HQ Barbarian

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[i]Intended Role:[/i] Tank, melee

[list][*][b]Name:[/b] Drazhan Orc-breaker of the Ostagoths

[*][b]Race:[/b] Human
[*][b]Class:[/b] Barbarian
[*][b]Background:[/b] Soldier

[b]Description:[/b] Drazhan is a mountain of a man, tall and muscular. His long,

black hair is unkempt, framing the feral features of his face. Brown eyes gaze
darkly from underneath his brow, his face contorted in a perpetual scowl. For now,
the warrior bears no tattoos on his fair skin, nor does he wear the piercings
common among his fellow Ostagoths- for that is a right the young Drazhan has not
yet earned. Nonetheless, his body shows the scars of combat, where the restless
dead, orcs and worse have left their marks on him. A collection of greenskin fangs
dangles from a cord tied around his neck, showing Drazhan has repaid each suffered
wound in full.

As a native to the cold lands in the shadows of the World's Edge mountains, Drazhar
is used to wearing heavy cloaks fashioned from the pelts of wolves and bears-
preferably ones he himself killed. He wears a loincloth fashioned from those same
pelts, held up by a thick, black leather belt sporting a brass disc. This
ornamental, unembellished plate was passed down to Drazhar by his father, and was
supposedly originally a gift of the dwarves. The cracked, sun-bleached skull of an
orc hangs from Drazhar's belt as a grim trophy- a memento of the warrior's first
kill. Supple boots of leather, lined with the fur of ermines, complete the
warrior's outfit.

Drazhan's expression is that of a crazed warrior, driven to a frenzied bloodlust by

years of battle against Morcar's foul hordes. He can often be found gnashing his
teeth, eyes darting about, hungrily seeking more foes to vanquish.

[b]History:[/b] Born into the Ostagoth tribe east of the Middle Mountains, Drazhan
has lived a life frought with battle. From an early age, he learned to protect
himself and his tribe from marauding beastmen, savage greenskins and foul
worshippers of the dark gods. As the eldest of three siblings, Drazhan was always
aware of his responsibility towards his family- to keep safe his younger brother
and sister. Tragically, both siblings were killed, brutally slaughtered during a
greenskin raid, leaving Drazhar entirely unhinged. He is consumed by an insatiable
rage against both the sadistic goblins and their brutish orc masters, and vowed to
slay every last one.

When the greenskin hordes poured from the World's Edge mountains in a great
Waaagh!, Drazhar elected to stay and fight alongside king Adelhard of the
Ostagoths. While many of his kinsmen fled, Drazhar could not pass up the
opportunity to slay so many greenskins, nor allow them to desecrate his homeland.
There he fought, alongside the veteran warriors of his tribe, until finally
reinforcements came. King Sigmar of the Unberogen tribe had come to their aid,
leading a vast army of man against the greenskin horde, shattering them once and
for all. This instilled a great respect for the Unberogen king in Drazhar, and soon
he came to support Sigmar's teachings of strength through unity.

That is why, when the summons came, Drazhar eagerly stepped forward to be trained
as a warrior under Mentor's tutelage. He longed for a chance to repay Sigmar's
bravery, to oppose the vile Morcar and, above all, to slay the greenskin hordes who
had aligned themselves with the lord of Chaos.
[spoilerbutton="character sheet"][imgr]https://trueds.nl/drazhar.png[/imgr]
[list][*][b]Name:[/b] Drazhan Orc-breaker of the Ostagoths
[*][b]Race:[/b] Human
[*][b]Class:[/b] Barbarian
[*][b]Background:[/b] Soldier

[b]STR[/b] | 16 | [b]INT[/b] | 9
[b]DEX[/b] | 11 | [b]WIS[/b] | 11
[b]CON[/b] | 14 | [b]CHA[/b] | 11
[b]HP[/b] | {colsp=3} 14
[b]AC[/b] | {colsp=3} 12
[b]Speed[/b] | {colsp=3} 30

[b]Weapons[/b] | Simple, martial
[b]Armor[/b] | Light, medium, shields
[b]Skills[/b] | any one, Athletics +5, Intimidation +2, Perception +2, Survival +2
[b]Saves[/b] | Str +5, Dex +0, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +0, Cha +0
[b]Tools[/b] | Dice, vehicles (land)
[b]Languages[/b] | Common, Orcish

[list][*][tt="Maul"]2d6 bludgeoning, two-handed, heavy[/tt]
[*][tt="6 Javelins"]1d6 piercing, thrown (30/120)[/tt]
[*][tt="Shield"]+2 AC[/tt]
[*]Grappling Hook
[*]Sledge hammer
[*]Miner's pick
[*]5 Pitons
[*]Rations, 10 days
[*]Hempen Rope
[*]10 Torches
[*]2 Waterskins
[*]Dice set

[list][*][tt="Rage"]Twice per long rest, as a bonus action, enter a rage for one
minute. This provides the following;
- Advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws
- +2 bonus damage with melee weapons
- Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
May be ended as a bonus action. It ends early if you haven't attacked/taken damage
since your last turn.[/tt]
[*][tt="Unarmored Defense"]AC = 10 + Dex modifier + Con modifier[/tt]
[*][tt="Military Rank"]May use rank to exert influence over other soldiers, or
requisition simple equipment or horses. I also usually gain access to friendly
military encampments and fortresses where my rank is recognized.[/tt]

[list][*]Presonality trait: I can stare down a bloodthirster without flinching.
[*]Presonality trait: I enjoy being strong and like breaking things.
[*]Ideal: Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. I fight for the
Ostagoth, for Sigmar, and for his dream of a unified Empire!
[*]Bond: Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for.
[*]Flaw: I fear magic, and mistrust those who use it.

42.77 of 80 spent
- Maul (10 gp)
- 6 Javelins (3 gp)
- Shield (10 gp)
- Backpack (2 gp)
- Bedroll (1 gp)
- Grappling hook (2 gp)
- Hammer (1 gp)
- Sledge hammer (2 gp)
- Miner's Pick (2 gp)
- 5 Pitons (25 cp)
- Pouch (5 sp)
- Rations, 10 days (5 gp)
- Rope, Hempen (1 gp)
- Sack (1 cp)
- Shovel (2 gp)
- Tinderbox (5 sp)
- 10 Torches (1 sp)
- 2 Waterskins (4 sp)
- Whetstone (1 cp)
- Dice (1 sp)


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