Example of Step by Step Mold Design

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4 )_ DRAWING “NT_DRAW IN 2 Sih i SOMPONLET DETAILS MATERIAL = POL RENE (GENERAL PURPOSE) DENSITY = = 1,.05g/emn" SHRINKAGE - 0.005mm/mm QUATIT | Py 200000, SURFACE AREA - 14019 mm VOLUME, = 17432 mm faa: - 16 gins MACH INE ETAILS MACRTNE - WINDSOR, SP-130 SHOT CAPACITY? - 210gins FOR OTHER DETAILS REFER MACHINE CATALOG IRPOSE) ALOG 19X9.38, 926X346 37 Final siz 23 8 |Dowel tube 30x60 | 190 50-S2HRC 22 | 1 [Register ring| 12x6175 MS S 21 1 Top plate 27X296X346 MS - 20 1 |Sprue bush 448x96 EN24 48-SOHRC 19 | 4 |Cavity insert | 65x¢80 EN24 4B-SOHRC 18 1 Covity plate |65x296x296 | EN24 48-SOHRC 17. | 4 | Guide bush $38x70 OHNS 50-S2HRC 16 | 4 |Guide pillar | 438x105 ANS 50-52HRC 15 | 1 |Speue puller | g18x48 N24 48-SOHRC 14 4 Bush(core) © 15x51 | Enza 48-SOHRC 13 | 4 [Stripper bush |. 15638 | OHNS |, 50-S2HRC 12 1 Stripper plote| 15x296x296 | EN24 40-42HRC i | Core $13x92.74 NDA AB -5OHRC | 10 | 1 |Core piote | 50x296x296 eee 9 i oes 30x296%296 | MS AoE A 4 [Stripper boit | #26x126 MS = 7 2 Spacer : 50x80x296 MS = 6 | 1 [Ejector plote | 16x192%296 | MS | - | 5 iq 1 f Ejector back | 26x192x296 | MS Z» 4 Button $20v18 | MS = a ae 2 4 Anchor 7 EEE DOWEL PIN \ DOWEL PIN sues SHCS EXERCI METHOD ICAL APPROACH 10 PRACTICAL INJECTION MQULO_ DE STEP:1 STUDY THE CAP DRAWING -shape and size -occurocy -type of material -rate of production -quontity of production STEP:2 DETERMINATION OF MOULDING WEIGHT Moulding weight - volume x density 17.13 x 1,05 =18gms ‘ Moulding weight per cavity with losses (M) saiaeay =18 x 1.1 = 19.8gms STEP:3 SELECTION OF INJECTION MOULDING MACHINE For the current exercise,we are going lo use WINDSOR SP-130 or the current evercise,we are going to use TWO PLATE COLD RL | WER MOULD narksi METHODICAL APPROACH TO PRACTICAL InureTiC P25 DETERMINATION OF BER_OF_CAV s DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF _CAVITIE P:6 SE a) Determined by shot capacity F Ns = 0.85 x W/m i a I Ns - 0.85 x 210 / 19.8 = 9-covities | fee >) Determined by plasticising capacity Np = 0.85 x PX Te 7 3600 x m Np-~ 0.85 x 65000 x 30/3600 x 19.8 = ovities ¢) Determined’ by clamping capacity Ne = C/Pc Am = 130 7 0.500 x 60 = 4-cavities For the current exercise,considering the clamping capaci we are going to design mould with 4-cavilies Ns = No. of covities based on shot capacity W = Rated shot copecity for particular pol ymer(g m = Moulding weight per covity(q) Np = No. of cavities based on plosticising copacity P = Rated plosticising copacity for particular polyme (g7hr) = Over all cycle time(sec.) Ne = No. of cavities bosed on clamping capacity C = Rated clamping capaci ty(Tons) Pe Clamping pressure(Tons / Sq. cm Am Projected oreo of moulding including runners(Sq. cm ecenaceona i, HODICAL_APPROACI 10 PR CTICAL INJECTION MOULD DESIGH AOU D DESL