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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 39 (2014) 11763-11773 Available online at www. " “ Pines ScienceDirect axl? ELSEVIER journal homepage: Modelization of hybrid systems with hydrogen and raven renewable energy oriented to electric propulsion in sailboats Victor Alfonsin °", Andres Suarez °, Angeles Cancela °, Angel Sanchez °, Rocio Maceiras ” ® Defense University Center, Escuela Naval Militar, Plaza de Espana 2, 36920 Marin, Spain © chemical Engineering Department, EEI, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain ARTICLE INFO apstRact ‘rie history “This paper presents conceptual model of hybrid electric salboat in which energy from Received 29 March 2018 clectric grid is stored in batteries and energy ffom renewable energes (oie solar and Received in revised form hero is store as hydrogen. The main objective ofthis model i to study the viability of 9 May 2014 slectifying traditional siloats with internal combustion engines into hybrid systems Accepted 16 May 2018 with batteries and fue cell. The mest important advantage ofthis design isthe possiblity ‘Availabe online 18 ue 2014 to reduce up to zero emissions of tations silbost. Conversion of renewable eneray 10 dren is prformed through an electrolyzer and post conversion to energy iscaried xt Keywords tay a fuel cell The fel ell with the batteries forms the hybrid system (bateies-fel cel) sailboat for propulsion slacrcal energy supply. Im order ta made the boat dynamic and eneray ectrc systems, modular mathematical models were developed under Matab” Simulink, using Batery fxed-step solver forthe simulation ofslabal model. A simulated logic contralir manages Fuel cell the pobsl model. In this paper, many models have been used some of them are based in yerogen literature models and others were developed from experimental data A conte strategy Hectroyzor has also been developed to manage enery lows and then thas been embeded to Mat lab" language. The global model permits test the performance of the sailboat. Copyright © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. AIL rights reserved, ‘a new emerging technology that could solve environmental, problems, contribute the accomplishment of Kyota Protocol, ‘and besides it can help to solve the oil dependence (5-7). Due ‘The increase of energetic and environmental problems has to similarities between batteries and fuel cell systems, their favored the development of alternative energy conversion combined effect promise great results [2] systems [1]. Transport machines with only internal combus- Furthermore, in recent years the implementation of tion engine (ICE) are being replaced by hybrid systems using yenewable sources as photovoltaic and eolic energy in Hybrid two or mote power sources [2]. Battery systems are the most Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) is becoming popular for widely used power sources due to their high efficiency and power generation [o). The main disadvantage of these type of relatively low cost [4]. On the other hand, fuel cellsystems are renewable energy sources is their seasonal nature, which Introduction * Conesponding author. Tel: +34 986 804942, E-mail addresses:, (V. Alfonsin), hup://dx.doLorg/101016).,jhydene 2014.05.10 (0360-3199/Copyright © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved. 11764 WTERMATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN EMERGY 39 (2014) 13763-11773 ‘means great variability over time (10,11), Generation of Ihydrogen based on renewable resources using electrolyzers, could become the nexus for the implementation of this tech: nology in hybrid systems (12,13), Plus land vehicles [14,15], it is possible to incorporate fuel cell and battery hybrid systems in boats (16). Hydrogen pro- duction is performed with renewable energy provided by several photovoltaic panels and small eolic generators located in the own boat. Furthermore, if a sailboat is selected, this ‘energy production can be increased during the sail navigation, ‘with one or more hydrogenerators, or this type of systems, where many power sources are mixed, mathematical simulation has become in object of study for battery electric vehicles and all kind of hybrid con- figurations and even specific software has been developed [17-19], However, there is a lack of information about battery electric ship simulations and even less about energy renew able sources applied in these kinds of vehicle. ‘There is not any information about Energy Management Unit (EMU) strategies in the case of HRES implemented in sailboats. But, it is possible to find a vast amount of informa- tion in many application areas as transportation, distributed generation or portable applications, Some of most important fare: direct integration, single converter based or multiple converter based [20] In this paper, a conceptual zero emissions electric sailboat is studied, Renewable energy sources (photovoltaic, eolie and hydrogeneration}, energy storage with batteries (in the case of electrical energy provided by the grid) and an electrolyzer-fuel, call system (for renewable energy) ate implemented. Subse- quently independent modular models with each energy s¥s- ‘tem hasbeen developed in Matlab®/Simulink* and embedded. All of these individual models are managed by a logic controller implemented in Matlab”. Conceptual design ‘The idea of zero emissions ships is not new, several kinds of ships exist with some ofthe zero-emission