as a Service.
Refer to “Changing the User Account” on page 15 for instructions on configuring a user account.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Account Name with

ODBC Access

Figure 1-13. Enter User name Dialog Box

1. In the Username field, enter the account under which tasks will run.

2. Enter a valid password in the Password field.
3. Enter the password again in the Confirm field.
4. Click OK to continue with the installation.

May 24, 2002

Completing Installation
The Setup program is now ready to load the OpalisRobot3 program files onto the specified
The Start Copying Files dialog box automatically appears (Figure 1-14).

Figure 1-14. Start Copying Files Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

1. Click Next to begin copying files to the specified directory.

The Setup window appears, displaying a progress bar (Figure 1-15).

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-15. Setup Window

When installation is complete, an Information dialog box appears (Figure 1-15).

2. Click OK.
A Question dialog box appears (Figure 1-16).

Figure 1-16. Question Dialog Box

3. Click Yes to display the Readme file, or No to proceed with installation.

The Readme.txt file is located in the OpalisRobot3 root directory.
4. On the subsequent window, click Yes to restart the computer.
You must shutdown and restart the computer to complete the setup.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Changing the User Account

The report server, that is, the station where the I/A Series Report Package is installed, requires a
User Account configured with the following attributes:
♦ The user must be authorized for access to ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian.
♦ The user must have Administration Privileges.
♦ The user must have the right to log on as a Service (refer to “Logging On as a Service”
on page 16).
It is suggested that the above User Account be the same as the account used to log on the
If you intend to use two different accounts while simultaneously running On-Demand reports
from the standard log-in account, consider the following:
♦ Excel Macro Protection is account-dependent.
♦ ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian authorization is account-dependent.
♦ Standard elements of the Microsoft Windows NT environments can be
account-dependent, for example, printer setup, or e-mail setup.

Changing the OpalisRobot3 User Account
To change the user account under which OpalisRobot3 runs tasks on a Windows NT 4.0 system:

May 24, 2002

1. From the Control Panel, select Services.
The Services dialog box appears (Figure 1-17).

Figure 1-17. Services Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

2. Select OpalisRobot3 from the list of services and click Startup.

The Service dialog box appears (Figure 1-18).
3. In the This Account field, enter an account name for which the ODBC driver is

Account Name with

ODBC Access

May 24, 2002

Figure 1-18. Service Dialog Box for Changing the User Account

4. Click OK.

Logging On as a Service
The user account must have the rights to log on as a service.
To configure user rights:
1. Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > User Manager to launch the
Windows NT User Manager.
2. Choose Policies > User Rights.
The User Rights Policy dialog box appears (Figure 1-19).

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Figure 1-19. User Rights Policy Dialog Box

3. Click the Show Advanced User Rights check box and select Log on as a service from
the pull-down list.

4. Click Add.
The Add Users and Groups dialog box is displayed (Figure 1-20).

May 24, 2002

Figure 1-20. Add Users and Groups Dialog Box

5. Select Administrators, then click Add.

6. Click OK.
7. Reboot the computer and start OpalisRobot3 under the new account.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Running the I/A Series Report Package Setup Program

Before installing the I/A Series Report Package on an AW70, open the Control
Panel, uncheck the Start I/A Series at Reboot option, and then reboot the computer
with no I/A Series application running.

Excel, ODBC and OpalisRobot3 software must be installed prior to installing the I/A Series
Report Package.
To load the I/A Series Report Package Setup program:
1. Exit other Windows programs before running the Setup program.
2. Insert the Report Package Install CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your system.
3. Choose Start > Run > Browse to display the Browse window.
4. Select Step2_RptPkg_setup.exe on the CD-ROM drive and click OK.
The I/A Series Report Package Welcome window appears (Figure 1-21).

May 24, 2002

Figure 1-21. I/A Series Report Package Welcome Window

5. Click Next.
Setup searches for Excel and OpalisRobot3 components. If either software component
is not located, an error dialog box appears and Setup terminates.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Company Name
The Company’s Name dialog box appears (Figure 1-22).

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-22. Company Name Dialog Box

1. Enter the name of the company to display on reports published on the web.
2. Click Next.
The Choose Destination Folder dialog box appears (Figure 1-23).

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Program Directory
The I/A Series Report Package is installed in the directory specified on the Choose
Destination Folder dialog box.
♦ Click Next to accept the default destination folder displayed, or click Browse to
choose another destination folder.
You can install the I/A Series Report Package in any directory.

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-23. Choose Destination Folder Dialog Box

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Choose Reports Folder

When you continue with the installation, Setup displays the Choose Reports Folder dialog box
(Figure 1-24) for you to specify the folders where HTML reports and Excel reports
(Done_Reports) are saved.

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-24. Choose Reports Folder Dialog Box

♦ Click Next to accept the default destination folders displayed, or click Browse to
choose another destination folder.
You can store HTML and executed reports in any directory, however it is
recommended that you keep the folders within the rpt_pkg root directory. If you elect
to store HTML reports on a remote directory while at the same time intending to take
advantage of the Web Reports Portals, the remote directory has to be shared and
mapped using the standard Microsoft Map Network Drive procedure.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Add to the Start Menu

You can add the I/A Series Report Package to your Start menu and an icon to your desktop with
the Add to the Start menu dialog box (Figure 1-25).

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-25. Add to the Start Menu Dialog Box

♦ Click the check box of each desired option, then click Next to continue the
If you check the Add the application to the Start Menu check box, the Select Group
Member dialog box appears.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Figure 1-26. Group Membership Dialog Box

May 24, 2002

♦ Specify a new or existing group name into which the I/A Series Report Package option
will be added and click Next.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Start Installation
When Setup has enough information, the Start Installation dialog box appears (Figure 1-27).

May 24, 2002
Figure 1-27. Start Installation Dialog Box

♦ Click Install !! to begin copying I/A Series Report Package version 5.1 files onto the
The Installing dialog box shown in Figure 1-28 displays the name of each file and a
progress bar as it is installed.

1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package B0400BD – Rev B

Figure 1-28. Installing Dialog Box

May 24, 2002

Completing Installation
When all files have been copied, the installation program exits after reminding you that reports
that were created with previous versions of the I/A Series Report Package can be updated. Refer to
Appendix D “Updating Existing Reports”.

B0400BD – Rev B 1. Installing the I/A Series Report Package

Authorization of the Report Package

and the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian
If the Report Package is to access a legacy I/A Series Historian on an AP/AW51, be sure that
AIM*API is installed on the AP/AW51. Refer to the I/A Series Information Suite AIM*AT Installa-
tion Guide (B0193YM).
If the AIM*AT software version is earlier than AIM*AT 3.1, you need to update the AIM server
registration file from the Registration diskette shipped with the I/A Series Report Package. This
procedure, detailed in the following bullets, must be skipped if AIM*AT is at version 3.1 or later.
♦ On an AP/AW51, insert the Registration diskette and run the following commands:
cd /opt/aim/bin The first line of this command assumes
mount -F pcfs -o ro /dev/fd0 /pcfs
that the AIM*AT program directory is:
cp /pcfs/aimreg.dat . The first line of this command ends
umount /pcfs
with a space before the period.

