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LET olaG: NOSTIC EXAMINATION GENERAL EDUCATION two (2) hours, GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: lestons. Examinees shall maniage.to u 1 The text question Rond INSTRUCT Inia on youre aoa. Jon on your answer shoots, Two oF more boxes shaded wil Invalidale your answer. 2 1. Shinde on) fami orn (1) ho fr wach 4. Avolb ERASUHES "e 5) WARNING: This matartal I» protec the Philippine Lawn, For axcioaive ies OI CONC Tavewnes only. nn wes nal Be Prosected Inthe fl extant of ENGLISH D.Cotecve noun 1 ROSE in my favorite flower A. Proper noun 8. Abstract noun ©. Concrete noun _ 2. You wouldn't want to be late for the Interview, B. don'tyou A. won't you (Of epigrams, what is the meaning of “A friend is one who knows all about you and loves you just C. Love friends, not enemies.” * wal you D. True friendship % 3 A. ‘Fiionds are for keeping 8 Afriond In need Is a frend Indeed 4, “Nothing that happens in this world ever happens by chance; Its ail part of a graft ‘This statement expresses , Destiny pf D. Luck sedntrast because he does not drink, smoke about a person's B. Dreams ‘A. Ambition 5, Marto’s father is an alcoholic, a chain smoker, and a gambler. But Mat nor gamble. What does this case proved? a ‘A. One's value system is acquired 6 fe elusive D'QRES value system i inherited B. Values are genetically passed “c. Accept and bear consequences of your own doings “Rome was not built In a day!" D. Hatred between forgiven two parties 6. ‘A. Always on the move B. Great things require time and effort The polltcian is a witty speaker but he bedis'a(ayo the bush too much, ‘A. Speaks emotionally xe ‘C. Avoids the main topic NS D. Keeps on talking of the following answers this question? B. Away from the public. shopping?” Which - C. None, but | have a credit card D. All the cash | have was spent al the grocery sI ore yesterday 8. "How much money did you A. Ihave some change ih'sty sid.the 2nvelope in my desk D. Hyperbole CC. | have P500.0040: & Pegimet ie sesame —— oa 10, wo een we Se 3.tomunty 4. Porcieve A. 2and3 B.1,384 €.2,3,and4 D.1.2and3 SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. The ordering of things according 1 importance 2 person aiaches othe nis now 26 a paguin leach D. Tondo A. Hierarchy of needs Birth place of Jose Rizal: A. Dapitan B. Laguna C, Malolos, Bulacan CONTROLLED COPY: 2022 Rev 01 INATION GENERAL EDUCATION LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMI 14. What rime Rizal was tied by the Spanish military court? i Gateemaan . Rebetion and orgaizng slags! sorietos D. Falsification of documents 5._Liel and assault 15. How can Dr. Jose Riza La Liga organization be ikaned according io present-day social groupsimovererts? ‘A. National politcal party tke LP, NP, Lakas. ‘C. Shadow government National socio-civic organization 1D, Street partamantarian movernent 416. Who fet used the name “Flipines" considering thet native Fipinos in ine Phitppines were simply called “indios7” A. Creoles (Mixed Hispanic Filipino blood) ‘C. Natives of ure blood af islanders B_Ghinos or Chinese invrigrants tothe islands First Flipino clenes Burgos, Gomez and Zamora 17. The Katipunas in Cavio was divided into two factions — the Magdlwang and the Magdalo white the Magdiwang in Cove was [od by Mariano Alvarez, who led the Magdalo faction? ‘A> Ginaco Bonifacio B. Daniel Tirona ©. Baldomero Aguinaldo D. Artemio Ricarte 18, vynat was tne power to set aside certain by the Kingdom of Spain to the Governor-General of the Phiigpines? A. Volo Power 'BCondign Power . Conditioned Power 'D. Compensatory Power 19, The miltary provinces that ware unpacified during the Spanish poriod were called: A Acacia BIndulto de comercio C. Alcalde mayor D Conregimientos 20. Voting is @ priviege in a democracy. Those who are deprived their voles are normaly . © Exiled » DeExebute A. Franchised C. Disenfranchised 21. Which of the following is not an ASEAN country? A. Cambodia ‘©. Hongkong ©. Singapore. ©. Philippines 22. The measurement of the tolal value of a country’s economic productions. A” Gross National Product (GNP) 8. Net National income C.Niiodatinéome —_D. Per Capita Income 23, When one controls tne supplyiproduction of goods. this implies ‘ A. Inflation B. Economic stability © Monopoly D. Economic equiorium 24, What does “capital” in economics refer to? ‘A. Investment and loss computed > COutcome of a business transaction ©. Profit and labor spent for the business B. Money/machines invested to transact business re of the less fortunate members of the Philippine society? 25. Which state policy provides for preferential atlerion (othe wetfat A. Bill of Rights 8. Distibutive justice ©. Socal justice 1. Criminal justice BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE or no leaves? 