characteristics and ‘even some of them have became commercial, Configurations, with batterie, fuel cells or both (hybrid systems) have been, developed and applied to catamarans, yachts and boats [21-28], A conceptual sailboat design with a hybrid battery/ fuel cell energy system has been raised. Battery system is, responsible for storing electrical energy from the grid, and whole of fuel cell, electrolyzer and hydrogen canisters are responsible for storing renewable energy. Renewable generation is provided through three sources: ‘wind turbines, photovoltaic panels and hydrogeneration| 1. Wind turbines placed to the top of the mast (only one) or placed in the stern (one or two elements are possible), and ‘whose operation relies on wind power and it is operative during the sailboat cruise or even when sailboat remains in port. 2. Photovoltaic panels, placed on ship hull, whose operation itis possible during the ship cruise or when ship remains in port, depending on the effective radiation. 3, Renewable energy source is hydrogeneration. One or two ‘marine generators are responsible for electric energy gen- eration during sail navigation, without electric motor operation Renewable energy flows to the electrolyzer where is con- ‘verted to hydrogen, and then its stored in tanks or canisters. Optimal hydrogen storage devices are metal hydride canisters, which due to their elevated weight are perfect to be used as boat ballast. When control decides to supply energy to system, fel cell device converts hydrogen to electrical energy. All, implemented devices are part of a conceptual idea for zero ‘emission sailboats, and one possible distribution is depicted in, Fig. 1 Model description Once a conceptual design for a zero emission sailboat has been established, itis necessary to size the magnitude of each, clement and even define the number of them that may be needed. A design and analysis powerful tool for this procedure is mathematical software, simulation with Matlab*-Simulink* INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 39 (2014) 11763-11773 11765 In Fig. 2 all existing models and a scheme with their arrangement are shown. All renewable energy sources: photovoltaic, eolic and hydrogeneration are detailed and each, individual model system is developed through mathematical equations or experimental data, Furthermore, in this group the system for renewable en- ceray storage composed by electrolyzer, fuel cell, compressor ‘and tank is described. Energy grid storage by batteries is, ‘modeled in order to characterize the battery system, for this, it {s necessary to take into account the dynamic behavior and. the capacity. A propulsion model is explained; in addition to electric motor model a dynamical model to calculate the ‘mechanical energy required is developed. Finally, a possible control to manage and link all systems is shown and subse- quently it is modeled, The connection of all of them allows a global simulation thereby helping to scale the hybrid system, with hydrogen and renewable energy. Renewable energy generation and storage In this section, energy obtained from wind generator, photo- voltaic panels and marine generators (hydrogenerators) are ‘modeled. The surplus of renewable energy sources power is, stored in batteries or Hy tanks based on electrolyzers used to convert the electrical energy to the Hp energy 25). Photovoltaic generation Modeling of photovoltaic module (PV) is usually based in the approximation of non-linear I-V curves obtained with ideal PV circuit model, PY circuit model with series resistance or both series and parallel resistance [26-28]. Model is based only on the manufacturers data and methodology used to predict the electrical power available from PY sailboat panel is, based on the five-parameter photovoltaic model presented by De Soto (25), who uses an equivalent circuit with series and shunt resistances together with a diode in parallel, obtaining I-V relationship for characteristic curve, “This model has been modified by Hadj Arab etal. 20] to-es- timate the maximum power outputin operatingconditions |31|: opt (1-+ 7(T Tr] 0 CONTROLLER | nth ra where isthe incidentirradiance, Py, isthe power output, Tis, the temperature, Pap is the maximum power, Gu and Tir are incident irradiance and temperature refer to standard rated conditions (SRC). By multiplying the unitary power for each, panel by the number of panels, the power being generated by the panels at each moment is obtained. ‘Themain advantage of this model, apart fromits reliability, accuracy and simple implementation, is the easiness to obtain valid parameters in wide operation ranges from the data pro- vvided by the manufacturer, which in many cases are under standard nominal conditions, usually 1000 W/m? and 25 °C. Wind generator For this model, wind speed data are put into the model block. that refers to the wind generator in order to calculate the electrical energy produced by the device from the wind kinetic, energy. Each wind turbine has its own characteristic curve that distinguishes it from the others, and defines its behavior for, various wind speeds, that is, providing the power generated by the device for each value. The start up speed for the wind generator is low; this means that there is not energy output at ‘very low wind speeds, ‘To determine the output power of wind turbines, a poly: nomial adjustment is used (22), which relates wind speed to ‘output power; this information is generally provided by eolic, turbine