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Premium Quality at Affordable Price with High Technology

CocokUntuk Hotel, Villa, Spa, KolamRenang, RumahSakitdan Industry. UntukKebutuhan Air PanasJumlahBesar.



7. 8. 9.

Frost Protection of Collector and pipe line Adjustable of three time periods on Auxiliary heating Holiday function Anti-bacteria function Connect directly with


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ENVIRO COMMERCIAL SWH adalahpemanas air denganstandar International. Dan telahmendapatkansertifikatiso 9001:2008.Aman, terjamin, tahan lama, danekonomis. Menggunakan collector denganlapisan absorber coating polimerpadapermukaansehingga menyerap energy mataharilebihefektifdanefisien.Da n tankimenggunakan stainless steel dilapisi polyurethane sehinggamenjaminketersediaan air panas yang di butuhkansetiapsaat. Denganmenggunakan SWH makabisamenghemat 80-90% dari total energi yang di perlukan Enviro Commercial SWH, di produksioleh PT.DINAMIKA INTI SURYA CEMERLANG. Yang telahmemilikireputasitinggidanbe rpengalaman.Memproduksitidakh anyauntukmemenuhikebutuhanlok altapijuga International.


SP 111
Technical Data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dimension : 186 x 140 x 41 mm Input Voltage : 220V~240V AC or 100V~120V AC Power : 5W Accuracy Of Temperature Measuring :1C Range Of Temperature Measuring : PT1000-0~199C NTC 10K : 0~99C Input Signals : 2 x PT1000 sensor temperature probe 500C , silicon cable 280C 4 x NTC 10K sensor temperature probe 135C , PVC cable 105C 2 x NTC 10K , 1 x flow sensor (for selection) Output Signals: 1 x Auxiliary heating output (Max. load current :12A) 4 x Relay output (Max. load current 3A) 1 x Adjustable output (Max. load current : 1.5A) TFT Display Communication Port : 1 x RJ45 Range Of Environment Temperature : -10~50C Water Protection Grade :P40 Main Function: 1. 2. 3. 4. Display Clock and week Temperature Difference Circulation Storage Tank Over Heating Protection Storage tank emergency cut-off


8. 9. 10. 11.

SP 24
Technical Data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dimension : 120 X 120 X 18 mm, 186 x 140 x 41 mm Input Voltage : 200V~240V AC or 100V~120V AC Power : 3W Accuracy of Temperature Measuring :2C Range of Temperature Measuring :0~99C Input Signals: 1 x PT1000 sensor temperature probe 500 , silicone cable 280C 2 x NTC 10K sensor temperature probe 135C , PVC cable 105C Output Signals: 1 x Auxiliary heating output (Max. load current : 12A) 2 x Relay output (Max. load current :3A) LCD-display Range of Environment temperature : -10~50C Water Protection Grade :P40 Main Function : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Display time Temperature difference circulation Storage tank over heating protection Emergent stop of system over heating Frost protection of pipe line and collector Three Periods of time adjustable on pipe line circulation Three periods of time adjustable on auxiliary heating Anti-bacteria function Holiday function


8. 9. 10.

SP 116
Technical data: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dimension : 380 x 220 x 140 mm Input Voltage : 220V~240V AC or 100V~120V AC Power : 3W Accuracy of Temperature measuring : 1C Range of temperature measuring : PT1000 : -99~199C NTC 10K : 0~99C Input Signals: 1 x PT1000 sensor temperature probe 500C , Silicon cable 280C 2 x NTC 10K sensor temperature probe 135C , PVC cable 105C Output Signals: 1 x Auxiliary heating output (Max. load current : 12A) 2 x Relay output (Max. load current : 3A) System design pressure : 1 Mpa Safety valve respond pressure : 0.6 Mpa WLO pump model : RS15/6 Screw couling : Pipe Line Material : Brass Secondary display screen device (for choice) LCD-display Range of environment temperature : -10~50C Water Protection Grade :P40 Main Function : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Time display Temperature difference circulation Storage tank over heating protection Emergent stop of system over heating Frost protection of pipe line and collector Three periods of time adjustable on pipe line circulation Three periods of time adjustable on auxiliary heating Holiday function Anti-bacteria function Three speed levels on circulation pump Display flow rate Display system pressure


8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

1000 L 2500 L 6000 L

KapasitasTanki Tanki Dome Tanki Skin Tanki Foaming Electronic Heater (Back Up) Collector Circulation Pump Dimensi Collector 1.2 0.5 50 2@ Sta 194

Email Toll Free : 0.800.11.66.888

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