Project Proposal Form 2021 1

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Diploma in Perfor

Performing &
Production Arts
Unit 8 Project Proposal

Name Rebecca Webster
Candidate 7004148288
Pathway Level 3 performing and production arts

Project Title
The Wardrobe
Section 1: Review
Being a part of bath theatre academy, this year has brought so many opportunities to me and has
opened my eyes to so many different career paths in the industry that I would suit. I have developed
many new techniques and I feel a lot more confident in myself than I did at the start of the year .i was a
part of the foundation course in performing arts last year and I feel like this year I have really improved

Compared to the beginning of the year, I was very focused on acting as I am passionate about it but
now, I have expanded my focus onto leaning more onto leading roles in the industry. I have been
exposed to several different disciplines like stage designing where we got to create a set inspired for
4.48 psychosis and we got to pitch our ideas. I got to do some choreography as part of our movement
segment, and we also got to do some devising where I collaboratively created a piece inspired by the
Debutante. what I hope to gain from this is more leadership roles and more acting roles and to learn to
handle both. I hope to take my skills further into my journey in the industry and I hope to end up on film
or stage.

Section 2: Project Concept

For my Final Major project, this year I have been casted into the production of The Wardrobe by Sam
Holcroft. This concept of the wardrobe is being Directed by Jenny Davies. From what I have researched
The wardrobe is about a wardrobe that takes you through different times in history normally being really
important events I history from the Tudor times with Elizabeth of York ,Jewish exiling ,first English civil
war ,the great plague ,the rise in slave trade ,industrial revolution, world war one all the way to 2014
with topics about the LGBTQ+ community. The story is mostly told through children up to the age of no
older then 18 its where they “seek sanctuary” the wardrobe is said to keep guard of secrets and protect
the children from any harm. It’s a wholesome yet dark play. It’s a very lowkey educational piece of
theatre and there are many characters from many types of backgrounds. Making sure with whatever
character I am given to play to research there backgrounds and what actually happened to them so I
can play the part respectfully and with the right intentions no matter the difficulty.

Section 3: Evaluation
To evaluate my progress over my Final Major Project I kept a video diary where I reflected on what I’ve
done over the week reflecting on the success the challenges ..i have a looked for feedback from my
directors and cast members to get a different perspective of my performance . we were also given a
midterm feedback sheet from our director this really helped me visualize where I am at and where I can
improve. between dress rehearsals and the shows we would go away with our directors and receive
directory notes as to where we need to focus on or work for the next time this has really helped me push
myself to be better. once show week is over we are going to be writing up a final reflection essay where
we can reflect on our overall final major project journey and evaluate ourselves as creatives in the

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Final Major Project bibliography
Found 29/03/2022

9 Nov 20189 November 2018

Last updated at 08:06 FOUND 05/04/2022





By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica • Last Updated: Mar 13, 2022 FOUND 16th March 2022

31 Mar 2015. 6 Apr 2022. FOUND 06/04/2022

The British Declaration of War - History Learning Site

Posted by Matt Tuesday, 15 May 2018 found 29/03/2022



Daily Mail on Aug 5. 1914 FOUND 05/04,2022



By Rebecca Beatrice Brooks September 13, 2020 found 29/03/2022

By Elias Beck, first published August 8, 2019 found 29/03/2022
Published: October 4, 2018 at 5:00 am FOUND 05/04/2022

Anne Roberts | Published in History Today Volume 30 Issue 4 April 1980 found 07/04/2022

Found 29/03/2022

Article from found 07/04/2022

BY AMY DE LA HAYE ON 25 MARCH 2021 FOUND 07/04/2022


by Mark Cartwright
published on 19 February 2020 found 07/04/2022

FOUND 29/03/2022


Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

1 14/03/2022 Introduction to the project, Got our Get a folder for my script
scripts, met our director, read through
our scripts,

2 21/03/2022 Worked with characters, analyzed the Plenty of water, appropriate clothing for
timelines for each group then hotter weather
using the information performed scene 4.
we got an opportunity to write out what
characters we most interested in being in
every scene to help with casting
Character analysis
3 28/03/2022 Stage combat workshop with Maesie and Start learning lines, research about the
Tom. Reflected and researched on my plague and its effects
own about the concept of the play, we
had our presentation mine was about the
effects of child labor. we got CASTED, I
was given the role of Mary in scene 4
4 Played some games, analyzed our Learn my lines, finishing final major
4/04/2022 scenes, and played with the script. project theory. create a self-care
explored our characters. we got costume
measurements. Explored the inner plan.
characteristics and relationship dynamics
with our characters getting it up on its
5 Beginning of intensives. got another Insure I am completely off book for
25/04/2022 role I am playing (Ruth), played with Tuesday so we can begin rehearsals
Transitions for the prologue and in in the auditorium. more water. Take
between scenes and character notes on script for transition
profiles, Jenny came back on directions
Tuesday. Worked independently on
scenes and then came back together
and showed a small segment. We
worked with Sophie again this week
and we did transitions from scene 1
to 12
6 second week of intensives. We moved into
2/05/2022 the Auditorium and got a feel of the space
we will be performing in. We worked on the
prologue by doing some improv of how we
would interact with the stage before presets Keep taking notes updating them if
and doors opened .we then developed it to need to, learn Hebrew for scene 2
be a pre-show, really flattered the
beginning of the play. For the rest of the
week we were in roper room touching up on
a few scenes we also has our second round
of costume fittings we continued making
rehearsal notes for our transitions.
7 9/05/2022
Monday Tech run

7 10/05/2022 Jenny called us in at separate times

to work on specific scenes at 11:30
me and Phil met jenny and learned
the proper pronunciations of the
Hebrew words in our script and
practiced it throughout the day

7 11/05/2022 Back in auditorium

Dress rehearsal 1
7 12/05/2022 Dress rehearsal 2 and production
shots day other cast (it snows)
watched us
Notes with jenny

SHOW NIGHT 1 – 7:30 pm

7 13/05/2022 SHOW NIGHT 2 -7:30pm

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