manufacturers. From manufacturer's data and with Matlab" adjustment tool (too?) a polynomial is obtained Once this polynomial is obtained, this is implemented as a Matlab” function that may be subsequently called with Simulink m-function block during simulation. ‘The wind speed values can be obtained with an anemom: eterplaced on aboator even via meteorological data of marine ‘buoys. In the last case, it would be useful to subtract the for- ward speed of sailboat. Marine generator (hyarogenerator) ‘This device uses sailing navigation to generate electrical ower from a propeller and a small generator [33]. When electric motoris running the device or devices areaised upto avoid the friction of the propeller. Procedure for marine = - |" — ame - | Fig. 2 — Global model with Dc BUS. 11766 WTERMATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN EMERGY 39 (2014) 13763-11773 {generator model is the same than eolic generator model. The polynomial adjustment is performed from manufacturer data, which are then implemented to Matlab-Simulink”. Commer- cial hydrogeneration devices typically incorporate inside AC/ DC converters and the data provided by the manufacturer ‘usually include converter efficiency [3]. Inthe case that itis not possible, efficiency value must be included in model, Electrolyzer model In electrolyzer, electric current passes through a series of electrolytic celle, where there is a water input current, Due to the electrolysis provoked by the electric current, water current is split into two separate currents: hydrogen and oxygen. ‘The current-voltage curve chosen for the electralyzer is shown in Eq (4) [35]. The number of active electrolyzers used depends on the input power, when this exceeds maximum, nominal power for one electrolyzer, both of them are switched on. Ve=Veot bin (#2) +R ® where V,(V) is the voltage ofa cell, Veg (Vis the reversible voltage fora cell, b (V ") isa characteristic coefficient ofthe electrolyzer, (Ais the exchange current, (Qs the Ohmic resistance in the cell and (A) isthe current Electroyzer only works for values above 15% of its rated power although this value can be changed. A parasitic loss of ‘Vis assumed for each electrolyzer switched on (25) Compression and storage of hydrogen (Once hydrogen production occurs, high pressure storage will bbe necessary. For this reason, a model for a compressor must be developed and implemented after electrolysis stage. The compressor buffer is an intermediate tank between the gas outlet from the electrolyzer, which works continually, and the ‘compressor input, ‘The second function has a control system for the tank level, which, once reached a set level, activates an emptying signal to the compressor to evacuate the hydrogen towards, the higher capacity tank. The two input variables are the lectrolyzer output flow and the flow to the compressor creating a hydrogen balance that, by being integrated, repre- sents the amount of hydrogen: Name i — Foci — Patt ® where Nini is the number of accumulated moles in the Dufer, Fi, natin (mols *) the hydrogen flow entering from the electralyzer and Fy,nann (mols 2) the output towards the compressor. Applying. a logical comparison system with ‘memory a trigger signal canbe sent once a particular levels reached and a deactivation signal can be sentif «lower levelis reached ‘When buffer reaches the desired level, the compressor is ‘wiggered and compresses the hydrogen at nominal power, to achieve a lower volume of gas and thus a smaller inal storage tank. A discontinuous flow model has been chosen, to avoid large hydrogen flows to the compressor that would need @ ‘uch more powerful compressor. Compression takes place in three stages to obtain the ‘maximum amount of hydrogen compressed, which is ach- Jeved when the ratio between the output and input pressures for each compressor stage are equal and therefore the energy consumed at each stage is the same, The molar flow of com= pressed hydrogen is expressed as follows: ee ® el) where nay i the polytropie coefficient, toony is the efficiency, of the compression, P; (bat) and P, (bar) the input and output, pressures, respectively, Prono is the energy used in each stage ‘The tanks the final elementin the model. The tank model js simple, the inflow from the compressor and outflow to the fuel cell of hydrogen are taken into account and this is inte- grated in order tohave a real value for the amount of hydrogen, stored per year. Thus, using the evolution of the amount of hydrogen, the tank can be scaled accordingly. The balance for the tank isthe following: Faso AN rank at where: AN, rau i the number of accumulated moles, Fi, stan (mols *) the hydrogen low entering from the compressor and, Fajoazet (m01s 7) the output towards the fuel cell. Pa sot ~ Fa out tak ° Hyérogen consumption model The fuel cell works in the opposite way to the electrolyzer, thus unregulated direct electrical current and water are ob- tained from the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. The input current at the anode will be the hydrogen obtained by of electrolysis, supplied by the pressurized storage tank, whereas the input current at the cathode will be air with approximately 21% oxygen, reacting gas, and nitrogen, which, is inert. In this case, a hydrogen consumption model has been constructed rather than a fuel cel electric power model (37), ‘An equation to model the hydrogen intake as a function of power demanded by the fuel cell (by the motor and the auxiliary systems) can