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Geoecological monitoring using InSAR Technology

Department: Industrial Engineering
University: University of Petroșani
Address: Petrosani, 1 December 1918, st.1
Email account: 2, 1,

Abstract: - The manuscript is addressed to engineers involved in geoecological monitoring for mining
sector. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, abbreviated InSAR, is one of the growing technologies
that use satellite images in various fields of study such as: lift earth's crust, digital terrain modelling
(DTM), subsidence/strains, landslides or hazards and many others. InSAR can provide extensive
monitoring data, from large geographic areas, without using expensive instruments or put humans’
subjects in jeopardy. Most mines can affect the landscapes within different systems, as Geotopes or
Geofacies, therefore monitoring the geographic areas from and surrounding a mining perimeter can
provide valuable information required for assessing the geoecological effects on the environment. With
over a decade experience in mining ecology and many various projects conducted within the Romanian
national program of closed mines monitoring, the authors concluded that InSAR Technology combined
with geoecological principles represent a good approach to evaluate the severity of mining operations
impact referring to topo-stability inabilities of landscape, as a general method. In the same time, for a
better understanding, the manuscript presents a case study regarding to tailing ponds topo-stability
evaluation as an example of how to link InSAR and Geoecology.

Key-Words: - Geoecology, Mining, Monitoring, InSAR, Tailing ponds, Landscape

1. Introduction and eliminate any instability before its

The useful mineral substances needed for appearing.
durable economic development of any country, However, monitoring data should consider
are obtained by mining and oil industries. That’s not only the past and present situation but should
why these industries are very important in the highlight trends, observed and in perspective, for
global economic chain. different processes or sources of degradation of
In the same time, like any other industry, the system’s units. [7]
mining must manage the operations In this context, monitoring refers to [1]:
(exploitation of earth’s solid mineral resources) ˗ factors, when is a scientific activity
in respect to environment protection. [2] But in aimed to decipher the behaviour and
spite of all security measures taken by functioning of ecosystems, that help to
companies and authorities, this industry creates predict when changes happened, identify
inabilities for diverse elements of geographic or diagnose the problem and source;
landscapes, due to their basic activities that ˗ flows and trends, when is seeking to
generate: quantify and suggest long term
˗ open pits, strategies to follow.
˗ soil stripping, The soil erosion/landslide begins when
˗ landscape changes, transporting fluid energy (water or air) exceeds
˗ dumps and tailing ponds, or the forces of cohesion between particles. On the
˗ major technical accidents. other hand, when the speed of fluid decreases to
Mining is thus is associated with geo- the specific level, where particles cannot be
ecological inabilities potential for the retained in suspension, the sedimentation
surrounding environment, generated by process takes place (tailing ponds). The depth,
landslides, loss of stability, deforestation or slope’s angle and length, friction or surface
environment pollution which is some of the roughness determine the process.
most publicized examples. [3] The cohesion of the soil particles is affected
Therefore, it is very important to monitor the by the type of ground (size and aggregation) and
geo-ecological indicators to prevent or intervene the soil binder effect, generated by vegetation.

E-ISSN: 2224-3496 106 Volume 15, 2019


Surface erosion/deformation is a process that nascent signs of buckling slope. Therefore, the
can be observed using satellite images. study of deformation is the main source of data
Different deformations occurring inside the to forecast the stability of different components
terrain or slopes, started from hardly visible of a landscape [4], as is presented in Figure 1.
cracks to slides or wet flows of material, are

Fig.1 InSAR detection [4]

InSAR can provide extensive monitoring on substances is between the geological research
a weekly or monthly basis, without using (as input) and metallurgical processing (as
expensive instruments (theodolite, GPS) or put output); the boundary between geology and
humans in jeopardy (for example in metallurgy is narrow since there are situations of
underground subsidence, wet landslides or overlap and even substitution of some activities,
tailings ponds failures). such as exploitation of minerals from geological
For the geographical purposes, in terms of works and recovery of metals by re-processing
spatial scale [3], InSAR can monitor: slugs from dumps.
˗ Geosystems, which corresponds to a Processing the ore a useful component
territorial complex, well individualized, (concentrate) results, that contains a small
occupying areas from tens to hundreds square percentage of sterile and a new sterile
kilometres, component which also contains relatively
˗ Geofacies, corresponding to a (determined by technological limitations) small
homogeneous local area characterized by its amounts of useful mineral.
own physiognomy, whose spatial extent is one After this first processing, the path of the two
to tens square kilometres, branches splits: sterile component is deposited in
˗ Geotopes, which are the lowest level of the tailing ponds (as waste) and the useful
the spatial scale, less than one square kilometre. component (concentrate) goes to factory.
Analyzed in the context of spatial system, The tailing ponds resulting from ore
most mines can generate the instability of processing are relatively large as geographic
landscapes within Geotopes or Geofacies, extent and they are fundamentally changing the
therefore monitoring the geographic areas from geomorphology of the Geo-topes, becoming
and surrounding a mining perimeter will provide potential factors or sources of natural-technical
most of the information required for assessing landscape inabilities.
the geoecological effects on the environment. On the other hand, because the technological
Analyzed in the context of economic system, evolution, what is now considered “waste”
the extraction and processing of useful mineral tomorrow could be “preserved resource”.
In these conditions, monitoring the stability period of time (over 30 years), is more than
of tailing ponds, as a geo-ecological key necessary and InSAR is the instrument for this
indicator of the landscape health, for a very long job.

