Unit 4 - LM #2 of 2 - Reflective Journal - Student Full Name & Nick Name

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Reflective Journal

Learner name: Truong Quynh Hoa _ Kaylee

Higher National Diploma in Business (Business Management)
Unit or Component
Unit 4: Leadership and Management
number & title:
Date of Activity:
Assessment criteria targeted :
LO3 Develop a motivational strategy to optimise organisational performance.
P5 Produce a motivational strategy for an organisation that supports optimal achievement of organisational
M4 Produce a detailed motivational strategy for an organisation that addresses intrinsic and extrinsic
D2 Produce a comprehensive motivational strategy that effectively addresses all variables of motivation to
enhance organisational performance.
LO4 Apply leadership and management approaches to managing performance to ensure continuous
P6 Apply to a range of business situations, appropriate leadership and management approaches for
managing performance and continuous improvement.
M5 Assess how leadership and management approaches for managing performance supports continuous
D3 Make recommendations to improve performance management that will ensure continuous
Description of activity undertaken:

 What was done in your group to prepare this assignment

We discussed and brainstormed ideas for the exercise 3 weeks ago. Choose a group leader, make a
plan to do the joint work, share the parts in the exercise, revise and give feedback together

 Each member’s roles and responsibilities (Tasks, duties, document preparation, etc.)

1/Rachel (Leader) :
- Summarize the requirements and knowledge required in a presentation and divide the content
and tasks clearly for each member.
- Synthesize and edit the final slides for presentation on the day of the presentation.
- Give an example of a performance management process and how to achieve a good performance
management process for the company.
- Writing content and presentations defining, general knowledge of motivational strategies and
designing motivational strategies for Nike.
2/ Kaylee :
- Research on Individual Needs and Motivation,hierarchy of needs theory,ERG theory and Two-
factor theory
- Research on the theory applied to performance management and how it is improved
- Make and present own slides
- Support other members
3/ Chloe :
-Research the content of reinforcement theory,reinforcement strategies , positive reinforcement
and punishment.
-Make and present own slides
- Find examples and apply them to the company from theories.
- Research on Motivation and Design content, Work Simplify ,job enrichment,Alternate work
4/ Kayla :
- Nike company profile
- Research on Leadership and Management approaches to “performance management”.
-Find examples of theories and apply them to Nike
-Make and present own slides
- Research on what information to include in performance measurement (types of performance
5/ Sarah :
- Research reward content for motivation and good performance and give Nike examples for best
- Research on different types/strategies internal and external, Financial and non-financial
-Make and present own slides
Research on performance measurement methods qualitative,quantify and give examples to the
-Support other members
Analysis of the activity:

 Analyse the activity and group work in depth from different perspectives.
 What went well? What did not work well?
 We prepared early, planned together, but there were many parts that we did not read carefully, so
there were mistakes and had to be redone.
 What do you think about it? What could have been better? What issues were raised by this
 I think this is a memorable team working process, I have gained a lot of experience from this
activity. We could do better if the team had more face-to-face time together.

 Identify your learning – What have you learned from this?

Future practice:

 The critical evaluation of your and others’ actions should be applied to future events. (Group
 Critically evaluating what you would do differently in the future and explain why.

I confirm this is an accurate record and reflection of the activity undertaken.

Learner signature: Date:

Reviewed by Assessor:

Signature: Date:


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