be used "Thus, based on the simple reaction stoichiometzy, Fara- day's Constant, fuel cell efficiency and stack potential V,, the following equation is abtained (17) Peete WE 5 Fase “This equation depends only on the power demanded by the fuel cell Pax) and stack potential Vis referred tothe lower heating value of hydrogen, as (3): ve Ts 0 I yields the hydrogen mass flux Hz.) in moles per see- ond, which makes possible to know the hydrogen tank level at every moment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 39 (2014) 11763-11773 11767 Grid energy storage. Battery model Main energy source of zero sailboats is provided by grid and electrical energy storage made with batteries while boat is in, port. The purpose of battery simulation is to predict the bat- tery dynamic behavior versus energy demand (battery discharge) or energy supply (battery charge). Furthermore, battery capacity is influenced by current that flows through, battery. Magnitude of these effects is influenced by the type of battery being used. All these factors are considered in this section about battery model. Battery dynamic behavior. Open circuit voltage Im this case, dynamic behavior model is performed through a simple battery equivalent circuit (Fig. 3) where itis necessary to know internal resistance and open circuit electric potential (0c) [17,39], Assuming that currentis flowing out the battery, 1s is depicted in Pig. 3, basie voltage equation is [40): v-E-w ® where Vis terminal voltage, £ is open circuit voltage (OCV), lis, current across circuit and Z intemal resistance. OCV values, change in function of battery state of charge (SoC), and they ccan be introduced in battery model from a Matlab" function, Internal resistance values and OCV plots are obtained from, experimental data [1] or are provided from literature (22) All, of them vary depending battery technology used (lead acid, nickel-cadmium, lithium, ee.) Battery capacity model. Peukert coefficient Battery capacity is affected by the discharge power magn tude, generally when discharge is high, the capacity is lower and vice-versa, The power magnitude is affected by battery technology used. This effect is important for electric vehicles, due to high and discontinuous discharge currents, To compensate this effect Peukert’s equation is implemented 13}. Some authors consider this model is non-optimal for ‘vehicle simulation since temperature effect is not being taken into account and correction factor is obtained with constant discharge current [43,43], But this last factor in a. sailboat simulation is not a problem because current under discharge conditions is quite constant and the temperature effect can be considered if necessary [15), moreover the simulation Fig. 3 ~ Simple equivalent circuit model composed of four calls. objective isto obtain a first estimate in order to study viability, for a zero emission sailboat. Peukert's equation was originally developed for lead acid batteries, but has since been used for other types (16). Equa- tion estimates the available capacity using the following equation: Gael o where Gis theoretical Peukert capacity (A h), la is discharge current, Ty, discharge time and k the Peukert’s coefficient, ‘which value varies depending of the kind of battery. Peukert’s coefficient can be estimated with experimental data or data, provided by manufacturer Sailboat propulsion Drive resistance of a vessel over the sea (hydrodynamic resistance) is a complex task, but Delf Series [27] shows good, results in the case of sailboats. These series have been developed in Delft Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory for several, different sailboat hulls. This series let to estimate mechanical, ‘power demand and with motor efficiency can be obtained electric power tobe supplied by batteries and fuel cell system, Mechanical power. Delft series Geometrical coefficients used to define the shape of a boat are: the prismatic coefficient (C,, longitudinal center of buoyancy (LCB), ratio between beam of waterline and canoe body draft, (8yi/T.), ratio of length at the waterline and displaced volume (la/Vol") and relation between beam of waterline and length at the waterline (Lai/Bua) [47]. If these data are not, available the software (Free!Ship Plus®) can provide this information. Frictional resistance () is obtained from sum of resistance of hull, keel and rudder from next equation [2:) Re = Fw ?(S.Gn + Cn + S.6n) (20) where pis density of water, v forward speed of sailboat, $ is the wetted area at zero speed and Gis the friction coefficient for dipped pars. Grigson [9] and Katsu et al. (50 proposed methods to predict friction resistance for model-through ship-cale Rey- holds numbers, by solving the momentum integral equation “The 25th {TTC RC [5 conducted an analytical study on fic tion lines, starting to analyze the possible recommendation fora new formula, This correctional line is shown below 0.006657 . = 5 © gps een ETTORE on ‘And Reynolds number (Re) for dipped parts is determined separately with: VOI yy = VOY py, = VO Ry ¥ en (2) ‘where 1 is the kinematic viscosity (saltwater or freshwater) and Ly, the waterline length ‘To approximate the residual resistance, drive resistance is ‘included and frictional resistance is excluded, therefore wave 11768 WTERMATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN EMERGY 39 (2014) 13763-11773 Fig. 4 — Flow diagram for logic control. resistance is included. To obtain mathematic model several sailboats were