Gary Gygax - Isle of The Ape AD&D Module (1985)

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Advanced Dungeons&dragons

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.eor Contents

development: Bruce A. neara ..................................... 2

Illustration: Gary Williams IntRoduction .................................. 2
Cover: Jeff Easley Backcjnounb COR the dungeon master .............. 3
Typesetting: Betty Elmore and
Carolyn Vanderbilt
the laws OF the Isle or the ape
magical Items
Special Thanks to Penny Petticord Describing the Island
Island Conditions
movement Rates
monster Statistics and encounters
Distributed to t h e book trade in t h e United States by Ran- O t h E R bm notes
dom House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Can-
ada, Ltd. Distributed to t h e toy and hobby trade by regional
distributors. Distributed in t h e United Kingdom by TSR UK
theadvernture begins ........................... 6
meeting with tenser
TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR Inc.
encounter key
Copyright 1985TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This adventure is protected under t h e copyright laws of t h e

I beyond the wall ...............................
encounter Settinc;
United States of America. Any reproduction or other unau-
thorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
prohibited without t h e express written permission of TSR
encounter key

dungeon masteR maps ................. 1 9 , 2 0 , 2 9 , 3 0

POB 756
Lake Geneva,
The Mill, Rathmore Road
Cambridge CB14AD
player hanbouts ............................ .23-26
WI 53147 United Kindgom
pregenerated characters ..............21, 22, 27, 28
Oonqa's ~ I ..................................
R .40
encounter Settinc;
encounter key
TSR, Inc.
PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION'" newmonsters ................................. 46

new spells ................................... .48

Printed in U.S.A.

ISBN 0-88038-238-4
RH ISBN 394-54877-9TSR0750 9153
T Iactual portion of
the greyhawk castle campaign initiated by
the author in 1972. It contains complete infor-
mation for the adventure, including outdoor
maps, maps of subterranean-type areas, an
expanded Monsters Attack Matrix (page 47),
a Player Character’s daily Journal, and finally,
the monster statistics and pre-generated
characters for those players who do not have
sufficiently advanced characters of their own
to undertake this quest.
The participants of the original adventures
that took place on the Isle of the Ape include
the following: Don Amdt, Ernie Gygax, Don
Kaye, Rob Kuntz, Terry Kuntz, and Mike
Mornard. It is worth noting that none of these
Bold Adventurers ever completed the quest,
opting to risk other fell places rather than con-
tinuing to face the perils of the island.

The place you are about to send your Player One further note: this module has been
Characters is a very deadly one indeed. Well, designed for use with U n e a r t h e d Arcana.
players have been asking for high-level adven- Many of the magical items, new rules, and
tures, and you are about to give them what character classes mentioned come from this
they’ve been asking for (in spades). Before unearthly tome.
they begin, and before you prepare to run,
remember this: if you DM this module accord- C l a s s e s & Levels:
ing to the rules of the game, and its spirit, the Barbarian 12th level and up
best of players are going to be in real trouble Cleric 15th level and up
before very long. There are not many tricks, Druid 12th level and up
traps, or clever devices here. This is an Fighter 15th level and up
adventure of attrition. The place is literally Magic-user 14th level and up
infested with horrible monsters, and the Paladin 15th level and up
sheer numbers of huge, man-eating creatures Ranger 15th level and up
will soon take toll of the PCs. Unless they are Thief, Acrobat 15th level and up
clever about conserving their resources, the
adventurers will find that they have exhausted Not Recommended: assassins, bards, cava-
far too much of their power and not explored liers, illusionists, and monks.
half of the island. Magic-users will be particu-
larly vulnerable to this. The point of all this You may easily allow groups of more than
preamble is to exhort you to be tough. That’s six or characters of greater than 18th level of
right, don’t allow any sympathy to interfere experience to adventure on the island. To han-
with the game as it is designed. Too many dle larger or stronger groups, simply increase
players are marching around claiming that the number of monsters encountered slightly.
they have characters able to handle anything. Don’t overdo it! Remember that a larger
Now is the time to let them demonstrate the group will have greater difficulty avoiding
mettle of these invincible characters they monsters, so the object is simply to allow the
have. planned attrition to operate naturally.


cast the spell or spells requiring the compo- time, so only portions of the island can usually
The Laws of the nents which are not available. be seen, and then only from relatively close
Isle of the Ape proximity.
Divine intervention will not happen, regard- The whole land mass is well above the
Spells that do not function less of any claims to the contrary. Only one water, except for the bit of beach near the
deity is aware of what goes on on the demi- southwestern tip of the island. The rest of the
on this demi-plane plane that contains the Isle of the Ape, and place is sheer-sided cliffs, steep mountain-
Alter Reality that is Zagyg. He is totally indifferent to what sides, and broken rocks that prevent
Animal Summoning fate befalls adventurers there-it is strictly up approach to the land. There are plateaus in
Astral spell to them to survive or become fertilizer. Cler- the southwest, the northwest, and the east-
augury ics praying for their spells may do so without ern ends of the isle. The central mass is a
Cacodemon being affected as described above. gradually sloping basin, a saucer, if you will,
Chariot of Sustarre where the daily downpouring of rain collects
Commune Magical Items to form a large lake and surrounding swamp.
Commune with Nature This slowly drains because the water has
Contact Higher Plane The players can bring along a vast array of managed to cut a bed that leads underground
Dimension Door magical items, providing that they have the and empties via a 200-foot-long waterfall on
Divination means to cart them along. Remember what the west coast of the island. The whole place
Drawmij’s Instant Summons will function and what will not. Also be sure is very warm, and it is muggy and steaming
Find the Path that you keep track of where all items are hot in the central morass of swamp and jungle.
Gate stored. If, for instance, they pack a magical The plateau areas are only slightly less
Invisibility to Animals bag or hole full of goodies, require them to go overgrown than the rest of the place. The
Legend Lore through the whole thing in order to retrieve whole island is a riot of vegetation.
Limited Wish something. This will take lots of game time. If you have any colored illustrations of the
Locate Object To illustrate this point to them, gather up Jurassic, Triassic, or similar period, be sure to
Monster Summoning some smallish, disparate items, and put them get them ready for perusal by your players
Plant Door into a pillow case or similar container. Then, during the course of the adventure. Once they
Teleport indicate a singular item (say a pen represent- are in a position to see the island, having such
ing a wand) as one that is to be drawn out.
Teleport without Error illustrations open to their view at all times will
Transport Count. If the contents are dumped out, the assist them in setting the mood for the game.
Wish item can be obtained with fair rapidity. If an
arm is thrown into the container, it will take a
Word of Recall Terrain Types
long time to find, for you will have placed
all similar psionic powers are likewise use- other objects of similar size and shape therein Plain areas are covered with tall grasses (3
less, including psionic invisibility. to simulate the difficulty of retrieving items to 6 feet or higher), scrub growth, ferns, and
from such a bag. A portable hole will abso- scattered trees. There will be occasional out-
Illusions applied to reptiles are virtually use- lutely require emptying-or crawling into- croppings of rock, small pools, ant nests, ter-
less, as the brains of these monsters are too for retrieval of items. Meanwhile, adversaries mite mounds, thickets, and so forth. Where
dull to notice anything of such sublety. Thus, will be attacking. herds of herbivores graze, the rich soil and
when such spells are used against these mon- Artifacts and relics, as well as special magi- volcanic ash fertilizer allow growth at an
sters, they always save. cal items with powers granted from some amazing rate. Small reptiles and even mam-
great being or deity, do not work at all on this mals scurry everywhere, while the huge dino-
Invisibility-type magic of any sort is also vir- island. The demi-plane is such that their func- saurs roam freely.
tually useless, for these monsters use heat, tioning is totally impaired. In other words, the
odor, and sound to locate prey, not just vision. characters must use standard equipment, Hills are simple rolling areas of plain, with
Characters moving very quietly, camouflaged, normal magic, and their own abilities in order cuts from water erosion and more frequent rock
and being careful to be downwind of a preda- to survive. Any good adventure is a test of the outcroppings. In the folds between high ground
tory creature will be able to pass unnoticed, abilities of the players to utilize their charac- areas there will be thickets and higher growth.
but otherwise, standard avoidance action ters, and they must not be allowed to rely on
must be taken. Simply becoming invisible will items. Foothills and mountains will be heavily
not cause a carnivore to turn away and look vegetated wherever soil will allow growth.
elsewhere for prey. Describing the Island However, the mountains are so sheer that
From a distance, the Isle of the Ape appears there are few such places. Winged reptiles
Spell books, spells therein, and spell com- to be a pile of jagged mountains sprinkled with will be observable flapping ponderously to and
ponents must be kept track of. Unless they smoking volcanoes. At night these cones give from their nests on rocky ledges on mountain-
are on hand, or can be located on the island, the place a dim, hellish glow. Of course, fog sides and foothill mesa tops. Watercourses,
the spell caster concerned will not be able to and clouds enshroud the place most of the slide areas, and like places permit some

growth and provide habitat for some species, mile) have only the dinosaurs and smaller life, **Timeindicates how long it will take for the
and cavemen and carnivorous apes dwell in not the great fish (dinichtysys). affected material to rot, rust, or mold beyond
the many caves and caverns which honey- use. Multiply that duration by 10 for magical
comb these areas. Reefs are razor sharp rocky shards under- items.
water or pointing out of the sea. They are ***Some metals, such as gold, silver, plati-
Swamp areas are very wet and heavily impassable to any kind of vessel or small boat. num, copper, brass, adamantite, mithral, and
vegetated also. While grasses, ferns, and Swimmers receive l d 6 points of damage per nickel, do not rust. Bronze covers itself with a
reeds make up the majority of swamp growth, turn spent in that vicinity. thin layer of oxidized metal giving its charac-
there will be mangrove and cypress-like trees teristic green tint, but then becomes impervi-
and cycadeoids. Low mounds allow great Island Conditions ous to further rust. Thus bronze armors are
trees to grow, trees resembling baobabs, not affected, however, bronze weapons
banyans, and great redwoods. Occasionally The heat, dampness, and daily downpours
make life very difficult on the island. In the should then do only 1/2 damage because of the
the shallow water will deepen into pools of fair loss of sharpness. Siver-plated items should
depth, some no more than a few yards across, western plateau areas, as well as the higher
hill areas elsewhere, humans can survive not be affected either, unless damaged so that
others as large as 100 yards in diameter. some of the silver coating is gone.
Countless insects, from tiny gnats to mon- these conditions. In the swamps and jungle,
strous dragonflies, swarm above the surface even on the savannahs, the elements combine
to cause severe difficulties. You must keep the Disease: fungi will attack humans within a
of this mire, while hosts of aquatic insects, day, so that on the second and following days
leeches, batrachians, and weird fish fill the following in mind with regard to player charac-
ters (and their equipment) while adventuring each character has a 25% chance of a disease
lower surface. -fungoid, amoebic, bacterial, or viral, no
on the island.
Jungle is a combination of rainforest, with Disease will cause general debilitation
attendant huge trees, and true jungle. The Attrition: Scrolls and standard spell books
are affected only if they remain unprotected. within 24 hours, and this will be reflected by
entire place is a riot of huge mosses and great the loss of 1point from each characteristic per
ferns, with every imaginable sort of palm and Traveling spell books and Boccob Blessed
Books are not affected by the attrition condi- day. When all stats are at 0, the character is
cycadeoid, vine and liana filling the spaces dead. Cure disease will relieve all sickness,
between the larger growths. Where water tions of the isle unless abandoned open. The
leather of traveling spell books is resistant to but lost points will take 1 day each to be
fills low spots mighty rushes and towering restored. (Begin at the bottom and work up,
reeds spring up. Far overhead are many small humidity and for gaming purposes should not
be affected by the rotting factor for the dura- Le., Comeliness, Charisma, Constitution,
lizards, snakes, and toothed buds-as well as Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, and finally
pterodactyls of all sizes. Lower down are tion of the adventure.
Use the following guidelines for the chances Strength.) What is lost in a single day of illness
somewhat larger reptiles and all sorts of flying takes seven full days to recover!
and crawling insects. At ground level the and duration of equipment attrition:
Statistics with extra percentages are also
same is true. Everywhere there are all forms affected at the rate of one percentage cate-
of living things-insects, invertebrates, rep- Attrition
Material Chance* Time * * gory per loss. Example: a character with
tiles, and the ponderous herbivorous dino- 18.80 points of Strength would be reduced to
saurs hunted by the swift carnivorous ones. Food, drinks 100% 1day 18.75 after the first loss, etc.
Paper, Characters immune to disease will still have
Lake is just that, a prehistoric lake. Its parchment 5% 1day a 5% chance per day of becoming ill. They,
swampy verge is home to the great saurians Cloth 25% 5 days along with those suffering the 25% chance,
who use its buoyancy to support their massive Rope 5% 10 days will be considered to have total natural immu-
bodies while long necks feed from swamp or Leather 10% 7 days nity if four successive days pass wherein they
aquatic growth. The waters are alive with Wood, are not affected by disease.
amphibians and lung fish, true fish, and hard vegetal 2% 10 days Illness will be noted immediately, as a feel-
smaller reptiles. Of course there are forms of Metal** * 20% 2 weeks ing of weakness, dizziness, inability to think,
algae and aquatic plants, and amongst them Mineral, ivory not affected stiffness, etc. will be evident. If, at these first
are crustaceans, worms, leeches, insect lar- Artifacts not affected signs, a curative is used, then no loss of fac-
vae, and who knows what else. Vicious car- tors will occur.
nivorous dinosaurs swim here and there *Attrition Chance determines the cumula-
looking for an incautious victim, while in tive percentage chance any material starts Food: eating the natural fare of the island
deeper waters they must contend with the rotting, molding, or rusting. Check when the doubles chances for disease. purify Food &
temble fish that lurk for prey. From its shal- item is first exposed to the island’s conditions Drink spells are sufficient to ensure that
low edges, the water shoals to some 20 or so and thereafter once per full day of exposure. spoiled food is safely edible (no chances for
feet in depth, save where the bottom falls in Reduce chances by 1/2 (rounded up) for magi- contracting disease).
the north central portion. There, the water is cal items and those that are protected. An airtight or magical container may pre-
from 50 to 200 feet deep. If materials are protected by storage, oil, serve food for a normal period of time, as long
and like precautions against destruction, then as the food is not exposed to the isle’s condi-
Small lakes (those of about one square count only actual exposure time. tions. Once the spell is cast, or once the con-

tainer is opened, the food must be eaten Monster Statistics
immediately to avoid spoilage and diseases.
Items or food in magical containers using
and Encounters
extra-dimensional storage space should be Monster Charts: All the gaming details
affected by random monsters from those concerning the monsters appear on the inside
outer planes. As soon as an airtight container of this module’s cover, along with all the nec-
starts rusting or rotting, it is no longer capable essary Random Encounter Tables. Some
of protecting food or drinks. extra information regarding random encount-
Of course, those with natural immunity can ers may appear at the beginning of each sec-
freely partake of foodstuffs from the isle with- tion of the text.
Encounter Distances: In swamp or jun-
n! gle, encounters occur at 20-80 yards (2d4x10)
from the party. The distance is usually the
t he party may advance through the isle at same as on a plain, but double the distance if
the following speeds, according to the type of
terrain they attempt to cross: the creature is erect or very large.

HILLS 2 hexeslhour Reactions: A carnivore will automatically

FOOTHILLSlBLUFFS 1hexlhour turn and attack: a herbivore will move in a ran-
dom direction, checked on ld6 (Le., a 1in 6 is
MOUNTAINS 1 hex12 hours
GRASSLANDS 5 hexes12 hours at you!). If the party is noisy, any dinosaur will
automatically face the party before taking
JUNGLE 1 hex12 hours
SWAMP 1hex12 hours other actions.
RIVER 1 hour to cross
LAKE (rl 1 hex12 hours Other DM Notes
LAKE (bc 1 hexlhour The following are miscellaneous notes that
may come handy in the course of the adven-
Time Fac iod of daylight will ture.
be 12 hours long, but two hours each day must
be spent resting, so the party effectively has If a player rolls a (modified) negative to hit
10 hours of movement time each day, with score, and still hits the target, the damage is
each hexagon on Map 1 representing one reduced by that (negative) score.
square mile. Example: a 17th-level fighter rolls a modi-
’ fied score of -4 and hits an AC 8 creature with
Trails:If there is a trail to follow, the speed a long sword. The damage is ld8-4 (with a
will increase by a rate of 1hexlhour of travel, minimum of 1point of damage).
so the party should certainly seek out trails
whenever they desire to cover distance! Apes are not humanoids for any spell pur-
poses, nor do rangers gain damage bonuses
Arboreal Movement: Climbing into trees against them.
for safety does not preclude encounters. If an
encounter is indicated when the party is aloft, Missiles from a Necklace of Missiles can
it will be with either flying creatures or snakes be hurled from a sling. To hit bonuses will
of some sort. apply.
Flying: This will certainly bring attention With respect to a Cube of Force, mon-
to the party, and encounters will increase sters with 12 or more Hit Dice will strike as if
from 25% to 50%. Of course, all such they were a catapult missile, and the following
encounters will be with flying monsters. points accrue to the strength of the device’s
protective maximum:
Levitating: Each time levitation takes
place, a normal check for random encounters 12-15 HD = 1 point vs. cube
must be made. If an encounter is indicated, it 16-19 HD = 2 points vs. cube
will be with snakes (if near trees) or else with 20-23 HD = 3 points vs. cube
flying reptiles. 24 & up = 4 points vs. cube
In short, there is no safe place on the Isle of
the Ape.