28. Whats the MOST likely ceason for 8 desert plant to have a few C. To decrease photosynthesis A Toincrease photognpass B To increase transpira D To decrease transpiration 27. What type of Aséxval Peproduction occurs when a new organism develops from an outgrowth as exemplified by corals? A. Fission B. Sexual reproduction C.Fetblizaton 1D. Budding 28, Il carbohydrates are hydrophilic organic compounds, lipids are oxganic compounds A. Biomolecules B Simple Hydrophobic 0. Polypeptide 29. The molecules thal contain en organism's genetic make-up is called A. Genelic membrane 8, Nucleolus. . Nucleic acid D Cytosol 30. Which of the following is a vitamin? A Niacin B. Pepsin © Mucin 0. Trypsin 31, What will happen to a plant cell placed in a hypertonic solution? A, The piant cell will rupture B._ No effect on the plant cell C. The piant cell wil have edema D. The plant cell wi shrink 32, What are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape? A. Myosin filaments B. Pseudo filaments C. Monofilaments 1D. Mecrofilament FLED COPY: 2022 Rey 0 98, Tho wate produet of photonnthosts Nitrogen Carton hose 6. Hydrogen. © Oxygen 36 What ath Jane molecule hat akows pants to cantare may Hom uN? 2 Civbohyraton Oxygen, 1 Chvoraphy 37, Yih meng ho folowing are upcated ding te process of mas? A Contorsmen nn E Cocors 18. This thn of race A "Witlprovents ominnnt gone from oxpronsing Hs phenotype 1B ShoUtd be pated wit a dominant gane for tio ba expressed C. Have more superior photype Walls 1D’ Wilonty nave phenatypie oxpraasion H proment as a homazygoNs geretype £39, Mutation occurs when DNA is damaged, not repaired and roplcaled the resut is LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION GENERAL EDUCATION C Conromeros 0. Chloropinsts pe Popuimon evluton B ceoiogien succession” Genetic dsordar 1 Blologleal moth 40. Who was th fathr of modern taxonomy and responsible for coring the teem Howe sapiens? 2 Chaton ara (C'M Copland Linnaeus 41 The hirarehy of bology taxonomy has how many levels? an ee cs oe 42. Organisms that decompose substances into products that can be use are called GAS Ro Hersivores B.Carnvores (cSaprottes SOB Saprophytes 43, Which othe folowing s 8 segmented worm thal can be used to facate anteoaguaien?, A Bloodwerms 8. Maggots C-Earhworm s,s D. Leeches eAky 444. Eutrophication which causes the depletion of solved onygen in water Suu nats A. Decrease in aquatic plants 8. Decrease In dissolved nutrien ts 1, Dyninisned sea harvest 45 Ths demonstrates the feeding connections batwean a oes Ps Someta tert cnn sere tN acamiapatmye Fond web 48, Towtattione doth Pippin bong NN me Me pears) Tana 0 Gest acral even br seal, 5 woitpene Snowe 6 ngs ones 48, insulin is secreted by the: \\." eae Seine © ter any RESEARCH ey, 48. Quantlative daim are numerical, while qualtale are non-numerical and more cificul to quantiy fora social research study. Identity what may be more qualitative than quantitative A. Dore B. Love feelings C. Single mother 1. Annuiments SITUATION. The class was asked to design an experiment to lest the effect of detergent on fish. One group came up with his experimental design. For detergent t different sizes and shapes of botles. Janitor fish, 1 thsp of Tide. they gol Ariel, Surf and Tide. For fish they had tilapia, goldfish and janitor fish contained in “To the tilapia they put 1 tbsp of Avil. To the goldfish, they put 1 tbsp of Surf and to the ‘50. How can the experimental design be improved? |, Make use of the same type and size of fish Ii, Increase the number of fish ‘and reduce the number of detergent brands involved IIL Focus on one independent al a ime, e.g brand of detergent A only B. Vand tt C.tand il D.tlonly 51, What s defective with the experimental design’? A. There is na testable hypothesis ©. There ore a lol of biases involved B. Mis very complicated 52, What's the dependent variable? A. The effect of detergent on fish B. The brand of detergent 1D. There are s0 many independent variables the effect of which tested . The amount of water D. The amount of detergent 0. Cate Boma Review Center {P#Py, Carmen tvAdng. 