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SPED 854, Module 5: Co-Teaching Tips

1. Contribute two tips for successful co-teaching the class Google document by the assignment due date. Be sure to
describe the tips in your own words (don’t copy and paste!) More detailed instructions and an example are provided at the
top of the table.
Note: If the table runs out of rows, just place your cursor in the last row, then click on “Table” then “Insert Row Below”

Your Name Provide a short (1 Provide a detailed description and an example of how Provide the reference where
word or more) title the tip can be applied in a co-teaching situation you found the co-teaching
that briefly tip (using APA format).
describes the tip

Kim Reynolds “We” not “I” I am sure we all remember the old game of “if mom says no, Sacks, A. (2021, February 4). Eight
I’ll ask dad” or vice-versa. This can happen in a co-teaching Tips for Making the Most of
classroom too. It is imperative that students see a united Co-teaching. Education
front; one co-teacher cannot be viewed as the weaker link. A Week.
united front is a strong front. By using the word “we” instead
of “I” when talking about classroom policies and rules, it lets aching-learning/opinion-
students know that both co-teachers are on the same page. eight-tips-for-making-the-
Example: Consider, as a student, how it sounds when you hear 2014/10
one of your teachers say, “I want you to practice your
multiplication facts tonight” versus hearing both of your
classroom teachers say, “We both want you to practice your
multiplication facts tonight.” As a student, the importance of
practicing your facts is reinforced because both of your
teachers have asked you to practice your facts.

Kim Reynolds COMMUNICATE Communication is key in the classroom and outside the Blackley, A. (2019, April 5). 8
classroom. Communication on everything from what you Things Successful Co-
expect out of your co-teaching partnership to how you will teachers Do. We Are
manage your classroom is essential. Not all conversations are Teachers. Retrieved May 21,
easy to have, but without them, co-teaching will not be 2022, from
successful. Co-teachers should even pre-plan before classroom https://www.weareteachers
sessions to ensure a well-run lesson. Things such as classroom .com/co-teaching-tips/
rules, how to respond to certain student behaviors together,
and how to provide a unified front should all be discussed.

Example: Without any planning, co-teachers arrive in the

classroom Monday morning with totally different
schedules and totally different goals. While the two co-
teachers may be able to ultimately be able to come to an
agreement on what methods to teach what lessons, they
probably wasted 10-15 minutes of the students’ valuable
learning time. By simply meeting for 15-20 minutes prior
to class, things

Katherine Hewett Clearly define roles Partners must agree on who does what, when, how, and
and responsibilities for how long, no matter what position they hold (general Peery, A. (2021, March
ed or special ed). By communicating this explicitly, it is 27). Co-teaching: How to
guaranteed that the workload is divided equally, and each make it work. Cult of
person feels their responsibilities are fair. Even though Pedagogy. Retrieved June
this may take extra time (and not always time provided 6, 2022, from
during the school day or even in the teacher contract), it https://www.cultofpedagog
is well worth it to make sure you and your partner are on
the same page.

At the beginning of the school year (or before), spend
some time with your partner looking at the year in big-
picture. Identify where each person’s strengths are: which
content area, teaching whole-group or small-group,
planning for instruction, administering assessments, etc.
If necessary, make a list of these strengths. Use the
strengths then to help determine who is responsible for
what during the rest of the school year. The list can also
be used to keep accountability during future planning

Katherine Hewett Take time to plan This is CRITICAL if you are to remain in sync with your
together teaching partner, especially when it comes to covering Peery, A. (2021, March
academic content. This is also a great time to highlight 27). Co-teaching: How to
each other’s strengths and skills that they bring to the make it work. Cult of
partnership. For special educators, this might be in Pedagogy. Retrieved June
individualizing/personalizing instruction, providing 6, 2022, from
modifications/accommodations for multiple groups of https://www.cultofpedagog
students, and mitigating problematic behaviors. The
general educator may then share their expertise in
content knowledge, curriculum, and standards. Planning
time can also look like delegating the workload. It is
important to keep in mind not only planning for instruction
but also for assessment: what will we teach, and how will
we know what they learned?

During the grade-level meeting, the classroom teachers
share the “big picture” of what they will be working on in
the next week, like highlighting character traits through a
novel study. The special educator listens and asks
questions about the lessons. The teachers then
brainstorm how to divide the students into small groups
and who to pair with which teacher that best meets
student learning needs, and how to assess students
appropriately when the time comes (accommodations
and modifications for students with IEPs and ILPs).