Meeting with Tenser rhis is rather rare Celenese nectawine, “The place is know
nade from moonberries picked only when ape From what we
You stand before a great throne of lapis both moons are blue!” All quaff, and you assume that there is
lazuli. The massive chamber in which it ind it excellent indeed. Tenser continues: dright-one larger t
rests is also blue. Even the air has an “It was years past-more than a decade mother place, a de
indigo quality-perhaps from the weirdly low-that our quartet was delving deep there is no hope of es
convoluted coils of smoke rising from bra- beneath that grim pile of ruins known as other than those prc
ziers of azure metal. The youngish figure greyhawk Castle. We had plumbed the very seems to sustain it,
encompassed by the great chair is a per- depths of the central shaft, and far beneath Zagig. Yet, for all his
sonage, a man whose presence inspires we discovered a vast, multi-leveled array of one to provide no e!
awe, Tenser the Arch-Mage. A glance at natural caverns and passages infested by set for those full of h
your companions reassures you, for they every sort of hideous monster one could filled with great c
too demonstrate attitudes of humility and magine. As meat and drink, so were those expectantly for the
respect. This is a momentous meeting, adventures to us, but we risked too much “Robilar’s feet are r
and none take it lightly. one day, and ill came of it.” able. Terik? Who k
High above the Free City of Greyhawk, As Tenser pauses to sip his drink, you Merlynd too is now
somewhere upon the lonely south coast of ook at your companions. Each seems four only I remain to
the Nyr Dyv, you and your associates engrossed in the talk. You turn your atten- ture. Finding no I
trekked to answer a summons that could tion to the Arch-Mage as he begins again: return from the is
not be taken lightly. Adventurers of your “In a great tunnel, oddly convoluted and place, choosing to
exalted status know much that lesser indi- filled with unknown glyphs, we chanced rather than risk untim
viduals do not. The call issued by most upon a warning, but heeded it not, foolishly muck of that isle. No
secret and occult channels. It was for only desiring to gain still more before returning arisen for something
the best and most powerful of Those Who to the fair surface, sunlight and clean air. to that island and 1
Serve. It came from a Fellow of the Circle The dweomer was most powerful and Souls, is where you
of Eight, but which of that August Body, strange there, but ahead we forged, and in “As my power gr
none of you knew until just a moment ago. a gut-wrenching instant the four of us nation to aid those s
In answer, each of you set out from his or stood on the shore of a grim island, a hot, librium. In due cours
her home to the teeming warrens of Grey- steaming, volcanic morass. We set forth Eight, and in time
hawk City. In a secret rendezvous you met bravely enough, and in a fair battle bested ranks. Now I sit as o
your fellows for the first time, and as a the ebon savages standing between us and am charged with ove
group you made the journey north and what we thought of as our route of escape. territory roundabout
came to the hidden fortress of Unknown Wrong, how wrong! Beyond the portal was for my presence on
Depths. Now each of you is aware that the only a stinking jungle, swamps, and huge the demand for me t
Summoner was the renowned Tenser, monsters of all sorts. Our trek about the trouble brews even
boon companion of many of the most place isn’t meaningful to this story, how- “Amidst the gem
redoubtable adventurers in the Flanaess ever, so I’ll say naught of what transpired, out from the depth!
and one who is privy to the Council of the save the final portion. It was in desperation dungeon, was a sm
shadowy figures who are the determiners that we turned to what we believed our seemed, albeit one 1
of the course the world will take. only means of egress from the hellish ver and encrusted 1
Tenser nods welcome, and with a casual place. Amongst the considerable store of No geegaw, that. It i
gesture causes comfortable seats to treasure we had with us when we were ment of clerical pow
appear for each of you. When you are all at transported to the place was an amulet of that One is most pea
rest, the Arch-Mage begins to relate a Zagyg.. . think you that that one and Zagig theless his word is
strange tale. yragerne are one and the same? I am sure off. Long and long
“Most of you are familiar with the name of it! No matter, no matter. any meddling here, t
Robilar, and perhaps a few have knowledge “Such magicks are rare and risky, but we of his power. Dev
of his brother, Terik. It was in this com- knew naught else, so we invoked its power. Lower Planes shudd
pany, and with Merlynd as well, that I first take us away it did, just as was hoped, but at a of the object. Daemonkind flee in terror at
ventured to the Isle of the Ape.. .” zest-a dear payment. The dweomer of the sight of it, and we need it now!
Here the Arch-Mage pauses to adjust amulet carried us, but naught of our belong- “Know you of Iggwilv? Dead, you
his flowing robes of midnight blue. A tiny ings Back into the depths of the dungeon, thought? Long dead ... No, not so! She
gesture follows, and goblets of pure tur- stark naked. With skill and much luck we man- stirs and is much wroth, for her beloved
quoise appear, each filled to the rim with a aged to win escape, and thereafter our group daughter was laid low. If left to work her
heady, effervescent brew of violet color. sought information, council with great sages, will, all of those who seek weal and good
Tenser reaches forth and plucks one of the and every other means of findinghow to go will soon be slain or enslaved by her
floating vessels from midair: “Please, back to the place and return safely. We learned hordes. Daemons will stalk Oerth, and
please, do help yourselves, Good Folk! much. blood will drip from black altars. Even with

J -- secret of the island’s egress-would that we
give assent, and your quest is on! could aid-but the honor and glory is yours!
+ 3 plate mail and + 3 magical shield May Boccob speed you to success!”
+ 5 defender (longsword) * D1M Note: If the players ask, Tenser will At this, several of the crew begin unfolding
+ 3 dagger of throwing rep1ly that these special items will be explained a device. You recognize it as a folding boat.
Boots of levitation to t hem when they return to his fortress with One of the sailors tells you that the command
Ring of f i e resis tance the artifact. words are “Jolly,” “Dragonship,” and “Bat-
Ring of protection + 3 ten” to cause the magical box to become a
Bracers of defense (AC 2) Strange, golem-like figures of silver with boat, ship, or box again.You realize that you
Cloak of protection + 2 resistance eyes that shine with a lambent blue radi- must remember these command words if
Ring of protection + 3 ice seem to appear from nowhere. The you are to use the craft.
Bracers of defense (AC 2) rch-Mage informs you that your party
Cloak of protection + 2 ill have a day to rest and prepare your- Note to the DM: Do not allow any notatioi
Shoes of Fharlanghn * elves for the adventure ahead. During of these words. Memorization is required.
Staffof po wer his time, he will ready his means of trans-
Girdle of many pouches * orting you to the Isle of the Ape, for no
Ringofspellstoring(6spells: Z l s t , 22nd, “Hurry now!” Tenser commands, “You
one must be alerted to your venture, and have only a minute or two before the open-
13rd) to use the entrance in the dungeons of
+ 2 plate mail and + 5 magical shield ing I have forced into this demi-plane heals
Greyhawk Castle would surely cause the itself! Head straight, and you will
+ 3 frost brand (bastard sword) enemy to take countermeasures.
+ 3 battle axe encounter the shore of the island. The
Your party is escorted by the silvery vessel will see you safely ashore, but you
Girdle of frost giant strength creatures to spacious and comfortable
Bag of holding (1,000 Ib. limit) must bend your backs to the oars. Go!”
quarters in an isolated tower of the strong- With that, you clamber aboard the vessel,
Ring of spell turning hold. Your needs are tended to, and the
Cloak of the bat* and an instant later the blue light dies and is
time is spent readying spells and replaced by the dull illumination of the sun
Cloak of displacement breakfasting at dawn.
Wand of conjuration (70 charges) through heavy fog and cloud. You hear the roar
Ringofprotection ( -+ 4 on AC, + 2 on sav- of breakers upon the shore, and all know that
Be certain to allow the participants to pre- you have come to the Isle of the Ape.
ing throws) pare their characters for the adventure. If

Encounter Setting History of the Kawibusas thrust here and there to assist their conceal-
ment. Giant apes held well to the rear so as
As players with high-level characters, the This group of savages are most warlike and
not to give away the ambush, these savages
participants should show no hesitation about cannibalistic. Although they raise both crops
accepting the challenge of the undertaking lie in wait to take their prey by total surprise.
and domestic creatures that they slaughter for
which is herein proposed. If they do, you food, they are not satisfied. The Kawibusas
should suggest that they are not properly alternately raid other nearby islands for
Description of the Kawibusas
role-playing their characters. Use coercion, prisoners-slaves and food-and venture These barbarian tribesmen are of dark ebony
flattery, humiliation, or whatever else is nec- across the island proper to raid the groups of hue. They are tall and very muscular. Adorn- .
essary to bring them around. For example, if cavemen dwelling in the hills. Their legends ments include various items of raw gold fash-
the characters involved are above 18th level, say that once they lived elsewhere, but their ioned into crude jewelry-armlets, anklets,
have Tenser accept them as peers, call them great-grandfathers many times removed necklaces, huge earrings, and pins that are
“Noble Lords” (and “Ladies,” if applicable), were brought to this island-the witch doctors inserted through the flesh of various parts of
relate the ceremony with which they are claiming that this was the will of Oonga! Dis- the body. More common, however, are tusk
received, the luxury and stateliness of their ease, the savagery of the interior, and raiding and tooth decorations for neck, ear, and nose.
quarters, and so on. As usual, your personali- keep their numbers in check, else the penin- Clothing is simple, a grass skirt and cape
zation of this module, and your personal sula would be teeming with Kawibusas. Their being the most common. Sandals of lizard skin
knowledge of the participants, will make it enemies take a heavy toll, but when deaths are typically used to protect the feet. The
become a living, exciting part of the campaign, amongst the wamors have risen to too high a bushy hairdos are decorated with gold and
and the quest will become one that honor and level, they offer the enslaved natives from ivory, tooth, and bone.
status make mandatory. nearby islands the opportunity of becoming Face and body painting a r e common.
The folding boat will be small if there are four Kawibusas by blood rite, or else becoming a Around the village, colors a r e typically
or fewer characters. It will be large if there are part of the blood rite. Ninety percent of these bright-red, yellow, blue. When raiding, the
five or more of them. The craft will carry them captives accept this new status gladly. The Kawibusas paint themselves yellow and green
directly to the sandy beach of the island-Area 1 rest, along with whatever hapless cave dwell- and further camouflage themselves by weav-
on your map. There the adventure begins. Wise ers are on hand, provide the wherewithal for ing green vegetation into clothing and head-
players will have their characters retain the the ghastly ceremony that follows. dress.
boat, as a box, for further use. This might well These hideous savages also breed and train Headdress is by unit, each being distinct
save them from death later. giant carnivorous apes. Those belonging to from the other. The size of the band, decora-
the tribe are given collars of gold, so that their tions (shell, feather, bone, tooth, tusk, hide,
Have at them!
domestication can be seen at a glance. These gold, etc.) differentiate each group. Manner
Random Encounters beasts are used to hunt, guard the compound of striping, splotching, or stippling paint also is
of the tribe, and to serve as hounds when the distinctive.
Check for encounters once per day and tribe sends forth a raiding party to gather cap- Leaders and witch doctors have distinctive
once per night. Encounters occur with a roll of tives from the cave dwellers of the island’s painting and dress, so as to make them readily
10-12 on a d12. Use column #1on the Random interior. The Kawibusas so dominate their identifiable to those familiar with the tribe.
Encounters Table (see cover). own area that 90% of all the giant carnivorous
General encounters in this area are princi- apes on the peninsula are servants of these Ye Olde Parchment
pally related to the tribe of savage Kawibusas bloodthirsty masters!
The party may find this old map at any con-
(see below), who control the peninsula west At the dark of each moon, the Kawibusas
of the colossal wall. The apes are from their hold a feast, a cannibalistic orgy, in honor of venient moment of the adventure. Likely
stock, as are the boars, although the latter are places would be on a dead body near the land-
Oonga (who is unaware of it). They prepare
ing place, in the Big Witch Doctor’s hut, near
escaped and truly wild. The giant lizards are some special gift for their deity, be it a pris-
an altar, etc. It should be contained in an air-
from the meat herd of the Kawibusas, while oner of either sex, a captured carnivorous
tight scroll case covered with some unalter-
the podokesaurs are the only saurians surviv- ape, giant or ordinary, or some specially fat-
ing on the peninsula. able metal (like gold). It has been lost on this
tened lizard or swine. Sounding gong and
world by one of the previous adventurers.
drums to alert their deity, the tribesmen
Location of the Isle If the party uses magic to decipher the
gather atop the wall to observe the coming of
runes use the following notes:
the gargantuan creature and his devouring of
If the party decides to sail away from the Left: North, South, East, West
the sacrifice. Even if Oonga fails to show up,
isle, they will discover that other islands exist Bottom left: “Here dwell the mighty war-
in the area. However, the party will not gain some lesser carnivore will eventually come to
satisfy their urge to see bloodletting.
any knowledge there about their quest or a Middle: “Here we met the Great Oonga, and
Having tracked the approach of the party of
way of returning home. This will seem to be a lost all hope”
different world endlessly filed with ferocious adventurers, the tribe has laid a careful
ambush. Their wamors are painted in yellows Upper right: “Ye Olde Parchment.”
savages, cannibals, prehistorical monsters,
and greens to blend with the vegetation. They
etc. The party may invade some primitive
wear headdresses of dried grass and mantles
kingdoms and rule them; however, that will
woven of the same stuff with green leaves
not help them to leave this world.

Encounter Key 40 feet above the level of the water, the cliffs
1. The Landing Place topped by hills. The slope will take you to the
level of these bluffs. As the jagged, rocky
ground to either hand of the beach area like-
The layers of fog part, and before you is a wise climbs upward, your obvious
shelving beach of sand and smooth rocks. It pathway-and there is a beaten trail discern-
is about a mile wide, so there will be no diffi- able ahead-is over the easy ground.
culty in landing, but to either side of the cove
the waves surge and foam against sharp If the party chooses to muck around in the
rocks and great boulders, and the terrain rough terrain and hills, keep track of time and
beyond rises steeply. This is certainly where check for encounters in each hex. Such
you were meant to beach your craft. checks for encounters in each new hex are to
be done throughout the course of the adven-
If the players decide to circumnavigate the ture.
island, they will learn its length and breadth,
and that there are no other places to land. 2. High Vantage Point
For the sake of ease, assume that their
craft will make from 21 to 40 hexes per day of
sailing. Each day out, the wind will drop on a Your travel so far gives you a good idea
d10 result of 1or 2, rise on a 9 or 0, assuming as to what sort of time can be made walk-
wind at the start is force 5. Slow movement ing here. From your hilltop vantage point
10% cumulative for each drop, raise it 10% you can see grasslands and jungle, and
cumulative for each rise, but at 8 movement from what you know you are able to esti-
must be at least 6 hexes from land, so the mate an approximate movement pace,
craft must initially stand away from the island. according to the terrain type.
The vessel will be shipping water. If wind
rises to force 0 (lo), there is a 10% per hour If the players ask for specifics, check in Move-
chance of the craft capsizing and the adventur- ment Rates (page 5). If the party does not travel
ers will then drown-unless otherwise able to to Area 2, do not give them this informationuntil
survive in water. In either a force 9 or 0 wind, they meet both these conditions:
the party can opt to run for the beach, but 1)They have seen a good three or four differ-
there is a 20% chance of wrecking the vessel ent terrain types on the island.
on the rocks to port and starboard in a force 9 2) They specifically ask for movement rates.
wind, double such chances in force 0. Visibil- Meanwhile, keep track of time and move
ity, normally 0 to 3 miles, will cause problems the party from center to center of each hex.
unless the players are accurate in mapping. They will land at dawn.

As your vessel nears the beach, you see 3. Grassy Plains

that there are a dozen or more dugout
canoes, some of large size, and all with
outriggers, drawn up and partially hidden From this place, some two miles across,
you are able to observe a fair distance, for the leaders are and have- positioned their
amongst the thin vegetation there. The troops accordingly, at Area A on map 2.
gravelly bottom scrapes the hull, and you
1 are quickly wading ashore. BATTLE DIAGRAM
Scale: 1 hex = 20 yards
The players should certainly state that they
are dragging the magic boat ashore and using
the command word to have it fold itself for A, B, C, D: Main battle units
easy carrying or concealment. If they do not, R: Reserve battle unit
assume it is left bow fast in the sand, but as W Big Witch Doctor
the tide rises, the vessel will go awash and H: Tribal Chief
soon be lost, adrift at sea. Time will be from 2- X: The party’s position when the ambush
8 hours for this to occur (2d4). Say nothing as is sprung. If the ambush occurs at another
you make this determination. location keep the structure of the attack
but change the terrain as desired.
The low area slopes
ahead. You see that the land nearby is about

This ambush occurs anytime the DM finds it shaped formation, and when they are approxi- tle, plus two subunits, W and H, containing the
, convenient and possible. The party should not mately in its center, about 50 yards from the Big Witch Doctor 0,and the Tribal Chief 0.
be allowed to reach the village without first tribesmen, the trap is sprung. Each mainbaffle unit covers five hexes (see Bat-
running into this ambush. There are five main battle units-A, B, C, tle daigram above). One of the hexes containsthe
The characters enter the opening of this C- D, and R(reserve unit)-involved in the bat- leader of the unit (boldface letter).

Forces in Each Hex-Units A, B, C, D* *, and R

Num. of AC Level HP To Hit Bonus Damage Saving Units A, D, and R are armed with two
Warriors Melee / Missiles Bonus Throws spears and one club per warrior. Treat the
club as a morning star for damage purposes.
3 5 3 20 -1 +1 +1 none Each warrior in units B and C has one short
3 3 5 30 +I/ +2 +2 +1 bow, 12 arrows and a stone axe equal to a bat-
2 3 6* 40 +1/ +2 +3 +1 tle axe for damage purposes. All the warriors
1 1 8* 50 +21+3 +4 +2 belong to the barbarian character class with
1*** 1 9* 60 + 2 / +3 +5 +2
large hide shields and the following tertiary
* Attack twice per round on even numbered combat rounds. skills: Animal Handling, Running, Sound Imi-
** This unit also contains five giant carnivorous apes with their keepers, staying at the rear tating and Snare Building.
(see cover for statistics).
*** This is the units leader in the boldfaced letter hex.

Sub-Unit H, Tribal Chief and Guards-(only one hex)

Num. of AC Level HP To Hit Bonus Damage Saving These warriors are armed as units A, D,
Warriors Melee / Missiles Bonus Throws and R, except for the Chief who fights with a
magical bastard sword + 1/ f 2 vs. enchanted
4 3 10* 70 +2/ +2 +5 +2
monsters & magic-users. The chief wears a
2 1 11** 80 +3/ +3 +6 +2
jack of reptile hide equal to leather armor, but
2 1 12** 90 +3/ +3 +6 +3 no shield. If the party is heavily equipped with
Chief 0 14** 100 +4/+5***/ +3 +7/8*** +3
magical items, then the chief has a pouch of
Dust of Appearance (12 applications).
* Attack twice per round on even numbered combat rounds. >
** Attack twice per round.
* * * This modifier includes magical sword bonus.

Sub-Unit W* *, Big Witch Doctor and lesser ones (only one hex)
Witch Doc. AC Level THACO HP Spells Memorized
4 6 2 19 16 Cure Light Wounds, Fear, Light, Burning
2 4 4 17 32 Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Detect
Magic, Fear, Chant, Speak with Animals,
Burning Hands, Serpent Missile'.
1 2 6 15 48 Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Detect
Magic, Fear, Light, Detect Charm, Resist
Fire (x2), Speak with Animals, Tongues,
Serpent Missile' (x2), Audible Glamer.
Big W. Doc. 2 7 14 56 Cure Light Wounds (~21,Chant, Detect
Magic, Light, Detect Charm, Hold Person
Serpent Missile * (x2), Shield, Invisibiliy,
Levitate .