1G. Tolefine SL. comer Espa Bid, Sompotoe, Mans 1008 St PONTROLL LD CORY 2022 Rev a ‘i M controntepeory nv omanost¥ AMINATION GENERAL ENIEATI ¥ on 53, Whatla the ssa youn” «genet Ae apa wah Hoe te Gane 8 The gotttan sth 1 Wospe Su PHSICAL SCIENCE {4 Besides sh, it a. wh in etn nS ’ 3 A Plasma 8. Foam sw an sh 8 wate ee 88 Apparent, oes of ght fatten i ean 88 RPeRnvees pence Newt fey “ 68, Arsatpek ca a he maf wat 10 on “ A. Surface tension 1B Rooyaney 1 Anyponan Ae gan ant sony of a ee mate Te ate oe A! 57 group of stdents ned ty Bt toe wane smh ae voy ‘mine able Doow trade al | Volmeinse | Maas) | eoety 3 ‘ woo sy Based on he tals made, which amseg ve RAO) Ov 1 Density of a materia in cosa Ww I ae inersy peyton o wman TY Vert oop gan at see A. Manav B tana © ang ‘58, Riders in a bus ate pushed forward during wah soyy WN Law waar ores a yas A Lawl nena 1B Law of iterncdoor {SI Lanw oF Unvonnt Grahame OO TAAP La £59, A change inthe shape or size ofan ots can be clase wi A” Nuclear change 8 Physical change © Choma change ©) etme 160. Which process occurs whan dy ce, CO2s) & changed Wo COZ? AL Evaporation 8. Conduit © Sutvinatyn 1 Deveney 61. The bond in Soaium Muorido ts wich uf te flowing ty508 cheat? AL Alka metas Akane ath mals © Hagens 0 Race oan 62. Milks classed as: A. Colloid Aca © Motatiad we 63. The point in tha earths wrt noarest the sun A Solstice. S, B.Echpno © Apatow 1 Pearanon 54, occurs when the earth is betwean the sun and the moon, wil the Rahs Ahan cast over the ANNE A. Tolalecipse 8. Lunar eciose © Fetpwe 0 Pavtal ec 85. What motion ofthe earth causes the occanterice of night anu lay? A. Revolullon B Solar translation © Rott 1 may of ave INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION 88. A Social networking service available through the campute a A Iepad B. Wikipedia © Pacnboo D Goye 87. The acronym HTML means Hyper Text Mark ext Mark-up) A Line 8 Lotter © Language oe 88. In arting alot, which produetvty tool is usd? A Page maker 8 Word processing © Spreadsheet 83 The word processor is umipo of wh % Alcaton wer 8 Salama state 6 Cpa sate son 72 Whe cma ndtv aft 3 As © cmv 0 Any (Corc|ter) Sh es HD COPY 2022 Rey oy MATHEMATICS. LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION GENERAL EDUCATION 7 Gv me fal PITS mud BUR 28 commision ged hy Martha. She stan aplanc fr 28800 Her commsson way r 300 fe ransporn 1248% 1B. 14.54% 6.12 05% 0 1413% % 2 Seymay Company manutacures tables, nts ctl, a ound table is priced P4000 00 less a aiacourt of 20% What wi AMWe Department store have to pay forte round ble? 3200.00, 3.P2,600.00 c. 3400.00 0. 31500.00 75, Mi. Lazarte had incurad the folowing expenses I hs tps fo tne Mindanac stands. P3, 200.00; P2, $00, 00 and 1,500. 30 What percent ofthis total monthly budget af P4D, 000. 00 did he spent for tus np? A 38% 8.18% 30% © 20% 74. The price of gasoline has gone high suddenly. The gas station ordered 120,000 iters belore the price merouse, However ‘only 1,800 titers were sold, How many lies are new sold on the new price? A 142.000 8.118.000, €. 118.500 ©. 108,500 75. In an examination, 24% of he students falled in math and 33% in Science 9% of the students failed in both subjects, tind the percent of students who passed in botn subjects Aaa Ba8% c.52% D.ar% 76, Ha student has an average of 76% on fis fst two tests and has an average of 85% on the next fol fest, what isthe final average of al six tests? > rat 8.625% c.00 5% 0.813% 77 The fatoing are the scores of stents on ther math examination $1, 89, 90, 81,86 8687 Whats the medi fhe group? ia 8.e8 cat bss 78. Compute the media scores ofthe students in @ Mathematics IV test ass [1] 6-9 [1 sa as | [asf ar] 36-40] or 355 | ae 1-3 [Rms [3 a0 at 55 [9 S| 95 [8 2 [6s [3 i a A 30.15 8.3419 C3258 © 3565, 79. Ifthe average or arithmetic méan of x and -5's 10, then what must be the value of x? A 18 oe 8.25 €.30 0.20 80. The grades in Mathematics ofthe students in Secon A are as flows. 80,75, 60,95. 100, What the range oftheir group? A 80-95 860-95 .60- 100 D.70~ 100 81. The measure of an angie is 25 mote than its supplement. What is the measure ofthe larger angle? A 110, S degrees B. 102 5 degrees €.95.5 degrees. 77 Sdeqrees 82. Refer to tne igure. Given: angle 2 50 and angle 100. What is angle 4? A 98° B. 115° ©. 105° D.138° 83, One angie ofa parallelogram is 3607 What are the measures ofthe three other angles? A 145°, 35°, 145° B. 45°, 65° 170° ©. 85°, 136°, 140 0. 35°, 65° 65 54. The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12, while those another right triangle are 12 and 16. How much longer is te ermeter of the larger triangle than the penmeter of tie smaller tnangle? AB 87 12 ow {LET Pt ae CONTROLLED COPY: 2022 Rev OF LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION GENERAL EDUCATION 85. Which of he fotowing tangs isthe longest?” A555 om ‘3 aos ks c.55m . 