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Học phần: DN Ngữ âm – Âm Mã đề: 003

KHOA TIẾNG ANH Mã học phần: 4113313 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 21/08/2020 Thời gian: 180 phút

Họ tên: ………………. Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách
Lớp: ………………….….
Phòng thi:
Mã SV: ………………..
Số báo danh: …………...
Điểm (số) Điểm (chữ) Cán bộ chấm thi 1 Cán bộ chấm thi 2 Số phách

Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi.

Phonetics and Phonology Assignment

Note: You may need to use these symbols for your assignment completion.
U V 3: O: Q @ A: I i: & Í Ù T D S Z Ne

1. Airstream mechanism: general classification

Fill in the table with the appropriate information.
Airstream mechanism Airflow initiator Airflow direction Language
Pulmonic egressive lungs outwards Most languages, for
many it is the only
airstream mechanism
Velaric ingressive
Glottalic egressive
Glottalic ingressive

2. Phonetic description
Give the appropriate phonetic symbol in brackets for each of the sounds described below:
a) A voiced palatal approximant [ ]
b) A voiceless glottal fricative [ ]
c) A voiced labiodental fricative [ ]
d) A voiceless glottal stop [ ]
e) A voiceless palato-aveolar affricate[ ]
f) A high back tense vowel [ ]

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Học phần: DN Ngữ âm – Âm Mã đề: 003

KHOA TIẾNG ANH Mã học phần: 4113313 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 21/08/2020 Thời gian: 180 phút

Họ tên: ………………. Cán bộ coi thi 1 Cán bộ coi thi 2 Số phách
Lớp: ………………….….
Phòng thi:
Mã SV: ………………..
Số báo danh: …………...
g) A front mid-high short unrounded vowel[ ]
h) A low central vowel [ ]

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


3. Provide an example for each of the natural processes listed below.

Process Example
4. Stress
Stress in a sentence is used to emphasize important information in a sentence, usually Noun, Verb,
Adjective & Adverb.
Look at the underlined word that receives the stress in each sentence, and tell what the speaker
means. One example has been done for you.
Word stressed in sentence What the speaker means
1. I asked you to buy red roses. E.g. It was me who was asking – not him or her
2. I asked you to buy red roses.
3. I asked you to buy red roses.
4. I asked you to buy red roses.
5. I asked you to buy red roses.
6. I asked you to buy red roses.

5. Distinctive features and natural classes

Name the single feature that distinguishes the following pairs of sounds:
a. /g/, /ŋ/
b. /f/, /v/
c. /r/, /j/
d. /f/, /θ/
e. /u:/, /ɑ:/
f. /i:/, /j/
g. /u:/, /ʊ/
h. /z/, /ð/

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


 6. Consider the distribution of [r] and [l] in Korean in the following words:
rupi mul
kiri pal
saram soul
irumi ilkop
ratio ipalsa
Are [r] and [l] allophones of one or two phonemes? State your reasons.
7. Analyze the syllable structure of the words: rain, loathe, science, species.
Word Number of First syllable Second syllable
Onset Rhyme Onset Rhyme
Nucleus Coda nucleus coda

8. In casual style, vowels and consonants are commonly weakened. Attempt to elaborate on this
statement by answering the following questions:
a. What is the major form of vowel weakening?

b. Where is the weakening more likely to occur - in stressed syllables or in unstressed ones?

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