* New spell described at the end of the module.

** Unit W also has five giant carnivorous apes and their keepers standing behind the witch doc-
tors' position (see cover for statistics).

These tribesmen are slightly different from two more rounds of arrows on the party. Remnants of unit R and unit W stay
those stated in the DMG. No major deviation Unit A charges the adventurers, reaching behind to keep the trap closed. That action
has been made and personalization of shamans them just after the missile attacks have lasts one round.
and witch doctors is recommended. been performed. The reserve unit (R)
They have no armor of any kind and fight moves to unit A's previous position (see Action 10: General Retreat
with their clubs if forced to do so. If the party arrow #2 on Battle Diagram). That action If the Chief is killed or captured, the Big
is heavily equipped with magical items, then lasts one round. Keep track of remaining Witch Doctor casts his log to lizardspell so
the Big Witch Doctor should have a Staff of arrows. the creature lumbers to confront the party.
Swarming Insects (20 charges), and each The Big Witch Doctor then turns invisible
lesser witch doctor a Mask of Enemy Detec- Action 5: Subsequent Attacks and uses his levitation spell to further his
tion. The latter functions as the wand of the Same as Action 3, except that it lasts as chances of escape. All remaining units run
same name but with a double range. The long as there are at least five natives still away at top speed to the village. Lesser
gems in the eyes actually send forth a glowing fighting. Keep track of remaining arrows. witch doctors will use their remaining cure
green radiance to bathe the enemy in range. fight wounds spells at first opportunity.
The gems are worth 500 g p each and the Action 6: Second Native's Charge
masks twice that of a wand of this ilk. As soon as there are less then 5 natives If the party of adventurers threatens to
still fighting the party, units B and C fire break out of the trap prior to Action 10, then
Kawibusas' Tactics two rounds of arrows. Unit R hurls one unit R (if available) and units W and H may
round of spears and charges and reaches respond by moving to reinforce the weak
Once the party enters the trap, unit D spot.
the party at the time the arrow discharge
moves in to close off the exit (see arrow #1on
ends. Sub-units H and W move in to unit In this case, the global plan cannot be exe-
Battle Diagram above). Then, the natives fol-
R's previous position. That action lasts cuted, so proceed to Action 10. If some player
low the actions described below, if possible, characters try to escape by air, then the witch
one round. Keep track of remaining spears
following the chronological numbering. Each
and arrows. doctors cast their long range spells and all
event occurs after the preceding one has
units hurl their missile weapons. If the party
ended, which may take one or more rounds.
Action 7: Unit R Retreat and Second flies in direction of the village (either escaping
Apes' Charge from the trap or arriving to Encounter 3) play
Action 1: First Missile Attack Once units H and W are in place, an order is Action 10 above. Otherwise, the natives
Units A, B, C, and D leap to their feet and
shouted and remnants of unit R break off spread out to have about 10 yards between
hurl either one set of spears, or two
combat to return to their former position, each, and attempt to stay near the flying
rounds of arrows, according to their
forminga line in front of the two sub&'its. To adventurers until they are far from the village.
respective armament. That should amount
prevent the party from pursuing unit R, the
to 100 spears and 200 arrows raining down
witch doctors send their five apes charging The plan of attack given above is a best case
upon the party. Units R, W and H remain plan illustrative of the organizational abilities
into the fray. That action lasts one round.
hidden. That action lasts one round. Keep
of the Kawibusas. It is unlikely that events will
track of remaining spears and arrows. go exactly according to the Kawibusas' plans.
Action 8: Witch Doctors Support
The lesser witch doctors use their spells What will probably happen is that after the ini-
Action 2: First Apes' Charge. to heal wounded warriors from unit R, tial confrontation, the adventurers will man-
Same as above, except that unit D falls to the
while the Big Witch Doctor casts a chant age to get off some high-level spells that will
ground as their five giant Carnivorous apes tear the attacking savages apart. In such case,
spell. While the apes keep on fighting the
charge the party. These monsters are in blood
party, those attempting to break out will the retreat situation will be applicable. It must
lust and as soon as they are released, all five
have to deal first with unit B and C archers. be said that although the Kawibusas are sav-
charge at 18" speed to attack the trespassers.
During the following rounds, the witch age, evil cannibals, they are brave to a fault,
The apes reach the party just after the missie
doctors keep on casting attack spells and bowmen and warriors will individually sac-
attacks have ended. That action lasts one
against the party, until there is only one rifice themselves to assure the escape of the
round. Keep track of remaining arrows (units
surviving ape. The use of their spells is up others. In such case, about one in five will halt
A and D are out of spears).
to the DM. Keep track of remaining and confront the enemy, while the remainder
arrows and spells. continue to retreat.
Action 3: Subsequent Attacks
If any player character attempts to leave
Action 9: Chiefs Party Charge Treasure
the circle, the archers from units B and C
Once the apes have been defeated, unit H
prevent his escape by concentrating their Each ape has a collar that is equal to 3
charges the party. The chief and the two
shots on him. That action lasts as long as pounds weight and 20 gp value. Each warrior
higher-level natives follow the four lower-
there are at least two apes alive. Keep wears one piece of crude gold jewelry per
level ones closely. The four lower-level
track of remaining arrows. level. Value is from 50-300 gp per piece. The
guards then split to the left and right of the
same is true for all witch doctors, but jewelry
party to circle them. The chief and his two
Action 4: First Natives' Charge body guards engage the party from the
is equal to combined cleric and magic-user
As soon as there is only one ape alive (or levels.
front side.
they are all dead), units B and C discharge

Questioninga Bawibusa witch doctors (equivalent to unit W), whose
highest level spell-caster would replace the out marauding animals-and run along the log
Any warrior questioned, even by magic
Big Witch Doctor in case he is killed or cap- palisade so as to be protected on all sides.
questioning after death, can answer only the The natives seem to be growing various
tured. Similarly, there are several guards
following questions: types of tubers, globular fruit-bearing vines,
(equivalent to unit H) whose highest level
The name of the tribe. The number of war- and several other sorts of vegetables.
character would replace the chief in case he is
riors in the tribe: “More than many hands.”
killed or captured.
They have “mighty” witch doctors. Their
chief is “invincible.” Their great deity, Oonga, If the party has broken through the ambush, 8. Roofed Platforms
the natives guarding the village will gather
will punish those who are enemies. Humans,
with the rest of the tribe, and hide away from
apes, swine, and even fat lizards are sacrificed A pair of platforms, each about 15 feet
the village, only leaving scouts to observe the
to Oonga. A witchI doctor questioned will wide and twice as long stand on stilts that
party’s acts in the village.
know the above, wit:h the following additional place their surfaces over 20 feet above the
There are two other groups of natives,
information: ground. These roofed structures of palm
units F and G, gone away raiding some other
Materials for magic are kept UI the big witch logs are evidently guard posts for the vil-
isle. F is equivalent to unit A, and G to unit B.
Doctor’s palace. There are over 20 “hands” of lage. You note crude ladders placed against
They will return after the party has left the
warriors in the tribe. Headmen will know the these structures, and it is evident that
peninsula, beyond the great wall.
same sort of information as regular warriors, these ladders can be drawn up so as to pro-
althoug!! they will know that there “over 20 klands tect those atop the platforms. They flank
of fighters.” The 1BWD and his two top assistank3 Your party has managed to win through
to this part because you are rugged and an entrance to a hedged area, and there is
will know that the:reis “treasure for Oonga in the abatis made of logs and thorn bush drawn
twin stone sacrific:e posts.’’ resourceful. You have a feeling that the
test of your courage and ability has actually parallel to the path that leads toward the
All questioned must be magically forced or village. This indicates that the whole sec-
tricked into talking. All know that the survi- just begun as you gaze at the area before
you, the natives home grounds. There is a tion can be fenced off, but whether against
vors of the tribe hide somewhere to seek raiders or predators, you don’t know.
revenge, but the place is not set. All also slight rise in the ground here, and you can
know that there are another 10 giant carnivo- see a fair portion of the native village. It
rous apes with the concealed survivors. sprawls along the right hand side of the 9. Meadow-Like Area
track-palm groves, cultivated patches
Notes on the Big Witch Doctor surrounded by thorn hedges, and a log
stockade surrounding grass huts. The As you pass through the platform-
The BWD is cunning, vicious, untrustworthy, place appears totally deserted. No natives guarded entrance, your party sees that the
and evil, but intelligent. He holds his power are in sight, no smoke rises from the vil- area beyond is a well-grazed field, much
through blackmail and terror. One weakness in lage. There are no animals to be seen. the same as the commons you are so famil-
his setup is that the ritual enabling him to visit About a mile ahead is the massive wall iar with on your own world. Several large
Oonga does not work. The tribe believes he still which, along with natural rock formations, lizards are scattered about the field, sleep-
visits Oonga and brings back the sacred word. In serves to screen off this peninsula from ing or slowly grazing.
fact, he knows the ritual is incomplete, therefore the main portion of the island. Even at this
useless, and carries treasure to a secret com- distance you can see that the structure is These are basically vegetarian reptiles, and
partment in the Ancient Stone Pillar (Encounter pierced by a mighty gate of some sort. the Kawibusas raise them for meat animals.
20). If his tribe were to find out he actually However, as with any sort of their kind, these
couldn’t contact Oonga, he would be Sunday din- giant lizards will eat flesh if given the opportu-
ner; so he will do anything to keep his cover. 6. Grove of Fruit-Bearing nity. They have been left in this area to graze,
That includes delaying a ritual demanded by a Trees and the stupid creatures are slowly making their
powerful and victorious party because of the way to the exit in order to expand their feeding.
“wrong” position of moons, the season, etc... If This movement might well be interpreted as an
given no other alternative, the BWD will require There are small copses of palm trees here, attack by the unwary adventurers. If the party
some “very, very, minor” scriptures from the heavy with fruit. These are evidently main- simply moves along the trail, ignoring the liz-
two other tribes of the isle in order to perform tained by the natives as a principal food ards, they in turn will ignore the party. If the
the ritual-see the Ancient Stone Pillar, source. You see bananas, mangosteens, and adventurers attack, move off the path, or simply
Encounter 20. many sorts that you do not recognize. clump together to see what happens, the lizards
will attack. The first blood of any sort will bring
5. The Village Compound 7. Cultivated Areas all these creatures rushing to attack, and only
This is a general encounter that does not when all are dead will such attacks cease. There
appear on the map. For the next encounter are eight giant lizards here.
There are fairly large areas of cultivation Naturally, the natives hope the interlopers
refer to Encounter 6 , Grove of Fruit-Bearing surrounding the village. These plots are
Trees. During the ambush (Encounter 4),the allow themselves to be attacked by the liz-
fenced by thorny and spiked bush around ards, for whatever weakens the strangers is
village is guarded by unit E. It is identical to the outside perimeter-probably to keep
unit B in all respects. There are also several good for the Kawibusas.

10. Village’s Gate ceed in slaying a group, while they wander 13. Inner Compound
around outside of Area 13. Once the adven-
Don’t forget the possibility of giant boar
turers enter Area 13, they will be attacked by
There is a stout gate before you. The logs attack here!
all of the remaining giant boars, if any. The
have long, sharp bones set into them, so any first group will be in the center part of the
incautious creature thrusting against the por- area, and each successive group will join the This area of beaten earth is evidently
tal will impale itself on the thickly set projec- fray at intervals of five rounds. where the natives of the village conducted
tions. The stockade wall continues above the If the party completes a circuit of the wall, most communal activity-cooking, handi-
door, which is about 8 feet high-one-half the they will find that there are a dozen slave pens work, meetings, and festivities. It is sur-
height of the wall proper. located under the walkway. Seven of these rounded by the stilted huts and lodges, but
prisons are empty, one contains three male at the western edge you note several far
The gate opens inward, but it is barred from cavemen from Area 12, while that adjacent to larger structures, round, but hardly huts.
inside, as the natives fled their village by using it holds five females and two children. The These, and the huge stone in the center of
ladders to climb over the walls at the eastern three others imprison a total of 18 native-like the cleared area, are the only notable fea-
edge of the compound. A knock spell will open men, women, and children. M, of these cap- tlires.
the way. The bones can be hacked and broken tives are fat and drugged into lethargy from
off, and then brute strength used to force the feeding, the drug being from the sap of one of The stone is hollowed and used for roastin:
gate open. The party can take the ladders the palm trees. None can be conversed with “IC ingpig,”
the cannibals’ most prized repast
from Encounter 8 (Roofed Platforms) and unless some magical means is used. The cave
climb to the top of the palisade that way. Obvi- dwellers will tell of their home area and lead 14. gr eat raised round
ously, they can utilize all sorts of magical the party there if they are asked to do so. The House
means to otherwise gain access to the place. drug will wear off in a day, but they will not be
Note: The area marked 10 southwest of useful fighters in any event as it will take a
week or so for them to recover. The natives This bamboo and grass structure is fully 20
Encounter 16 (Secondary Entrance) is exactly
resembling the Kawibusas are from other feet above ground. It is about 50 feet or so in
the same as this area.
nearby islands. They cannot be of assistance. diameter, and it has a balcony about 3 feet
The same is true of them regarding recovery wide surrounding an enclosed middle por-
11. Inner Perimeter of the tion. There is no ladder leading up to the
from the drug and return to fitness.
Compound structure, but there is a place where the 4-
12. Stilted Bamboo and Grass foot-highbalcony wall is open, so it is evident
that means of entrance has been removed.
The entire inside perimeter of the palm Long Houses This is by far the largest round structure you
log wall is provided with a catwalk about 12
feet above the ground. This walkway is have seen in the village, so you assume it is
about 6 feet wide and formed of slender This lodge is set on poles so that it is the residence of its headman.
logs supported at regular intervals by log about 15 feet above the ground. Ladders
poles and braces. There are many rude at either end permit easy access to the Loose inside the Chiefs dwelling is his giant
ladders allowing easy access to the defen- building above. carnivorous ape watchdog, left there to cause
sive position. This structure is completely maximum harm to any trespassers.
caged by stout poles, so that the whole Mention that it could also serve as a guard This creature is monstrous in size and fero-
might possibly provide additional shelter if tower if the lodge is one of those built against cious in the extreme. As it scents or hears the
the grass huts and lodges were insufficient the compound wall. adventurers, it will crouch near the entrance
to house all of the natives. You note that in utter silence. As soon as any character
there are doors standing open along this The walls go only about four feet up, so steps into the building, the ape will attack. It is
cagework, as if the inhabitants left in it is easy to see out of the structure, and effectively a monster of 12 hit dice, and it will
haste, forgetting to even shut their doors. missiles could be effectively sent from this gain + 2 on all of its initial attacks due to being
position. The place is about 60 x 30 feet, prepared for a victim.
There are also meat animals of the Kawibu- and there are grass sleeping mats, clay and
sas. Eight giant boars are penned occasionally shell vessels, wooden containers, and Contents of the Chief’s Hut: There are
under the catwalk of the compound wall, but straw baskets scattered about. There bamboo and wooden furnishings of no particu-
are always allowed to freely roam anywhere appears to be nothing of value here. lar value. Some carved wood and pottery
within the palisade at night-to clean up the statues and idols are valuable. There are a
garbage and manure and to act as guards. There is nothing worthwhile. Warriors wear dozen of these objects, each of about one
These brutes will attack the party immedi- their treasure and carry their weapons. There cubic foot volume and about five pounds
ately, as the adventurers do not smell right. will be some food and palmnut beer here, but weight. Value to a collector in a large city will
There is a total of eight groups of eight giant little else except as noted. be from 1,000 to 10,000 gp. There are also
boars roaming throughout the compound. The several objects of beaten, raw gold and
party will be attacked by one such group at a roughly polished diamonds. The gold is about
time, once per turn after the round they suc- 30 gp weight and 20 gp value, the diamonds


number 10 and are 1,OOO pp each. If left in the 15. Second Largest Great equipped with deadly venom. Each will first
figurines, each object has a jewerly value of base Round Dwelling spit, and thereafter they will race forward to
12,000 gp, plus 10%-100% depending on the strike with fangs.
collector they are offered to. There are carved
wooden clubs, stone axes, masks, and ceremo- Towering nearly 60 feet in the air, this Treasure: Use the treasure listing of the
nial dress which will also be of value to a collector place is clearly the second largest struc- Chief for this area also. There is an ape idol of
of such materials. For game purposes, assume ture in the native village. weed set with two ruby eyes worth 1,000 gp
there are 20 of this sort of object, each of about base value each. As an intact object, it has
two cubic feet volume and five pounds weight. (Description of this place can be taken from two-cubic-foot volume, 10 pounds weight,
Value of each such piece will range from 1,000 to Area 14, with the diameter just slightly and a market value of 3,000-12,000 gp,
4,000 gp. smaller.) depending on the collector bidding-four max-
Otherwise the area is partitioned off into imum interested bidders is a good rule of
four rooms. The initial one is a large audience/ The interior is dimly illuminated by sun- thumb in all such instances.
daytime activity room. Directly behind it is a light filtering in between the bamboo of the Contents of the place are unremarkable,
smaller bed chamber. To either side of this walls. There are dozens of bone, stone, save that the smaller containers will have spell
sleeping area are rooms which housed the pottery, wood, and woven containers lit- components for all witch doctor spells, plus
Chief‘s wives and concubines. All have grass tering the main room. With them are the special unusual spells given on page 48 and
mats, clay and wood vessels, woven baskets masks, carven idols, stuffed reptiles, and the two new ones. Quantities will be from 17-
and boxes, etc. There are heaps of fruit, pal- all sorts of like materials which might be 24 components usages. Magic spells are writ-
moil beer in several pottery jars, and so on, used by a barbaric witch doctor. That this ten on the backs of large palm leaves. These
but nothing else of value. (See Illustration 2 place is the dwelling of the tribe’s main leaves are hung on the walls, along with hun-
above .) cleric is undoubtable. dreds of others, to serve as separators
between rooms. Of course, writing faces
There are several large dwellings near that As the party starts to poke around, several inward, not outward. These will not be
of the Chief. They are the houses of the sub- of the stuffed reptiles will come alive, for the located except by careful search of all walls
chiefs and principal warriors. Although more Big Witch Doctor has set them as guards for which turns over the leaves. Do not give
spacious than others in the village, they have his lodge. Those four giant spitting snakes are hints! The rest has no value for the party.
no treasure ...the Chief gets it all! quite small for their sort, but fast and