E-ISSN: 2224-3496 107 Volume 15, 2019


2. Problem formulation financial resources allocated to maintenance and

Mining operations are confronted with frequent monitoring of tailing ponds and dumps.[5]
hazards caused by natural-technical inabilities. Large quantities of mining waste are
In the context of past intensive development registered in 77 tailings ponds (amounts greater
of extractive activities, Romania has not than 340 million cubic meters), occupying over
developed adequate environment legislation in 1500 hectares, and 557 dumps (amounts greater
the past for the various problems that involve than 1800 million cubic meters), occupying over
efficient management of tailing ponds. [2] 5500 hectares. [3]
This inappropriate approach caused serious In Romania, from geographical points of
environmental problems, many of them after the view, tailing ponds are located mostly in the
556 underground mines and open pits closure mountains geo-systems, near former mining
(result of the mining sector restructuring), areas, almost exclusively from Moldavia and
layoffs of specialized staff and diminishing Transylvania Regions, as it is seen in Figure 2.

Fig.2 Tailing ponds - geographical distribution

To monitor the stability of mining InSAR measurements were accompanied, in

perimeters as general techniques such as topo- the second phase, by GPS measurements, in
metric, GPS or InSAR measurements are order to validate the results obtained.
generally used. Because of their special landscape
To evaluate the topography and stability of conditions, the four tailings ponds within the
the landscape (as geoecological indicators), it geosystem located in the north of Moldavia:
has been decided [5] to start satellite monitoring Tarnicioara, Ostra (A, B, C), Valea Straja and
measurements using InSAR technology, Poarta Veche, from Suceava County have been
technique that can potentially measure chosen for this study, as seen in Figure 3. [5]
millimetre-scale changes in deformation over These four ponds generated many technical
days to years from large geographic area; X- accidents by loss of stability, due to specific
band radar images have been used, acquired by hazards conditions (violent rains especially) and
the German Terra SAR-X satellite. large extent (Tarnicioara with its two branches
The desired product, after applying this Scaldatori and Tarnicioara have over 33 hectares
technique, was a geo-referenced map of and 80 meters maximum height).[6]
deformations within the interest zone.

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Fig.3 General View of the monitored zone

3. Problem solution Fifteen images from TerraSAR-X were

Given the extent of the area of interest and the available for the study, acquired in downward orbit
desired resolution, both horizontally and vertically, with 30˚ vertical angle of the satellite antenna
it was decided to use TerraSAR-X sensors, in High (Table 1).[5]
Resolution Spotlight acquisition mode, with These images "captured" the area of interest for
horizontal resolution average of 1x1 meters and five month (May to October), once every 11 days,
millimetre accuracy for deformation measurements and have been used to generate maps of
of the tailing ponds. deformation.