♦ On the AIM*Historian NT machine:

a. Insert the Registration diskette.
b. Open the Windows NT Explorer and copy the aimreg.dat file from drive A: to the

May 24, 2002

AIM*AT program directory.
The AIM*AT program directory is installation-specific. For example, the default
directors are C:\Program Files\aim\bin and D:\opt\aim\bin.
Use the AIM*AT API Admin tool to authorize the Report Package (package name IARPKG)
and to authorize the ODBC Driver for AIM*Historian (package name AIMODB). Refer to the
I/A Series Information Suite AIM*AT Installation Guide (B0193YM).
On the Authorization page:
1. Enter the authorization code for AIMODB.
2. Enter the authorization code for IARPKG.
On the User Names page:
1. Add the User Name referenced in the OpalisRobot3 installation section “Choosing a
User Account” on page 12.
2. Add the Report Package Computer Name as a User.
The Report Package Computer Name is as shown under
Control Panel > Network > Identification.
On the Packages page:
1. Check the AIM*API and AIMODB for the OpalisRobot3 User.
2. Check the AIM*API and IARPKG for the Computer Name User.
On the Security page:
1. Check all boxes for the OpalisRobot3 User.
2. Check all boxes for the Computer Name User.

2. Configuration
This chapter explains how to configure AIM*Historian and I/A Series Historian reduction
groups and how to define aliases for sample and reduction groups.
Reports are built using values from an AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian database.
The points used in the report must first be configured in either AIM*Historian or I/A Series
Historian. Aliases for them must then be defined in the I/A Series Report Package.

AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian Reduction

Shift and daily reports require an hourly reduction group configured in either AIM*Historian or
I/A Series Historian. Weekly and monthly reports require a daily reduction group.
Once the reduction groups are created, define aliases for them using the I/A Series Report Pack-

age. For more information, refer to the I/A Series Information Suite AIM*Historian User’s Guide

May 24, 2002

Hourly Reduction Group
Configure the points used in shift and daily reports in hourly reduction groups. Configure the
hourly reduction group as follows:
1. Set the Reduction period (Frequency) to 1 Hour.
2. Set the Operation Name to be the reduction group name followed by the
operation name, for example, _max.

Daily Reduction Group

Configure the points used in weekly and monthly reports in daily reduction groups.
Configure the daily reduction group as follows:
1. Set the Reduction period (Frequency) to 1 Day.
2. Set the Operation Name to be the reduction group name followed by the
operation name, for example, _max.

B0400BD – Rev B 2. Configuration

Configuring Sample and Reduction Group Aliases

Use the I/A Series Report Package Alias Configurator to define aliases for the AIM*Historian or
I/A Series Historian sample and reduction groups.
1. Open the rpt_builder.xla file or click the Report Builder desktop icon to run the
Report Builder.
The Main menu is displayed (see Figure 2-1).

Historian Alias

May 24, 2002


Figure 2-1. Report Builder Main Menu

2. Click the Historian Alias Configurator button.

The Alias Configurator window is displayed (Figure 2-2). The Aliases area of the win-
dow lists the settings for current aliases.

2. Configuration B0400BD – Rev B

Add Button Retrieve the list of Import Tags

Sample or Reduction and Reduction
Alias Field Groups Columns
Figure 2-2. Alias Configurator

Create the new alias for an AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian sample or
reduction group by entering the following data in the Add New Alias fields:
3. In the Alias field, enter the name of the Alias to create.

May 24, 2002

4. In the Historian field, enter the name of the Historian database.
5. In the Database pull-down list box, enter or select Sample or Reduction.
6. In the Server pull-down list box, enter or select the Server name.
7. In the ODBC Data Source pull-down list box, enter or select the Data Source.
For creating ODBC data sources, refer to “Creating ODBC Data Sources” on page 4.
8. Click Get Tables, then select a table from the pull-down list box.
9. Click Add to create the Alias.

The Import button can be used to import historized tags and reduction columns
into an existing alias. This is done after an expansion or a modification of the

Delete an Alias
To delete an Alias:
♦ Select an Alias from the Alias pull-down list box and click Delete.
The configuration of the Aliases remains unchanged until it is saved. Exiting the Alias
Configurator without saving discards any changes made.

B0400BD – Rev B 2. Configuration

May 24, 2002

3. Building Reports
This chapter explains how to configure and build reports locally and from a remote

Configuring New Report Types

The I/A Series Report Package contains four pre-defined report types templates. Table 3-1 lists
the default start and duration times for each report type.

Table 3-1. Pre-Defined Report Configuration

Report Type (.xlt) Start Duration

Shift Time: 0:00 8 Hours
Daily Time: 0:00 24 Hours

Weekly Day: Sunday 7 days
Monthly Day: 1 1 month

May 24, 2002

Starting from the pre-defined report types and using the Report Type Configurator, you can cre-
ate new report types and subsequently format them with Excel.
To create a new report type:
1. Start the I/A Series Report Package.
The Main menu appears (Figure 3-1).

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

Report Type

May 24, 2002
Figure 3-1. Report Builder Main Menu

2. Click the Report Type Configurator button.

The Report Type dialog box appears (Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2. Report Type Dialog Box

3. Building Reports B0400BD – Rev B

3. Select a report type from the Select Report Type pull-down list box and click Next.
The Timing for Shift Report dialog box displays to set the start time and duration of
the new report type (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3. Timing for Shift Report Dialog Box

4. Specify the start time in the Hour field.

May 24, 2002

5. Specify the duration in the Hour(s) field.
6. Click Save As.
7. Enter a unique name and specify the location to store the new report type.
Report templates are saved with a default .xlt extension.
8. Select Save.

Figure 3-4. Report Template Directory

9. When the new report type is created, modify the format using Excel.

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

To create a new report template for a 12 hour shift report:

1. Open the Shift report template in Excel.
2. Since the Shift report is configured to have a duration of eight hours, copy and paste
four rows to the existing template.
3. Save the new report template with a unique name in the report_templates directory.
The new report type is now available for building reports.

Building Reports
The Report Builder Wizard is used to create a new report or to modify an existing report. With
the wizard you can define, add and remove AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian tags from the
Excel worksheet.
To build a report:
1. Click Report Builder on the Report Builder Main Menu (Figure 3-1).
The Build or Modify dialog box appears (Figure 3-5).

May 24, 2002
Figure 3-5. Build or Modify Dialog Box

2. Click either:
♦ to create a new report, or
New Report
♦ Modify Report to edit the format of an existing report.
The Report Type dialog box is displayed (Figure 3-6).

3. Building Reports B0400BD – Rev B

Figure 3-6. Report Type Dialog Box

3. Select a report type from the default list and click Next.

The Report Name dialog box is displayed (Figure 3-7).
4. Enter a name for the report in the Report Name field.

May 24, 2002

Figure 3-7. Report Name Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

5. Click Finish to start building the report.

The Report Builder Cell Editor dialog box displays (Figure 3-8). An Excel
template for the selected report type is automatically loaded and ready to be

Figure 3-8. Report Builder Cell Editor Dialog Box

Adding a Report Tag

Use the Cell Editor to add a new AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian tag to the worksheet:
1. Select a tag displayed in the Tag(s) or Description list boxes.