16. Secondary Entrance to rated, chanted over, and then led away to
Area 20 (Ancient Stone Pillar). terminus near the gateway. Thick plaits of
the Natives’ Compound heavy rope loop through these rings, so
See Areas 9 and 10 above for description. 18. Titanic Gates that by sheer muscle power the beam can
This area will be under surveillance by Kawi- be dragged along the greased stone chan-
busa scouts. No one will interfere with the nel to hold fast the entrance or allow the
party while they are in the village, but their There is a massive wall of well-dressed valves to swing inward.
actions and subsequent departure will be stone blocks, now moss covered and
tracked. As they head toward Area 17 (Cer- showing vegetation where wind and It is worth noting that while any intruders
emonial Area), watch will be kept. If they pass weather have aged these massive cubes of attempting to force entry would be safe from
through the gates or otherwise venture rock and allowed growth to take place. overhead fire because of the thickness of the
beyond the wall, the scouts will report to the Each block is at least six feet long and wall, the 38-foot-long tunnel entrance would
main body of the tribe. about half as high, and all seem to be set provide them with no shelter from missiles
Assuming that the adventurers leave by the without mortar. The builders were impres- discharged from the barred sets of two win-
gates in the wall, then the tribe will be back in sively skilled in masonry and engineering dows cut in each door.
force within about one hour, close the doors, bar both! It must be centuries old-who
and brace them, and man the walls with addi- knows? In the center of its length are two 19. Primitive Scaffolding
tional sheaves of arrows and spears. All surviv- valves of beams bound and studded by
ing warriors and witch doctors will be on hand. some unknown, purplish metal. Each of
Within 14days the raiding party will return. these gates is about 36 feet tall and some There must have once been a more fin-
This will bolster the strength of the Kawibu- 12 feet wide. Each is pierced with a small ished means of attaining the summit of the
port at eye level, the aperture being heav- mighty wall, but now the only means of
sas by one spear unit, one bow unit, 1 sub-
ily barred by the same purple metal, so reaching its top is by means of palm log
chief (12th-level barbarian), 2 witch doctors
that an observer is able to view what lies scaffolding that rests against the stone
(4/2 level), and from 3-18 conscripted cap-
tives who will join the tribe, the latter being beyond, but nothing larger than a cat could blocks. Although flimsy appearing, the
equal to the Kawibusas spear-armed 3rd-level slip between the bars. structure is actually quite sturdy.
Closer observation shows that the wall The stout trunks are set to form a means
warriors. Warriors will have 12 spears each,
itself is nearly 40 feet thick at its base and of reaching a platform about 65 feet above
bowmen 48 arrows each. They will use these
over 20 feet thick at its summit, 80 feet the ground, and from this platform several
weapons only when the party attempts to re-
above. The base of the barrier is hewn ladders provide access to the top of the
enter the tribal peninsula. Showers of missiles
from living rock, with huge stones, 12 to barrier. There is a similar construction on
will be used to kill or drive off the party.
18 feet long and half as broad and deep, the opposite side of the gate. By utilizing
The Kawibusas will not wish to re-engage
forming the first four tiers. A mighty plinth both, nimble tribesmen could ascend to the
the adventurers in another battle! They will
supports the archway for the gate which top in waves of ten, each wave taking
again flee to hiding if the adventurers appear
leads to the isle beyond. The metal of the about ten minutes from ground to wall
to be able to breach the wall. All of this must
gate is no harder than tempered steel- summit. If a constant stream of climbers
be taken care of as the action occurs, the fore-
going being the DM guideline for actions. magical weapons score it-but the stuff were to be supposed, 100 defenders could
seems corrosion resistant, for it gleams as man this the wall within 20 minutes, per-
Ten giant carnivorous apes will be held teth-
if it were new and polished yesterday, yet haps less if they were very agile. The wall
ered by a like number of 3rd-level wamor
it is obviously very old. is surmounted by a low stone parapet that
spearmen. If the party forces the gates open,
these creatures will be loosed. The apes will The beams that compose the twin doors is a foot thick and three high. There is a
are more than a foot and a half thick, black great metal gong of cylindrical shape sus-
charge the party.
with age, and of some wood you have pended here, and beside it are two log
never seen before. The stuff is dense and drums of native craftsmanship. Striker and
17. Ceremonial Clearing mallets are adjacent to these devices.
hard, nearly metallic. Possibly some
ancient dweomer was cast upon the timber
It is most evident that this place is where in order to assure it would last through the
the native tribe has its ceremonial activi- ages.
20. Ancient Stone Pillar
ties. A series of rudely-hewn-or possibly Huge stone blocks jut from the inner
very old and worn-steps are carved into a face of the wall on either side of the valves, There is a strange stone pillar, actually a
natural rock outcropping. The top of this for the gates are set flush with the inner base, step, and twin columns at 70 yards
stone projection has also been worked to face of the barrier, and at about 12 foot distance from the top of the great stone
form a round, flat surface with a central height there is a channel for the tremen- barricade that severs the peninsula from
area raised to about two feet above this dous log which bars these doors against the main body of the island. From where
ledge. What festivals and sacrifices are unwanted entrance. This beam of roughly you are, you note that there are oddly
conducted here are unknown to you. squared timber is about 4 feet high and 2 carved figures and glyphs upon it, but
feet thick. There are great rings set near vines and distance make any detailed
There is no treasure here at all. This is the its extreme end, some 40 feet from the observation impossible.
place where the sacrifices for Oonga are deco-

If the party moves to within a few feet of the some dull glittering beneath the creepers and taught the ritual that would activate the portal
place, they will see following: vines which grow upon them. The posts are and allow the shaman to bring tribute to the
decorated with uncut gems. There are a total mighty Oonga. But the previous Big Witch
This edifice is obviously a sacrificial of 20 diamonds of base 5,000 gp value, 20 Doctor passed on part of the ritual to each of
place, for the twin stones have manacles of rubies, 20 sapphires, and 20 oriental his sons. Unfortunately, after his death the
the purplish metal set into them via chains. emeralds-the latter three gem types being of tribe split, each taking one son as their reli-
They appear long unused, however, for 1,000gp base. These stones must be cut and gious leader. The three sons passed their part
they are overgrown by some sort of polished to go up in value. Cutting will destroy of the ritual to their successors. Two of them
creeper. Hanging from the same great sta- 10% of the stones, but the rest may then be believe they know the entire sacred ritual
ple, though, are crude ropes, and there checked for normally. Otherwise they may be (only the Big Witch Doctor of the Kawibusas
are others scattered about in broken bits disposed of at normal market rates. knows that two other rituals exist). All three
around the area. Possibly the savages are Careful examination of the base area will have tried to call Oonga and enlist his aid
not able to operate the manacles, but they also discover an area of carving that is distin- against the other tribes, but to no avail. Each
still offer sacrificial victims bound with guished by a narrow crack surrounding it. is convinced that the ritual is a hoax.
rope instead of metal. Some of the decora- This piece pulls out to reveal a compartment To activate the magical portal, the party
tions on the pillars show strange beasts- behind in which there are 100 base 100 gp must assemble the three witch doctors and at
dragon-like figures, things with bat wings, pearls hidden here by the Big Witch Doctor. the altar convince them to pronounce their
and gorilla shapes. The glyphs are worn incantation parts in turn to open the path to
and totally unfamiliar, so it seems profitless Notes on the Ritual Oonga’s lair (see Encounter 26).
to attempt to decipher them. Zagyg created this pillar as a magical portal
for Oonga and the tribal high priest. It is
If the party insists and uses a spell to learn totally unaffected by mortal magic. The ape
what these writings say, translate thus: can use it at will to come from its lair on the
“Abandonallhope ye who are here.. . but fight other side of the isle, directly to the Ancient
like the blazes anyway! Zagyg!” Stone Pillar. The portal is specificallykeyed to
Oonga and no other living being can go with
If the party approaches close enough to the monster.
touch these upthrust liths, then they will note The religious leader of the original tribe was

Encounter Settings ?n each working one hour, The party will undoubtedly fear that Oonga will
; one hour and 12 minutes, appear and attack whilst they are in the process of
Once the party gets past the titanic , . ana so on. ratts can not be used m swamp areas. crossing the log. Instead, hidden in the bush
have left the peninsula. They are now on the undergrowth of the opposite side of the crevasse,
isle’s mainland. All the encounters in this section Travel by raft: Encounter checks are to be are the lairs of three large minotaur lizards.

cover the adventure on the isle’s main body. made once for each crossing. Each crossing When the party is just stepping off the end
Check Random Encounters each time the will take one hour from shore to shore. Travel of the log bridge these creatures will dart out
party enters a new hex on the map, and once per upstream is at the rate of 1hex/2 hours. Drift- and attack. One will certainly go out on the log ~

night the party spends in their encampment. An ing downstream is at the rate of 3 hexedhour, to get a party member there. Lizard move-
encounter will occur on a score of 10-12 on a and if poling or paddling is added the rate *menton the log is normal, while PCs (except
d12. Use columns A to E on the Random increases to 4 hexedhour. Lake travel is at for rangers and thieves) move at a 3” rate.
Encounter Chart (see module cover), according the rate of 1 hexlhour if poling or paddling.
to the terrain type the party crosses. Large water creatures will upset a raft when Fighting on the Log Bridge: All attacks will be
they score 16 or higher on their attack die made at -4 on dice by non- ranger, non-thief
Encounter Key with any mode of attack. Scores under 16 are characters due to balance problems, No Dexter-
simply attacks against the adventurers. ity armor class bonuses are allowed to any char-
21. The Great Jungle acters. Any spell caster attempting to cast a
Boat Travel: Double rates of travel for boat spell while under attack on the log will be able to
or ship movement. A boat is upset in the same successfully cast only those spells with one-
manner as is a raft. The ship will be capsized segment casting times. Any character hit three
only on an attack roll of 20. times in a single round will be pitched off the log,
unless the biting score was 20. A character fall-
22. The Stegosaurs ing to the river below will take only 3d6 damage,
When the party is in the center of the large as the water will absorb impact. However, there
clearing, eight stegosaurs will come from a are rocks, and from 0-9 of these could be
more of a roadway, and the broken trees low spot and be visible at 40 yards distance. If encountered on the way down or in the channel
and crushed vegetation indicate that huge the adventurers stand still, it is 50% probable proper. Roll ldlO to find the number encoun-
things travel along it. that these creatures will wander off. If the tered in the fall. Each rock inflicts from 1-10
party moves or makes loud noise, the mon- points of additional damage.
The Narrow Trail: If the adventurers opt to sters will charge, turn, and tail attack.
follow the foot path, they will be less likely to 26. Oonga’s Cavern
encounter monsters, so make checks for ran- 23. The Mosasaurs When the party reaches this area by following
dom encounters only every other hex trav- These two mosasaurs will attack the party the various jungle paths, all they would see is a
eled. If Oonga or one of the other gargantuan at about the mid-point of its passage across normal track ending on the shores of a large
apes are indicated by the dice there will be no the narrow neck or water. There is a 50% lake, at the bottom of a high mountain. The
encounter, as none of these five creatures chance that the adventurers will be surprised, cavern entrance and the pillar are magicallycon-
roam this edge of the island. The track leads but otherwise they will get first attack. cealed. Unless the party follows Oonga’s foot
to Area 29 (Plateau Area). It then goes to the prints to the entrance, or detects magic or illu-
easiest way to ascend the plateau area, Area 24. The Tyrannosaur sions at that particular moment, they should not
30 (Very High Plateau Area), where the large be allowed to find their way in.
tribe of cave dwellers are located. This creature will appear from the jungle
when the party is about 100 yards into the If the party arrives through the magical por-
The Wide Trail: This is the roadway of plains area. Unless they are looking behind, it tal (see Encounter 20, Ancient Stone Pillar), a
Oonga. His huge footprints will be visible after will close to between 50-80 yards before they pillar similar to the one in Encounter 20 and
a mile or two of travel along the trail. Encount- hear it. The creature is closing at its maximum the cavern entrance both appear. Then read
ers are again half as likely, as the ape tends to movement rate as it is very hungry and plans the following to the players:
discourage other creatures intruding upon his to devour the adventurers.
path. Of course, any encounter experienced is
as noted, for Oonga, or his ilk, are possibly 25. The Great Crevasse tic ape to a gaping hole in the face of a
roaming about.. .. mountain. The entrance is 40 feet wide
and somewhat higher than it is wide. The

Branches of the broad trail are all alike. The

places where Oonga (or “The Others” ford You are confronted with a crevasse-a place must be the lair of the creature you
rivers are shallow for them-only 10-15 feet ravine with a river flowing at its boulder- seek.
strewn bottom some 100 feet below. It runs
deep in the main channel. The party can cross
out of sight to left and right. There is a huge
by magical means, swimming, or log raft. If the party decides to explore the cave, go
log, the trunk of some forest giant, spanning
building Log Rafts: Assuming that there are
to Oonga’s Lair (page 40), to continue the
a narrow portion of the gap. This bridge is
adventure. Otherwise, follow the party’s
those willing to do so, a raft can be built of tree about eight feet wide at the end nearest you,
trunks lashed with vines. This will require six man- moves on the isle’s main land with the follow-
five feet or so at its terminus 70 feet distant.
L ing encounters.


(MAP 2)
Scale: 1 hex = 20 vnrrls

@1985 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved

(MAP 4)
Agath of Thrunch (Cleric, 19th level, High Priest of Celestian)
Neutral Good Strength 16
Hit Points: 92 Intelligence: 16
Armor Class: -6 Wisdom: 19
Dexterity: 18
XP: 2,701,001 Constitution: 16
Movement: 1 2 " Charisma: 17
THACO: 9 Comeliness: 15
Spell Immunities: Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Friends, Hypnotism
+ 5 Wisdom Adj. Vs.: Beguiling, fear,illusion, magicjarmass charmpossession,rulership,suggestion, tel-
epathic attack, etc.
Magic Items:
Potions: Climbing, Flying, Invisibility
Scrolls: Four spells (levels 1,3, 5,7)
Armor: + 2plate mail, + 2 shield
Weapons: + 5 footman'smace, + 2 hammer

Reynard Yargrove (Reynardia)

(Keolandish Druidess, 14th level, Great Druidess of Obad-Hai)
Neutral Strength: 18
Hit Points: 112 Intelligence: 15
Armor Class: -3 Wisdom: 18
Dexterity: 18
X.P.: 1,600,001 Constitution: 16
Movement: 12" Charisma: 18
THACO: 12 Comeliness: 14
+ 4 Wisdom Adj. Vs.: Beguiling, charm, fear, hypnosis, illusion, magic jar, mass charming, phantasmal
force, possession, rulership, suggestion, telepathic attack, etc.
Magic Items:
Potions: Dimnution, Plant Control, WaterBreathing
Scrolls: Seven spells (levels 4,4,5,5,6,6,7), Protection from Elementals
Armor: + 2 Leather cuir bouille
Protection: Cloak of Protection + 5
Weapons: + 4 Staff-Spear,+ 3 scimitar, + 2 dagger, 10 Sling Bullets of Impact, + 2 Sling of Seeking

Franz, Lord Torkeep (17th-level Fighter, Baron Torkeep, Knight Banners, Followers of Heironeous)
Lawful Neutral Strength: 18/58
Hit Points: 132 Intelligence: 15
Armor Class: -8 Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 18
X.P. 2,501,001 Constitution: 18
Movement: 12 Charisma: 16
THACO: 4 Comeliness: 13
+ 1 Wisdom Adj. Vs.: Beguiling, charm, fear, hypnosis, illusion, magic jar, mass charming, phantasmal
force, possession, rulership, suggestion, telepathic attack, etc.
Sword Specialization: Broadsword, 5 attacks per 2 rounds at + I/ + 2; with magic girdle and broadsword
= + 9/ + 15; without magic girdle, with broadsword = + 7/ + 9.
Magic Items:
Potions: Extra-Healing,Fire Resistance, Speed
Scrolls: Protection from Evil, Blindness, Holding, Petrification
Armor: + 2 plate armor, + 3 shield
Weapons: + 4 defender broadsword (sword powers: detect enemies in 3" r., detect magic in 3 r., leaping-
as boots-6 times/day; speech; Int 15, Ego 15); + 3 hand axe; + 2 dagger

Miscellaneous Possessions: Boots of Water Walking (as ring), Character's Relationship:
Gauntletsofogre Power( + 31 + 6), Girdle ofFree Action (as ring), Knows Reynard, upstart
Mantle of Celestian, Ring of Fire Resistance, Ring of Spell Storing
(3, levels 2,4,6), Scarab of Protection (9 charges), Necklace of
Prayer Beads: astralness (astral travel oncelmonth), blessing, cur-
ing (x 2), summoning, wind walking.

Background: Agath is the head of the Temple of Celestian which is

located near the village of Thrutch. This village is in the foothills of the
L o r t d Mountains in the Principality of Ulek. In order to answer the
summons of the Circle of Eight, it was necessary to pack up and leave
with expeditiousness, so all handy, powerful magic items available
were taken, but you may also select any two of the following things
which were also on hand:
Potion of Extra-Healing, scroll of Protection from Undead, Eyes of
Minute Seeing, Incense of Meditation, QuaU's Feather Token
(tree), Rope of Entanglement.