5855 mm FILIPINO, 86. Ang whang pambonsa ay nagging madems nang idagdag sa abakadang Filipino ang: aon Beaty cate D watz 87. to ang rutang dinarannan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita A “Xontoksto B.Teanet ©. Panicipant 0. Pidbak 188. to ay pag-aara ng mga ponema na isang wika, Ho ay! AY Loksixon 18. Ponelohiya , Monopetohiya ©. Sintaks 89. Anong bahagi ng pananalta ang nasa malaking tk: Malungkot ANG MGA naglapes na wala pang trabano. A Pangaina, 8 Patiala 1c Pang-ukot 'D Pananda 80. Ang “ubhang” 8a parralang ‘ubhang malistay 8 Panghalla B. Panda, ©. Pang-ut D Pang-abay 91. Ano ang ut ng pangungusap na UMUULAN NA? ‘ A. Panawag ‘8. Sambila ©. Pormulasyong pariipunan _, D. Ponomenat 92. Sa mga bantas na gamit sa pangungusap, ane ang ginagamit pagkatapos ng pangungusen? AY "Tutukdox 'B Tuldok %Tendang pananong »—D. Kuvit 23, Anong uti ng panlapi ang ginamit sa mga sumusunad na sala matin. tukuran, Suwagin? AL Kabiaan 8 Gillapt Cola 05 D. Unlop! Ain sa mga sunusuned na pangka ng mga soa ang magkasingkhUbgen? ‘A Tinagis, pinakawalan 'G;_ Magiing, mahiyain 8. Ganiok.sikat, tanyag “DL Magapi, mataio, panalo 95, Tuy a saitang naa ss kaulugan:nag- ala nail naprupues. ranging ‘A. Nagpupuyos B. Nagdint Se € Nanghingalay D.Nag-aalab 96. Ang kahulugan ng: My bank account is in he red ‘8 Nakapag-inon €.Bale-wala D. Malapit na maubos A” Nanakawan 97. Sya ay may KUTSARANG PILAK nang inanganak Ano angiinapahayag nto? A. Siya ay mahilig sa plak ‘C. Marami siyang kagaritang pllak B. Gustong gusto niya ang kutsara 1 Siya ay mayaman ‘napapanahong isyu sa araw na iyon, Aro ito? 88 to ay kro kuro ng paigoianagt sa manana A. Pitak 8 Balla C-Lathalain D.Editoryat 99. Ang saltang nagialaglay ng KAMBAL-KATINIG ay ‘A. Mag-earal B. Sid ©. Klase ©. Guo 100. *Kapataran! Huwag ka sanang mailap.” ‘A Pagtawag B, Palit-saklaw ©. Pagmamalabis D. Palittawag ind: “The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work, Work is the Rey to success, and hard work can help you accomplish anything.” (CBRC|LET (0%, CIE bata Keview Center ‘FL, Carmen Busing, 6816. Tolentino SL comer Espana Biv, Sampotoc, Monta 1008 [ commmousn corr | wee Pinel Meade see LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: son sn Tracts psn yo An hon 19 1 80 Wn (2) hore hwo 0¢ one hou shaded wil lwvaldate your answar 8 WARNING. This maternal te protacted by Copyright Laws, Unauthorized used. the Prilnine Lame. For axctutive ung Of CONC reviewees only. nll be pronacited in the full extent of ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING 1 What ear be afore es How sant cow? 1X Scores are helovoe nonin The most rehatve measure of cwnteal tandency i A” Mean 1 Median Teacher Mae make sure that sho chacks understanding to ensure thatthe students are following the Weson, Of what part cof asseusment is she Oocupind wih? Mace 1 Standara Deviation ©. Assessment for foaming A" Assessment of Inaiing B Accosen a8 aren Assessment for and as Fearing 4 Assessment of learning is prt of the teaching and learning process, A Coralary B integral CEniching D.Adaitve ‘What ean Teacher Ed assign in order to assess the student's indivigual learning experiences and performance using rnnovative documentation, such ne foxls, photos and other tems and documents? A Jounal B Field research °C. Portatio. Audio-visual project © What primary response factor is considered by Essay questions? A Wide sampling of ideas ‘C. Factual information 8 Onginalty Loss time for constructing and scoring 7 Which of the folowing is an accurate depiction of an authentic assessment? A. Attending 2 lecture on Botany C. Performing first-aid measures to scald burns B Conducting a seminar on breastfeeding) D. Answering a multiple-choice exam 8 Which of the following types of tenis is most vulnerable to biases? A. Essays B,Objective exams CC. Mutiple-choice tests D. Matching-type 8, Whats meant by a'ificuty index of one (1) for atest item? A tem is extremely aificut ©. item is extremely easy tem should be retained - item is not vai 10. Which is an incorrect practice in test construction? ‘Never use an identiflable pattern When using numbers as oplions, arrange them in a descending ordet Multiple choice type of testis always more objective than essay ones Using of student codes instead of thet real names to prevent hom error or halo effect com PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF TEACHING 11, Wahitness means: ‘A. Thal the teacher knows everything that happens around the four corners of the classroom B. That the teacher has mastery on her content CC. Thal the students and teachers have mutual respect for each other D. Thal the students’ welfare is always the priority ofthe teacher "2, When a teacher jumps from one topic to another without assessing ifthe students are ready to absorb the instructions, this Practice depicts: A. Dangling 8, Truncation ©. Thnust ©. Flip-flop (CBRC|LET 1 Cale Balle Review Center 774, Cormen Bulting, 88 3. Tolenine Scorn fee Blvd, Sompaloc. Mela 1008 (__eowrmauen curt CONTROLLED COPY: 2022 Rev. a1 “ 16, A. "Rote playing 8. Brainstorming Demonstration D. Simviation 19. Inthe 6°S Formula to create a conducive teaming enwironment, which S stands for cleanliness of the workplace? A. Shine 3B Sweep . Systematize D.Son 20. The starting poln of teaching Is a ‘A> Considering the classroom . Considering tho subject matte 8. Knowing the nature ofthe learner D. Knowing the envionment. mt ‘CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 21. K-12 curriculum is what type of subject-centered curriculum? ‘ A Spiral B. Fused ©. Broad-telds. D.Conetated 22, What coud be he content cr opt when the teacher asks te leamers ind curiculum and complete a matin onthe 23 24 25, 26. 