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Death Study 6

Eccl 9:5-6
The dead dont know anythingthey cannot be communicated withtheyre out cold until the resurrection.

John 11:11-14 Jesus says death is like sleeping. Psalm 146:3, 4 When you die, you have no more thoughts. Your spirit, or Gods breath of life, goes back to God. 1 Tim. 6:16
The words immortal soul do not occur in Scripture because only God has immortality. He gives it to the righteous AT THE SECOND COMING, not at death!!!

1 Thes. 4:16-17 The Good News: we will see our loved ones again who have fallen asleep (died) with their faith in Jesus. Acts 2:34 Ps. 115:17 Gen. 2:7
David, called Gods friend, didnt go right to heaven when he died, but awaits the resurrection. The dead do not praise God. Life requires two things: the breath of God (Spirit) and a body. The soul of humanity does not live separately, floating about someplace. David understood he would not see God until the resurrection.

Ps. 17:15

1 Cor. 15:51-54 At the resurrection we put on immortality. (You cant put on something you already have on!) This is a beautiful promise that the dead in Jesus WILL BE RAISED at His coming! Praise Jesus He has the keys to the grave. What a fantastic day that will be!!!!!!!

So what about all this communicating with the dead stuff? If there is communication going on, it isnt with the dead. It is with Satan and his angels impersonating those who have died. (Rev. 16:14; __Cor. 11:13-15) Saul didnt visit with a risen Samuel, the witch of Endor was a medium that communicated with Satan himself. DONT BE DECEIVED...DONT BE DECEIVED... Every person will be tested on this subject Know Scripture!

Health Study 10
3 John 2
God would like us to guard our health as carefully as we guard our characters. Maybe its even as important to take a walk every day as it is to say our prayers! 1 Cor. 3:16-17 Our bodies are the houses where the Holy Spirit lives. Destroying the Holy Spirits house is dangerous business. Smoking causes emphysema, heart and lung disease, cancer-- definitely destructive stuff. Gal. 5:22, 23 One of the fruits of the Spirit that indicates we have been converted or born again, is self control. God would like to give us control over binging, purging, overeating, under eating, eating between meals, eating excessive sugar and fat and all the other destructive behaviors with which Satan tantalizes us. Prov 20:1 Alcohol is bad news. In addition to impairing our judgment and reflexes, it permanently destroys brain cells, which most of us cant afford. Prov. 23:31, 32 Another warning about booze. Gen. 1:29 The original diet-in a nutshell!! Deut. 14:6, 9 If you do choose to eat meat, steer clear of unclean ones. (Basic rule: clean animals chew their cud and have split hooves, like the

cow. Pigs dont chew the cud, so theyre unclean. Clean fish have and crab are unclean. Check out Lev. 11 for more detailed info) Isaiah 66:15-17 Following Gods specs on these issues is really important to our present and ultimate happiness! Deut. 7:15 God wants us to be energetic and free from disease! 1 Cor. 10:31 Adam and Eve blew it over appetite. Satans first temptation to Jesus in the wilderness featured appetite. Intemperance spells SELFISHNESS. When we think of Jesus hanging mangled and bleeding on the cross representing the exact opposite of selfishness, it makes us not want to destroy this body for which He died. ---------------------------------------------------------------

scales and fins, like trout. Eels, shrimp,

Caffeine is the drug of choice for most SDA teens, BUT... Research indicates caffeine can cause or increase likelihood of developing cancer particularly of the bladder and pancreas, hypertension, muscle tremors, heart palpitations, central nervous system disturbances, nervousness, insomnia, chromosome damage, ulcers, irritability; and raise blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol-all recognized factors for heart disease.

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