Miscellaneous Possessions: Amulet ofProofagahst Det. & LOC., Background: AU of Keoland and the states immediately LO me easr
Bag of Tricks (rat-lion),Figurines of Wondrous Power Headband of (Hold of the Sea Princes, Yeomanry, Stench, Geoff) are your purview.
Comprehending Languages, Necklace of Missiles ( M O , 2/8, 2/6, While often abroad in the see, your favorite place is your grove deep
2/4), Pouch of Carrying (holds as much as a backpack), Ring of within the rolling hills of the northern Dreadwood Forest. Here you
Invisibilitx Ring of the Ram, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Stone were contacted by the messenger of the Circle of Eight. The demand
Controlling Earth E,

Special Abilities: Ide

normal movement thrc
form, 3/day, + llday
mammal), (removes 10
ture charms; speaks:
dragon, hill giant, nixie

Miscellaneous Possl
(1O), Girdle of Fro:
Periapt of Wound L
Action, Sheet of Sn

Background: Torkeel
eastern marches of the
the bluffs which overlo
many leagues. It is a ve
on continually. Althoug
fear leaving it for any rt
is not to be taken light11
Dyv. In addition to thos
are other lesser magic
four to take along:
Potion of Healing, P
Dust of L h s a p p m
Crossbow of Distanc

O1985 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 22

a S S
Ranger HumanoidGiant Class Opponents
Outdoor Tracking Modifiers bugbear goblin ogre mage
cyclopskin grimlock ogrillon
Soft enough to hold impressions (footprints, pawprints, etc.) of crea- dune stalker hobgoblin orc
ture being tracked .................................... + 20% ettin kobold quaggoth
find meazel tasloi
Allows occasional marks of obvious signs of passage (broken twigs, giants norker troll
bent grass, etc.) ..................................... + 10% gibberling ogre xvart
Prevents all but the minutest traces of passage ............. -50%

Other Modifiers
For each creature beyond the first group being tracked. .......-05%
For every hour of precipitation that has fallen on the trail between Thieves’ Abilities Modifiers
tracker and quarry ..................................... .-25%
Effects of Armor on Thief Functions
Indoor Tracking Modifiers Armor Worn
Dirt Floor, or unused and dusty area ...................... + 20% Elfin Studded or
Thief Function None(1) Chain(2) Padded(2)
Wooden floor, or area which allows some occasional indication of pas- Pick Pockets + 5% -20% -30%
sage ................................................... .O% Open Locks - -5% -10%
Fmd/Remove Traps - -5% -10%
Stone floor which prevents all but the minutest traces of passage-50% Move Silently + 10% -10% -20%
Hide in Shadows(3) + 5% -10% -20%
Other Modifiers Hear Noise - -5% -10%
For each creature beyond the first in the group being tracked . + 02% Climb Walls + 10% -20% -30%
Read Languages - - -
For passing over an area where other creatures cross or overtrack (1) This category applies when wearing bracers of defense and/or a
trail. ................................................. .-50% cloak, but no large protective devices.
In any case, if intelligent efforts have been made to conceal a trail (2) No dexterity bonuses apply to thief functions (though penalties do)
where surface condition already is -50% or worse, no tracking will suc- when wearing armor other than simple leather.
(3) Assumes that armor worn is covered by another garment. Elfin
Movement Rates While Tracking chain mail is light and thin, and can be worn under normal clothing. Stud-
ded leather armor is stiff, and can only be covered by a full body cloak.
Obvious tracks, good illumination. .................. .3/4 of normal
Obvious tracks, poor illumination. .................. .2/3 of normal
Occasional tracks, good illumination ................ .2/3 of normal Effect of Race on Thief Functions
Occasional tracks, poor illumination. ................ .1/2 of normal Dwarf Elf
Gnome 112 Elf Halfling 1/2 Orc
Faint tracks, good illumination ..................... .1/2 of normal Pick Pockets - + 5% - + 10% + 5%
Faint tracks, poor illumination ..................... .1/4 of normal Open Locks +lo% -5% +5% - + 5%
F/R. Traps +15% - +lo% - + 5%
Definitions: Move Silently - + 5% +5% - + 10%
Obvious: 71% or better chance to track Hide in Shadow - + 10% +5% + 5 % + 15%
Occasional: 31% or better chance to track Hear Noise - + 5% +lo% - + 5%
Faint: 30% or less chance to track Climb Walls -10% - -15% - -15%
Poor illumination: anything less than daylight and greater than total Read Languages -5% - -5%
darkness. Tracking is not possible in total darkness unless some non-
visual evidence is available.












Miscellaneous Possessions: Boots of Speed, Cloak of E.Ivenkind, hum;ms depend on this, and your troops number thousands, although
Gauntlets of Swimming & Climbing, ZJavelins of Lighttin)?; Quiver
~ they are split into many small companies. However, the Circle of Eight
0)f Ehlonna, Ring of Sustenance, Rince ci f Warmth, Rod c) f cancel- is an ally of this joint human-elven effort, and when one of their nobles
la‘tion, Wand of Magic Missiles (40 chargc3) requc2sted your presence at Tenser’s castle, you could not demure,
Trac:king:Base Chance to track outdoors (or indoors) is 11 0% (to a despiite the importance of your current charge. If you wish to round out
maximum 110% with level). yuul magical gear, you may select up to three of the following items

you have on hand:

Specla nUlllLk.=3. I puIL u o l l l ~FgL ~ Icvel vs. giant class; surprise
10 magic arrows + 1, Scroll of Protection vs. Undead, Potion of
50%, surprised 16 2/3%.; identify any creature’s (ever observed) tracks, Invisibility, + 1 short sword, Potion of Levitation, + 1 long sword,
direction, numbers, pace and time of passage; determine general size, Ring of Protection + 1, Wings of Flying
weight and numbers of humans and their mounts.
Character’s Relationships: Knows Franz as “stuffy but admira-
Background: The Vesve Forest is currently under attack by many ble.” Does not want druid of Obad-Hai near her.
large bands of humanoids from Iuz. These monsters, and their Evil
human allies, make the place a continual battlefield of Good versus
Evil, and the position of Marshal is most important to continuing suc-
cessful actions against the invasion. Thousands of demi-humans and

Iviisceiianeous rossessions: BeaKer 01 Plentiful Potions (free challenge and promise in this call, so you gain the permission of the
action-as ring, healing, ESP, delusion), Brooch of Shielding (40 Courts to undertake a quest. In addition to your more powerful items,
charges), Hat ofFeatherFding (as ring), Pouch ofHolding (5# wt., you can select two of the following minor items from your store:
60#/6 cu. ’ capacity), Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Wizardry (2x Oil of Slipperiness, Scroll of 2 spells (lst, 5th level), Bag of Trans-
6th level, + 1on saves), Robe of Stars *, StaffofThunder & Light- muting, Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic,
ning (25 charges), Stone of Good Luck, Zagyg’s Spell Component Pearl of Power (1st level), Ring of Contrariness, Wand of Paralyza-
Case (7 usages/ day) tion (20 charges), Wand of Negation

Background: After adventuring for several years, considerable suc- Character’sRelationships: Wishes to become member of the Cir-
cesses lead to appointment as Court Magic-User of the Duchy of cle of Eight; dislikes thieves. Does not want Agath to outshine him.
Umst. Although intrigue involving Nyrond brought your appointment
as the magical councilor to the Joint Courts of Urnst, there is no ques-
tion that your personal triumph over the Weird of Gnatmarsh has made
I j. NOWYOU have

I it. There is much

Miscellaneous Possessions: Bag of holding (1,000#/150 cubic Potions: of Poison, Sweet Water, Fire Giant Strength, Human
feet), Boots of kried Tracks, Chime of Opening, 6 Darts of Hom- Control, Humanoid Control; Philtre of Love
ing, Gauntlets of Dexterity*, Hat of Disguise, Periapt of Proof Scrolls: one 2nd-level druid spell, one 4th-level illusionist spell,
against Poison (+ 4), Ring of Levitation (as boots), Wand of Magc two magic-user spells (lst, 4th levels)
Detection (40 charges), Wand of Secrebt Door & Trap Location Rings: Delusion, Fire Resistance, Protection + 1; Spefl Storing
(Cure Light Wounds, Protection from E d )
* (;auntlets of Dexterity do not increase IIexterity to 19.
Rods, et. al.: Rod of Beguiling (3 charges), Wand of Illumination,
-1.- -
BacKgrouna: 3 TT. . Deen raisea
naving _ L ’
in nexpools, the rise to high level
1 . TT Wand of Wonder
came by successes in South Province, the Iron Hills, and other nearby Miscellaneous: Bag of Beans, Boots of Elevenkind, Horn ofBub-
regions. Gravitating to Onwal, Scant became home, and ambition and bles, Necklace of Strangulation, Pipes of the Sewers, Rope of
natural abilities soon made you the leader of all thieves there. The Climbing, + 1 dagger, + 1 long sword
place is smallish, however, and rather boring, all things considered.
When you chanced to be asked to participate in a daring, dangerous
Character’sRelationships: Feels inadequate and inferior to others
undertaking, you hastened to the rendezvous to be certain that no and thus desires to prove himself. Finds Rowena very attractive. Dis-
likes Agath and Reynard
other of your profession arrived before you, as the challenu-
-”&,- 2nd th-Yll” c11-

promise of real treasure is one which you will not miss! Nlot wishing to
alert the Guild to your departure, you take your principal items, and
select any three of the additional lesser items you have Iiandy:
27 O1985 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(Ranger 16th level, Lady Marshal of the Vesve Forest) Rowena of the Silverbrow
Neutral Good (Ehlonna) Strength: 18/50
Hit Points: 122 Intelligence: 17
Armor Class: -7 (or -9) Wisdom: 17
Dexterity: 18
X.P.: 2,601,001 Constitution: 18
Movement: 12”or 24” Charisma: 14 I

THACO: 5 Comeliness: 18
+ 3 Wisdom Adj. Vs.: Beguiling, charm,fear, hypnosis, illusion, magicjar, mass charming,
phantasmal forces, possession, rulership, suggestion, telepathicattack, etc.
Magic Items:
Potions: Clairvoyance, Flying, Healing, WaterBreathing
Scrolls: Protection from Lycanthropes, Magic, & Possession
Armor: + 5 adamantite chainmail, + 2 buckler
Weapons: + 2 bow, 24 composite long elven arrows + 2, 18 arrows + 3,
4 Arrows of Slaying (to be selected); + 3 battle axe, + 2/ + 3 dagger

(Magic-User 18th level, Arch-Mage of Umst) Warnes Starcoat

Neutral (Zagyg) Strength: 15
Hit Points: 62 Intelligence: 19
Armor Class: -4 Wisdom: 16
Dexterity: 18
X.P.: 3,001,001 Charisma: 17
Movement: 12 ” Comeliness: 11
Spell Immunities: 1st level illusion/Phantasmspells
+ 2 Wisdom Adj. Vs.: Beguiling, charm, fear, hypnosis, illusion, magic jar, mass charming, phantasmal
force, possession, rulership, suggestion, telepathicattack, etc.
Magic Items:
Potions: Gaseous Form, Growth, Fire Resistance, Invisibility
Scrolls: Six spells (levels 3,4,5,6,7,8), plus 1 spell level 9, Protection from Demons, Devils
Magic Protections: Bracers of Defense AC 3; Boots of Striding & Springing, + I; Cloak of Displacement
Weapons: + 3 dagger, + 2 knife

(Onwalic Thief, 15th level, Thieves’ Guildmaster of Scant) Rakehell Chert

Neutral (Olidammara) Strength: 18
Hit Points: 70 Intelligence: 15
Armor Class: -4 Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 18
X.P.: 1,321,001 Constitution: 16
Movement: 12” Charisma: 13
THACO: 14 Comeliness: 16
Special Abilities: Backstab at + 4 “to hit”, 5x damage;
75% chance reading scrolls (druid, illusionist, magic-user)
Magic Items:
Potions: Clairvoyance, Extra-Healing, Treasure Finding
Scrolls: Protection from E S e Magic, Undead
Armor: non-magical Elfin chainmail
Protections: Ring of Protection + 1/ + 5
Weapons: + 5 short sword, + 3 dagger

@1985 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(MAP 3)
Scale: 1hex = 10 yards

R = Rubble

27. Plateau Area The Cave Dwellers (Barbarians)
Hunting Party
The hills here are set apart from the sur-
Number AC Move Level THACO HP Weapons Damage
rounding terrain. They are high and cliff-like,
as if a fault dropped away to leave their sheer
bluffs to serve as a wall against the monsters 4 5 15" 2 (19*) 22 spear, club +1
on the lower land. The vegetation here is 3 5 15" 3 (18*) 33 spear, club +1
more familiar appearing, less exotic, and the 2 5 15" 4 (16*) 44 2 spears, club +2
air is slightly cooler and less damp. 1 3 15" 5 (15*) 55 2 spears, club +2
1 3 15'' 6 (14*) 66 2 spears, club +3
This area is the territory of a group of cave 1 3 15" 7 (12*) 77 2 spears, club +3
dwellers, often raided by the Kawibusas. * Base score needed to hit Armor Class 0.
These people are basically hostile and excep-
tionally alert because of this. However, they Tribal Strength
will not necessarily attack the adventurers
unless the latter enter their home area, the Number AC Move Level THACO HP Weapons Damage
"X" hex in the general area. Bonus
After an initial volley of spears, lower-level 4 5 15" 3 33 spear, club +1
hunters work to the flanks while the higher-level 2 5 15" 4 44 2 spears, club +2
ones loose another volley. Melee with clubs then 2 3 15" 5 55 2 spears, club +2
takes place (these weapons do damage equal to 2 3 15" 6 66 2 spears, club +3
morning stars with standard bonuses for 2 77 2 spears, club +3
3 15" 7
strength). Armor class is due to dexterity and 2 3 15" 8 88 2 spears, club +4
hide garments worn for a base AC 9. 1** 1 15" 9 99 2 spears, club +5
If seen, greeted in a friendly fashion, and I*** 1 15" 10 110 2 spears, club +6
some means of communication is established, 50 club +I
I(+) 5 15" 5
the cave barbarians will be reserved and wary, 3 15" 7 80 club +1
but not hostile. This assumes that there are no
I(++ )
Kawibusas or their ilk with the party, for the * Base score to hit Armor Class 0
cave dwellers are larger, somewhat lighter, and ** Sub-chief of tribe
easily distinguished from the savages and their *** Chief of tribe
cousins of the nearby islands. If shown any prop- ( + ) Little Shaman
= 3rd-level cleric:
erty that obviously belonged to the Kawibusas, Cure Light Wounds(x2), Protection vs. evil, Chant
and told that the party killed their foes, these
cave dwellers will become indifferent to the ( + + ) Big Shaman= 5th-level cleric:
adventurers, and if they ask the cavemen, and Cure Light Wounds(x2), Light(x2), Protection vs. Evil, Chant, Produce Flame, Speak with Ani-
offer bribes or furnish assistance in hunting, the mals, Prayer
party will be taken to the caves to speak with the
chief and shamans.
Shamen will, after protecting themselves are females equal to 125% of males, children
The Great Shaman from evil, use their curative spells on leaders equal to 50% of females.
The Great Shaman of the cave dwellers is and strong types only. They will use prayer Interacting With the Cave Dwellers: If the
very old and rather cantankerous. He has and chant as soon as possible, ifneeded. Note party has been successful in gaining the indif-
refused to turn over the secret ritual to his that these shamen have a mix of druidical ference of the tribe, there is a chance that
successor and retire as is custom, for he has spells (cf. Encounter 9). they can actually gamer some friendliness. A
an irrational fear that the tribe will kill him Cave dwellings will be above ground level at considerable kill, offering trophies from the
when his usefulness is ended. He will see the about 20 foot height. No direct entry is there- Kawibusas, or merely relating the defeat of
characters' request as a way to show his fore possible by normal means, until the ledge that group of savages might do so. Use a
importance and will readily agree to help. has been ascended. Attackers attempting to standard reaction test with whatever modi-
However, he is prone to forgetfulness and scale to cave entrances are attacked first by fiers you find appropriate. These people know
senile ravings, and there is a 50% chance at hurled boulders which hit for 2-8 points of that there are others on the island who are like
any given moment that he may forget who the damage, plus strength bonus, plus l d 6 for themselves, sort of-they are the people,
PCs are, what he agreed to do, or even the height. There are about six such large stones those like them are others, while the Kawibu-
ritual itself. Stress will always cause him to for each fighter in the group. Note that there sas are enemies. The adventurers are some-
forget the ritual, so magical or physical force are only two hunting parties. If they are not where between others and enemies when
cannot be used to take it from him, nor will he encountered and wiped out, they will be at the first met.
reveal it after death. caves when the party amves there. There Cooperativeness gains the party only the

services of 1-2 cave dwellers of 5th-6th As the party attempts to reach the islet, a 5) for fertility, nature (Neutrality)
level-those lower being too young, those random encounter of the appropriate kind 6) for constraint (Law)
above that level being too important to the automatically occurs. Check columns B or D 7) for divine power (Lawful Good)
tribe-to assist in tracking or whatever. The on the Random Encounter Table (see module 8) for good (Neutral Good)
shamen might also help by curing wounds, or cover) or use flocks of pteranodons to inter- 9) for light and prosperity (Chaotic Good)
a disease the following day. Nothing more can cept flying characters.
be done. If the party manages to gain access to this Each rune leads to an area where the appro-
They know of no Oonga, but they will tell of place, they will first have to negotiate the 40- priate sort of character can rest. As a character
temble, hairy giants who sometimes come to 60-foot-high cliff face. The island is ver- comes within one foot of the rune which stands
near. Smaller giants can be slain-if there dant, but there are few monsters dwelling for his or her alignment, it will glow and pulse. If
aren’t too many of them, and they are good to there, for it is inaccessible to them. There are the character stays within that distance, the slab
eat. The larger hairy giants are to be fled some snakes and flying monsters, but no of stone upon which the rune is graven will
from. other dangerous forms of creatures here. If slowly sink, revealing a short flight of steps
an encounter check does not indicate snakes which leads to a place where up to a dozen indi-
28. Rocky Islet or flying monsters, then the party is safe. At viduals can rest, eat, sleep, and otherwise
the center of the islet is an overgrown stone refresh themselves. Food, drink, and compo-
building. Access is from the top of its nine- nents for nine spells of a spell-caster’s choice will
This bit of land is well above the surface be provided magically. If any character of differ-
faced pyramidal shape.
of the lake. It has steep-sided walls of ing alignment is within the area, however, noth-
There is an open-sided roof atop the struc-
sheer rock, although these are covered ing save empty space will be there. This is a safe
ture. This area is plain, but there are nine
with vegetation growing from above and in house provided by Zagyg, but it must be utilized
runes engraved to form a nine-sided shape
small crannies and ledges. The top seems correctly, and if the players fail to understand the
conforming to the sides of the building. These
flat and fertile, for there are trees growing correct operation of these areas, then the
from it-jungle growth which appears at will be viewed by the adventurers in the order
indicated below: opportunity will be lost. After nine mixed-
least as thick as any you have seen. In the alignment entries, or nine turns, whichever first
center of this place is a regular hill which is Rune 1 stands for individuality (chaos) occurs, the dweomer placed upon the place dis-
liewise covered with vegetation in riotous 2) for demon (Chaotic Evil) sipates unless correct usage is made. No clues
profusion. 3) for evil (Neutral Evil) other than the runes and their operation are to
4) for evil power (Lawful Evil) be given.

