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Self Reflection

Isabella Ramirez

The initial concept for my Pitch was to do an interview with an organization, and I stayed

the course. I interviewed an organization that helps sheltered dogs and kids with disabilities

called PAWS. I interviewed one of the leaders from the organization and asked him a couple of

questions about Paws and learned a lot about it.

For Pre Production I had to email the person who is in charge of paws and ask if they

were able to do an interview about their organization. After they agreed I had to set up an

interview through web ex, which was difficult to figure out at first but eventually we created one.

Then I had to send Tom the web ex link so he was able to join.

During the Production process, I had to get on web ex with Tom and record the meeting

on the computer. It was pretty difficult because the quality was very glitchy and the audio would

cut out one and a while. Besides that everything else went well, I asked Tom the questions and he

restated the question with full sentenced answers.

For Post Production I had to download all of the videos I took on the computer and

transfer them onto Adobe Premiere. I then had to email Tom and ask if he could send some b-roll

to add to the interview. I also had to clean up the videos and add music, my intro, outro, lower

thirds, and more.

My favorite part of the process was the post-production part because I loved being able to

edit and see everything slowly come together and turn into a great project. For example, being

able to clean up the messed up parts of the video with b-roll was really cool to me.
I think in this process my strengths were being able to set everything up and organize

everything. My weaknesses were mainly in editing because I still didn’t know how to do certain

things but I ended up learning and slowly becoming better.

I do believe I met my program objective, my target audience was people who were

willing to learn and be informed. My interview did exactly that, it informs you about the Paws

organization and teaches you more about how they help out the children and dogs, and what you

can do to help.

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