May 24, 2002

2. Click inside the text box labeled Click inside the box and select a cell.
The worksheet behind the Report Builder Cell Editor is enabled.
3. Select a cell on the worksheet for which the tag is to be assigned.
4. Click Assign Tag To Cell.
The tag displays on the worksheet cell.
When the report is run, the worksheet is populated with the sample or reduction group data. His-
torical data is inserted in the worksheet starting from the row where the tag was inserted.

Compound:Block.Parameter Settings
♦ Click the Compound Block Param check box to automatically insert the
Compound, Block and Parameter five cells above the selected cell.
♦ Click the Operation check box to insert the Operation Name three cells above the
selected cell.
♦ Click the Description check box to automatically insert the Tag Description two cells
above the selected cell.

The Compound:Block.Parameter is always inserted in the selected cell regardless of
the Apply check box settings.

3. Building Reports B0400BD – Rev B

Removing a Report Tag

Use the Report Builder Cell Editor to remove a tag from a worksheet:
1. Click inside the text box labeled Click inside the box and select a cell prior to select-
ing a worksheet cell from which to remove a tag.
2. Select the cell on the worksheet from which the tag is to be removed.
3. Click Clear Cell.
The Compound:Block.Parameter is cleared from the selected cell and the link to the
Historian is removed.

Using Excel to clear the C:B.P cell does not remove the link to the Historian.

Saving the Report

When the configuration of the report is completed, save the report.
1. Click Save Report to save the new report configuration.

2. Click Exit to Main Menu to exit the editor.

Sample Database Controls

May 24, 2002

You can configure the cells that retrieve data from the AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian sam-
ple database. When an alias referring to the sample database is selected, the Cell Editor’s Sample
Database controls, Timespan and Snapshot, are activated (Figure 3-9).
♦ Click the Snapshot check box to extract the latest value.
When the Snapshot check box is not checked, you can enter a value in minutes in the
Timespan field for the timespan to receive sample data.

Sample Database
Figure 3-9. Sample Database Controls

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

Reduction Database Controls

You can configure the cells that receive data from the AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian
reduction database. When an alias referring to the reduction database is selected, the controls
Reduction Column and Max Rows are activated (Figure 3-10).

Reduction Database Controls

Figure 3-10. Reduction Database Controls

To configure the cells that receive data from the AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian reduction

May 24, 2002

1. From the Reduction Column pull-down list box, select the type of Reduction opera-
tion to be performed.
2. Specify the maximum number of rows of data in the Max Rows control.
3. Click the Ignore First Value check box to specify that data reduction retrieval exclude
the value at the start of the query interval.
This is usually desirable, since that reduction would be based on samples that predate
the report period.

Timestamps of Reduction Data: Concept and Application

In the I/A Series Historian and AIM*Historian, the timestamp of reduced data is the endtime of
the reduction period.
As shown in Figure 3-11, an hourly average timestamped 8:00 A.M. represents the average of the
samples taken between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M.

1st reduction value (on sample detail)

1 hour reduction period 8:00 A.M.
Sample Data 2

7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M.

Figure 3-11. Timestamp Example

Another example is that a daily average timestamped Feb.5, 7:00 A.M. represents the average of
the samples taken between Feb.4, 7:00 A.M. and Feb.5, 7:00 A.M.

3. Building Reports B0400BD – Rev B

If desired, you can use Microsoft Excel techniques to explicitly move the reduction timestamp
from the reduction period endtime to the reduction period start time. Refer to Appendix B
“Report Examples”.
A query of reduction data returns values for both ends of the query interval. Hence the first reduc-
tion value on a report is based on sample data that precedes the report start time. An example of
this is a report that has a start time of 8:00 A.M. and includes the average of the samples taken
between 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. To avoid this effect, select Ignore First Value in the Report
Builder Cell Editor. Refer to Appendix B “Report Examples” for more information.

Configuring Report Options

Each report has a set of configurable options for printer selection, e-mail, and HTML which can
be changed using the Options Configurator.
Perform the following procedure to configure the options:
1. Click Options (Figure 3-12) from the Cell Editor to display the Options
Configurator (Figure 3-13).

May 24, 2002
Figure 3-12. Report Builder Cell Editor Options Button

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

Execute a Macro Printer Settings

Convert to
Overwrite Snapshot
a Previous Values

Format of
Final Report HTML Path
Excel Path


Reserved Report is
for Future E-mailed
Use to this list

May 24, 2002
Figure 3-13. Options Configurator

2. Click the check box next to the HTML graphic icon in the upper left corner to con-
vert the report to HTML format.
If a print area has been defined on the Final Worksheet, this area is used for the
HTML conversion.
3. Click the Macro check box to enable execution of your own macro.
Refer to “Macro Option” on page 41 for more information.
4. Click the check box next to the printer graphic icon to print the report.
5. Enter the printer name to print from in the Printer field.
6. Click the Timestamp Snapshot Values check box to include the time stamp of a
snapshot value.

The time stamp only applies to the snapshot type cells. Sample data is time stamped
regardless of the time stamp option selected.

7. Click the Overwrite check box to maintain the name of the done_report.
The done_report is the executed report saved to a file.
8. Select the final sheet of the report from the Final Worksheet pull-down list box.
The final sheet is used for the print of the report and HTML conversion.
9. Enter the directory to which HTML reports will be saved.

3. Building Reports B0400BD – Rev B

10. Double-click inside the HTML field and navigate to the desired directory path.
If the field is left blank, the report is saved in the default HTML directory which was
specified during the installation of the I/A Series Report Package.
11. Enter the directory to which XLS reports will be saved.
12. Double-click inside the XLS field and navigate to the desired directory path.
If the field is left blank, the report is saved in the default XLS directory specified dur-
ing the installation of the I/A Series Report Package.
13. Click in the check box next to the E-mail graphic icon to enable the report to be
e-mailed when the report is run.

Macro Option
Macro codes can be executed when the report is run. Macros are enabled by clicking the Macro
check box on the Options menu (“Configuring Report Options” on page 39).
To add Macro code to a report:
1. Start Excel, open the report .rep file and open the Visual Basic Macro Editor.
2. Select Module1 and look for the comment “INSERT YOUR CODE HERE”.

3. Insert your VB code.
4. Click Save and then Exit.

May 24, 2002

Refer to Appendix C “User Macro Code Template” for more information.

File and Worksheet Concepts

The Report Builder creates a Report Definition File for every configured report. A Report Defini-
tion File carries the .rep extension and resides under one of the following folders:
♦ \rpt_pkg\reports\daily
♦ \rpt_pkg\reports\monthly
♦ \rpt_pkg\reports\shift
♦ \rpt_pkg\reports\weekly.
The Report Builder creates the .rep file with two worksheets:
♦ The config sheet, hidden by default, contains the part of the configuration that is not
♦ The data sheet contains cell-specific configuration information.
When the report is executed, the report results are saved in an .xls file. Although this .xls file has
the same structure as the .rep file, the data sheet contains the actual retrieved historical data. The
report results resides under one of the following folders:
♦ \rpt_pkg\done_reports\daily
♦ \rpt_pkg\done_reports\monthly
♦ \rpt_pkg\done_reports\shift
♦ \rpt_pkg\done_reports\weekly.