29. Plateau Area has another cave dweller with them. pied by the Kawibusas, and they will take over
The handlers of these huge carnivorous as the inhabitants of the peninsula. The cave-
See Area 27 for details. This group knows birds use bolas to wrap the creatures’ legs men from Area 29 will eventually move to the
where the other cavemen from Area 27 are, but and topple them. This will cause them to area abandoned by the bird people. The cave
they fear them as “otherswho are different and become relatively docile until their legs are dwellers of Area 27. will be absorbed into the
will try to make us others instead of people.” freed and they are set onto the hunting trail tribe of the bird people. Apes will be hunted
once again. down and slain, and within 20 years time,
30. Very High Plateau Area When the party reaches the hex indicated these former cave dwellers will have a society
by an X, they have come to the home territory similar to that of the Kawibusas, although
This corner of the island rises in two of the bird people. they will not be cannibals.
sheer steps, each about 70 to 110 feet in Summary: These cave dwellers are fierce and Notes on the Shaman of Shamen: Their sha-
height, sheer, and wall-like. able fighters. They will fight to the last, if neces- man’s price for cooperation regarding the rit-
The top of the plateau is nearly sub- sary. If the party approaches on non-hostile ual will be a show of ability. The characters will
tropical, and it is more familiar-looking to terms, they will be treated with suspicion and be required to best one of the female gargan-
you than the exotic jungles and savannahs care. If the adventurers prove themselves to tuan apes that roams this area periodically.
, you have seen previously. Although not these folk, then the cavemen will send from 2-5 of The shaman is a trifle cracked and believes he
dry, it is not steamy and fetid dampness their warriors with the party. These cavemen will can turn into a bird and fly at will. The other
everywhere. From what you can deter- be barbarians of 4th to 7th level, and each will shamen restrain him and will warn the party to
mine, the place has a central grassland carry a bolo in addition to normal weapons shown. do so lest he dive ofi the plateau.
which is rimmed by hills and mountains. There is a 50% chance of a shaman (5th level)
accompanying the group if there is either a cleric 30a-n. Cliff with Many Caves
The tribe of cave-dwellers here is large, or a druid with the party. If there are both, then
aggressive, and comparatively advanced. the shaman will certainly go along if requested,
Before you is a sheer, high clii with an
Hunting parties will be accompanied by sev- and he will wish to be taught more spells. arm of the mountain behind it. Many open-
eral of the cave people’s hounds (see below) If the adventurers wish to go back and bat- ings perforate the cliffside. A few cavemen
but otherwise are same as those encountered tle the Kawibusas, and they demonstrate can be seen disappearing into the lowest of
in Areas 27 and 29. some of their prowess to these cavemen,
these openings.
The cavemen use three phororhacoses as then the tribe will send all but two hunting par-
hounds. There is a 50% chance that these ties and the big shaman to accompany the
adventurers on their mission. If the adventur- If the party has slain any of the hunters of
creatures will be well in advance of their mas- these people, the main tribe will know (via
ters and attack immediately. They will attack ers and cavemen succeed in wiping out the
tribesmen, then the balance of the cave dwell- survivors) or suspect (lack of returning
in any event, but the hunters will pull them off hunters). In this case, they will prepare to
if the party speaks to them understandably or ers will be brought to the area formerly occu-
ApfonA +heirhome as follows:

~~ ~ ~

Tribe of the Bird People (All have 15”movement) - Base score needed to hit armor class 0
** Sub-chief of tribe
Number AC Level THACO HP Weapons *** Chief of tribe
( + ) Little Shaman = 3rd-level cleriddrui d:
. . . . - . ..
16 5 2 22 bolas, axe +1 Cure Light Wounds, Ammal Friendship,
10 5 3 33 bolas, axe +1 Speak with Animals, Chant
10 5 4 44 2 spears, axe +2 ( + + ) Shaman = 5th-level cleriddruid:
8 3 5 55 2 spears, axe +2 Cure Light Wounds, Light, Animal Friend-
8 3 6 66 spear, axe +3 ship, Speak with Animals, Chant, Resist
6 3 7 77 spear, axe +3 Fire, Produce Flame, Trip, Hold Animal
6 3 8 88 spear, axe +3 (x) Big Shaman = 7th-level clericldruid:
4 1 9 99 spear, axe +4 Cure Light Wounds, Light, Animal Friend-
4 1 10 110 spear, axe +4 ship, Speak with Animals, Chant, Resist
2 1 11 115 bolas, spear, axe +5 Fire, Produce Flame, Trip, PrayeG Hold
2 1 12 120 bolas, spear, axe +5 Animal, Produce Fire
1** 1 13 125 bolas, spear, axe +6 (xx) Shaman of Shamen = 8th-level cleric/
I*** 1 15 135 bolas, spear, axe +6 druid:
4(+) 5 3 30 club +1 Cure Light ubunds, Light, Animal Friend-
2(+ + ) 5 5 50 club +1 ship, Speak with Animals, Chant, Resist
1(x) 3 7 70 club +1 Fire, Produce Flame, Trip, PrayeG Hold Ani-
1(XX) 3 8 80 club +1 m,31, Snare, Dispel Magic, Produce Fire

U be at They .will not breed in this environment, but round allowed on each target. Two rounds of
.iously the humans do not care, as they capture occa- exposure are necessary to enter. One charac-
aesuoyea DY m e party. wirn rnem will be sional fledglings and add them to the pack. If ter at a time can enter the smaller cave
their hunting phororhacoses plus another six loosed, these creatures will slowly exit their mouths, two at the large one. Knock will not
of these creatures. Refer to Map 3. pen area, and as soon as they see movement affect the rock closures, but other spells-
on the ledge. run and leap t o attack, for the! passwall, disinteara te. etc.-will.
30a. High Ledge are always hungry.
- 30f. Large Low-Ceilinged Cave
20 feel:up. At its I 30c. Fifteen-Foot-Hi!gh Ledge
. . . .. . .
This place has a smoke-blackened cell-

tus, and there appears to be ;I series of ere is another ledge ing, heaps of driec3 grass and leaves, ani-
small ledges and hand holds tht:re, so the at the southern porticIn of the long one mal skins, and various and sundry
cave dwellers must gain access:tn i t c tnn
I which certainly leads 11upward to the lowest
hisch certainly leads evidences of habitation by the cavemen.
from that position. cave openings. There appears to be a
series of steps in its central portion where AU creatures of 2nd to 6th level dwell in this
The foregoing is accurate. The giant birds climbing is possible. common area. With them are females equal to
are driven up at this point also, as the pile of 125% of their total number, and children equal
rocks enables them to jump to the top of the Again, the party will be subject to hurled to the total number of males. Upon forced
ledge, and down as well. When the party rocks on this ledge. entry, all remaining cavemen in the area will
comes atop the ledge, two cavemen will pull attack the party. Females will also attack with
aside the crude fence between Areas 30b and 30d. Uppermost Ledge weapons equal to daggers and attack level of
30c, loosing the phororhacoses there (from 6 2nd. There is no treasure.
to 18, depending on previous events). This
Some 20 feet above the small middle
assumes, of course, that they are hostile to 30g. Deeper Cave Area
outcropping, 35 feet above the first ledge,
the adventurers. The pair of cavemen, 2nd-
and at least 55 feet above the ground, is a
level boys, will then attempt to climb to safety There are three rooms here which are
relatively long and narrow shelf of stone
by means of ropes lowered to them from smaller than the large cave to the east, but
that leads to three cave openings. The
above. otherwise resemble that place. It is appar-
northern and central openings appear to be
If the adventurers venture anywhere north some 8 to 10 feet wide, and about as high. ent that many cavemen use this complex
of area 30d, they will be subject to hurled The southern cave opening is perhaps 15 as their home.
rocks from above (ledge Area 30e). Rock to 18 feet broad but only about half as high.
damage is easiest to deal with by using an
average for strength, as there are too many Those of greater fighting and hunting ability
cave dwelling barbarian fighters to easily keep If the adventurers gain this ledge in combat dwell here-7th to 10th level fighters. These
track of. Use 15 as an average score to hit with the cave dwellers, the latter will deem fighters will defend here at the last, and with
armor class 0. Damage will be 5-20 per hit. As themselves in big trouble. They will retreat them are females equal to 150% of their num-
many as 1 2 rocks can be hurled down in one rapidly to their caves, roll boulders to block ber, and children equal to 100% of their num-
round, assuming six or fewer adventurers as the entrances (see area 30f below), and pre- ber. Females fight as noted in Area 30f. There
potential targets. If there are more charac- pare to remain hidden until the enemy gives is no treasure.
ters, increase the number of rocks by two for up and goes away.
each additional character present. 30h. Sloping Cave
30e. Boulders
30b. Brush and Poles This smallish cave slopes gradually
These large stones could easily be used downward to the west. At its rear is a pool
There is a section of the first ledge to block the cave entrance. They are of clear water that is fed from seepage
which is screened by a mixture of dead heavy and might prove very difficult to above. This place must serve the cave
brush, living plants, and thin logs, all inter- move out of the way. dwellers as a well.
woven by vines and creepers. This hedge
is well over 12 feet high, and what is In fact, once in position, these rocks are
30i. High Ceilinged Cave
behind it can only be seen from a higher wedged tight with smaller pieces of stone, so
position. that even application of 24 strength will not
move them. There are small openings which This is another area utilized by the cave-
The ledge here is used to pen in the hunting will allow a person to crawl through, but there men as living quarters. In addition to the
birds when they are not being used by the are also armed cavemen ready to attack any- usual materials, there are many hides on
cave dwellers to find game. There is a spring one foolish enough to do so. Use automatic the floor, and there are more than the usual
from which they drink, and the cavemen also hits and maximum damage when any adven- number of stacks of dried food.
use these birds as garbage disposal units. turer tries to enter this, with four attacks per

The chief and his three wives and three chil- lair, the weakest will be farthest away. Each of
dren dwell here, as do the sub-chief, his two their vicious birds, animals, dinosaurs, and these creatures is female. None have any
wives, and two children. An 11th-level fighter, even Kawibusas tribesmen-all in atti- treasure.
a 12th-level fighter, four women, and four chil- tudes of being slain or already dead. The Use the statistics in the New Monsters sec-
dren also quarter here. stone overhead is very dark and sooty, so tion at the end of the module for handling
There is no treasure. The men will fight to it is apparent that the tribe brings torches encounters with any of these creatures.
the death; women fight as previously noted. here to light the place for painting and per- Caverns will be about 40-50 feet wide, 60-
haps ceremonial activities. 90 feet long, and have a ledge upon which the
30j. Shamen’s Cave ape dwells.
No cave dweller will fight here. There is no
The wall paintings, hides, and skulls dec-
treasure here. If a careful circuit of the place is 37. The Dormant King
conducted, the slab of stone covering the
orating this area make it obvious that this entry to area 30n will be noted. This is a 3-
is the place of the tribal medicine men. It is foot-high crawlway for its first 10 feet. In the middle of a large grassy plain
otherwise not remarkable. appears to be a round and flat structure. It
30n. Secret Chamber seems there is no animal activity of any
The shamen will make their stand here. The sort, not even the usual cries and squeals
four little shamen are quartered near the of birds and small mammals.
entrance, the two shamen in the main area, and This grotto is certainly the secret place
the big shaman at Area 301. There is no treasure of the tribal shamen, for it contains a store The party sho e the struc-
here, nor are there any spell components. of pigments, wood, and feather masks, ture from appro1 . It is an ele-
oddly shaped bits of rock and bone in hide vated pool that raaiares a strong magical aura
30k. Small Cave bags, and many round stones, large bones, designed to keep all low intelligence creatures
and wooden drums with hide drumheads. at least 600 feet away. However, anytime
someone approaches within 30 feet of the
This is more of a tunnel off the main The above is correct. Amongst the stones in pool, a tyrannosaurus rex of the most fero-
room than a separate cave, although it cer- the hide bags are 1040 uncut gems of 1,OOOgp cious kind suddenly emerges from the water.
tainly was used to quarter an important base value. The round rocks are split geodes, It is a creation of Zagyg uses to defend the
tribal cleric, for it is highly decorated with the bones hollow, and some of the smaller pool. Unlike normal rexes, this one is highly
various paintings, skulls, hides, feathers, wooden drums are containers also. In these magical in nature. It has the ability of gaining
and the like. receptacles are the spell components of the sha- hit points (up to its possible maximum of 152
men. There are sufficient stores for 21-30 of hp) each time it kffls a victim. If any character
301. Small Low-Ceilinged Cave each spell they are able to cast. Druidical-type is kffled, the tyrannosaur gains that charac-
spells do not require mistletoe,but they do use a ter’s original total in hit points.
special sort of orchid leaf. A druid will not have The tyrannosaur will charge and pursue
This place is another of those housing any use for the latter component. trespassers up to the aura’s limit. If the party
the tribal clerics, and it resembles the escapes beyond that point, the tyrannosaur
other areas seen with respect to furnish- 31. Waterfall then returns to the pool. Characters attempt-
ings and decoration. There is a rough, ing to fly within the aura are very soon
vaguely bird-shaped stone standing in the Note that the outlet of the lake has a shallow
fall into the mountain, where its channel runs attacked by a flock of voracious pterosaurs.
area of the cave farthest from the To study the pool closely, the tyrannosaur
entrance. underground until it falls to the sea some
three miles distant. This fall is about 30 feet, must be killed or neutralized. If it is killed, it
the water plunging into a deep ravine and dis- returns to the D O O ~and will not rematerialize
This is the cave of the “shaman of shamen.” until the next day.
There is no treasure here, save the statue- appearing from there into the rock. Other falls
like rock that the tribe regards as their totem. are 40 feet or more high.
38. The Magic Pool
The chief shaman, and all survivors of any
other areas will stand in and around this place 32-36. Huge Cavern
to make certain that the party does not steal Openings The pool seems to be made of the same
the totem object, for then their tribe would be purplish metal found on the titanic gate on
powerless. (See notes on Shaman of Shamen the isle’s peninsula. The metallic structure
There is a great hole in the side of the is 30 feet in diameter, and 10 feet high,
on page 34.) mountain, and it is likely that some mon- with a set of stairs going to the top.
ster dwells here. The entrance is nearly 30 On the surface, many runes are
30m. Large Painted Cave feet wide and at least as high. engraved around a dark pool. Strangely,
the water does not reflect the sky or the
This area seems to be a sacred place of There are signs of a gargantuan ape all adventurers observing the liquid. All that
the cave dwellers, for its walls are painted around the area. Encounters 32 through 36 can be seen is a night sky dotted with a
with crude representations of themselves, are exactly the same. The strongest other myriad of stars.
gargantuan ape will live nearest to Oonga’s

The pool is a magical portal to a part of the 5-6 l d 6 small spheres fly around ld4 larger character may enter a large spnere witn a suc-
ethereal plane affected by Zagyg’s mind. Any- ones; 7-8 l d 4 large spheres alone. At the end cessful roll under Dexterity. The large
one stepping into or touching the liquid is of the round, all of those spheres are consid- spheres are AC 0 and may be destroyed with
pulled into the other plane (see Encounter ered out of range. 10 points of physical or magical damage from
39). The water and the metal are totally The party must avoid each small sphere, outside (those inside cannot affect it).
immune to mortal magic of any sort. rolling under their Dexterity scores (treat the Once inside, the adventurer may attempt to
If the party has a way of deciphering the spheres as magical projectiles). Victims hit by understand the nature and meaning of the
runes, they will find the following sentence: a small sphere must immediately save vs. thought by successfully rolling under his cur-
“Ye who have fought the dormant king, enter spell or be affected as described below. (A rent Intelligence score. If the character fails
my knowledge. Zagyg.” small sphere vanishes once it hits one target.) that roll, he temporarily loses one point of
If the party has not disturbed the dark water Intelligence. At 0, the character is affected as
after three turns, large black bubbles fly out D6 Roll Temporary Insanity above. Once inside, the character cannot get
and attempt to envelop any character around out until he has attempted to understand the
the pool (roll under Dexterity score on a d20 1 Hatred: save each round or attack near-
est creature. thought. Thoughts may be one of the follow-
to avoid). There are l d 4 bubbles pursuing ing:
each character up to 600 feet from the pool. 2 Love: save each round or remain fasci-
Bubbles are AC 10; 50 points of magical or nated (as with Comeliness) by closest
creature. S p h e r e s of Thought
physical damage will pop a bubble, releasing
its energy in a 30-foot-radius blast causing
3 Humor: save each round or keep on 1. Whispering voice-“...visitors in my
2d20 points of damage (save vs. spell for half
laughing and making puns. divine mind.. .welcome mortal one.. .”
damage). They move at 40” per round, roll-
4 Sadness: save each round or keep on 2. Whispering voice-“. ..enter one more
crying and lamenting. thought and think hard to leave my mind
ing, flying or bouncing until they trap a victim.
Read Encounter 39 to the victims’ players.
5 Curiosity: save each round or try to ...else, insanity will save ye.. .”
Bubbles disappear upon reaching the aura’s catch the next sphere of any size that 3. Telepathic message-“...beware of the
limit. They reappear after someone remains comes close (roll under Dexterity). spheres! Some may be inhabited.. .”
once again on the side of the pool for three or Carelessness: save each round, o r 4. Mentalimage-the ancient stone pillar is a
more turns. spend the round wandering about. magical portal to Oonga’s domain.
5. Mental image-three scriptures a r e
TIle effects last for ld12 hours after the vic- required for the ritual at the stone pillar.
tim has left this plane; a successful saving 6. Telepathic message-the character gains
throw at the beginning of a round negates a some arcane knowledge if a magic-user or
After seconds of a nauseating freefall temporary insanity for one round. illusionist. He may use one 9th-level spell
sensation, you emerge into a huge sphere The effects change when the victim is hit by over and above normal limitations (perma-
of nothingness. The limits of the sphere, another sphere. Each time a new sphere hits a nent until cast). For others, or if the spell
like a night sky, seem close and immensely victim, the feeling changes to that of the new is not understood, the character goes per-
remote at the same time. You are in the sphere and the character temporarily loses 1 manently insane.
middle, floating among strange billowing point of intelligence. At 0, the character goes 7. Whispering voice-“...home ye seek?
swirls of mist constantly clashing and permanently insane as described below and is Only Oonga knows.. .fetch the crook or rot
changing colors. Small brilliant spheres of immediately expelled from this plane (to the forever.. .”
light dart by, some so close you must sud- side of the pool). 8. Whispering voice-“. ..Oonga.. . a fine pet
denly dodge. Once in a while, a larger one indeed.. .mine now and forever.. .”
follows, at a slower pace. D6 Roll P e r m a n e n t Insanity 9. Telepathic message-the character gains
1 Victim thinks he is a bird. some divine knowledge if a druid or cleric.
The party is in a region of the ethereal plant 2 Victim thinks he is a tyrannosaur. He may use one 7th-level spell over and
that is affected by Zagyg’s thoughts. Charac- 3 Victim thinks he is Zagyg. He or she above normal limitations (permanent until
ters can move by simply concentrating. How- affects the party at random, as a Wand cast). Roll under Wisdom or turn perma-
ever, none of them will manage to reach the of Wonder. nently insane (others automatically
sphere’s limit. As they move in that direction, 4 Victim thinks he is Oonga and will become insane).
the night sky seems to become more and charge anyone pretending otherwise, 10.Letters of fire-“Zarn’s the way out!’*
more distant. including the real Oonga.
The swirls of color are inoffensive. How- 5-6 Roll on the Insanity table (DMG, page If an adventurer damages any sphere or
ever the small spheres of light contain various 83). attempts to affect the plane magically, he is
feelings randomly affecting Zagyg’s subcon- immediately expelled to the rim of the pool.
scious. The larger spheres contain some thoughts However, the character will find himself
The larger ones contain more elaborated occurring in Zagyg’s mind. When those locked inside a Prison of Zagyg. He will
thoughts (see below). Roll ld8 at the begin- appear, consider they are close enough so that remain there until the rest of the party man-
ning of each round: 1-2, no sphere is in range; any character in the party may touch one. Any ages to open the cage. Several characters can
3-4, ld4 small spheres dash toward the party; character doing so is sucked inside. Only one fit in the cage if necessary. Thought 10 is the