2. 28 28, LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION When a teacher i able lo perorm muliple, diferent activities atthe same, this shows: sro ati 1. Short attantion span A Overlapping 18 Simulis-bounded ‘C. Witiness How do you describe the effects cf escalating shuations of uncontrolled misbehaviors ins a classroom? A Ripple elect 'B. Rainbow effect (C. Mushroom effect, 1 Stap-up attact ‘Youwish to make the loamers learn or internalized fly a subject matter to be taught to them, Which ofthe fotiowing wl you need? AS Integrated B, Motimosia © Mastery ©, Mult-discipinary Whe material is dangerous forthe learners (o handla, which of the flowing method wil you use? A. Textbook 'B, Group discussions Lecture Demonatiaion D. Eclectic ‘When you observed the teacher reviewing the plan withthe class and assigning students ta check the activives on tna days _agunda that are comploted, what form af a plan is boing described” A Yearly Weekly, C.Daly 0. Quanterty ‘Mrs, Lim wants to generate as many ideas as she can as the class is about fo embark on a community ovieach program, ‘Winch of the following wil sie employ? differences between tradiional and progressive curriculum. ‘A Hetrial and ptileophieal foundations ofthe cucu,” Arn of cucu 8. Various curiculum perspective (oo NB, illorent elements tha affects curestum Teacher Janus have been tasked to prepare the cunfeuum or the year. He wits daly guide in implamenting the ‘curriculum. In this situation he is afan A. Planner B.implementor "+" C. Innovator D. writer ‘The best feature of Tyler's Rationale [s he . Evaluation of experiences A. Planning phase ere B. Organizaion of experiences: -Isentificaton of purpose Which ofthe folowing praeesSes usually comes fist in developing curriculum? A. Solection of educalignal Content . Organization of earning expenences B._ Evaluating learing experiences .Idontiying goals and objectives Sag Which enconipasés Ihe tue essence ofthe term curriculum? A. List of su © List of courses for graduation B. Sumtotal of . Never ending process in education What does the traditional curriculum and mass education lack that the progressive curriculum can deliver? A. Collective discipline . Value for individualization B. Authoritarian role of the teacher D. Rigid system of grading ‘Schoo! curricula reflects the world’s economic and political integration and industrialization. What does this point in ‘curriculum davelopmant? ‘A The trend toward participatory curriculum development. B. The trend toward the globalization and localization. C._ The shiftin the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to a product-onented one, 1. The trend towards the classical approach to curiculum development, Mr. Balita, the principal af Sampaloc Elementary School, opted to use the curriculum that involves the integration of Music, ‘Arts, Physical Education, and Health on longer time blocks. This shows that the design pattern he prefers is that of the ‘curriculum Fused B.Core C. Correlated subjects, D. Broadteld (On types of curriculum, which includes the course study, syllabi, and lesson pian? ‘A. Hidden curriculum =——B. Written curriculum. . Recommended curriculum 0. Supported curnaulum 0. COTE botle Neve Center sme Costes Gann ON Ut nate & cara aes ek ee eT: & 7 SOLLED COPY: 2022 Rev. O1 LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION 31. Which is 3 progesa v ressive oporonch in ransfonming edict ha oscalyerleues cork shor seoanapmesse pheromone armen ot "shortcomings tres, an anstormatve Efocaion url Education 8 Pouce Eaucaton Stee eateaton 22 ye mtn! epi of nog Sogmteortats mu ena” ae an hr seg ann ppm ty ror il Seber rence waste ety acess 5. Schock seheae Um wslone Nene 23. ow can te mora anf er Dee se abe gon Che cnesnen ny dye wea 3 Porat 8 sti _—s ©. Calous 24 Whe of fawn a fii cant ordered Boh gate an pee oi? ("Patna mortal) GRangertugon D Fp ine A. Bahala Na Which pilar cf learning aimed in the acquisition ofthe instrument of understanding inorder to ovelop the students earn-to- 35. learn skiis? A Leaming to do B. Leaming to know ©. Leaming