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

Building a Final Worksheet

Using standard Excel functionality, you can open the .rep file, insert one or more additional
worksheets, and then link specific cells of the additional worksheet to specific cells of the data
sheet. This allows you to customize the data presentation, customize the timestamp presentation,
and make specific data calculations.
When the Report is executed, the Report Results are saved in the .xls file which has the same
structure as the .rep file, and includes all of the additional worksheets. As explained in the section
“Configuring Report Options” on page 39, you can select the specific worksheet (Final Work-
sheet) to use for the printout of the report as well as for the HTML conversion.

Using Excel, perform a “Set Print Area” on the Final Worksheet. If you forget to
perform this “Set Print Area”, the html conversion of the final worksheet on some
versions of Excel will come out blank. The Report Builder does not interfere with
the additional worksheets created by the user. Refer to Appendix B “Report

Building Reports from a Remote PC

May 24, 2002

A Remote PC (also referred to as a remote station) can be used to build reports.

Remote PC System Requirements

The remote PC requires the following:
♦ Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or later
♦ Microsoft Excel 97 with Service Release 2 or Microsoft Excel 2000
♦ Add-Ins are not required on the remote PC
♦ The I/A Series Report Package is not installed on the remote PC.

Remote PC Functionality and Limitations

The remote PC has the following functionality and limitations:
♦ Reports can be built from the Remote PC
♦ Aliases cannot be created from the Remote PC
♦ On-Demand report executions cannot be requested from the Remote PC
♦ Reports cannot be scheduled from the Remote PC
♦ Special Demand report execution requests are possible from the Remote PC.
As explained in Chapter 4 “Executing Reports”, a Special Demand execution is
requested by building a Request text file (also known as the Special Demand Informa-
tion File) and depositing this text file in the reps_to_run directory.
To access the Report Builder from a remote station, the report server must first be configured to
communicate with the remote station. The report server is the station where the I/A Series
Report Package is installed.

3. Building Reports B0400BD – Rev B

Configuring the Report Server for Remote Communication

To configure the report server for remote communication:
1. Right-click on the I/A Series Report Package directory and choose Properties.
The rpt_pkg Properties dialog box appears (Figure 3-14).

Select this option

to allow other stations
to access the directory.

Click this button to open
the “Access through
Share Permissions”

May 24, 2002


Figure 3-14. rpt_pkg Properties Dialog Box

2. Select the Sharing tab.

3. Click the Share As option button to allow a remote station access to the I/A Series
Report Package directory.
4. Click Permission.
The Access Through Share Permissions dialog box is displayed (Figure 3-15).

B0400BD – Rev B 3. Building Reports

Type of Access
must be set
to Full Control.

Figure 3-15. Access Through Share Permissions Dialog Box

5. Select Full Control from the Type of Access pull-down list box.
To create a link to the I/A Series Report Package directory on the remote station:

May 24, 2002

1. Choose Tools > Map Network Drive from Windows NT Explorer.
The Map Network Drive dialog box is displayed (Figure 3-16):

1. Specify a drive
that has not
been assigned. 4. Click OK to
create the alias.
2. Enter a A window
TCP/IP address is displayed.
with the report
At the prompt,
name directory.
enter the login
For example:
name of the
report server
and password.
3. Check this option to
recreate an alias
each time you reboot
the station.

Figure 3-16. Map Network Drive Dialog Box

2. In the Drive pull-down list box, choose a drive that has not been assigned.
3. In the Path pull-down list box, enter a TCP/IP address with the report name
directory, for example: \\\rpt_pkg.

4. Executing Reports
This chapter explains how to execute an On-Demand report and how to schedule a report to
run automatically.
Reports can be executed on a scheduled basis or On-Demand. Reports are scheduled to run in
advance by generating a time event and correlating it with a task. The task is performed when the
time specified in the time event is reached.

Running an On-Demand Report

Reports can be run for the current time and date, or for an earlier date.
To run a report On-Demand:
1. Open Explorer and select the rpt_pkg directory from the browser (Figure 4-1).
2. From one of the report folders, right-click a report and select Run Now.

Figure 4-1. Report Pop-up Menu May 24, 2002

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

The On-Demand Report dialog box is displayed (Figure 4-2).

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-2. On-Demand Report Dialog Box

♦ To create a progress report rather than a full-period report, click the Produce a
check box.
Progress Report
♦ To specify an earlier date, use the Report Execution arrow keys.
3. Click Run Report to execute the report, or Cancel to close the dialog box.
The report output is sent to its configured destinations.

Select a scheduled execution time that falls inside a collection period. Suggested
schedule times for the default reports are listed in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Report Schedule Times

Default Report Type Scheduled Run Time

Shift 8:05 A.M.
Daily 12:05 A.M.
Weekly Sunday 12:05 A.M.
Monthly First day of the month 12:05 A.M.

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

Scheduling a Report to Run Automatically

To schedule a report to run automatically on a time basis:
1. Open Explorer and select the rpt_pkg directory from the browser.
2. Select a report to run from one of the report folders and click File > Scheduler.

You can also right-click on the desired report and select Scheduler. OpalisRobot3
software launches.

3. From the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu, choose Service > Connect to.
The Connect to dialog box appears (Figure 4-3).
4. From the pull-down list box, select the OpalisRobot3 Server (the local machine to be
used for scheduling reports), and click Connect.

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-3. Connect to Dialog Box

OpalisRobot3 allows you to create specific Events, such as Time Events, and specific
Tasks, such as the invocation of a Report execution. OpalisRobot3 also allows you to
connect Events to Tasks.
The I/A Series Report Package provides an OpalisRobot3 scheduling wizard. Through
this report-oriented wizard you can configure most report schedules. The wizard auto-
matically generates the required Events and Tasks which you can then view, copy or
To generate a Time Event and Task:
1. From the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu, choose Object > New.
The New Object dialog box is displayed (Figure 4-4).

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

Figure 4-4. OpalisRobot3 New Object Dialog Box

2. Double-click the Wizard icon.
The Select a Wizard dialog box appears (Figure 4-5).

May 24, 2002

Figure 4-5. Select a Wizard Dialog Box

3. Select Scheduled Report Execution Task and click Start.

In the dialog box that opens, specify the report execution frequency (Figure 4-6).

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-6. Selecting the Report Execution Frequency Dialog Box

4. Select the frequency at which to schedule the report and click Next.
5. Specify the report to be scheduled (Figure 4-7).

Figure 4-7. Selecting the Report Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

6. Click the Browse [...] button and navigate to the directory path of the report to be
7. Specify whether or not to run a progress report and click Next.
8. Specify the time of day to run the report (Figure 4-8).

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-8. Selecting the Time of Day for Report Execution Dialog Box

9. Click Finish.

The time of day you specify to run the report should be after the Start Time and
Duration of the report. If it is within that time and not scheduled as a progress
report, it produces the report for the previous report period. For example, a Daily
report may run 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. but it was scheduled to run at 6:30 A.M. It
then produces the report for two days ago. It is also good practice to allow a few
minutes to compensate for computer clock differences.

On completion, the scheduled task can be reviewed from the Task & Events window (Figure 4-9).
There are two components created, an Event (at 7:05 A.M. every day), and a linked Task
(C:\rpt_pkg\reports\daily\daily_production.rep). You can also review the Event and Task proper-
ties at any time by right-clicking on the Event or Task icon and selecting Modify. In Figure 4-9,
the Task and Events were first displayed via the Task & Events window and then the properties of
the Task were displayed via the Task Properties dialog box.