. .--

magic word to open the cage. If the entire reduced to 01, he remains in the sphere, lost
party ends up in the prison, it teleports to forever unless someone attacks the sphere
Zagyg where the party remains at the service from outside.
of the demi-god for ld10 years. They are then Once a character attempts (successfully or
returned to the world of Greyhawk. Once the not) to understand the thought in a sphere,
captive(s) break free, the prison teleports the sphere vanishes with a loud popping sound
back to the plane of Zagyg. and the character returns to the ethereal
There is a 35% chance each of those larger plane.
spheres contains a creature, such as: To exit this plane, each member of the party
must attempt to understand the contents of
-one brain mole one sphere and then concentrate on returning
-one intellect devourer to the pool (a permanently insane character is
-3-12 cerebral parasites automatically expelled to the pool). The char-
-one thought eater acter then appears on the side of the pool; all
-one ustilagor temporary insanities and losses in Intelligence
-one obliviax points are cancelled. The pool functions only
once per creature (no one may enter that
Any such occupant must first be defeated plane twice in its existence).
before the thought in the sphere can be under-
stood. If the character entering the sphere
does not have psionics, then the creature
feeds on the character’s spell-casting abilities
(use memorized spell levels x5) or Intelli-
gence (use current Intelligence x10) like they
were psionic points. Defeated spell-casters
lose their spell- casting abilities. Then, if the
creature is still alive and hungry, it starts feed-
ing on the character’s Intelligence. If the char-
acter is defeated (psionics or Intelligence

Encounter Setting from 30 feet for 1 6 4 6 more points of damage All attacks are made at + 2 due to size.
(6d6 + 10) = 56-86, then stamp down for 4- They will come from wall and floor area, so all
All passages are 50% higher than they are 16 more points = 60-102 total points of dam- six of these monsters will be able to operate at
broad. Thus, a 10-foot-wide area is 15 feet
age inflicted in two rounds.) once, Of course, they have no treasure,
high, a 20-foot-wide area is 30 feet high, etc. If long-range attack methods are employed although there will be a shambles of bones at
The main passage, Areas 1-4-6-9, is ascend- the rear of their lair area.
against Oonga, he will retaliate by hurling
ing at an incline of about 1 foot for every 20 boulders-there are plenty strewn through-
feet of horizontal distance. There are numer- out the cavern complex. These will inflict 17- 3. Large Sinkhole
ous sheer places where the cavern or passage 32 (5d4 + 12) points of damage when they
continues at a higher level. These ledges are
hit. Such missiles can be hurled one per
each approximately 15 feet high. Thus, The floor of this cave drops out of
round, from 1" to 36" distance. All targets
Oonga's lair (9) is well over 200 feet above the sight-a deep shaft with vertical sides
within a hex will be struck by a single boulder,
lake (12) which the lair overlooks. plunging to who knows where. Occasional
but each will be subject to separate damage of wafts of steamy vapor rise from this hole.
Encounters are numbered. The letter R
indicates rubble-broken slabs of rock from
Lesser gargantuan apes hurl boulders for
ceiling or ledge. Sufficient natural light filters If any adventurer peers over the edge of the
14-26 points of damage (4d4 + 10) at ranges
in to allow vision to extend to 60 feet clearly, shaft, he or she must save vs. poison or else
of 1" to 30 ".
120 feet dimly (only vague shapes can be become giddy from the gasses which rise
Oonga knows his cavern complex perfectly,
seen, although movement will be obvious). and he will be able to chase very effectively. from below. Failure will cause the individual to
Climbing to ledges where rubble is present is fall headlong into the shaft. It terminates in a
Don't forget he has considerable brain power
relatively fast-one round to accomplish this for a monster. If he is encountered outside his lava bed 200 feet below, and falling into this
climb. Other rises are more difficult to scale, lair area, he will be lurking in wait for the party will result in instant death without magical
and normal climbing time will be three to five if the dice check indicates they are surprised protection from the fall and the lava both.
rounds per rise. and Oonga is not. If this occurs near a ledge,
There is a 1 in 20 chance that Oonga will
assume that Oonga is on higher ground. In 4. Great Cavern
decide to come out of his lair while the party is
such case, the ape will greet the party with a
in the cavern complex. If this occurs (score of hurled boulder, and for each 15 feet of eleva-
20 on ld20), the ape will be encountered as
tion add 2-8 points of damage. Immediately come to a high-domed cavern. It is over 80
follows (roll ld20 again):
after throwing the missile, Oonga will leap feet wide on the average, at least 130 feet
down to attack the party-possibly stamping long, and perhaps 100 feet high! The trail
1- 5 = atop ledge (Area 5) them, again with an additional 2-8 points dam-
6-10 = Area4 of your quarry leads northeastwards
age for each 15foot distance he drops to come through this vast space.
11-16 = Passage4-6
to their level. Note that the ape will not drop
17-20 = Area6 and stamp in areas of rubble (R). If Oonga is not in this area, there will be two
Oonga passes through 20-foot-wide tunnels giant poisonous snakes attacking at + 2 due to
easily, traveling on all fours. He cannot go into
Encounter Key their size. These reptiles are slithering
10-foot-wide areas, but he is able to reach into 1. Entrance Tunnel through the place on their way out, but they
such areas by wedging his shoulder into the will attack the party deeming them to be
opening and extending a mighty arm. Oonga's choice prey.
There is light from the opening and dim
reach in such cases is 20 feet.
If he grasps an opponent, Oonga can apply
light ahead as well. This indicates that 5. Large Ledge
there are openings at intervals within this
squeezing damage equal to the maximum hand
place. The main passage seems to lead
attack-24 points per round of crushing pres- There is a 30 foot or so high ledge along
generally east, but there appear to be sev-
sure. Once grasped and squeezed, an oppo-
eral side passages. the cavern's north wall . The place is dark
nent will be brought forth, raised to a height of and heavily shadowed, but it appears that
40 feet, and hurled down. Damage from such the shelf-like area is deserted. It is not
attack is 22-72 points (10d6 + 12), and the 2. Dark Passages possible to tell if there is or is not a passage
victim will also suffer a stamping attack imme- leading from this place.
diately during the same round.
To illustrate this attack form, follow this Although the narrow tunnel you chose
has broadened, the way has sloped down- If Oonga is not here, four subterranean liz-
example: Grasp and crush two rounds for 24 ards are here. All attacks are made at + 2 to
points damage per round = 48, then hurl ward, and the area before you is dark.
There is a faint odor of dampness which hit due to size.
down for 22-72 additional points = 70-120, At the eastern end of this place there are a
then stamp for 5-20 = 75-140 total damage indicates you are underground.
series of step-like ledges leading downward to
point's in two rounds! (One of the lesser gar- Area 4.
gantuan apes will inflict two rounds of grasp If the party continues to where the cave is
and crush for 40 points of damage, hurl down 30 feet or more wide, six subterranean lizards
attack them.

6. Huge Cavern lurking just west of the final step up into his room. Ifyou state what is on your mind, your
lair area (see New Monsters section). When rewards will not be hard to find.”
the adventurers begin to ascend this ledge,
After going many feet along the gently Someone must ask aloud the whereabouts
Oonga will rush out to its edge, boulder ready
upward sloping, southerly winding pas- of the Crook ofRao, or merely state that he or
to hurl.
sage and then negotiating another pair of she seeks it. As soon as this is uttered, the
If the combat goes badly for the ape, he will
high ledges, you have entered a vast symbols will glow brightly and then fade and
slowly retreat into Area 10. There, Oonga will
space. As dimly illuminated as the other, it disappear. The non-dimensional space will be
grab up a boulder from the rubble, hurling it
is still more impressive for its ceiling peak gone, its contents emptied into Area 8, and a
with effect, and then retreat to the outside
is beyond sight in places, and it is 120 feet force field will be in place surrounding the
ledge, Area 11, using the sheltered southern
and more in breadth. Pale sunlight streams area.
portion to avoid spells if necessary. His strat-
in from the eastern side of the titanic vault The treasure accumulated by Oonga is due
egy will be to grasp adversaries, squeeze
where part of the cavern roof has col- to a command from Zagyg which the creature
them, and hurl them off the ledge. In fact,
lapsed. A huge stone column rises to the followed. The savage Kawibusas witch doc-
Oonga will attempt to bounce them on the
very ceiling in the central portion of the tors likewise followed it. Strange items were
lower ledges-the one to the south being 60
place. There seem to be numerous side to be placed at the place of sacrifice. Oonga,
feet below the cave ledge. Striking either
passages, but the main portion of the finding such there was to place them in Area
ledge will inflict instant death upon any charac-
cavern runs northward, and your path 9. Characters leaving the island by means pro-
seems to lie in that direction.
ter who is not magically protected from fall-
vided by Zagyg were stripped of all non- living
ing. If both are missed (successful saves vs.
death), then impacting the water below will material, the latter going into the non-
Unless Oonga is encountered here, a nastv dimensional holding space until properly
inflict 12d6 damage, and the character must
tanystropheus-will be waiting for the party to save vs. paralyzation or else be stunned and claimed or recovered as treasure. The trea-
pass near the pile of rubble (northeastern por- drown in 5-8 rounds unless removed from the sure list which follows does not include van-
tion of the cavern1) where it lies in wait. ous items of clothing and other materials
water and revived with artificial respiration.
which are non-magical or otherwise valueless.
7. Water Passage 9. The Small Space Assume time has caused them to appear faded
- and obviously of no value.
This will not be noticed by the party unless
The floor of t m pasadgeway 13 Luvered one of their number actually scrambles to an The Treasure of Oonga’s Cavern: The
with water, and it seems to slope gently Crook of Rao; a Horn of Vdhalla, silver;
adjacent hex and shifts the top rubble. This
downward to the east and south. Although will reveal an opening below, and the party
Keoghtom’s Ointment, 2 jars; MerIyndS
the water is relatively still, there is plant Spoon*; a pouch full of 66 gems: 6 @ 10,000
can then investigate further.
growth in it, so it probably is an arm of gp, 10 @ 5,000 gp, 10 @ 1,000 gp, 10 @ 500
some larger body. Circular Opening: Shifting the rubble gp, 10 @ 100 gp, 10 @ 50 gp, 10 @ 10 gp.
reveals that there is a nearly circular entrance All the items Tenser mentioned earlier are
As above a tanystropheus lurks in the water to a small space beyond-10 feet deep, nearly also present in this treasure.
to strike and drag prey down into its watery globular in form. The stone here is of greenish
As the party readies to leave the chamber,
den. The other outlet to the underground pool hue, and there are strange symbols graven
they will see that mist seems to obscure the
is in the rubble in Area 6 where its mate lurks. over its entire surface.
If the party, or any one of its number enters exits. This is because they have been trans-
ported again, and this time not at the whim of
8. Dark Chamber the area, the runes will gradually begin to
Zagyg, but by something which entered
glow, and in three rounds-time it!-he, she,
through the end of non-dimensional space
or they will be transported into an airless non-
This place has a pair of low entrances. It dimensional space where the treasure is kept. where the treasure was kept.
has smooth walls and floor, and the ceiling They are trapped in this space and will perish
is domed and smooth. In all, it is quite quickly, unless they have some magical means
The Transformation
unlike the rest of the complex. The air of survival. Survival will mean imprisonment
feelsodd, and you are vaguely uncomforta- until freed by some character more able than As you gather up the heaps of treasure
ble here. There seems to be nothing what- this party, and that must be left entirely in the and prepare to leave the chamber, you see
soever here, however. hands of the DM, but in any event the confine- that mists swirl in the area of both exits,
ment cannot be less than one month, and it and a pale white radiance is coming from a
If magic is detected for, there will be a strong could be years, decades, or centuries. newly-appeared opening in the northeast
aura of enchantment as an antipathy spell has If the symbols are read magically, the party comer of the cavern! Even as you stare,
been cast permanently upon the area. Nothing will learn that Zagyg has posted a warning not the mists in the eastern and western por-
will be found here, however, until Area 9 has to enter this place. There is also a message of tions of the chamber clear, and all is solid
been properly interacted with. encouragement: material. In fact, you can easily see that
1 the entire chamber now seems to be of
Important Note: If Oonga has not already
been encountered and slain, the ape will be
“You have overcome the tests of the island,
and now you must solve the riddle of this metal. 1

Nothing can be done to leave this room by 15. Green-hued corridor

16. Amber-hued corridor Above you float huge jewels-about 20
any means other than the passage to the
17. Blue-hued corridor feet up is a ruby, a foot above and 10 feet to
northeast. No magic or any other means will
18. Olive-hued corridor its left is a jacinth, higher, and to the left is
enable the adventurers to win free. The sub-
19. Indigo-hued corridor a golden sapphire (corundum topaz, or Ori-
stance of the walls is multiversal material, for
20. Violet-hued corridor ental topaz), higher still, and to the left is a
it has now become a pocket-plane, a sort of
21. Sepia-hued corridor clear emerald, then some 10 feet away and
gate which will bring them to another place.
another foot above is a blue diamond, then
Corridor Terminal Points away and above is a sapphire of deepest
You must see where the magically blue, and finally, in the center, and just
tunnel will lead, so you proceed X:Leaving by this corridor will cause the fol- below the ceiling of the crystal, floats a
lowing words to come to the minds of each huge corundum amethyst. Each of these
adventurer: gems appears as large and fine as the next.
The P a s s a g e w a y “Reach high in your aims, take the ultimate Another strange thing which cannot be
course, or else sorrow will be your lot!” ignored are other bright-hued prisms
1. Red-hued corridor which touch the six sides of your own. One
2. Pink-hued corridor Y: Leaving by this exit gains the party no is transparent green, another pale blue,
3. Orange-hued corridor warning at all. one golden yellow, another deep blue, the
4. Lilac-hued corridor next blood-red, and the last brilliant
5. Brown-hued corridor All corridor exits lead to the Crystal Prism.
6. Peach-hued corridor A voice speaks, coming from the very
7. Silver-hued corridor The Crystal P r i s m
air itself. It is deep, resonant, command-
8. Peacock-hued corridor ~~

ing: “Choose now one jewel. It is your

9. Gray-hued corridor When your party reaches the end of the fate. The others are your prizes.”
10. Bronze-hued corridor corridor, the world seems to tremble and
11. Yellow-hued corridor your head swim. Now you are seemingly As soon as any character states a prefer-
12. Pearl-hued corridor inside a great, hollow crystal of hexagonal ence for one gem, that particular one will fly
13. Lavender-hued corridor shape. It is 30 feet across and as high. down and rest in his or her hand. The other
14. Cream-hued corridor six will float gently to the floor of the prism. If


they are not picked up within one round, they

vanish. Each is worth 50,000 gp, so in all ’ face, and as you peer into these prisms you “Bow to me, for Z am Erak, True Ruler
there are 350,000 gp worth of gems in the can see that their far sides are open. From of the Eight Circles. Those here with m e
crystal. As the jewels are taken, or disappear, each opening streams a radiance of appropri- a r e the Eight Paladins of Might-my
one of two things will happen: ately colored light, a glowing pathway to guards and enforcers of the wiU of the
If the amethyst was selected, the party will somewhere, perhaps ... Now you must Circles-my will, of course! ” He gives you
be instantly transported from the prism to the choose which prism to enter, and thus exit a moment to obey his command, then he
great Hall of Magic in Tenser’s castle. They this place. proceeds:
are safe, all is well. They must turn the arti- “I grant that you have accomplished
fact over to the Arch-Mage, but the balance of No matter which they choose, the results much. Well done, Brave Adventurers!
their gain remains their own. If there is resist- are the same. As soon as they pass through Place now the artifact in the Chest of Safe
ance to delivery of the artifact to Tenser, then the prism and onto one of the radiance Keeping.”As he so speaks he points to a
they must combat the solar and six astral bridges, the adventurers will all be trans- great metal chest of gleaming golden hue
devas, plus the pair of planetars currently at ported to the glowing pearl chamber. near him. “Keep the other trantlums
the fortress awaiting the safe return of the and baubles. You have earned these petty
artifact! The Glowing Pearl Chamber magicks and colored stones. Then you are
If the party selects any of the six other safely off to where you belong.”
gems, then read the following:
Your path of light disappears, and
Iggwilv learned of her foe’s efforts to gain
instantly you are in a large room. The place
The Crystal Shatters is covered with mother-of-pearl, and eve- the Crook, so she took what steps she could
rything herein is pearl, ivory, or gold col- to foil their plans. While she was unable to gain
ored. A long ivory table is before you. entrance to Zagyg’s demi-plane, she could lay
As you wonder what to do next, the a trap for those successfully leaving it-and
walls of the prism shatter, and evaporate Seated behind it are eight fighting men in
pearl-like armor, all chased with gold. As she did. As the treasure was emptied from its
into nothingness. You are now surrounded null-space depository, the action triggered the
by the six brightly-hued prisms which you you appear, another figure seems to have
risen from a place at the head of this board, trap Iggwilv laid, and the place was removed
could see through the walls of your former from Zagyg’s purview to a neutral zone, more
prison-ruby-red, bright jacinth, golden a tall, robed man dressed in ivory-hued
robes and gold. He appears stern, but or less.
topaz, emerald green, palest blue, and Of course, other powerful beings were
deep sapphire. Each has an opening in its kind. He speaks:
aware of what the monstrous Iggwilv was

