HSED - P09-Emergency Response Plans

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Procedure No: QAIG/HSED/P09 Revision : 0 Date : 01/09/2007

1.0 GENERAL Scheduled emergency response drills shall be held at regular intervals to determine the effectiveness of the emergency response plans, as described in Safety Procedure No: QAIG/HSED/P08. By combining the following emergency response procedures with a rigorous schedule of emergency drills, QATAR AL-ATTIYAH INTERNATIONAL GROUP personnel will have the knowledge and confidence necessary to successfully carry out their assignments. This procedure shall be revised, if required, to comply with the requirements of a specific Project Emergency Response Plan. The Project Manager, or his designated alternate, or Safety Officer in their absence, shall be the responsible Emergency Co-ordinator. Supervisors shall be the responsible Wardens for their areas of control and shall assist the Emergency Co-ordinator, as directed. Additional personnel may be delegated as Fire Wardens, if required by the Project Manager. All personnel shall be made aware of their duties in the case of an emergency. Specific details and diagrams indicating muster/ assembly and evacuation points shall be posted on the notice boards or in conspicuous places on site.


GENERAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN -- CIVIL UNREST; NATURAL DISASTERS In the case of a general emergency the following precautions shall be taken: Work shall be stopped and all personnel shall move away from the danger and await instructions from the Emergency Co-ordinator and Wardens, Machinery shall be parked and power sources switched off, Further incidents should be prevented/ contained, if possible, without personnel being put in any danger eg. Turn off fuel lines, close water mains valve, as applicable, Responsible personnel and authorities shall be notified, Upon notifying personnel by sounding the alarm, all personnel shall stop work and move to designated assembly areas and await instructions, The designated Wardens are responsible for conducting a roll call of all personnel under their area of control. In the event of an evacuation, a roll call shall also be taken after the evacuation has taken place.


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Procedure No: QAIG/HSED/P09 Revision : 0 Date : 01/09/2007

1.2 EVACUATION EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN In the case of an evacuation the following procedure shall apply: Personnel shall assemble at their designated assembly points and await instructions from their Warden, Roll calls shall be conducted by the Warden, and advised to Emergency Co-ordinator, The Emergency Co-ordinator shall be advised of any transport requirements for evacuation, who shall co-ordinate resources, On instruction from the Emergency Co-ordinator or Warden, personnel shall evacuate and move to the nominated evacuation assembly point, Roll calls shall be conducted to ensure all personnel are accounted for.

1.3 FIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN In the case of an emergency arising from fire, the following procedure shall apply: The first person at the scene shall sound the alarm and notify the Warden/ Fire Warden, The Warden shall ascertain the extent of the fire, notify the Project Manager who shall call the fire department (if required), and notify nominated project fire crews, The fire department shall be given the following information: Location of fire Extent of fire and any other hazards Advise if an ambulance is required The first person at the scene should attack or try to contain the fire by using the fire fighting equipment provided i.e. extinguishers, hoses, fire buckets, etc., but shall not endanger himself in so doing, Nominated project fire crews should only attempt to contain the fire provided they are not at risk and appropriate equipment is at hand, The alarm shall be sounded and personnel should immediately shut down operating systems, leave personal possessions or equipment behind, close any doors behind them and proceed, (walk do not run) to the assembly area, Personnel shall assemble at their designated assembly areas for roll call and await instructions from their Warden, The Warden should complete the roll call and account for all personnel in his area of control, including any cleaning or security staff. Note: Lifts should be avoided during evacuation in case of a power failure. The stairs or fire escape should be used instead. 1.4 SPILLAGE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Refer to separate Safety Procedure No: QAIG/HSED/P28 Oil and Hazardous Material Spill Response Procedures.
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Procedure No: QAIG/HSED/P09 Revision : 0 Date : 01/09/2007

1.5 ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN This response plan should be read in conjunction with Safety Procedure No: HSED/P/02Accident/ Incident Reporting & Investigation. In the event of there being any casualties, the following procedure shall apply: The first person at the scene shall notify the Warden, who shall notify the Emergency Co-ordinator, At least one person shall be detailed to remain with the casualty. The casualty shall not be moved unless the casualtys continuing safety is at risk, If electrical power is involved, the injured person shall not be touched. The power source shall be isolated and switched off before attending to the casualty, The Emergency Co-ordinator shall contact the First Aider and other emergency services, if required, The emergency services shall be given the following information: Location of injured person(s), Number of injured persons, Nature of injury, Any special access restrictions. The First Aider shall administer appropriate medical attention to the injured person until medical emergency services arrive, or transport the casualty to the hospital, as required. Note: The First Aider shall not administer any first aid treatment beyond his competence. 1.6 BOMB THREAT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN In the event of any bomb threat, the following procedure shall be followed: Bomb threats shall immediately reported to the Emergency Co-ordinator, who shall assess the situation, and if considered serious shall inform the relevant authorities and occupants of the building or structure, The security search procedure should be instituted immediately and evacuation procedure commenced, All doors, drawers and windows should be opened to vent the force of any explosion.

Note: Any suspicious looking parcels or objects shall not be touched or disturbed in any way.


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Procedure No: QAIG/HSED/P09 Revision : 0 Date : 01/09/2007

1.7 POWER FAILURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN Emergency power/ lighting in the form of generators and torches should be available in the case of a power failure, The Emergency Co-ordinator shall be notified, who shall contact the relevant authorities.

1.8 WATER SUPPLY FAILURE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN The Emergency Co-ordinator shall be notified, who shall notify Wardens to inform their personnel of the situation and that toilets should not be used until the water supply is reestablished. The Emergency Co-ordinator shall notify the relevant authorities.


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