How To Make A Cup of Coffee: Materials and Ingredients

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 Gula

1. How to Make a Cup of  Kopi

Coffee  Gelas
 Sendok
Materials and Ingredients:  Teko

Langkah-langkah :
 1 spoon of coffee powder
 2 spoons of sugar
 Rebus air terlebih dahulu hingga
 Hot water matang.
 A cup
 A spoon  Lalu, ambil dua sendok kopi dan dua
sendok gelas. Masukkan ke dalam
 Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke
dalam gelas
 Prepare two spoons of sugar, hot water, a
 Lalu, aduk secara perlahan
cup, a spoon, and a spoon of coffee powder
 Put a spoon of coffee powder and two  Terakhr, kopi siap untuk diminum
spoons of sugar into the cup
 Pour some hot water into the cup Text Tentang Benda – How To
 Stir it clockwise and the hot coffee is ready
Operate TV
to drink
How to Make a Glass of Coffee How To Operate TV
Instructions :
Materials :  Plug the cable television into
 Water  After that, press the power button to
 Sugar turn on the television
 Coffee  Wait untill the televison show the
 Glass, picture
 Spoon  Choose the channel that you want to
watch use the button or the remote.
 Kettle
 Set the volume use the remote or
button volume
Steps :
 Last, if you want to turn off the
 Boil the water First television you can use the power
 Second, take two spoons of coffee
and two spoons of sugar. put into a
 Next, pour the hot water into a glass
 Then, stir it gently
 Finally, your coffee is ready to drink

Cara Membuat Kopi

Alat dan bahan

 Air

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