Name: Grade: Date:: 2. What Do The Details in Paragraph 5 Tell You About The Story's Setting and Aeta

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Name: Grade: Date:

English Language Arts Text Analysis 3rd Semester

Unit 5: Systems
Week-3: “In the Shadow of a Volcano”
Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What is the setting of the story? (Page. 510)

Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines
2. What do the details in paragraph 5 tell you about the story’s setting and Aeta
The details help me understand how the Aeta people use the setting to survive, getting the
food and other things they need from the mountain. This helps me understand how the
setting influences their lives.

3. How is Julie’s setting different from Datu’s setting?

Julie Datu
Julie lives on a military base near the Datu lives on a mountain in a forest.
bottom of the mountain.

4. Based on the details given in paragraph 11, make an inference about how people
in the village felt about the earthquakes.
The villagers called a meeting after the earthquakes. I know that people call
meetings to address problems, so I think the villagers were concerned.

5. What clues help you define “dormant”?

The text states that dormant volcanoes came back to life after 600 years of silence. This
suggests that something that is dormant is quiet, still and not awake. As a result, I believe
the word dormant must mean “being suspended as if in a deep sleep.”
6. Read paragraphs 17-19 and identify the rising action in the story.
The government is worried that the volcano will erupt.

7. Read paragraph 21 and analyze how this dangerous setting contributes to the rising

More earthquakes seem to be happening. The volcano could erupt and harm many

8. How do Datu’s parents feel and what have they decided to do? What does Datu think of
their decision? (Paragraphs 22-23)

Like many villagers, Datu doesn’t want to leave, but I think he is glad that his parents
have decided to evaluate.

9. How is the new setting different from Datu’s home? (27-30)

Datu used to live in a village on the mountain. This new setting is a town with big
buildings and busy roads. It is much noisier and has many more people than Datu’s

10.What does typhoon mean? How do context clues help you determine the meaning?
(paragraph 35)
A heavy storm happens in a warm area.
Phrases related to wind and rain help me to understand the meaning of this word.

11.What does lahar mean? How do context clues help you determine the meaning?
(paragraph 37)
“mudflow”. (There is a definition after the word, and then details.)

12.What inference can you make about how people will respond to the eruption of the
volcano? (paragraph 40)

The people of the Philippines are likely to feel sad and frustrated as a result of the
damage caused by the eruption. At the same time many people feel determined to
rebuild and recover.
13.What inferences can you make about how Datu feels about Mount Pinatubo now?
(paragraph 44)
I think Datu feels betrayed that the mountain erupted and caused so much damage,
including the loss of his home.

14.The challenges that the characters face are directly related to where and when they live.
What challenge is Datu facing as this point in the story?
He and his family have no place to live now that the volcano has erupted. They
had to move into a tent city with other people who evacuated from the mountain.

15.What is the resolution that you have identified from paragraphs 52 and 53? Describe in
your own words.

Datu and his family finally move to a new place, months after the volcano erupted.
They can build new homes, but the area does not provide the same resources that the
mountain did.

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