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-9. Task Properties Dialog Box

If you intend to execute multiple reports at around the same time, use the Scheduled Report
Execution Task Wizard. For successive reports, select the Report Execution Task Wizard.
Note the following:
♦ The Scheduled Report Execution Task procedure generates an Event and a Task.
♦ The Report Execution Task procedure generates a Task which must subsequently be
connected to another Task or to an Event.

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

To generate a Task that you connect to another Task or event, use the Report Execution Task
1. From the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu, choose Object > New.
The New Object dialog box appears (Figure 4-4).
2. Double-click the Wizard icon.
The Wizard Selection dialog box appears (Figure 4-10).

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-10. Selecting a Report Execution Task Dialog Box

3. Select Report Execution Task and click Start.

The Selecting the Report Execution Frequency Dialog Box appears (Figure 4-6).
4. Specify the report to be scheduled.

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-11. Selecting a Report Dialog Box

5. Click the Browse [...] button and navigate to the directory path of the report to be
6. Specify whether or not to run a progress report and click Next.
7. From the Task & Events window, use the mouse to connect the newly-created Task to
an existing Task or to an Event (Figure 4-12).

at 7:05 AM each day C\rpt_pkg\reports\daily\daily_production_1.rep C\rpt_pkg\reports\daily\daily_production_2.rep

Figure 4-12. Correlation between a Time Event, a Task, and an Additional Task

When you release the mouse button, the correlation between the Time/Date Event
and the Task is in place.
8. Choose Service > Apply Changes to apply the new scheduled tasks known to the
schedule service.

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

Triggering a Scheduled Task

To trigger a scheduled task:
1. Select a Time/Date event.
2. Choose Object > Trigger.
A confirmation shows that the event was triggered and the report is printed to the
default printer.
3. Select the Log tab to display the status of the run (Figure 4-13).

May 24, 2002

Figure 4-13. Log Window

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

Configuring the Scheduler Log File

The Scheduler Log file lists the status of each run.
To configure the number of days to maintain scheduler logs:
1. Start OpalisRobot3.
2. Choose Options > Service.
The Service Options dialog box appears (Figure 4-14).

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-14. Service Options Dialog Box

3. Enter the number of days to keep the scheduler logs (for example: 30).
Log files older than the specified number of days are deleted.

Executing a Special Demand Report

The Special Demand Information File
Special Demand is a report execution request you submit in a text file.
The text file must contain the following arguments with one argument per line and no blank
♦ Path and name of the report to be run
♦ Start Date (or End Date if Duration is negative)
♦ Start Time (or End Time if Duration is negative)
♦ Duration (positive or negative)
♦ Destination path for the HTML-formatted report results
♦ Destination path for the Excel-formatted report results
♦ Progress report flag
♦ Optional Prefix to add to the final report name.

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

The text file can have any name. Two examples are shown in Figure 4-15.

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-15. Special Demand Text File Formats

Each argument in the Special Demand Information text file must be listed in the specified order,
and each argument must be on a different line, with no lines empty, as described below. Lines may
not be commented out.
♦ Line 1 contains the full report path and name, with extension.
♦ Line 2 contains the Start Date.
Use the format yyyy-mm-dd. Alternatively, use the keyword Default to default to the
current date.
This argument is interpreted as the End Date if the Duration argument is negative.
♦ Line 3 contains the Start Time.
Use the format h:mm:ss. Alternatively, use the keyword Default to default to the start
time configured in the report.
This parameter is not used for a weekly or a monthly type report but is still required in
the file.
This argument is interpreted as the End Time if the Duration argument is negative.

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

♦ Line 4 contains the Duration.

♦ Specify h:mm for shift or daily type reports.
♦ Specify a number of days for weekly or monthly type reports.
It is also possible to specify a negative duration, such as -h:mm or -number, in which
case the Start Date/Start Time arguments are effectively interpreted as the End
Date/End Time of the report.
♦ Line 5 contains the alternate path for the HTML-formatted report results.
Use the keyword Default to save the file in the I/A Series Report Package default
♦ Line 6 contains the alternate path for Excel-formatted report results.
Use the keyword Default to save the file in the I/A Series Report Package default
♦ Line 7 contains the Progress Report option flag. Enter one of two keywords:
♦ Progress to produce a progress report
♦ Full to produce a full report.

♦ Line 8 contains a prefix that can be added to the final report name to identify the
The prefix must be one contiguous word with no spaces. This option is ignored if

May 24, 2002

Line 8 is left blank.

Triggering a Special Demand Report

The creation or revision of a Special Demand Information text file (*.txt) within the folder
\rpt_pkg\reps_to_run is the Event that OpalisRobot3 uses to trigger the execution of the report
specified in the file.
To configure OpalisRobot3 to monitor this folder:
1. Choose Start > Programs > OpalisRobot3 > OpalisRobot3 to open OpalisRobot3.
2. From the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu, choose Service > Connect to.
The Connect to dialog box displays (Figure 4-3).
3. From the pull-down list box, select the OpalisRobot3 Server (local machine used for
scheduling reports) and click Connect.
4. From the OpalisRobot3, pull-down menu, choose Object > New.
The New Object dialog box displays (Figure 4-4).
5. Double-click the Wizard icon.
The Select a Wizard dialog box (Figure 4-16) appears.

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-16. Select a Wizard Dialog Box

6. Highlight Special Demand Report Trigger and click Start.

A dialog box is displayed.
7. Select a folder and a timeout maximum (Figure 4-17).

4. Executing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-17. Select Folder and Timeout Dialog Box

8. Click the Browse […] button and navigate to the folder you want to monitor, such as
9. Select the maximum time, in minutes, to allow before the report timeout and click
The Event and Task shown in Figure 4-18 are automatically triggered.

B0400BD – Rev B 4. Executing Reports

May 24, 2002
Figure 4-18. Event and Task for a Special Demand Report Trigger

To test the Event/Task correlation:

1. Create a text file as detailed in “Executing a Special Demand Report” on page 55.
2. Copy the text file into the reps_to_run directory.
3. Select the Log tab to view the result of the operation in the log.

Time Synchronization
The AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian ODBC Library automatically adjusts the time speci-
fied in an SQL query to match the time of the I/A Series Station. The data returned is for a time
interval based on the PC time. For example, if the time on the PC is 14:10, and the time on the
I/A Series Station is 14:00, and you ask for data between 01:00 and 12:00, data is sent for the
interval between 01:10 and 12:10.

5. Report Directory Structure
and Files
This chapter defines the directory structure where reports are stored.
Built reports are saved under the reports directory (Figure 5-1). Report results are stored in the
done_reports directory within the corresponding report type folder.

May 24, 2002

Figure 5-1. Executed Reports

If the HTML option has been selected, the results are converted to a Web Browser Viewable
document and saved under the html directory.

B0400BD – Rev B 5. Report Directory Structure and Files

May 24, 2002

6. Web Reports
This chapter explains how to generate and customize a Report Home Page.

Web Reports Home Page Auto-Update

The I/A Series Report Package can be configured to automatically generate a Reports Home Page
(Figure 6-1). Report results can then be viewed from the Reports Home Page.