doing, but as long as she followed certain Level 2: Darkness (20 foot r.)*, ESZ: Mirror Magic Jar (1 maximum), Repulsion (1 maxi-
rules, there was nothing which they could Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking mum), Wnd Walk (1 maximum), Word of
do-until the right moment. Of course, Cloud, Web Recall (1 maximum), Etherealness (1 maxi-
Iggwilv followed those rules. There is a true Level 3: Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly*, Hold mum).
and safe path out of her trap to bring the party Person, Lightning Bolt, Slow
back to where they came from. While the Level 4: Confusion, Dimension Door*, Ice Immunities: Charm, Suggestion, paraly-
ivory robed figure pretends to be something Storm, Polymorph Others, Wall of Fire, sis, poison, non-magic weapons, iron or silver
he is not, his words and actions are obviously Wall of Ice weapons.
incorrect if the observer uses discernment. Level 5: Cone of Cold (x 31, Telekinesis*, Half Damage: Acid, cold, fire of any sort.
The figure is actually an arcanadaemon, and Eleport (once/day) * , Wall of Force, Wall
the eight “paladins” are mezzodaemons. All of Stone** Magic Resistance: 95% to 1st-level
are polymorphed to appear otherwise, and the Level 6: Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone, spells cast at 11th level.
chamber has a permanent non-detection Repulsion
placed upon it. Level 7: DelayedBlast Fireball, Power Word The six mezzodaemons will ply their
Note: for the daemons to flee, the characters Stun, Reverse Gravity swords in combat, saving their offensive
must raise the Crook of Rao and summon its Level 8: Polymorph any Object, Symbol spells to use against an opponent who is obvi-
powers loudly. The crook otherwise has no effect. (Pain)** * ously dangerous because of spell power. The
If the party simply hands the artifact over, Level 9: Shape Change (any humanoid polymorph spell will be used if there is an
placing it in the box, they will be thanked, a form) * , Time Stop opponent with a bastard sword, or a long
hidden doorway will be revealed, and they will sword, perhaps, so that the similarity will
* Spell-like power usable with no limitation cause obfuscation as to who is an enemy.
be able to walk through it into the fresh, green unless so indicated.
world beyond-the Sixth Gloom of Hades, but Recall be used if the situation is obviously bad
** First of a two-spell combination that will for them-certainly when the arcanadaemon
revealed as such only after the portal behind be used.
them closes. How they fare there is strictly a is slain or leaves.
*** Second part of a two-spell combination. If the adventurers recognize the group as
DM’s problem!
If the party knowingly and willingly hands Remember that this daemon has 100% evil and willingly turn over the artifact then
the artifact over, then they, and the nine other resistance to 1st-level spells cast at up to 11th the daemons will not attack. In fact, the
daemons, will be forced to battle the avenging experience level, 95% to 2nd, etc. Be sure to arcanadaemon is wise enough to attempt the
solar and his six astral devas. check for this anytime a spell is used against recruitment of the adventurers, for he has
In either of these cases, the artifact will it. some inkling that there is other trouble com-
have to be returned to the island-by daemon Actual direction cannot be given, but this ing with regard to possession of the Crook of
or deva. It will be effectively out of the pic- creature will use its most effective spell attack Rao. As was stated earlier, duping the party
ture. Iggwilv will have won her first great, forms initially. If these fail to bring good means their entry into the lowest plane of
possibly decisive, battle against her foes. results, the wall and symbol combination Hades, the appearance of the solar, and the
If the party hesitates in complying with the might be employed to weaken the party. Pro- fleeing of the daemons-no sense in their
orders of the robed figure, he will become tective spells will be cast immediately, of fighting an obviously impossible battle! The
imperious, threatening force from his guards, course, and if there is opportunity, a mirror artifact is then returned to the isle, and a
and his own great power. This should indeed image followed by shape change so that there stand-off has occurred. If the party resists,
make the party highly suspicious. At this junc- might suddenly be many who look exactly like fails to call for help, and is slain, the solar
ture, outright refusal to comply, or physical one of the party members! At the last, the appears, and a stand-off situation again
attack upon the disguised daemons, will force arcanadaemon will use its teleportation to occurs. Both are virtual triumphs for Iggwilv
them to reveal their true identities. seek safety. Prior to this, physical attacks will and the daemons. If the party resists and calls
Once in true form, each of these creatures be made with the burning hands included, to for aid, then the solar appears and the evil
will use its most efficacious means of attack to find just how strong the opponents remain. As creatures flee. Good wins. If the party assists
destroy the adventurers. They will have to psionics are optional, no details of these the evil forces knowingly, then whoever sur-
fight alone only so long as they do not call out powers will be given. If you choose to ignore vives the contest that follow will possess the
for assistance from any force for good. At the the option it is suggested that the arcana- artifact. Evil will then be empowered to
instant that they ask for succor, there will daemon be given the following to replace the sequester it on the Lower Planes, wherever
appear the solar and the six astral devas to psionic abilities: charm person (x 2), disinte- they choose. Good will be able to use it as a
fight the daemons. All battle will take place on grate, and the ability to heal25 points of dam- principal weapon on the Prime Material
a formless, featureless plain. age in lieu of any other power that round. Plane.
Tul-oc-luc, the arcanadaemon, is able to use The spell-like powers of the six mezzo- Solar’s Magical Items: two-handed sword + 5
magic at 18th-level proficiency. This is why he daemons are: Comprehend Languages, (dancing), + 12 (total + 11to hit and + 1 7
was selected as an ally by Iggwilv. The Detect Magic, Detect Invisibility, Read damage), 36“ range long bow with seven
arcanadaemon’s spells are: Magic, ESZ: Invisibility, Levitate, Dimension arrows of daemon slaying and 1 arrow of
Level 1: Magic Missile (x4), Protection from Door ( 2 maximum), Passwall (4 maximum), slayingfor each character type ( + 3, + 5,
Good Polymorph Self (4 maximum, 1used already), + 6 = + 14 to hit).


While combat wltn tne astral devas will be Iu. the lake
murderous, the solar is assured of killing one
opponent each time he looses one of his This lake extends about a mile to the north
arrows. In the initial four rounds of combat, This rocky chamber is covered with dry of Area 11.It is about 30 feet deep below Area
the solar will ply his sword, and on the fifth vegetation-branches, sticks, and leaves 11.
through the eighth he will allow the weapon to all spread around to make it homey for the
attack alone, while he uses his bow to slay the monstrous simian. There is a pool of water
remaining foes. The sword has qualities of along the north wall of the place, and this
dancing, but will always be + 5 when not held undoubtedly serves as the creature’s
by the solar. In any event, on the fifth round of watering place when it choses not to leave
combat, the solar will fire twice, both arrows its lair. There is a heap of rubble and boul-
loosed late in the sequence-segments 7 and ders in the southwestern corner, and it is
10. Thereafter, the solar will fire on the 1st probable that the ape uses this as a stock of
and 3rd segments, so eight opponents will be missiles to discourage unwanted intruders
slain after the end of the eighth round due to from outside, for the chamber has an open-
these missiles alone. The solar will slay ing to the outer world at its western end.
daemons first, starting with the arcana-
daemon. If all attacks possible are not brought 11. The Outside Ledge
to bear upon the solar, there is no hope to win
the battle. In any event, there is small likeli- This large area is open to the outside world
hood of the demons and evil characters win- on its western end. A small grove of coconut
ning, but. . . trees flourishes in the northeastern corner of
Be certain to assist your players in utilizing Area 11.There is a drop of about 200 feet to a
the full power of the daemons if they ally with large lake below. The cliff face is sheer except
them. In all cases, play the solar and devas to for two smaller ledges 60 and 100 feet below
their maximum-and then some! This is Area 11.
indeed a stacked-deck contest, and Good
should triumph with ease.

Oonga: The largest of all gargantuan apes,
Oonga is monarch of the island. He dwells alone.
Other apes stay away. Creatures too stupid to
know better are tom to bits and devoured by
him.The savage Kawibusa tribe offers sacrifices
to Oonga, thinking the ape is a god. If Oonga
happens to be roaming nearby when they sound
their sacrificial gong and beat their huge drums,
then he will stop and enjoy the snack-human,
small ape, swine, or even a speciallyfattened liz-
ard, for all are surrounded by mounds of
selected fruits and vegetables as well!
Oonga travels rapidly, upright and then on all
four, according to his desire. When charging, he
can leap 60 feet upward (total upward reach) or
Attack is by a pair of clubbing fist blows and
a bite. Oonga’s great strength gives a bonus of
+ 12 points of damage to the former sort of
attack mode, and if both fists strike the same
opponent, then this indicates the mighty sim-
ian has grasped the creature and pulled amd
wrenched it. Such rending inflicts an additional
1-20 points of damage to the victim.
If the monster charges and strikes, he 1ias
grappled with the opponent, and there iis a
50% chance it has been overborne. SLich
overbeariung ; n f l ; r t o 9-911n n i n t e nf r l ~ r n ~ n
c o
uvLLuLaLLLLs yv.LLLu ,.uxL.u6.+ m d
enables the ape to automatically inflict biting
damage as well. Of course, Oonga will grapple
Ape, G a r g a n t u a n with opponents which are near his size, or
Oonga The O t h e r s larger. Against small (man-sized or shorter-8
FREQUENCY Unique Very Rare feet or less) foes, the gargantuan ape will also
NO. APPEARING: 1 1 use a stamping attack, each huge foot inflict-
ARMOR CLASS: 2 3 ing 5-20 points of crushing damage against
MOVE: 18” + 6“charge 18” + 6 ” charge separate opponents. Oonga is also able to
HIT DICE: 24+4 18 + 3 effectively uproot trees of 90 foot height or
HIT POINTS: 288 hp Var. less and 9 feet or less diameter. Against struc-
’30IN LAIR: 100 (70 unless encountered randomly tures such as gates and walls, Oonga’s club-
TREASURE TYPE: Special Nil bing attacks and subsequent pushing act as a
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + 2 3 + 2 battering ram (qv., DMG).
DAMAGEIATTACK: ld12 + 12(x2), ldlO + 1O(x2), Oonga attacks as a 2 5 + hit die monster
4d4, 5d4(x2) 3d4, 4d4(x2) (roll to hit scores on the Supplemental Attack
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below See below Matrix for Monsters on page 47).
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below See below Because of his size, heavy coat, thick skin,
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 100% See below and exceptional constitution, Oonga regener-
INTELLIGENCE: Low to average Low to average ates 1 hit point per round, until serious dam-
ALIGNMENT Neutral Neutral age (more than 72 points) has been
SIZE: L, 30 ft. tall L, 24 ft. tall accumulated and unregenerated. Such dam-
PSIONIC ABILITY Nil Nil age is only restored at the rate of 1 point per
LEVELIXP VALUE: 31,880 9,650 + 25lhp turn. If more than 144 points of damage is suf-
fered, then Oonga will require 1day per point
It is certain that these monsters are not native They are long lived, but the population is too of damage above 144 points sustained.
to this place. They, as the other inhabitants, small to sustain a viable community, so that Similarly, successful magical attacks such as
were seeded on the island for whatever odd pur- those on the island are all there are. Perhaps the fireballs, lightning bolts, and cold- based ones
pose Zagyg had in mind when he devised the carnivorous apes here are descended from are at -1 per die of damage due to Oonga’s
demi-plane. All of these monstrous creatures these gargantuan simians, but if so no further bulk and toughness. His brain and nervous
are omnivorous, preferring vegetation to animal breeding has taken place for years. Those left system are such that he can’t be magically
matter, but not disdaining the latter if offered. are the last of their kind on the demi-plane. charmed, held, or even slowed.

Grasping is an attack form which can be takes place, all possessions, except weapons, defenses against magx are exactly the same
applied to any opponent of 8 feet or less height must be saved for vs. crushing blow. as they are for Oonga.
and weighing 500 pounds or less. The mighty The Others:There are only five other gargan- Gargantuan apes appear to be huge gorillas.
ape simply wraps the creature within its grasp tuan apes on the isle. They are located at Areas They have substantially no different appear-
and squeezes. This inflicts 24 points of dam- 32 to 36. They have 168,159,150,141,and 132 ance. This is not the case with their cousins,
age on the round grasping and squeezing hit points respectively. Each is female, but they carnivorous apes, where the jaws have devel-
occurs. The ape will then squeeze and hurl the are as fierce and aggressive as Oonga with oped more to suit their diet of flesh.
opponent down to the ground and stamp on respect to all other creatures save the great sim- Grasping by a lesser gargantuan ape inflicts 20
the victim, all during the second round after ian.For purposes of attack, consider each as a points of damage per round. Opponents up to 7-
initially grasping. Hurling from a 40-foot monster of 18- 19 + hit dice (see Supplemental foot height and 400 pounds weight can be so
height inflicts-1026 + 12 (strength) poin!tS of Attak Matrix for Monsters on page 47). attacked. Subsequent hurling to the ground is
damage. Rending damage is an additional 1-12 from approximately 30-foot height and inflicts 6d6
lar missiles Irom .
Oonga is idso able to hurl boulders and simi-

, m
I LO $0 aisrance. ihese
1. 1
points. Overbearing inflicts 2-16 points of
damage. Stamping attack is against opponents
+ 10 (strength) points of additional damage. A
stamping attack can also follow on that round.
missiles will hit a target area of approximately of 7 feet or less height. Trees of up to 72-foot Hurling boulders occurs at ranges of 1to 30” and
10 feet x 10 feet, and all creatures within the height, 6 feet or less diameter, can be inflicts 4d4 + 10 (strength) points of damage to
target area will receive damage. Damage is uprooted. Battering ram effects are effective creatures within the 10 foot x 10 foot target area.
5d4 + 12 (strength) and found separately for only every other round. Damage regenerated Checks for hitting and damage are made for each
each creature struck. is 1per round to 25%, 1per turn from 26% to potential target, just as is done for the great gar-
Whenever a blow, foot stamp, or grapple 50%, and 1 per day above 51%. Special gantuan ape when attacking in a similar fashion.

Supplemental Attack Matrix For Monsters

0 20-sided Die Score to Hit by
A1 Monster’s Hit Dice
b21+ 22-23+ 24-25+ 26 &
14 13 12 11
13 12 11 10
12 11 10 9
11 10 9 8
10 9 8 7
9 8 7 6
8 7 6 5
7 6 5 4
6 5 4 3
5 4 3 2
4 3 2 1
I ‘f 3 2 1 0
2 3 2 1 0 -1
3 2 1 0 -1 -2
4 1 0 -1 -2 -3
5 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
7 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
8 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7
9 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8
10 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9

Negative numbers indicate Additional Damage Inflicted to Auttomati

S s

Serpent Missile (Ev uca LWI I) Log to Lizard (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 1 Level: 4
Components: V, S,M Components: V, S,M
Range: 6 ” + 1”/level Range : 3 ’I

Casting Time: 1 segment Casting Time: 7 segments

Duration: Special Duration: 2 rounds/level

Saving Throw: Reduces damage to 1point per Saving Throw: None
missile Area of Effect: 1 cubic “
Area of Effect: One or more creatures in a
100-square-foot area Explanation: This is a special derivation
of the clerical sticks to snakes spell, and it is
Explanation: This spell is a variation 1of known only to certain members of lizard deity
t h e rnmmnn rnnoir
D-- missile s n d . It
_--I I_^I -.iitilizes a
_I__-_ .
. cults and certain primitive shamen and witch
scale of a venomous snake to produce each doctors. It is virtually the same as the spell
missile. By throwing one or more scales, from which it is derived, but the material com-
depending upon the caster’s level, of course, ponent is a sizable log. For each clerical level
one or more glowing green serpent forms of the caster, he or she causes a lizard with
appear from the caster’s fingertips and flash that number of hit dice to replace the log. Hit
towards the desired target($. If the target dice are always full, Le. 8 points per die. The
creature successfully saves versus the spell, lizard brought forth will be a typical giant one,
then only 1 point of damage per serpent mis- but its bite will always be poisonous, so that it
sile is inflicted. If a save is not made, then 2-8 inflicts 1-8points of damage, and the victim so
points of damage per missile are caused by bitten must also save versus poison or die.
this dweomer. The reverse of this spell will change any
This spell is never commonly available, and lizard-like reptile into a log for the spell’s dura-
in order to gain it, the magic-user must locate tion. The number of hit dice of the lizard must
it in a spell book some place. be equal to, or less than, the level of the cleric
casting the reversed spell.

9153xxx1501 48
- - -LI






iguanadon (5-20)

Monoclonius (5-20)

- 67-72 Piateosaur (5

- -

- 63-69 - - - - Plesiosaur (1 -3)

Ir W

6?7.'tP -


- - - - - 73-78 - Snake, giant cons. (1-2)

- - - - 78-85 79-84 - Snake, giant pois. (2-5)
4 hlMl 30’
r. MMl Var
8 hml2 7‘
3-18 0 MiMl 15’
Antrodemus 1-4(~2)/6-24 0 MM1 30’
Apatosaur (Bronto! 3-18 5 MMl 70‘
Ape, carnivorous 1-4(~2)/1-8 MM1 7’+
Ape, giant carnivorous 1-10 + lO(x2) New 34’+ Ye
‘ *‘~2)/1-6/2

amarasaur 0 MM1 50‘

camptosa-x- r. MM2 Var.
aveman y weapor 8 MM1 M
2 MMl 17’
0 MM1 60’
XlMl 30’
MM2 15‘
5 MM2 12‘
6 MM2 20’
Dinichtys 5-20 0 MM1 25‘+
Diplodocus 7 MM1 80’
Deva, astral 0 MM2 7’
0 MM1 50’
2 MMl 30’t
2 MM1 30’
0 MM2 16’ +
4 MM1 20‘+
Lizard, giant 5 MM1 15’
Lizard, minotaur 5 MM1 40’
Lizard subterranean 2 MM1 20’
MM2 80’
MM2 18’




5 MM1 20’
Plesiosaur 0 MM1 50’
Podokesai 8 MM2 10’
Pteranodon 3 MM1 30’
4 MM2 50’

Struthiomimu 5 MM2 16’
Styracosaur 0 MM1 18’
5 MM2 40’

* The hit PO

Fantasy World Adventure

You stand before a great throne of lapis lazuli.

The massive chamber is also blue, even the air
h a s an indigo quality, perhaps from t h e
strangely convoluted coils of smoke rising
from the braziers of azure metal. Encompassed
by the great chair is a man whose presence
inspires awe, Tenser the Archmage.
High above the City of Greyhawk, s o m
where upon the lonely south coast of the Nyr
Dyv, you and your a s s o c i a t e s trekked t o
answer a summons that could not be taken
lightly. You are about to begin a quest to a mys-
terious island where lies the fabled Crook of
Rao. Only the bravest can face t h e isle's
obscure jungles, its most fearsome monsters,
and its ultimate secret. Can you survive where
even t h e mighty followers of Tenser have
Isle of the Ape is a challenging adventure for
high-level play. This adventure, designed for
the WORLD OF GREYHAWK'" Campaign, is
for use with Unearthed Arcana.

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