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I provided CPR at the scene of the van attack and the horror I witnessed has affected my sense of

happiness and safety on an ongoing basis.

After seeing the person I performed CPR on passing away at the scene, I questioned my CPR techniques
and lived with years of guilt and self-doubt as a healthcare professional in training. I replayed the
sequence of events on that day thousands of times in my head, questioning if I could have done things
differently and if she would still be here today. Furthermore, I experienced nightmares and flashbacks
and I continue therapy for my depression and PTSD symptoms. I struggled with my academic training
and had almost lost a school year as I dealt with the trauma I witnessed and experienced. Overall, I am
a less happy and more anxious person and the event changed how I relate to others in personal and
professional settings.

My own invisible psychological scars are insignificant in comparison to the tragic loss of lives which
continue to affect the families of the victims. I feel a profound sense of sorrow when I think of all the
lost potential of so many lives. I am troubled by how much suffering this man caused and that he
appears to show a lack of remorse for what he has done. My greatest fear is that this man would ever be
able to carry out such an act again.

In summary, as someone who witnessed this event, my world is changed forever. However, it is nothing
compared to the suffering and grief caused to the victims and their families.

Jiaxin Jiang

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