May 24, 2002

Figure 6-1. Reports Home Page Window

B0400BD – Rev B 6. Web Reports

To customize the Reports Home Page, use a text editor to edit the Home Page and replace
Company X with the name of your company.
The Reports Home Page has five pages that can be customized:
♦ Rephome.htm
♦ Daily_head.htm
♦ Shift_head.htm
♦ Weekly_head.htm
♦ Monthly_head.htm.

Web Browser for Operator Environment

HTML reports, generated by the I/A Series Report Package, can be viewed using a standard Web
Browser (NetScape™, Internet Explorer). The Web Browser allows you to view previously exe-
cuted reports without having to print the reports.
Following a Report Execution, the Home pages (Daily, Monthly, and so forth) are automatically
updated with the link to the new Report Output.

If the Home page was already opened:
♦ Choose View > Refresh from the Internet Browser to display the updated report.

May 24, 2002

Connecting the Web Browser to a FoxView Button
The Web Browser can be started directly from the FoxView™ Environment, however, the
FoxView button must be configured to start the Internet Explorer.
Use the following command to start the Internet Explorer from a FoxView button:
"dmcmd run iexplore.exe" -l "REPORTS"
where -l “REPORTS” sets the label of the button.

7. Purging Reports
This chapter explains how to configure OpalisRobot3 to automatically delete old reports after a
specified period of time.

Purging Old Reports Automatically

You can configure OpalisRobot3 to automatically delete reports after a specified number of days.
To automatically delete old reports, create a clean up Event/Task script in OpalisRobot3:
1. Run the OpalisRobot3 software.
2. Choose Service > Connect to from the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu.
3. From the pull-down list, select the OpalisRobot3 Server (local machine) to be
4. To accept the connection, click Connect.

5. From the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu, choose Object > New to generate a time

May 24, 2002

The New Object dialog box appears (Figure 7-1).

Figure 7-1. New Object Dialog Box

B0400BD – Rev B 7. Purging Reports

6. Click the Event icon and click New.

The Event Properties dialog box (Figure 7-2) appears.

May 24, 2002
Figure 7-2. Event Properties Dialog Box

7. Enter a name for the event in the Name field, such as Management, and select
Date/Time from the Type pull-down list box.
8. Click one of the option buttons to configure the frequency of the event, and
specify the time of day to perform the clean up.
9. Select the Options tab.

7. Purging Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure 7-3. Event Properties Options Tab

B0400BD – Rev B 7. Purging Reports

10. Select Send a message to the Event Log from the When event is triggered pull-down
list box and click OK.
The Event Properties dialog box closes, and the Task & Events window appears
(Figure 7-4).

Special scheduling options are also available under the Activity tab. For more infor-
mation, open OpalisRobot3 then choose Help > Index > OpalisRobot3.

May 24, 2002
Figure 7-4. New Event Properties Folder

11. In the Properties tab, click the new event to see its settings.

7. Purging Reports B0400BD – Rev B

To create a task for the new event:

1. Click Object > New from the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu
The New Object dialog box appears (Figure 7-1).
2. Click the Task icon and click New.
The Task properties dialog box appears (Figure 7-5).

May 24, 2002
Figure 7-5. Task properties Dialog Box

3. Name the task in the Name field, such as DeleteOldXLS, and select File management
from the Type pull-down list box.
4. In the Origin folder field, specify the destination path of the report.

B0400BD – Rev B 7. Purging Reports

5. Click the Filter option and click the 0 button to the right of it.
The File filters dialog box displays (Figure 7-6).

Figure 7-6. File Filters Dialog Box

May 24, 2002

6. Enter *.xls in the File name field and click Add to clean up an Excel report
directory, or enter *.htm to clean up an HTML report directory.
7. Click OK to apply the change and close the File filters dialog box.
8. Select the Advanced tab (Figure 7-7) on the Task Properties dialog box.

7. Purging Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure 7-7. Task Properties Advanced Tab

9. Select the Is more than option in the File age pull-down list box.
10. In the Value (days) field, enter the number of days to store the report.

B0400BD – Rev B 7. Purging Reports

11. Select the Options tab (Figure 7-8).

May 24, 2002
Figure 7-8. Task properties Options Tab Page

12. Select Send a message to the Event Log from both the pull-down list boxes If task
succeeds and If task fails and click OK.
The new task appears under the Tasks & Events window (Figure 7-9).

Figure 7-9. Correlate the New Event to the New Task

7. Purging Reports B0400BD – Rev B

13. Click the Task icon to display the properties of the task on the Properties page.
14. Click the white connection pole on the event to correlate the new event with the new
15. Connect the line to the white connection pole on the left of the task (Figure 7-9).
The correlation between the event and the task is set.
16. From the OpalisRobot3 pull-down menu, choose Service > Apply Changes to make
the new scheduled tasks known to the schedule service.
The clean up Event/Task is now completed. Repeat the procedure for each directory that must be
cleaned up and attach the new task to a connection pole of another task.

May 24, 2002

B0400BD – Rev B 7. Purging Reports

May 24, 2002

8. Troubleshooting
This chapter lists possible problems and recommended solutions.

Troubleshooting and Log File

An rb.log file is maintained in the I/A Series Report Package root directory. The log file
contains error and warning messages returned by the Report Engine. Refer to the log file when
troubleshooting problems with running a report.
Table 8-1 lists possible problems and recommended solutions when running the I/A Series Report
Package software.

Table 8-1. Possible Problems and Corrective Action

Problem Action

When importing the historical Either you are not authorized for ODBC access of the historian,
tables or the historized tags, a or your user account does not have the required permissions.
window is displayed requesting On the server, verify the an_init.tcp file or use an_setup to mod-

May 24, 2002

the user to select the ify the user permissions.
“Invensys I/A Series Historian
When importing the historical The API server is not running on the server, or the IP Address
tables or the historized tags, a for the server configured in the an_init.fcg locally on your PC is
window displays the message: incorrect.
“0 Communications. Make sure the API server is running on the server and verify that
Problem with FoxAPI Server.” you can ping the server.
When importing the historical If this happens:
tables or the historized tags, a Repeat the operation more than once.
window displays the message:
“No Reductions Found.”
The historical data is not NCON in the cell: The report_engine could not connect to the
imported into the report historian Database.
when the report is run. Check the definition of your tag.
Instead of data, the following Check the connection between the PC and the AW.
displays in the cells: Verify that the API server is running on the AW.
NCON. NDSQL, NDA, ND NDSQL in the cell: The connection to the historian DB was
successful but the query for the data failed.
Verify that the tag is still in the historian and that the reduction
table exists.
If the cell was configured for snapshot data, make sure the
ODBC data source has the linearized data selected and that the
number of samples is set to a number greater than zero.
NDA in the cell: There was no data available for the time

B0400BD – Rev B 8. Troubleshooting

Table 8-1. Possible Problems and Corrective Action (Continued)

Problem Action
When importing the historical The message points to an error while accessing the Microsoft
tables or the historized tags, a DAO (Data Access Object) function. By default, this report
window displays the message: package uses DAO 3.5.1. If DAO 3.5.1 does not exist, the pack-
“Error 429: Active X compo- age uses DAO 3.60 without problems. Although some systems
nent cannot create object” may have multiple versions of DAO installed and registered, this
is usually not a problem. The problem may be caused by DAO
3.50. The DAO 3.50 library and DAO 3.51 library are both
named DAO350.dll.
If your system has DAO 3.50 installed, unregister it by typing
the following at the command prompt:
cd \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO
regsvr32 /u DAO350.dll

Excel cannot locate the If you get this message:

xlhtml.dll file. Copy the xlhtml.dll file to the same directory where Excel is

If the program persists:
Copy the file into the \WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.