totive logether OD. Leatning to be \What moral principle applies to removal of ife sustaining machines fram comatose patients whorn sladtors belleve can no longer be medically saved? faa ‘A. Principle of material cooperation . Pnneiple of formal cooperation. > B Principle of double effect 1D. Principle of lesser avi. ~ 97. Rights and duties are correlative. This means that ‘A. tights and duties regulate the relationship of mien in society Beach night carry with I one or several corresponding duties gh ante ie tom nat aw 5: gGheand dates utmatty come tor Sed ined 86 that a person can perform his work ‘38. Under the “learning 1 do’, which of the folowing instrument must be atu effectively? ‘ A. Compromise 2 insight <6 Campatence ©. Communication 38, Of goals of education, which elaes 10 the stengthering ot dur sotiely’s sense of belonging and identity? A “Autonomy B Encutration ‘Moral character 'D.Chizenship 4. Teacher Petra thinks she isthe best amang peers while oinars ate below her stature, Whats her attude towards people? A. “Bukas na fang” attitude ©. Crab mentality 8. Holier than thou attitude ."Bahala na" atitude EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, e 41, Whatis a useful too! fer construdtvst learning in presenting the characteristic features of objects/subjects in a tesson, e.g. . Fishbone diagram D.Venn diagram Biology? E A. Narrative frame imal cell. She would most likely use: . Fishbone diagram Teacher Ann wade to compare and contrast plant ea 0 ani © Tree diagram B. Attribute wheel 42. A KWL chart B. Venn diagram 43, [sit advisable (0 use realia ail the time? A. Yes, because i's the real thing C.No. only when feasibie B. No, because itis expensive. D.No. for the sake of varity of instructional materials. |44, What technology integration is achieved by teacher lah who encourages adaptation of tool based software at aiows ihe student to choose a tool and modity its use to accomplish a task al hand? B. Transformation . Infusion D. Adaptation ” A. Adoption satlife samples of rocks in her Science class. What principle did she use’ D. Simplicity 45, Teacher Rey presented re B, Authenticity C. Responsiveness jocassette tape A. Appropriateness 46; Prof, De Leon would ike to use audiocassette tape in teaching a jesson in English. In which activity is audi very effective in the teaching-eaming process? ‘A. In bullding concepts C. In developing listening skils D. In teaching creative writing B. In composing poems 1. Cane Safa Review Center ee ree pumice £81 © Tolaniine St comer Espana Bird. sornpaiec, Manlio 1008 BEER? Ss CONTROLLED COPY: 2022 Rev. 01 A LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIC 47, Which of he folowing stolaments BEST describes educalonallschnoiogy? Ailsa proteasion composed of varius job eatepories. 1B. Mhrefers to he eMiclency of wactes In using computers ©. includes sudiwlsual material, Inlaractve mulinedia and salt-nsirucionsl matenais, 5 kis thw doag development, application, and evaluation of systems, techniques and ais to improve human taming, com month-o-mantn? 48, Wha vigval ald ie useftIn showing the trend In temperature chang A Bar graph 1B Flow chart ‘c Map 2. Drawing 49, Which ofthe following involves enactive representations according to Bruner? A. helion-based B. Image-based .Language-based ©. Verbabbases 50. Wich ofthe folowing Is closest tothe real thing? AL Attending an an exit ©. Watching an indie len B. Performing rea-ie task D. Listoning to lassieal muse ‘THE TEACHING PROFESSION 151, Whats the best description tothe teaching profession? A. itis the most populous labor section C. is the noblest protession DR requires less preparation 8. iis the mest ucratwe profession {52. Teacher H conraced an linass tha quired rest for mare than one year. Which leave should she apply for? Br pWerinte ave A Parsonal leave B. Sick laave Vacation leave Ly 58:18 grofesonal foo ear ec its ro eben ed pea? ares Cho erpect cone in excagie fh oted concessions A Notat all B Yes, deserved 1. Yen, irseason and oul-otstason ats ay £4. Teacher Meters from hypertension and exparinces fel in speech Wak Wcul acted fhe conics teaching? aA A Punctuality 8. Personally C. Devglign io wily D. Effectiveness 86. Which of the following laws prescribed licensure examination for ledehbrs and will strengthen the regulation of the practice of teaching in the Phitppines? re tene _ A. Batasang Pambansa Big. 252 0. rare. SSS". Ra g208 D.PO 1008, 56, Which a te fotowing wil laqualy a teacher 1 beets a rmitber of he board of professional teachers? AR atualzed ripin cicen tat has 1s years enenuous teaching experience 8. Amember ofthe accredited professional ganization for teachers © Arogteed protanciral ter of he Regatire