Table 1 "Captured" images data

No. Sensor Data Hour View angle Direction
1 2011-05-18 04:34:44

2 2011-05-29 04:34:44

3 2011-06-09 04:34:44
4 2011-06-20 04:34:44

5 2011-07-01 04:34:44

6 2011-07-12 04:34:44
7 2011-07-23 04:34:44

8 TRS-X 2011-08-03 04:34:44 30˚ D

9 2011-08-14 04:34:44
10 2011-08-25 04:34:44

11 2011-09-05 04:34:44
12 2011-09-16 04:34:44

13 2011-09-27 04:34:44

14 2011-10-08 04:34:44
15 2011-10-19 04:34:44

E-ISSN: 2224-3496 109 Volume 15, 2019


InSAR measurements were accompanied by type of soil and the technical requirements of
two phases of GPS measurements taken between monitoring, locations have been chosen in order
May and November, to validate the results.[5] to be able to study two special situations:
In order to establish an optimal distribution ˗ landmarks in “fresh” filled terrain,
of GPS calibration points, preliminary acquired called “experimental landmarks 1”, and
radar images have been analyzed that provided ˗ landmarks in more stable terrain, but
locations with maximum response to the radar’s still on the surface of tailing ponds,
signal (unobstructed by diverse artificial or called “experimental landmarks 2”.
natural objects). In the second phase of measurements, for
To determine the direction of the radio signal tracking deformation and subsidence that may
in the field, the geocentric coordinates of two- occur in the ponds perimeters, were used the
three successive positions of the satellite have same equipment and the same methods of
been transformed in Stereo70 coordinates, thus measurement and calculation of tracking
obtaining the orientation of the orbit in a known network as in the first phase. This condition is
system. absolutely necessary, because there should be no
As the radar signal is transmitted errors of measurement resulted from calculation
perpendicularly to the satellite orbit, the method or use of other devices than the first
direction of the signal in stereo system could be phase.
calculated. In order to eliminate errors due to ponds
Knowing the signal direction and angle of instability, in each phase measurements have
incidence the shape of radar image in the studied been integrated from one or two points
area could be estimated. considered stable, named S1 and S2.
This information was translated on a photo The accuracy of the determination of GPS
image of the area also existing in Stereo70 points, relative to a fixed point S2, has been in
system. millimetre, as shown in the table. 2
In the first phase of measurements,
considering the conditions imposed by location,

Table 2 Example of GPS points accuracy

For this particular case study, maps of 3. Obtaining a model of land (Digital
deformation and deformation profiles were Elevation Model) to remove topography
achieved using a software package developed at information from data;
the University of Delft adapted by ASRC, a 4. Projecting the terrain model in radar
Romanian company [5], generally using the geometry and create a simulated radar
following steps: image;
1. Planning the satellite for the purchase of 5. Aligning radar simulated terrain model
15 radar images - through DLR to real radar images and eliminate the
(German Space Agency); radar signal phase coming from topo
2. Aligning the images with better surveying;
accuracy of 0.1 pixels; 6. Creating radar consecutive pairs;

E-ISSN: 2224-3496 110 Volume 15, 2019


7. Estimating the residual topo surveying 10. Eliminating of atmospheric turbulence;

values by linear regression using all 15 11. Creating profiles for each target;
images; 12. Creating final deformation maps of
8. Refining terrain model by applying tailing ponds and surrounding areas, as
corrections; is seen in figures 4 and 5.
9. Re-calculation using the new accurate
model of land;

Fig.4 Example – Tarnicioara tailing pond

Fig.5 Example – Surrounding areas affected by deforestations (see Fig.3)

E-ISSN: 2224-3496 111 Volume 15, 2019


4. Conclusions
Although the image of the hazardous stable, the Geofacies hemoroby improving in
phenomena had a major public impact, after a time. There is a Geotop in the eastern side with a
correct geoecological evaluation followed by a slight tendency to slip/subsidence (2.3 cm/six
precise engineering and works, the landscape month) were cohesion of the soil particles is
recover and return to its natural state. affected because the lack of the forest due to
Using InSAR technique profiles of anthropic actions (exploitation), that increase the
deformation in time for about 1000 points on human pressure by forest.
Tarnicioara, 700 points on Straja, 1500 points on Former mines and private properties from
Ostra and 100 points on Poarta veche were Ostra village, located in the monitored area, are
calculated.[5] also stable improving the human pressure on the
Tarnicioara and Straja tailing ponds had landscape.
stability issues observed during September and This type of study offer the possibility to
October; for the first are located not only on the measure tens of thousands of points, providing
Scaldatori branch which is more visible but the detailed information about the landscape
main dam and Tarnicioara branch. Since the physiognomy impossible to determine for such
instability of the main dam of Tarnicioara large areas of terrain or clearly defined
increased to the final period of monitoring is objectives (as buildings or dams) with other
necessary to determine if it was a past event or if techniques, in the same time.
the movement continues as sliding.[5] Another advantage is the ability to monitor
Ostra and Poarta veche tailing ponds become multiple targets simultaneously in the same
relatively stable by natural recovery of the conditions of accuracy.
landscape. The results recommend InSAR as a Best
Deforested areas, located in the vicinity of Available Technique (BAT) for geoecological
tailing ponds, visible on the maps, are generally monitoring to mining perimeters.

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