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Types of texts

The types of texts depend on their purpose, structure, and language features. One of the most
commonly used classification text materials is that one based on text’s purpose and meaning. In this
classification there are five (5) main categories.

1- Expository text:
is intended to identify and characterize experiences, facts, situations and actions in either
abstract or real elements.
• expository texts are meant to explain, inform or describe.
• It presents facts and give information.
• verbs are usually in the present tense.
• statics can be found throughout the text.
• it proves a lot of examples.
• they can include definition.
• the author presents ideas and facts as cause and the resulting effect in time.
• problem- solution presentation: the author describes and gives one or more solution to the
• The text are non- fictional.

2- Narrative text: It entertains, instructs and inform readers by telling a story.

• It can be imaginary or real world events
• Fictional (fairy tales, novels, science fiction, horror or adventure stories, myths and
• non- fictional (articles, historical writings)
• verbs are in the past simple
• The use of time expressions and dates
• Chronology in events

3- Argumentative texts: aim to change the readers’ beliefs; to persuade them. It discuss an
opinion/ a point view
• It contains arguments
• Examples and quotes are given
• The writer can provide his/her opinion
• They also include advertising texts, try to convince their readers that a products is
somehow better at least implicitly (not directly expressed) than others.

4- Descriptive texts: It describes people, animals, objects, events (it proves background
information, that sets the stage for narration)
• adjectives are widely used ( the author can use comparatives and superlatives)
• the use of stative verbs (feel, the verb to be, think, believe….etc)
• set the mood and describe something in such detail
• Writers are evocative; they evoke the impression the writer wants the reader to have. For
instance, “my dog fur felt like silk against my skin and her black coring shone, absorbing the
sunlight, and reflecting it back like pure dark mirror.
5- Perspective text: It gives advice, recommendations or orders.
• verbs are usually in the imperative (get up, ready write…..etc)
• use of modal verbs (can, should, shall, could, might, may, ought to; must)
• the use of simple sentences
• the author can use the conditional

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