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ARC-3080 Town Planning

 In 1816 he proposed a self-supporting

industrial town.
 Communal buildings were located in the
broad common situated in the center.
 The central broad common was surrounded
by dwellings which were surrounded by
large gardens.
 A road surrounded the community abutted
the factories and workshops.
 Designed for 1200 population it had 1000-
1500 acres of land for agricultural activity.
 An Architect he proposed concentric town
plan with a large central square surrounded
by mansions.
 This central court is surrounded by public
buildings and churches.
 Then the concentric surrounding by various
category of housing, commercial belt,
workshop belt, school and dining places
 Industries were proposed 1.5 miles away
from the town.
 Came to India in 1915.
 Gave his expert advice on 18 Indian cities.
 Diagnostic approach: Survey before Plan.
 Geddesian triad: Folk (social aspect), place
(physical aspect) and work (economic aspect).
 City looked upon as organisms governed by
definite laws of growth where people live, work
and play.
 His foresight shook up town planning of
contemporary world and later on gave way to
modern day regional planning.
 He published his idea for a Garden City in his book titled
 Combining the goods of city and country life he
proposed a community living for 30,000 people in an
area of 1000 acres.
 Surrounding the city would be a green belt of 5000
 The public buildings would be located in the centre
surrounded by the residential area.
 The shopping centre would be on the edge of the town
and the industries on the ourskirts.
 Letchworth city was started in 1903 with an area of 4500
acres and population of 35000.
 Permanent Green belt of 3000 acres is reserved.
 The city dwellers receive a 5% dividend on their
stocks annually and the profit above this goes for
public welfare.
 Another city Welwyn started with a land area of
2400 acres population of 40000.
 Mixed use is totally absent.
 Green belt serves as protection instead of urban
expansion space.
 Over crowding of city centre and under
development of outskirts is prevented.
 He was influenced by Sir Patrick Geddes.
 He believed in human ability for building a better future
using technology.
 But later on he criticized the extensive use of machines.
 Modern technology—which he calls 'megatechnics'—
evades producing lasting, quality products by using
devices such as consumer credit, installment buying, non-
functioning and defective designs, built-in fragility, and
frequent superficial fashion changes.
 Polytechnics vs monotechnics
 Biotechnics
 He emphasized relationship of organisms and their living
spaces in urban planning.
 He blamed modern day urban sprawl for many of the
social problems.
 He proposed La ville contemporaine.
 A city of skyscrpaers with huge gardens.
 At the hub was tranport centre, rail and airfield.
 Surrounding this were 60 storey office buildings with a
density of 1200 persons per acre.
 These buildings are linked to each other underground
by shopping area and civic centre.
 8-storey residential buildings surrounded this were
arranged in a zigzag row with 5% ground coverage
with a density of 120 persons per acre.
 On the outskirts were the city gardens.
 The city had a population of 30,00,000.
(Image Credit: Artists Rights Society
(ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / F.L.C.)
(Image Credit: Google Maps)
 He considered the city as an organism.
 The Administrative buildings are the
 The commercial buildings are the heart.
 Industries and education buildings the
 Parks and playgrounds are the lungs
 The roads and walkways are the arteries.
 International Congress of Modern
 It subjected the city to re-examination
and posed four basic elements of urban
 Sun
 Space
 Vegetation
 Steel and Concrete.
 Le Corbusier palyed a leading role in
CIAM and organised Assembly of
Constructors for Architectural
Renovation (ASCORAL) to investigate
the character of the city
 ASCORAL setforth the “Three Human
 The farming community
 The radiocentric city
 The industrial city
 Gallion,Eisner, 1986, The Urban Pattern: City
planning and Design, Van Nostrand
Reinhold; Subsequent edition (1 February
 Gallion. B., Urban Pattern and Growth
 Hiraskar. G. K., Fundamentals of Town
 Rangawala S. C., Town Planning

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