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What is needed?

Enabling Merchants to accept payments through UPI from customers through all available workflows i.e. Collect/Intent/QR/In-App

Why is it needed?

UPI is a popular mode of payment for customers & merchants since it has multiple benefits


Easy& Safe Payments

OneAppForMultipleBank Accounts


No integrations/App needed
Higher coverage of acceptable payment modes
High success rate
Lower costs

Context/Current Scenario:

Currently PineLabs payment gateway i.e. EDGE do not provide UPI(except Collect flow) as a payment method both in the redirection or seamless

Goal/Expected Outcomes:


UPI Linking Specification cer 1 7 2_V06.pdf


Support all UPI workflows across solutions

Collect (For reference)
Plural Gateway (Not direct edge integrations)

Out of Scope:

New Acquirer On-boarding & Integration i.e. YBL/Axis etc

Virtual VPA
UPI Payouts
UPI Autopay
UPI In-App


Intent to be enabled for Apps/SDK & Collect/QR for Web/Mobile browsers

Since collect flow is live, is it safe to assume recon/settlement/customer support related things will remain the same


Acquiring Bank
Customer Support



Same as current on-boarding


As mentioned in scope above, transaction itself have different workflows. UPI typically offers two mechanisms. Push mechanism where payer/customer
can initiate payment to payee/merchant VPA or pull mechanism where merchant/payee can request payment from customer/payer. The collect module
internally follows UPI Pull mechanism & the Intent & QR workflows utilise UPI Push mechanism

Collect Workflow (only for reference):

In the collect workflow, customer will enter their VPA on merchant page and merchant will wait for a response callback to update customer on status.
When customer enters the VPA, it is a pull mechanism of UPI

Note: Workflows marked in red involve integration with Merchant or Acquiring Bank

Intent Workflow:

Collect mechanism has multiple hassles example: user may enter incorrect VPA on merchant portal. Also merchant is unaware of the customer side of
approval activity. Intent workflows mitigate these flaws.

In the intent workflow, when a user initiates payment merchant initiates an intent with a deeplink (provided by Plural Server) which displays all the available
UPI Payment Apps on the customers device. User can select the intended payment app and directly make the payment most likely from the default VPA
/account already configured.
Smart Intent

Intent further gets more smarter on Android due to the capability of knowing UPI PSP App readiness. Only those PSP Apps which are ready for payment
can be shown on merchant checkout thereby reducing complexity and optimizing success rates.

Intent on iOS: iOS system has two types of intents. While device type intent is not support. UPI transactions can be initiated through Web type of intent

Dynamic QR Workflow:

QR Workflow is similar to the Intent workflow with the exception that PSP Apps will receive the Merchant VPA & Amount details through QR code. QR
code can be scanned through preferred PSP App by the customer & customer can make payment basis PIN Authentication
Note: Intent/QR requests to be signed as mentioned in the reference NPCI linking specification document. whose keys will be used for signing?


Acquiring would provide the Refund APIs.

Merchant can initiate refunds via
Plural APIs
Plural Merchant Dashboard
Individual Refund
Bulk Refund


Recon/Settlement would be similar to current process where PSR files from Acquiring banks are recon with internal systems and post that MPR
files are generated along with related settlement in merchant account
There should be another file generated for mismatch cases

Impact touchpoints

Collect/QR-Redirection Flow
Intent Flow
Important: Also need to store UPI Sub-mode in the payment tables wherever Payment mode is stored. This will be further consumed by the AWS
Analytics for display or can also be fetched for other purposes if required in future e.g. as a column in MIS reports

Other details

User can only pay upto Rs. 1 lakh per transaction through UPI. There be a check at Merchant/PG end for the same?

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