Mikayla Spradlin Be understanding It is important to understand your co teachers perspective

and realize that they may view things differently than you. Hawk, A. (2016, April 6).
There are so many cultural factors or environmental 9 tips to help special
factors that go into peoples thoughts and opinions and so education teachers and
getting to know your co teacher well and learning what
classroom teachers
they believe and why may help you be able to better
understand their perspective on subjects. collaborate. Free Spirit
Example - The co teacher may have a different view than Publishing Blog.
you on how to best handle a situation. It is important to
realize there are often many ways something can be Retrieved June 9, 2022,
handled and to try to see it from their point of view. from

Mikayla Spradlin Blend Roles When working with co teachers, specifically a special
educator working with a general education educator it Hawk, A. (2016, April 6).
may feel like you each have set areas of expertise. While 9 tips to help special
this is true, it is important to sometimes blend your roles education teachers and
and step out of your comfort zone and work together
classroom teachers
rather than thinking of it as each of you having your own
area. collaborate. Free Spirit
Publishing Blog.
Example - A general education teacher giving an idea for Retrieved June 9, 2022,
an intervention for a special ed student who is also in the from
general education teachers class. https://freespiritpublishi

Pariya “Our students” Get into the habit of referring to the students in your co- Blackley, A. (2019, April 5). 8
Rojtanongchai teaching class as “our students”. When co-teaching in a things successful co-teachers
general education classroom, it is easy to fall into the bad do. WeAreTeachers.
habit of seeing ‘typical’ students as the general education
teacher’s students, and students with disabilities or other co-teaching-tips/
needs as ‘my students’. Doing so can affect the building
of a balanced relationship between you and the general
education teacher. Remember that you have an equal
role in providing instruction to all students in the class, so
you should be confident and claim ownership for all the
students in your co-teaching class.

Work with your co-teacher to agree on class activities that
you are both enthusiastic about – whether it is about
curriculum instruction or behavior/classroom
management. For example, consider brainstorming
together to set up a new behavior management system,
such as introducing a new reward system that you both
feel excited about implementing and exploring.

Pariya Be overprepared Especially in the early days of working with a new co- Friend, M., & Cook, L. (2017).
Rojtanongchai teaching partner, always opt to be overprepared. This Interactions: Collaboration skills
means that you and your co-teacher should be extra for school professionals (8th
detailed in your planning, at least for the first few lessons, ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
so that neither of you will be caught off guard during the
lessons. The completed lesson plans should be detailed
enough for you to be able to imagine yourself in the
classroom, carrying out the plan.

Don’t be afraid to go as far as scripting the lesson. As you
and your co-teacher get used to each other’s teaching
style and rhythm, it might be helpful to prepare ahead of
time some dialogue or specific interjections that you will
each use during the lesson – as if you are preparing for a
performance! Don’t feel you need to script the whole
lesson, as that might not be feasible – instead, focus on
scripting certain key instructional sections where both you
and your co-teacher have all of the students’ attention.
This will not only improve your dynamic with your co-
teacher, but will also help the students see that you and
your co-teacher are equal partners.

Samantha Hare Develop a Working Since co-teachers spend a significant amount of time Scruggs, T. E., Mastropieri, M.
Relationship together, it is critical to develop a close partnership or A., & McDuffie, K. A. (2007).
“professional marriage,” so to speak. Like any marriage, Co-teaching in inclusive
the two individuals must have a sense of compatibility
and develop a relationship based on mutual trust,
classrooms: A metasynthesis
respect, and understanding of one another. As teachers, of qualitative research.
our work requires us to use our emotions and empathy to Exceptional Children, 73(4),
understand our students and provide them opportunities 392-416.
to be successful. Although our emotions are necessary in
our line of work, they can also create barriers in effective
problem solving. With different expertise, there will often
be times where co-teachers have a different outlook on a
problem resulting in differing opinions about how to
approach the situation best. However, when individuals
have a strong bond developed and share motivations and
goals, there will be a greater probability for compromise
and flexibility.
Example: One teacher’s approach to classroom
management might be more structured and disciplined
while the other teacher’s approach is more laid-back and
relationship based. While they have the shared goal of
increasing student engagement and success, they might
make a compromise of incorporating parts of their
management system into one, blended system of

Samantha Hare Equally Divide Teachers are often required to wear multiple hats in a Murawski, W. W., & Dieker, L.
Teaching day, which can be exhausting. The beauty of co-teaching A. (2004). Tips and strategies
Responsibilities is that you can share the responsibilities, taking some of for co-teaching at the
the load of your own shoulders. This can be done in a
variety of ways. Educators can alternate between
secondary level. Teaching
instructional and support roles, alternate grading Exceptional Children, 36(5), 52-
responsibilities, and alternate the responsibility to prepare 59.
materials for upcoming lessons. Co-teachers can also
equally divide the responsibility of administering
assessments to students.
Example: In the One-Teach, One-Support models, the
teachers can alternate their roles weekly. This enables
them to both have an opportunity to instruct and develop
rapport of student needs through the monitoring and
supporting role. Teachers could also equally divide
students to administer assessments to them in a more
individualized way. The teachers can change the
groupings of students each assessment to prevent the
“your kinds, my kids” mentality.

