Profi 1

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The first overall look at the picture depicts a truly majestic place. What captured my attention most in
this picture is breathtaking view. This place is enshroud by the blue of the sky, the clouds, the green of
the primeval forest,… This location seem to be a very placid appearance. Surrounding a peaceful village
are spectacular mountains. Furthermore, looking at that scene, I reckon that this place is probably very
sparsely inhabited. I honestly believe that it is an extremely incredible destination for most of people.
Stunning as it is, I suspect that it is a really challenging task to come there with your own purpose.

From my perspective there are 2 significant reason why I would like to live there. The first one is its fresh
air. Just imagine when you get up in the morning, you can immediately enjoy a pure atmostphere. This
goes hand in hand with the brilliant fact that there’s generally less traffic. It is utterly far different from
the polluted life in the city, where people are always fighting against waves of air pollution, water
pollution, garbage. The second reason is its magnificent scenery. It is really stimulated that I wake up to
a view of a green placid scenario across a plethora rolling mountains. It's exciting to be able to see the
glorious sight in my own place. With 2 aforementioned reasons I hold a belief that location is not only a
fantastic place but also a wonderful place to live.


The first overall look at the picture depicts a coastal city. What captured my attention most in this
picture is a plethora of splendor high-rise buildings. Maybe that city is very densely populated. Residents
are likely to have a highly comprehensive and convenient life as a result of modern conveniences and
skyscrapers. This city looks utmost modern and extreme convenient for moving.

From my perspective, in spite of environmental influences, fast pace of life,...I have a desire to live in a
city like there for 3 significant reasons. The first one is career opportunities. Because of the nature of the
field of study, I believe it will be easier to find the desired job with a stable salary in the big city than in
the rural. The second reason is that i can earn medical service easily and quickly if I reside in a coastal big
city like there. Living in a city allows the opportunity to get care in a major medical institution and
services and assistance for seniors. Getting help in a large city can occur more quickly and even more
specialized in a city rather than a rural area. And the last reason is public transportation. This can make
travelling from one location to another much more convenient and cost-effective because most large
cities boast bus or train systems that run regularly and offer affordable rates that allow residents the
opportunity to be mobile

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