Tne Philpess who celebrated har 4) bt as year 1D. An English instructor with pending bigamy 7 Kyfie scored 7480 from the rece LET, MBtordng lo the law, she canbe efered to 28 a para-teacher, Which of he pares nes ‘A. They will be assigned mos ‘areas thal are underserved, depressed, of isolated. f Rosen rarer sineres ers at ©. They wil be fesch under certain circumstances based on RA 9293, & Ro momeaeureonn narers cee 658, Which ofthe Steud is nol true about periodic merit exarrinabon for teachers according to RA 78967 woe tn hn ee ot cram | Afaceri mugen ©. This can be used as a basis for promotion ©. One advantage of passing the merit exam is being placed on prioiy list for government scholarship 59. Ifa teacher wishes to enjoy study leave, she will get how many percent of her salary while on study leave? A 8% 8.60% €. 70% 0.75% 60, This is the oficial st of CepEd teacher applicants who obtained a score of 70 and above. ‘A. Leaming Action Cell (LAC) C. Key Result Areas (KRA} 8. Registry of Qualified Appicanis (ROA) ©. Key Reform Thrust (KRT) FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION 61, Teacher Princess sees toi that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupiis will less likely disarange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based? A. Existentiatism B. Progressivism ©. Behaviorism D. Reconstructionism C (. Cat alte Review Center Pe, Cormen tung. M8) G. Tolentino SL comer Lipa Bl, Sompcloc, Maria YOO LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 6, S22 0 tora ret ty ba reat oat? * Focunn neste, St teat ©. change .Traton 53 wnat ctor sorted ong og 1 Saran for eacer dr be Amacan eg? 5, Eutonatat pened rm roe aman C"amoncan Kony modo Democrat tenng of ne © .Opering oh ee pub aeaon OF Sng retton eats pov an apa ‘vealen a8 bund Ate WV, Sacton 2 ol inne Alomar 19d Secondary love's, ©. Secondary ave © Elementary level SS. selecting cote of conduct what woud ‘behaviorist teacher impart fo leamars? A. One based on science & One exempiited by great mon and wor 8. One drawn trom history ©. One taught by rligion 66. The first jAmoncan teachers inthe Philicines were the = A ‘Soldiers . Elementary graduates B. Missionaries ©. Graduates of the normal schoot 67 {iba fants avon to pve universes to requicn an ‘entrance test for admission of stidents? A. Academie freedom C- Right to exctusive education 8. National College Entrance Examination D. Unique academic agenda 8. fn the formal education system ding Mepanic mes (nthe Phiippi ? nes. what was not implemented Sit Which wo enjoyed during the American period’ s ‘A. Vocational education B Private education —C. Religious education * 05 Public education ‘88. Which of the following is the focus OI he Japanese education inthe Phiippines? KN &: Vecationat and neath educanon ©. Religion. A 8. Democracy and nationalism D. Love and sere Soke’ courry 70. you ave ational teacher sie arg honing wl be your ule procer & ToaSRe"S shoul teach the students tat they ge Growetasa! ething B. Teachers ‘Should teach the students ait ind Ant at for beter future. S Teachers shouid teach the stusents a aligious Delis, 5 DEVELOPMENTAL READING 71. What kind of iterary ‘A. Fiction novels, 72. Kamong models of reading stratogiéa, I her mind ang what's on the a AL Downtop WN 73. What is the teva ©. Evaluative reading ©. Objective reading 74, Teacher Jennie g ‘with Pictures that take the place of words. What Isis hoa? ©. Language experience method 8. Spauiding method D. Whale language approach 7S. n Grace Godel’ Skil Ladder, which step shouts come last, and only when needed? ‘A. Using contextual clues” B. Using paris of « hare &- Using phonetic analysis. Using the dictionary 76, Whats the frat step In Gocdets Roading Skils Ladder? Basic sight worts 8, Vocabulary reading ©. Phonetic analysis ©. Use of dictionary ateves that his pups need drat sensory contact ‘and physical maniputti Aumcasly and recall input affordously What Grade level of Teacher Edu's class? A. Pre-school B. Intermediate ©. Elementary jon in the classroom 0 that they D. Highschool om with innate ablity to acquie language ‘explains in his model that chiiren eequired language solely through exposure 1 rere eute structures must already be tase on the child's mind at binh ‘who worked on these are Crystal and Piayet LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATic, SMe Cruz is 8 Grace 1 Taasnor who Is concamed with bung fttars ‘aehcards so De punts can sound out sylables und words correctly. Wi msruston? AD Bono moe! 8. Top-Down modo! C. Interactive model 1D. Schema mode 50 At Gerrans a tagcher handling English fora culturally diveree class, He would regulary road aloud to his puts, wov's pase ime for tre silent reading, recroalional reading, and would lend them magazines and newspapers. What factor Teasing does Nr, German want 10 culvale among hs pupils? 