Alicia Hay-
Tomlinson Diversify student While general education teachers are considered Friend, M. (2021).
grouping content specialists, and special education teachers
have the expertise in dealing with students with Interactions: Collaboration
exceptionalities, it is important in an inclusive
classroom that all students feel like both teachers skills for school professionals.
are “their teacher.” Both teachers bring a perfect
blend of teaching skills to meet the needs of all Pearson
students in their classroom, therefore, seating
arrangement matters. “Co-teachers need to ensure
that the diversity in the classroom does not
inadvertently result in an inappropriate seating
arrangement” (Friend, 2021, p. 169). This builds a
positive social experience, improves self-esteem and
engagement, and provides an opportunity for both
teachers to get to know all students equally.

Example: Vary student groupings and the teacher

who leads each group. Based on a Reading/English
activity using the tiered approach outlined in the IEP,
the special education teacher should not always
have the “lower-level” groups. A rotation of teacher
to student groupings provides a more inclusive
setting where students feel belonged and recognize
that both adults are working to meet their needs.

Alicia Hay-
Tomlinson Establish Parity “Parity’s general definition is the state of being equal. Blackley, A. (2019, April 5). 8
When that is applied to a co-teaching model, it refers
to the equality between the two teachers delivering Things Successful Co-
instruction to the same class” (Blackley, 2019, para.
8). Parity may determine the success of the co- Teachers Do. We Are
teaching relationship despite the quality of the
instruction delivered. To establish parity, the co- Teachers.
teaching team must take steps to put things in place
before they start working together. This will help
students and others to recognize them as equal https://
parties which will also help to build and maintain
their professional relationship (Friend, 2021).

Example: Both teachers attend Meet-the-Teacher or teaching-tips/

other parent-teacher sessions, using “we” and “us”
instead of “I”, stating that the child will have two
teachers for the school year in welcome letters, Friend, M. (2021).
putting both teachers’ names on the board and
everything class related including correspondence to Interactions: Collaboration
parents and agreement on classroom responsibilities
such as behavior management, lesson delivery and skills for school professionals.
assessment grading.

Morgan Bevell Involve an By involving an administrator, the teachers can have Murawski, W. W., & Dieker, L. A.
administrator clear expectations on how the district is addressing the (2004). Tips and
least restrictive environment (LRE) mandate and the strategies for co-teaching
inclusive movement. The administrator can also identify at the secondary level.
which discipline areas should be targeted first and how Teaching Exceptional
the school will ensure that the support is provided across Children, 36(5), 52-58.
all content areas. Overall, the administrator provides
someone to count on for support, especially with co-
planning time and scheduling assistance?
The principal takes initiative and conducts a meeting with
the general education teacher(s) and special education
teacher(s) involved and addresses all logistics, questions,
and concerns regarding their co-teaching situation prior to
implementing it to create a specific plan where everyone
is on the same page.

Morgan Bevell Create a workable The teachers must discuss and decide how often the co- Murawski, W. W., & Dieker, L. A.
schedule teaching will occur: daily, a few times a week, for a (2004). Tips and
specific unit, etc. Then, they will figure out what schedule strategies for co-teaching
at the secondary level.
would best meet the needs of the class or specific
Teaching Exceptional
student and both instructors, as well as how the schedule Children, 36(5), 52-58.
will be maintained consistently so that both co teachers
can trust it. Finally, it is imperative to indicate how the
communication will be maintained between co-taught
The general education and special education teachers
meet together and discuss these items of business. The
teachers then create a written schedule/breakdown of
how the schedule will be maintained and kept up. Finally,
each member will receive a copy, including the principal.

Ami McCall Planning Time: Planning Time with co-teachers can be done in a variety of ways to
Face to Face and help with collaboration when planning lessons together. It is
Digital to save time important to plan together at least once a month face-to face the
other times can be an online discussion. For this online discussion
you can use google forms, google sheets and a word document. When
you meet once a month you should be deciding on the co-teaching
approaches you will use and the instructional path for all learners.
You can plan face-to-face if you have the same planning, but that is
not always the case. Some alternatives to face-to face planning if you
do not have the same planning are: Have another co-teacher cover for
you, ask for a substitute to cover, before school, after school or ask to
be excused from school wide staff meetings.

Example: Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 meet once a month after school

for an hour to plan the upcoming co-teaching methods and design an
online instructional path for all students that they will check weekly.
Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 will communicate through the document, but
agree to check the online document by Wednesday to make sure no
changes need to be made to the instructional path. The document will
also have names of students that are struggling who might need extra
support and monitored through the online document.

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