submitted to tank testing with different Froude pumbers: v Vat 03) Experimental data were processed and analyzed with eta- tistical process to obtain a polynomial for Froude number depend on hull geometry (18) be Pipa Gy + aC + asFel EP +cat + ant Ee 55) vay Each Delft coefficient (a,) is determined for a Froude number and with Residual resistance and frictional resis- tance, Total boat resistance can be obtained: ar(LCB)? +0 R BR, as) Effective horsepower (EHP) is calculated with total resis- tance and the sailboat speed: ENP= Rev 9) ‘To obtain mechanical moter power demanded to the electric motor, brake horsepower (BHP), it is necessary to es- timate the propeller apen water efficiency (n): 1 EAE = mtn a) where: nis the hull efficiency, nis the propeller efficiency, ny ‘mechanical efficiency, », relative rotative efficiency. Brake horsepower (BHP) corresponds to the mechanical power supplied by diesel generator, in the case of electric, sailboats supplied by electric motor, therefore it is necessary to know electric motor efficiency that lets to calculate the electric power demand. Electric demand. Motor efficiency Motor efficiency can be provided by manufacturer as a single data or a power curve, but itis possible to model this electric motorefficiency from motorlosses, Losses are classified in four types and can be estimated ae product of corresponding con- stant with angular speed (n) or motor torque (T) [17,52|: Copper conductor losses (kT), iron losses (lw), friction and windage losses (ky), constant losses due to electronic control (). Knowing losses value, mechanical efficiency can be described as: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 39 (2014) 11763-11773 11769 Fig. 5 ~ Sailboat global model modeled under environment Simulink”. output power au ‘mow Sutputpower losses BHPTET kore (8) ‘These constants take typical values depending of kind of ‘motor selected: brushed DC motor or brushless moter. Adding the auxiliary elements power demand, the total electric power demand that the batteries and/or the fuel cell must supply can, be obtained. Energy and management control Before to link all modeled systems, itis necessary to adapt the ‘output conditions of each of the previously systems to DC BUS, voltage conditions, thus a model for electrical conversion ean, bbe developed. Once all systems are operating under the same conditions, control can be defined and modeled. In this sec- tion, all of these facts are described. Electrical conversion Ships ate normally powered by diesel generators which are the combination of a diesel engine with electrical generator, converting liquid fuel (diesel) in electrical power to feed an clectrical motor. When performing a power conversion sys- tem ona boat by a hybrid system with fuel cell and batteries, it may easily be replaced by an electrical converter which transform DC battery electrical energy to adequate form to feed electric motor. ‘A simple model can be developed with electrical converter efficiency (DC/DC or inverter DC/AC) and the motor efficiency. Electrical energy stored is transformed to mechanical power to move the propeller. Converters take afficieney values be- tween 90 and 95% [53]. Inverter DC/AC efficiency value is slightly under DC/DC converter efficiency. (Other elements of hybrid power system include indepen- dent converter devices as fuel cell, electrolyzers or photovol taic panels, and efficiency must be considered. However, other systems which are modeled with experimental data or curves, provided by manufactures include this efficiency and power, ‘value should not be modified, Control strategy for power management Once all models are defined, it is necessary to determine a control strategy. Usually, a fuel cell hybrid system works parallel, and in this case this structure was selected. OF all, Kind of existing architectures for parallel configuration, the multiple DC/DC converter based topology was implemented. for the power management [54]. This is the most common, energy management strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Sources used in Tuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles, and therefore a ‘geod first approximation ta implement these systems in ma- ne applications, ‘The first step is to develop a flow chart where strategy can bbe evaluated, A simple scheme is depicted in Pig. 4. This strategy is subsequently implemented as a Matlab" function under m-fle extension, which lets to embed logic control in, global Simulink” model. Control begins with an energy balance parameter, where F jis defined as summation of energy generated with energy demanded, If parameter takes negative values, it means that sailboat operates with energy of fuel cell and/or battery. If state of charge of battery and hydrogen is higher than the ‘minimum, both systems operate in hybrid mode, the fuel cel, ‘works with nominal power and the battery supplies the est of. demand (only when it is necessary). Preference of supplying, fuel cell energy instead of battery energy is due to hydrogen, energy provides from renewable sources whose costis zero. If hydrogen level is lower than a minimum, the battery supplies whole energy. On the other hand if battery state of charge is lower than minimum, fuel cell system supplies power demand, and if this power demand is upper than, ‘nominal fuel cell power, sailboat will operate under safe mode (warning) to come back to port 1170 EHP Power (W)

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