1X” Emononalsocial evelopment B, Phyaleal development C.tntereat nroading —. Intsltigence (OMILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT ‘Sequence the steps in prenatal growth. Eertitzation IL Male and Female sperm and ogg cell unite 1 Anaches 19 the wal of uterus IV. Zygot alvides trom two, four, etc A mLw BIW cima Diy t tt 8 ip Paget's stages of Cognitve Devalopment, what Is the pre-school aga in which a child's inteligence is intutive, able to ‘mate mental representation, and close fo the use of symbols? A Formal cperatonal stage ©. Concrete operational stage 5 Sensary motor stage . Preoperational tage 'n Paget's Concrete-Operational Stage in cognitive development, which refers tothe ablity of the chili \o perceive diferent featres of objects and situations, eg, loughness in stone, elasticity in rubber, el.? AC Decentenng BB Seriation C. Reversibiity SO :Gehservation 3. Fatowng Koniberg's Theory of Moral Development iat othe oral easonng opr Jy whe aon et ‘paserate to copy her test work, 80 that she wil be her fens? A. Sona approval 8. Punisnment ©. Obedtenea ©. Law and order ANY, 8S. Enisons stage of Theory of Development, which af the following Regd {6 be developed fram the child (1 to 17s years: A Atonory B Initiate D. Trust SE Ar Dem, human being contain neurons. Se A Ten milion iB Fity milion 2, €)6ne bition 0. Fitty bition PSganas gs poetosonsl competion wih fre fh posession of hero A. Becracomples Oedipal complex ©. Penis envy 1. Object permanence 88. The parts of human Persona in which insured primary processes marist a8 B. Ego. C Superego D. Conscience 85 Wen of me folowing shal cia itt Priory according fo Abraham Masiaw’s model on humanistic needs? A Warmth <8 Speunty © Prestige 1D Peer relabonstips 30 Ana's 2 13-year-old high school student who thinks thal death penalty should be implemented in her own countries as she Detieves that there dee gther ways to punish oppressors and teach them to be better citizens, She should be undat what A. Preoperatianial B. Sensorimotor . Formal operational 1D. Concrete operational FACILITATING LEARNING \nat does Gagne's Hierarchical theory propose for effective instruction? A Be concemed with the socio-emotional climate in the classroom G. Reward good behavior 8. Teaching beginning wit the concrete D. Sequence instruction $2, What is Daniel Goleman's term for interpersonal effectiveness? A PRindex B. Superior 1a ©. Emotional Quotient (EQ). XY theory $5. Someone said, “Experience without theory is blind, but lneory without experience is mare intellectual play.” This means that A Theory and experience must go hand-in-hand C. Theory is more important than experiance B. Experence is more important than theory One can stand without the other 4. Which of the following is not among the ways to advance metacognilion? A eam how to study C. Accept new knowledge Beam to organize thoughts 1D. Assess our thinking ©. COTE sata Review Canker Tolentino SI. comer spas Blvd, Sampoloc, Monit 1008 1 PPL, Corman bang, g col LED COPY: 2022 Rev. 1 LET DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IY According fo socio-cultural background? 95. What observation tests to the fact thal the student's motivation va & Females mature earlier than boys. . ginellc endowments may show gited endowments among the young. Bi. Gimins of boys are bigger and better than those of female Children from low-income household meet more obstacles in learning, 96. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion thal leaming is a result of change in avert behavior, meaning, and individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as: C. Slimulus-response associations A. Operant conditioning B. Classical conditioning D. Connectionism “ES Box u 97. The use of diilis in the classroom is rooted on Thomdike’s law of A. Readiness B. Effect C. Exercise D. Belongingness 98. In the Leaming Style Theory, which facets create a difference in effectiveness within the same learning environment? C. Methods and resources A. Reading readiness 8. Cumiculum and syllabus ©. Biological and development factors 99. Of the following, which is an instance when teachers lead students toward the metacognition? C. Outlining parts of a lesson A. Explaining learning objectives B._ Asking students to predict outcomes D. Introducing topic of discussion 100. __ In which stage of learning does a child manifest that a skill is learned? ‘A. Acquisition B. Proficiency C. Maintenance 10, Correlation nd- “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

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