tf ce oe a LECTION OF PARTING SURFACE(S) For the current excercise, it is found that FLAT PARTING SURFACE is best suited 7 PLACEMENT OF CAVITIES For the current excercise, it is found that LAYOUT IN CIRCULAR is best suited covities ing copociff . p | 8 OESIGN OF CAVITY AND RE_PLATE nd out the minimum cavity wall thickness(t) 4 173 7 t= fe x p x av(E x y)) Covities Depressions.Grooves and other female parts U(min. dim + 25% of the component ieterennayiaurimagel tp = Core making tolerance te = Covity making tolerance P:10 DESIGN OF FEED SYSTEM Runner Dig 172 174 Runner dia (D) = Wxl 73.7 thicknes V/2- 174 é 19.8 % 45,97 3.7 = 3.1mm D = Dic of runner (mm) ond widt W = Wt.of moulding(g) Length of runner (am) As per obove calculation, though the runner dia is 3.1m ieee considering the standord nozzle size, it is decided thot runner dia will be@ mn lype of Runner For the current excercise,it is decided by the designer that Modified Tropizoido! runner will be suitable 110 PRACTICAL INJECT LOM MOULD Design of gote For this exercise, rectangular edge gate selected Gate length or Land Length = tm Gote depth(h) = nx t= 0.6 x 2.5 = 1.50m Gat t RF 30 Sole width(w) > 9 AUF 50) 0.6 X14019 / 30 = 2.3mm Design of sprue bush The min. dio of the sprue = nozzle dio + Q.5 - Imm The sprue included angle = 2 The length of sprue depends on thickness of cavity ond lop plate and design of locating ring i sTeP-11 © bESIGH ond METHODICAL_APPROACH TO PRACTICAL HeP-11 QETERMINATION OF GUIDE PILLAR DIAMETER Q - 2/3 X de x hx pf ~ 2/3 x 3.51 x 4.8 x 500 x 4 = 22239 kaf Working diameter (d) of guide pillar : 72° d= [ 40/3.14.N fs J = 4 x 22239 7 3.14 x 4 x ] 168 = 2mm As per toble, d = 22mm take mox, size i.e.,22 mm de = Mox. dio of core(cm) h = Height of core(cm) Pf = Cavity pressure(kg / sq. cm.) Q = side thrust(kgs.) N= No.of pilla fs = Pillor material sheor stress(kg / sq. am.) ECTOR ISTEP-12. SELECTION OF As the moulding is circular and thin wolled stripper ejection is selected STEP~13 TYPE OF Ground recesses on the parting line ‘of 0.05 deep by 8 mm wide,opposile to gate extending fully from the covity to the mould exterior z “ Provide 1/2 degree side wall draft FASE N SE! CTICAL IMJ DESIGN OF COOLING SYSTEM: (Refer Design Monuol) MARERIAL SELECTION AND HARDNESS (Refer Design Moq CHECK THE COMPLETED DESIGN WITH MOULD CHECK LIST (Refer Design Manual) BOTLOM PLATE 111 LOH MOL 1 Manual) Design Mo CHECK List 346 40,2 298 20,01 173 40,01 +4 B48 £0.01 — 3 FH C2 0 a . FRONT ANCHOR=1=P2 FROWN f G20+0,1 FRONT EJECTOR PLATE -1-P6 sbeessite_ suse aa 620.5, 4HOLES FROMT 4HOLES Rou 296 0,2 —- 273+40,01 —/¢ 67 +#0,1 —— 23 20,01 — ean FRONT CORE PLATE g 2 % 5 40.01 L177, 4HOLES (=3S198ax3 JOS ODEN We Wis GSA PROT BUSH(core) -1-P14 TOP FRONT FRONT FRONT REFER THE CAVITY PLAT FOR RUNUER DMC Long FRONT PT Je Ma

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