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IBA adopts a consultative approach to give its
views on any issue pertaining to banking sector.
What is the meaning of "I" in IBA?
आईबीए बैंकििंग क्षेत्र से सिंबिंधित किसी भी मद्
ु दे पर अपने
विचार दे ने िे लिए परामर्शी दृष्टििोण अपनाता ै। IBA
में "I" िा क्या अर्थ ै। ?

(b) Institute
(c) Investment
(d) Indian
(e) Increase
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The arrangement under which banks sell

insurance products acting as the agents of the
respective companies is called the...............?
ष्िस व्यिस्र्ा िे तैत बैंि सिंबिंधित ििंपननयों िे एिेंि िे
रूप में िायथ िरते ैुए बीमा उत्पाद बेचते ैैं, उसे
……………… िैा िाता ै। ?

(a) Insurance joint venture

(b) Bancassurance Model
(c) Hybrid Insurance Model
(d) Insurance Broking
(e) None of these
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Which of the following is the purpose of introducing

“Know Your Customer” norms by the banks?
बैंिों द्िारा "अपने ग्राैि िो िानें" मानदिं ड र्शरू
ु िरने िा
उद्दे श्य ननम्नलिखित में से िौन सा ै। ?

(a) Identifying people who do not pay Income Tax

(b) To bring more and more people under the
banking net
(c) To ensure that the money deposited in banks
has come from genuine sources
(d) All of the Above
(e) None of the given options is true
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What is the minimum initial deposit required

for opening a Basic Savings Bank Deposit
Account (BSBDA)?
मूि बचत बैंि िमा िाता (बीएसबीडीए) िोिने िे
लिए आिश्यि न्यनू तम प्रारिं लभि िमा रालर्श क्या
ै। ?
(a) Rs 500
(b) Rs 1000
(c) Rs 100
(d) No initial deposit
(e) Rs 200
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_______ is a deposit account provided by a bank or other financial
institutions for individuals to save money and earn the modest
interest for that money held in the account
_________ एि बैंि या अन्य वित्तीय सिंस्र्ानों द्िारा व्यष्क्तयों िो प।से
बचाने और िाते में रिे गए प।से िे लिए मामि ू ी ब्याि अष्िथत िरने िे लिए
प्रदान किया गया एि िमा िाता ै।

(a) Fixed Deposit Account

(b) Savings Bank Account
(c) Recurring Account
(d) Current Account
(e) None of the given options is true
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Which is the India’s first Payments

भारत िा पैिा पेमेंट्स बैंि िौन सा
ै। ?

(a)Voda Payments Bank

(b)Airtel Payments Bank
(c)Phonepe Payments Bank
(d)Bajaj finance Payments Bank
(e)Paytm Payments Bank
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Airtel Payments Bank was launched in?

एयरिे ि पेमेंट्स बैंि िॉन्च किया गया र्ा?

(a)March 2017
(b)April 2017
(c)January 2018
(d)January 2017
(e)February 2017
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Payments bank are initially restricted to holding

a maximum balance of ________ per individual
ु तान बैंि र्शरू
ु में प्रनत ग्राैि ________ िी
अधिितम र्शेष रालर्श रिने िे लिए प्रनतबिंधित ै।

(a)Rs. 200,000
(b)Rs. 300,000
(c)Rs. 100,000
(d)Rs. 400,000
(e)Rs. 500,000
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Which type of banks cannot issue

Credit cards?
किस प्रिार िे बैंि क्रेडडि िाडथ िारी
नैीिं िर सिते ैैं?

(a)Public sector Banks

(b)Payments banks
(c)Private sector Banks
(d)Foreign Banks
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Under Which act Payments Bank

Licensed ?
पेमेंट्स बैंि किस अधिननयम िे तैत िाइसेंस
प्राप्त ै। ?

A- Banking Regulation Act 1949

B- RBI Act 1934
C- Companies Act 1956
D- Companies Act 2013
E- None
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Which Committee Recommended

Establishment of Payments Bank ?
किस सलमनत ने भग
ु तान बैंि िी स्र्ापना िी
लसफाररर्श िी?
A- Usha Thorat
B- Nachiket More
C- B Shivraman
D- C Rangrajan
E- None
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How Many Payments Bank in India at

Present ?
ितथमान में भारत में कितने पेमेंट्स बैंि ैैं?
A- 4
B- 5
C- 7
D- 8
E- None
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Which of the following is the Latest

Payments Bank of India ?
ननम्नलिखित में से िौन सा निीनतम पेमेंट्स
बैंि ऑफ इिंडडया ै। ?

A- Airtel Payment Bank

B- Fino Payments Bank
C- NSDL Payments Bank
D- Paytm Payments Bank
E- None
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