May 24, 2002

When running the report, a If specified html directory where you are to save the html files
window displays the message: does not exist.
“The file you specified does not Create the directory and run the report again.
When the report is run, a If this happens:
window displays a message that Open the report file in Excel, simulate a change and save the
the file is corrupt. report.

Appendix A. Configuration File
(.ini file)
This appendix defines the configuration file used by the I/A Series Report Package.
The configuration file used by the I/A Series Report Package is rb.ini. The file is stored in
the default directory d:\rpt_pkg. All lines in the configuration file are mandatory and case

AnInitFile=C:\Program Files\aim\Common\an_init.cfg


May 24, 2002

E-mailProfile="Microsoft Outlook"

The configuration file is defined as follows:

RepPkgDoneDir The directory where the report results are saved.

RepPkgHtmlDir The directory where the web version of the report results are saved.

AnInitFile The full path of the an_init.cfg file.

RepTraceLevel Determines how much information is logged in the log file. To enable log-
ging of the database (AIM*Historian or I/A Series Historian) database
queries, set RepTraceLevel to 3.

Qoff The query offset (in hours) for the queries made to the AIM*Historian or
I/A Series Historian database.

E-mailProfile The e-mail profile of the user.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix A. Configuration File (.ini file)

The flag that allows the cells that contain a time stamp to be formatted.
♦ FormatTimestamps=YES: The format of all the time stamp fields
in reports is dictated by the I/A Series Report Package. If the
defaults are not to the user’s preference, then refer to the
FormatTimestamps=NO option.
♦ FormatTimestamps=NO : The format of a time stamp field abides
by the format of its corresponding cell in the .rep file. The user
can open the .rep file with Excel and adjust the cell formats to his
own preference.

May 24, 2002

Appendix B. Report Examples
This appendix provides examples of daily reports, weekly reports and a Final Data Worksheet.

Daily Report Examples

Figure B-1 illustrates a daily report built using the Report Builder. Figure B-2 illustrates the daily
report results of an on-demand execution.

May 24, 2002
Group Tag
into Cell

Sample Snapshot Tag Non-Snapshot

inserted into Cell Sample Database
Tag inserted into Cell
Figure B-1. Daily Report Built Using the Report Builder

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix B. Report Examples


Into Cell

May 24, 2002

Value with
Time stamp
(Time stamp
checked) Sample data inserted into the worksheet
from the Start Time of the Report up to the
Sampling Rate specified when the report was built

Figure B-2. Daily Report Results of an On-Demand Execution

The time stamp of sample data is always inserted one column left of the values regardless of the
time stamp option.

Appendix B. Report Examples B0400BD – Rev B

Weekly Report Examples

Figure B-3 and Figure B-4 illustrate two approaches to retrieving reduction data.

Figure B-3. Weekly Report with Reduction Data and First Value Included May 24, 2002

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix B. Report Examples

This weekly report (Figure B-3) has a start day of Tuesday, February 5, 2002 with a duration of 04
days and a maximum of seven rows. This allows the report to be run on Monday, Feb. 11 after 7
A.M. to obtain daily reduction values on sample data from Monday, Feb. 4 at 7 A.M. to Monday,
Feb. 11 at 7 A.M. This report was generated without the Ignore First Value option enabled.
Figure B-4 shows a weekly report containing reduction data retrieved with the Ignore First Value
option selected.

May 24, 2002

Figure B-4. Weekly Report with Reduction Data and First Value Ignored

This weekly report (Figure B-4) has a start day of Monday, February 4, 2002 with a duration of
07 days and a maximum of seven rows. This allows the report to be run on Monday, Feb. 11 after
7 A.M. to obtain daily reduction values on sample data from Monday, Feb. 4 at 7 A.M. to Mon-
day, Feb. 11 at 7 A.M. This report was generated with the Ignore First Value option selected.

Appendix B. Report Examples B0400BD – Rev B

Customizing the Final Data Worksheet

You can use Excel functions and features to customize the presentation of a final data worksheet
(Figure B-5). This can be applied in the approach used to illustrate the report results as shown in
Figure B-3 and Figure B-4. Although the Final Data Worksheet was simply named “report” in
these examples, you may assign any name you choose to the Final Data Worksheet.

May 24, 2002
Figure B-5. Final Data Worksheet

In the example illustrated in Figure B-5, notice the subtraction of one day from the
original timestamp. This means that the reduction of the samples taken between Monday, Febru-
ary 4, 2002 7:00 A.M. and Tuesday, February 5, 2002 7:00 A.M. is presented with the “Monday,
Feb. 4, 2002” timestamp, instead of the original “Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2002” timestamp.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix B. Report Examples

May 24, 2002

Appendix C. User Macro Code
This appendix provides a template for creating macros.
Public Sub ReportPackageUserMacro(ByRef StarTime As String, ByRef EndTime
As String)
This macro allows you to perform functions and calculations after the report has been run.
The subroutine is started automatically by the report_engine and enabled when the Macro check
box on the Option menu is checked. For more information, refer to “Macro Option” on page 41.
The report_engine saves a backup copy of the report (.xlk), and saves the report again after this
macro is run.
Alerts are disabled and errors ignored to prevent the report from stopping upon an error in the

user code.
On Error Resume Next

May 24, 2002

Application. DisplayAlerts = False

End Sub

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix C. User Macro Code Template

May 24, 2002

Appendix D. Updating Existing
This appendix provides instructions on how to update reports from version 5.0 and earlier to
version 5.1 and update and use reports built with the WIN32® Report Package.

Before running the update, backup the folder \rpt_pkg\reports.

Updating Reports from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1

Starting with version 5.1, you can configure the data reduction retrieval to exclude the reduction
value at the start of the report period. This can be desirable since such reduction is actually based

on samples that predate the report period. The update procedure below appropriately adjusts the
internal configuration formats in relation to this new functionality and allows you to select the
option on a cell-by-cell basis (Figure D-7).

May 24, 2002

The installation of the I/A Series Report Package version 5.1 resets the Query Offset parameter
(parameter Qoff in the rb.ini file shown in Appendix A “Configuration File (.ini file)” to zero.
This is the preferred setup. As a result:
♦ If in version 5.0 Qoff = 0, then the reports do not require updating to run correctly in
version 5.1
♦ If in version 5.0 Qoff = 1, then the reports must be updated as shown in this section
in order to run correctly in version 5.1.
Another feature of the update procedure, shown at the end of this section, is the option to hide
the configuration sheets in every report file. Note the following regarding this option:
♦ In version 5.0, the configuration sheet of the report file is not hidden by default
♦ In version 5.1, the configuration sheet of the report file is hidden by default.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports

To update reports from version 5.0 to 5.1:

1. Choose Start > Run > Browse and navigate to the utility
This utility is located under the main Report Package folder. The Run window shown
in Figure D-1 appears.

