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Quizizz: The european language day

Quiz started on: Fri 24, Sep 11:39 AM Total Attendance: 22 Average Score: 4265

Class Level
# Correct

How many living languages are there estimated in the world

today? 14

What is generally considered to be the first form of written

language? 11

The official language of Azerbaijan is called?


Where do sign languages come from?


In which country is the language Cymraeg spoken?


Sign language is universal. - true or false?


Which is the country with the highest number of languages

spoken on its territory? 18

The tongue twister Fisker Frits fisker friske fisk is in:


Which of the following languages are written from right to left?


Which affirmation is true?


Total 101
Player level data in next Sheet!!

Time is represented in GMT+0300

verage Score: 4265

Class Level

# Incorrect # Unattempted Sebastian Nedelcu

Around 6000
7 1

Cuneiform script
10 1

15 1

They were invented by the

17 1 French Abbé de l'Epée
between 1760 and 1789
In Wales
15 1

3 1

3 1

13 1

14 1

Latvian and Lithuanian belong

12 1 to the Baltic language family.

109 10 7060
🤑🤑Stanescu Sebi👽
Sebastian Ionuț Gabriela
( SebaS 26 )

Around 6000 Around 6000 Around 6000

Cuneiform script Phoenician script Cuneiform script

Azeri Azeri Azerbaijanic

They emerged naturally where They were invented by the They have been created in the
deaf people were gathered French Abbé de l'Epée language laboratory from the
together and are present also between 1760 and 1789 Gallaudet University (USA).
In some
Walesindigenous In Wales In Wales

True False False

Russia Russia Russia

Finnish Norwegian Danish

Maltese Japanese German

Latvian and Lithuanian belong Latvian and Lithuanian belong Romanian and Bulgarian are
to the Baltic language family. to the Baltic language family. Romance languages.

6470 6240 5890

Pîrvu Andrada Stefan Dumitru alexandra nitaa

Around 3500 Around 6000 Around 6000

Phoenician script Cuneiform script Cuneiform script

Azeri Azerbaijanian Azerbaijanic

They were invented by the They have been created in the They emerged naturally where
French Abbé de l'Epée language laboratory from the deaf people were gathered
between 1760 and 1789 Gallaudet University (USA). together and are present also
In the Faroe Islands In Wales in
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands

False False False

Russia Russia Russia

Danish Danish Finnish

Hebrew Maltese Hebrew

Latvian and Lithuanian belong Romanian and Bulgarian are Latvian and Lithuanian belong
to the Baltic language family. Romance languages. to the Baltic language family.

5740 5370 5280

Diana Poggers Matei Antonia

Around 6000 Around 6000 Around 6000

Cuneiform script Cuneiform script Cuneiform script

Azerban Azeri Azerbaijanian

They emerged naturally where They emerged naturally where They emerged naturally where
deaf people were gathered deaf people were gathered deaf people were gathered
together and are present also together and are present also together and are present also
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands in
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands in
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands
populations populations populations

False False False

Russia Russia China

Icelandic Danish Danish

Japanese Maltese Hebrew

Latvian and Lithuanian belong Romanian and Bulgarian are Romanian and Bulgarian are
to the Baltic language family. Romance languages. Romance languages.

5130 5050 4970

Player Level

Alexandra Radu Adrian Stana

Around 2000 Around 6000 Around 6000

Egyptian hieroglyphs Egyptian hieroglyphs Cuneiform script

Azerbaijanic Azerban Azeri

They were invented by the They have been created in the They emerged naturally where
French Abbé de l'Epée language laboratory from the deaf people were gathered
between 1760 and 1789 Gallaudet University (USA). together and are present also
In Ireland In Ireland in
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands

False False True

Russia Russia Russia

Danish Finnish Finnish

Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew

Latvian and Lithuanian belong Romanian and Bulgarian are Romanian and Bulgarian are
to the Baltic language family. Romance languages. Romance languages.

4870 4570 4410

DenisuL Tucă Georgiana Antonia B

Around 3500 Around 2000 Around 6000

Cuneiform script Phoenician script Cuneiform script

Azerban Azerbaijanian Azerbaijanian

They have been copied from They emerged naturally where They emerged naturally where
the great apes living in Africa deaf people were gathered deaf people were gathered
together and are present also together and are present also
In the Faroe Islands in
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands in
In some
populations populations

False False False

Russia Russia Russia

Finnish Finnish Finnish

Maltese Hebrew Japanese

Latvian and Lithuanian belong Latvian and Lithuanian belong Romanian and Bulgarian are
to the Baltic language family. to the Baltic language family. Romance languages.

4160 3840 3660

Tudor Alexia Alexia Ioana

Around 3500 Around 6000 Around 6000

Cyrillic alphabet Cyrillic alphabet Egyptian hieroglyphs

Azerbaijanian Azerbaijanic Azerbaijanian

They emerged naturally where They emerged naturally where They emerged naturally where
deaf people were gathered deaf people were gathered deaf people were gathered
together and are present also together and are present also together and are present also
In some
Irelandindigenous in
In some
Irelandindigenous in
In some indigenous
the Faroe Islands
populations populations populations

False False False

Russia Russia Germany

Danish Danish Norwegian

German German Japanese

Danish and Faroese are Slavic Danish and Faroese are Slavic Romanian and Bulgarian are
languages. languages. Romance languages.

3350 3090 1910

Tanca Uragnu Andrei Dobroiu Apple Archimboldi

Around 2000 Around 3500 No response

Cyrillic alphabet Cyrillic alphabet No response

Azerbaijanic Azerban No response

They have been created in the They have been copied from No response
language laboratory from the the great apes living in Africa
Gallaudet University (USA).
In Ireland In Wales No response

False True No response

Russia Germany No response

Finnish Icelandic No response

German Maltese No response

Romanian and Bulgarian are Danish and Faroese are Slavic No response
Romance languages. languages.

1860 910 0
Quizizz: The european language day
Quiz started on: Fri 24, Sep 11:39 AM Total Attendance: 22 Average Score: 4265

Players Score Accuracy Started At

Sebastian Nedelcu 7060 80% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

🤑🤑Stanescu Sebi👽
( SebaS 26 ) 6470 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Sebastian Ionuț 6240 70% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Gabriela 5890 70% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Pîrvu Andrada 5740 70% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Stefan Dumitru 5370 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

alexandra nitaa 5280 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Diana 5130 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Poggers 5050 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Matei Antonia 4970 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Alexandra 4870 60% Fri 24, Sep 08:42 AM

Radu 4570 40% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Adrian Stana 4410 50% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

DenisuL 4160 50% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Tucă Georgiana 3840 50% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Antonia B 3660 40% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Tudor Alexia 3350 30% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Alexia 3090 40% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Ioana 1910 20% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Tanca Uragnu 1860 20% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Andrei Dobroiu 910 10% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Apple Archimboldi 0 0% Fri 24, Sep 08:40 AM

Time is represented in GMT+0300

age Score: 4265

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