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Good day!

This day we are so early and excited for today’s first duty as student teacher in Camul
Elementary School. We oriented by the school head in Camul Elementary School. He told us about the
flow of duty as ST. After the orientation we had choose our assigned grade levels. Moreover, sir Ivan
said that we have 2 weeks to observed the class and then the rest we have to takeover the classroom
management and teaching. When I arrived in my respective classroom. I met my critic to drive the class
tomorrow if I want to, but yes I really wanted to handle the class. (April 11, 2022)

This day I woke up early and do my routines every morning. This moment I started to manage my grade
5 pupils. I prepare all the lesson for this morning. And I feel comfortable in this situation because my
critic is so good to me. (April 12,2022)

My challenging Day, wherein I lead the national anthem and prayer. And I also printed all the handouts
needed for my class today, anyway this the first time I learned to print. For this morning I have for
subject to teach the Filipino, English,Esp and ArPan. (April 13,2022)

It’s holy Thursday, we don’t have classes today. So I do the house routine. April 14,2022

Hi it’s good Friday! (April 14, 2022)

Hey! It’s Monday, usually did my best this day to manage my ma

Hi Monday, here we go again. This is the first time that I wear my ST uniform. I feel comfortable in
handling my class today because of this uniform maybe they look at me as a real teacher in this uniform
chart. Actually I did a lot of things today, after my class I prepared the learning activity sheet of my
students for tomorrow and print some modules for those who choose to have their modular learning.
(April 18,2022)

Hello Tuesday I’m early today because I will be the one to manage my students today. We do our
morning routine like cleaning, and then we started our class by a prayer. Today I teach three subject the
English, Filipino and science. And I feel so “palangga sa ako critic kay libre ko perme ug snacks
hehe”(April 19)

This time I feel worried because I’ll be handling the class B now. Class A is Monday and Tuesday then
class B is Wednesday and Thursday. Class B group is very different to class A, they are so hyper specially
the boys. This day I feel so exhausted but hehe ‘pag sulay ra ni ni”(April 20)
Finally it’s Thursday, I do manage my student morning routine in cleaning the entire room and areas. I
also printed all the learning activities for today’s class.

Yey! Friday, this day I arrived not so early because we don’t class today. I do the cleaning inside and
outside of my classroom and then I checked all the paperwork of my students and record after.(April 21)

It’s Saturday! As usual I help my landlady to prepare with their meal and cleaning up their house.(April

The day’s run fast, it’sunday so I spent my time with God and prepare my lesson for tomorrow’s class.
(April 23)

I felt excited for today’s duty, I assure to make my class attain all their needs specially their behavior
inside the classroom. They need a guide and assessment for their behavior.(April 24)

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