Test Plan Template - 2022TAMAY085

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Movie Recommendation System

Test Plan

Cohort: A

Group: 1

Group members:

ABC 123 (Team leader)

XYZ 456
1.1.1 Document Acceptance and Release Notice

This document is authorised for release once all signatures have been obtained.

PREPARED: Date: / /

(for acceptance) <Name>

Project Manager, Student Group

ACCEPTED: Date: / /

(for release)
Project Sponsor, VIT
Table of Contents

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Scope.................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Quality Objective..............................................................................................................1
1.4 Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................1

2 Test Methodology.....................................................................................................................1

2.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................1
2.2 Test Levels........................................................................................................................1
2.3 Test Completeness.............................................................................................................2

3 Test Deliverables.......................................................................................................................2

3.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................2
3.2 Test Cases..........................................................................................................................2

4 Resources and Environment Needs........................................................................................2

4.1 Testing Tools.....................................................................................................................2

4.2 Test Cases..........................................................................................................................2

5 References.................................................................................................................................3
List of Figures

Fig 1. 1 My lecturer..............................................................................................................................1

Fig 3. 1 Testing strategy diagram.........................................................................................................2

List of Tables

Table 3. 1 Test Case table....................................................................................................................2


API Application Program Interface

AUT Application Under Test
1. Introduction

As a model used for information filtering, a recommendation system or recommendation engine

makes suggestions based on a user's preferences. Systems like these have grown more common and
are extensively employed in a variety of industries, from movies and music to books and apparel to
restaurants and food. A user's preferences and behavior are collected by these systems and then
used to enhance their recommendations in the future. We can't live without them. Others movies are
for amusement, some are instructive, some are for children, and some are horror or action flicks,
while others are for adults. The genres of movies may be readily distinguished, such as humor,
thriller, animation, action, and so on. Aside from the release year, language, director, and so on,
there are a variety of other ways to categorize films. When you're looking for movies to watch on
the internet, you may use our most popular movies list to narrow your search. As a result of Movie
Recommendation Systems, we no longer have to waste time combing through a seemingly endless
library of films to find what we're looking for [1]. As a result, it is essential that the movie
recommendation system is very dependable and provides us with the most relevant
recommendations. Many businesses are turning to recommendation systems to enhance the
purchasing experience of their customers. Customer happiness and income are two of the most
significant advantages of recommendation systems. Recommendation systems are very strong and
significant. As a result, movie recommendation systems are plagued by scalability concerns and low
suggestion quality because they rely on collaborative efforts

1.2 Scope

The most important part of the company is recommending the right movies based on several
criteria. These are associated with movie categories, binary classifications, reviews, and bad or
good features of the film. They are all related. Users' ability to locate movies that suit their tastes
might be improved as a result of this feature. The simplest way to operate comparable
characteristics is to recommend a popular movie. Personalization is one of the ways that a table may
increase the user's interest in its content. User-product relationship, user demographic data, behavior
information, attribute, explicit rating, and implicit data are the most important aspects to incorporate
into the system.

Page 1
1.3 Quality Objective

Reducing and estimating client content preferences is the main objective of the movie
recommendation system. One of the system's possible features is the ability to retrieve historical use
data. Based on the interests of the customers, it would provide recommendations. In addition, the
recommender system tends to be connected to the most frequently utilized parts of websites and
online apps. Here, the main goal is to estimate and anticipate the user's movie content choice. The
use history will be used by the system to gather the necessary information. Suggestions tailored to
individual users' preferences will be possible. The specified users should be able to utilize this to
identify other users with similar interests.

1.4 Roles and Responsibilities

Person Responsibilities
QA Engineer Performs software testing to look for and fix
flaws and mistakes. Checks to see whether a
product meets the specifications. A bug hunter
who knows where the bugs may hide, even in
places where no one expects them. Uses
attention, deduction, and occasionally
specialized software to see how well the
system works.
Test Analyst The master of project documents. There is a lot
of decision-making to be done in the first
place. An expert in the product's intended use.
The QA engineer's life is made easier by the
organization of the data.
Test Architect Finds the best possible solutions to fulfill the
needs of the customer while also making use
of the team's available resources. Has a
comprehensive understanding of the software.
In-depth knowledge of all features and how
they work together.