Figure D-1. Update Reports to Version 5.1 Utility Run Window

2. Click OK.
Excel launches and displays the utility shown in Figure D-2.

May 24, 2002

Figure D-2. Update Reports to Version 5.1 Window

Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

3. Select the Select Files tab.

The dialog box shown in Figure D-3 appears.

May 24, 2002
Figure D-3. Select the Reports to Update Window

4. Do one of the following:

♦ Click Select, then select the .rep files to be updated (Figure D-4 and Figure D-5).
♦ Click Select All to select all the.rep files.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports

May 24, 2002
Figure D-4. Select the Reports to Update Window

Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

May 24, 2002
Figure D-5. Select All Reports to Update

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports

5. Do one of the following:

♦ Select the File-by-File tab to update the files individually (Figure D-6) and click
♦ Select the All-at-Once tab to update all the files and click Update.

May 24, 2002
Figure D-6. Reduction Groups to Update Window

6. Click Update.
If you select File-by-File, the dialog boxes shown in Figure D-7 and Figure D-8 open.

Figure D-7. Cell-by-Cell Confirmation Dialog Box

Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

Figure D-8. Cell-by-Cell Update Dialog Box

7. Select the Hide Worksheet tab (Figure D-9).

May 24, 2002
Figure D-9. Hide Config Worksheet Tab

8. Click Update to hide the Config Worksheet in all the reports.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports

Using Reports built with WIN32 Report Package

Reports built with WIN32 Report Package can be updated to run on the I/A Series Report
Note the following:
♦ Reports built using the WIN32 Report Package version 4.3 are structurally at the
same level as I/A Series Report Package version 5.0 and hence only require the updat-
ing from version 5.0 to 5.1 as described in “Updating Reports from Version 5.0 to
Version 5.1” on page 87.
♦ Reports built using the WIN32 Report Package version 4.2 or earlier must first be
updated to version 5.0 as described below and then updated from version 5.0 to ver-
sion 5.1 as described in “Updating Reports from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1” on
page 87.
To update reports to version 5.0:
1. Choose Start > Run > Browse and navigate to the utility update_reports_to_5_0.xls.
This utility is located under the main Report Package folder. The Run window shown
in Figure D-10 appears.

May 24, 2002
Figure D-10. Update Reports to Version 5.0 Utility Run Window

Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports B0400BD – Rev B

2. Click OK.
Excel launches and displays the utility shown in Figure D-11.

May 24, 2002
Figure D-11. Update Reports and Template Window

3. Do one of the following:

♦ Select Update All Files to update all the listed reports.
♦ Click Select File, select specific reports, and click Update Selected Files.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix D. Updating Existing Reports

May 24, 2002

Appendix E. Windows 2000
This appendix discusses the Windows 2000 navigation specifics.
Chapter 1 “Installing the I/A Series Report Package” of this manual details the creation of ODBC
data sources and setup of the Opalis service, and contains information specific to a Windows NT
4.0 environment.
On Windows 2000, to navigate to:
♦ The ODBC Data Source configuration, choose
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources ODBC .
♦ The services configuration, choose
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > select service, right click

Properties and select the Logon tab.
♦ The User configuration, choose
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Local Users

May 24, 2002

and Groups.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix E. Windows 2000 Navigation

May 24, 2002

Appendix F. Uninstalling
This appendix provides the procedure for uninstalling OpalisRobot3.5f software.
Version 5.0 of the I/A Series Report Package included OpalisRobot3.5f software. Version 5.1 of
the I/A Series Report Package includes OpalisRobot3.6a.

If you are upgrading to the I/A Series Report Package 5.1, you must replace
OpalisRobot3.5f with OpalisRobot3.6a.

Uninstall OpalisRobot3.5f

To uninstall OpalisRobot3.5f:
1. Backup the *.dv3 files from the folder C:\Program Files\Opalis\OpalisRobot3.

May 24, 2002

2. Make sure that the OpalisRobot client software is not running and that the
OpalisRobot service is stopped.
3. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box appears.
4. On the Install/Uninstall tab, select the OpalisRobot3.5f software and
click Add/Remove.
♦ If prompted to save your old object configurations, choose No.
♦ If prompted to Remove Shared Files, choose Yes.
5. Delete any residual files or folders by deleting the C: Program Files/Opalis
/OpalisRobot3 folder.
6. Choose Start > Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
7. Enter regedit in the Open text box and click OK.
The Registry Editor appears.
Navigate to and delete the following registry keys:
♦ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Opalis/Robot
♦ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Opalis/Robot3.

If you are not using any other Opalis product, it is safe to delete the entire Opalis
folder key entry.

B0400BD – Rev B Appendix F. Uninstalling OpalisRobot3.5f

8. Close regedit and reboot your machine.

9. Install the OpalisRobot3.6a as shown in “Running the OpalisRobot3 Setup Program”
on page 7.
10. Restore the *.dv3 files saved in Step 1 to recreate the old objects.

May 24, 2002

Adding a report tag 36
Creating 28
Deleting 29
Authorization, Report Package and AIM ODBC Driver 26
Automatically purging reports 65

Building reports 34
Remotely building 42

Compound Block.Parameter settings 36
Alias 28

May 24, 2002

New report type 31
Report options 39
Scheduler log file 55
Configuration file 77
Web Browser 64

Daily reduction group 27
Reduction 38
Sample 37
Deleting aliases 29
Directory structure 61

Event Objects 48
Executing Reports 45

File and Worksheet Concepts 41
File structure 61
Configuration (.ini) 77
Log 75

B0400BD – Rev B Index

FoxView environment 64

Historian Alias Configurator 28
Hourly reduction group 27

I/A Series Report Package, definition of 1

Log file 75

Macro 85
Option 41
Macro Code Template 85


May 24, 2002

Windows 2000 97
New report type 31

Creating data sources 4
Installing the driver for AIM*Historian 4
On-demand reports 45

Progress Report 46
Purging reports 65

Reduction database controls 38
Reduction Groups 27
Remote PC
Functionality and Limitations 42
System Requirements 42
Remotely building reports 42
Removing report tags 37
Adding a tag 36
Directory structure 61
Executing 45

Index B0400BD – Rev B

New type 31
On-demand 45
Options 39
Purging 65
Removing a tag 37
Saving 37
Scheduling 47
Tags 36
Updating 87
Report Home Page 63
Auto-update 63
Update 63
Report Package, definition of 1
System 1
Revision information xi

Safety considerations xii
Sample Database Controls 37
Saving Reports 37

May 24, 2002

Scheduler log file 55
Automatic Reports 47
Tasks 54
Settings, Compound Block.Parameter 36
Special Demand Report
Executing 55
Special Demand Information File 55
System requirements 1

Scheduling 54
Trigger 54
Time synchronization 60
Task 54
Troubleshooting 75

Updating Reports
From Version 4.2 to 5.0 87
From Version 5.0 to 5.1 87
User Account
Attributes 12
Logging on as a service 16

B0400BD – Rev B Index

Browser 64
Reports, generation of 63
Web Report Home Page
Update 64
Windows 2000 Navigation Specifics 97

May 24, 2002

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