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__**NEW COs:**__
-new client object : bullet velocity changers
-new client object : disappearing platforms
-added back from v4 : seats
-new client object : speed boost pads
-added back from v4 : trip parts
-new client object : [redacted]
-added back from v4 : sound players
-new client object to replace pushbox color changers : property changers

-the floor 2 music zone in the kit has actual music now!
-the setup folder is organized, hopefully this makes your life easier
-scriptrepo is Gone. this is because no one uses them
-most client objects use attributes now (exclusions: buttonplatforms and
-a commands script inside this script has been added for handy commandbar scripts
(i.e double CO value remover)
-the kit winpad now has the script that makes it change colors and the sparkles
-every single instance of wait() has been replaced with task.wait()
-a documentation script for each CO explaining how they work
-frame is finally a folder now
-no more spaces between object names (have fun cco makers)
**-various client objects have gained supports for
-setcollisiongroup values can be number values with just 3 or 4 now (rather than
OnlyCollideWithPlayers and DoNotCollideWithPlayers), and they can be named "SCG"
instead of "SetCollisionGroup"
-follower support for activation added to a lot of COs


-beatblocks now support cornerwedges, trusses, meshparts and unionoperations except
they dont have the indicator effect

support for button activated platforms
-coloroverride parts and other BAPs have been added to the kit by default, rather
than requiring to add them manually
**-every CO other than keys, beat blocks and lighting changers have support for
buttonactivation now** (use the buttonactivated value)
-you now have to add the various values and stuff for stuff inside the BAPs (such
as decals, textures etc.), as they do not replicate the BAP's property anymore

-ouch and instakill bricks are now present in the kit and they got their own

-color correction compatibility for lighting changers
-customizable easing time for lighting changers
-lighting changers have gained more lighting settings (though some have been kept
out from the kit to prevent confusion, you are able to add more settings from
lighting as attributes as well)
-unused debounce from the previous versions actually added in the script so they
dont slow down over time

-buttons now support fullhide/ignoretransparency/ignoreall for stuff inside them
-the invert option in buttons are now removed, as it didnt really serve much of a
purpose when buttondeactivators are already an option and have been broken for ages
-an option to hide the timer surface and screen GUI for buttons
-the actual "button" in the button model has been renamed to button to make it
easier to work with

-falling platforms can now make other parts disappear along with them
-falling platforms now have the options to set their transparency/collision status
-falling platforms now have timer support

**Keys and KeyDoors:**

-key timerguis are now consistent with other timer guis in design
-pushboxes and balloons can now pick up keys for you with the support attributes
-the key model is more organized
-fixed the issue of rotated parts breaking in keys

**LoosePlatforms, SingleRopePlatforms, RopeSwingPlatforms and TiltingPlatforms**

-the centerpiece(s) of each object in these objects have been renamed to "Base" (or
something similiar or sorts) to make working with them easier.

**SpinningPlatforms, SpinningWeldPlatforms and SpinningKillBricks:**

-they now use hingecontraints
-the main part of the spinning platform has been renamed to Motor (center and motor
for spinning weld platforms)

-the main part of them has been renamed to Motor

**PushingPlatforms, PushingPlatformTrambolines:**
-each part in them have been renamed to make working with them easier (XPart,
VectorPart, Base)

-you can now customize morpher easing time and easing styles
-morphduration renamed to morphtimer
-morphers have a colorspecific option for balloons and pushboxes
-morphers don't break when you use meshes/unions/wedges/cornerwedges in them
anymore, but they still have limited compatibility with them
-morphers can now support other client objects easily with the new "morphvalue"
value. any part inside a morpher that has this value will be treated as the morph
-support for pushboxes, balloons and turrets
-hidetimer attribute
-morphduration renamed to morphtimer to be more consistent with other COs

-moving platforms have an option to keep them rigid
-moving platforms now have a timer option on them, alongside an option to toggle
that timer
-moving platforms can now have different delays per position, you can make them
stay on one position longer than the other
-moving platforms now use alignposition and alignorientation constraints instead of

-pushboxes now have timer support
-pushboxes now have a cooldown value
-support for pushboxes, turrets and balloons for activation
-pushbox boxanchor system reworked to be an attribute in each pushbox

... (58 líneas restantes)

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