Page 2
2 Test Methodology

2.1 Overview

Instead of testing towards the end as in conventional development, agile employs a test-first
method. Each feature is tested and reworked until it is ready to go into production iteratively and
collaboratively in an Agile environment. The primary benefits of using agile testing are cost and
time savings. A common problem faced by many software teams is that they build the wrong
solution because they interpret a feature according to their development expertise rather than
according to what the requirement states or what the end-user wants [2]. Agile testing addresses this
problem by relying on regular feedback from the end-user.

2.2 Test Levels

The first step in creating an agile software delivery pipeline is Continuous Build or build
automation. Developers will write unit tests for each piece of code they create if they follow the
test-driven development methodology. As a key component of agile testing, development
encourages software developers to consider the expected behaviour of each unit they are
constructing, as well as inputs, outputs, and any errors. Before the software is built, new features
added by developers are checked into a central code base, which converts the source code into
binary code. Software development teams utilize a version control system and integrate their work
regularly to the same branch, such as the master branch, as part of the Continuous Integration
method. To catch any integration mistakes as early as possible, each change is created and
confirmed using tests and other verifications. Continuous Build, Continuous Integration,
Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are all important aspects of agile test
management techniques that allow teams to work together effectively. Effectively doing so involves
being able to connect with other tools in your agile development/testing toolchain like issue
tracking and automation. It should also have real-time reporting capabilities since you need to keep
track of the items in your software delivery pipeline at all times [3]. This is critical so that issues
like bugs, inefficiencies, and other problems may be identified and addressed in real-time. To meet
the demands of a huge firm or a very large team, a tool that scales to fulfill the requirements of a
small or medium business is beneficial.

Page 3
2.3 Test Completeness

Then, devise a plan to do these activities in the allotted time and with the required effort. Making
the timetable requires consideration of many factors, such as the availability of employees, the
number of working days, the length of the project's completion date, and the daily resource
availability. There are risks linked with the project that have already been identified and analyzed.

3 Test Deliverables

3.1 Overview

Software testing relies heavily on deliverables. Test Deliverables are thoroughly covered in this
article. There are several critical deliverables for testing that include a test strategy, a test scenario, a
test case, and a summary report.

3.2 Test Cases

Table 3-1 Test Case Table

Test Test Case Inputs Output Output Test

Module Expected Generated Result
Admin Add movies Add movie Movie details Movie details Successful
name, director, added to the added to the
genre system system
Client Register and Add personal Login Login Successful
Login details, and successful and successful and
interests to the details are details are added
system for added to the to the system
recommendation system
Client Choose and Choose the filter The best type of The best type of Successful
apply filter and select the recommendatio recommendation
filter for the best n according to according to the
recommendation the chosen filter chosen filter and
of the movie and the entered the entered

Page 4
interests interests
Client Watch the Select the The movie plays The movie plays Successful
recommended recommended successfully successfully
movie movie and play without any without any
it interruption interruption
from the system from the system

4 Resources and Environment Needs

4.1 Testing Tools

Various test management technologies are available for different purposes, including both on-
premise and cloud choices. Some technologies, like Zephyr (Standalone Edition) and HipTest,
include the integrated issue and requirements tracking, while other test case management platforms,
like Atlassian's Jira or Bugzilla, are connected with popular issue tracking tools.

4.2 Hardware/Software Requirements

The hardware specifications of the proposed system are at least 256 GB RAM, the hard disk should
be 512 GB, and Operating should be at least Window 7 or more.

5 References

[1] UTor, “QA Roles and Responsibilities: Who Do You Need on Your Software Testing Team?,”
UTOR, May 19, 2020. https://u-tor.com/topic/qa-roles-and-responsibilities#:~:text=determine
%20what%20to%20test%2C%20prioritize (accessed May 13, 2022).
[2] SmatBear, “A Handy Guide to Using Agile Methodology in Testing: Processes, Best Practices
& Tools,” smartbear.com. https://smartbear.com/test-management/agile-testing-best-practices/

Page 5
[3] BrowseStack, “Test Planning: A Detailed Guide,” BrowserStack.

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