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Topic: Some people think that cities are the best places to live.

Others prefer to live in rural

areas. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
In this day and age, along with the swift development in a variety of areas, the demographic
paradigm is also shifting, with more rural residents becoming city dwellers and vice versa. Many
individuals are perplexed when deciding where to live and work, for it is blatant that both living
in a major city and in the tranquil countryside has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Some
people suppose that the urban sector is the best ideal area to prosper, whilst others prefer the
countryside. Both choices, from my point of view, have many merits that are considered in this
essay, and one does not significantly transcend the other.
To begin with, when it comes to resident’s health, there are an array of discernible distinctions
between rural and urban lifestyle. People who live in these locations are thought to have healthier
lives as they can breathe the better air quality, consume more sanitary and organic fruits and
vegetables, and thrive in a more comfortable and serene environment. By virtue of that, it can be
seen that their average lifespan is higher than that of city dwellers. In contrast, urban dwellers
face health hazards due to pollution of smoke, water, garbage, etc. Furthermore, canned meals,
which are inferior to fresh produce in rural settings, are frequently consumed by city dwellers.
Above all, it is undeniable that the quality of the environment and the poor food consumption
engender urban people to be subjected to more health problems than people in the countryside.
Economic opportunities is also contradictory. More and more people are migrating from the rural
area to the large metropolis in order to study, work, and even dwell in the hope of having a better
life. Cities are home to a plethora of businesses, companies, and factories, which provide a
diverse source of employment with stable salary for residents. Meanwhile, seeking a suitable job
with a plausible income is a challenging task for young people related to the sparse population
and severe commute circumstances. Unemployment in rural areas has always been a matter of
concern in recent years.
Another significant discrimination between urban and rural life is educational opportunities.
There are numerous reasons for one's choosing to live in a city rather than a village in today's
world; nevertheless, one that deserves special attention is the level of education that a city
provides. There are numerous reasons for one's choosing to live in a city rather than a village in
today's world; nevertheless, one that deserves special attention is the level of education that a city
provides. Metropolitan living is always connected with a well-organized and qualified
educational system, as opposed to rural living. A city would be the preferred place for locating
efficient schools, universities, and research institutes as compared to a hamlet.
To sum up, health problems, economic opportunities and educational opportunities are three
noteworthy features that differ between urban and rural habitation. Regardless of how dissimilar
they are, both urban and rural living have its merits and demerits. Indeed, it is essential to opt for
a pertinent location for both living and working conditions.

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