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Mechatronics Components and Instrumentation

Vibration and Acceleration

Pressure and Flow Measurement

Spring 2022 Omid Shekoofa


Vibration and Acceleration Measurement

• Piezoelectric Accelerometer

Pressure and Flow Measurement

Semiconductor Sensors and Microelectromechanical


2 Spring 2022 Mechatronics Components and Instrumentation__Ch09__Sensors


3 Vibration and Acceleration Measurement

Spring 2022 Mechatronics Components and Instrumentation__Ch09__Sensors

 An accelerometer is a sensor designed to
measure acceleration, or rate of change of speed,
due to the events such as
 Motion (e.g., in a video game controller)
 Vibration (e.g., from rotating equipment)
 Impact (e.g., to deploy an automobile airbag)

 Accelerometers are normally mechanically

attached or bonded to an object or structure for
which acceleration is to be measured.

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 The accelerometer detects acceleration along
one axis and is insensitive to motion in
orthogonal directions.
 Strain gages or piezoelectric elements
constitute the sensing element of an
accelerometer, converting acceleration into a
voltage signal.

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Accelerometer Design
 The design of an accelerometer is based on the
inertial effects associated with a mass connected to a
moving object through a spring, damper, and
displacement sensor.
 This figure illustrates the components of an
accelerometer along with the displacement
references, terminology, and free-body diagram.

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Accelerometer Design
 When the object accelerates, there is relative motion
between the housing and the seismic mass. A
displacement transducer senses the relative motion.
 Through a frequency response analysis of the
second-order system modeling the accelerometer, we
can relate the displacement transducer output to
either the absolute position or acceleration of the

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Frequency Response
 Express the forces shown in the free-body
 Define the relative displacement xr between
the seismic mass and the object as

 xr is measured by a position transducer

between the seismic mass and the housing

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Frequency Response- Cont.

 The spring force Fk can be expressed as

 The damper force Fb can be expressed as

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Frequency Response- Cont.

 Applying Newton’s second law, the equation of
motion for the seismic mass is

 The forces have negative signs in this

equation because they are in the opposite
direction from the reference direction xo in the
free-body diagram

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Frequency Response- Cont.

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Frequency Response- Cont.

 The input displacement is assumed to be
composed of sinusoidal terms of the form

 Because the system is linear, the resulting

relative output displacement is also sinusoidal
of the same frequency but different phase

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Frequency Response- Cont.

 The frequency response analysis results in the
amplitude ratio

 The phase angle is

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Frequency Response- Cont.

 To relate the relative output displacement
signal xr to the input acceleration xi, we
differentiate , resulting in

 The amplitude of the input acceleration is:

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Amplitude & Phase Response

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Acceleration Amplitude
 If we design the accelerometer so that Ha() is
nearly 1 over a large frequency range, then the
input acceleration amplitude is given directly in
terms of the relative displacement amplitude
scaled by a constant factor 2n:

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Best Phase Linearity

 The largest frequency range resulting in a unity
amplitude ratio occurs when the damping ratio  is
0.707 and the natural frequency n is as large as
 a  of 0.707 results in the best phase linearity for
the system.
 We can make n large by choosing a small
seismic mass (m) and a large spring constant (k).
 This is easy to accomplish in the very small
package common to commercial accelerometers.

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Total Acceleration
 The total acceleration, due to all frequency
components, is also directly related to the total
measured relative displacement:

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 The same spring-mass-damper configuration
used to measure acceleration can be designed
to measure displacement instead. This type of
device is called a vibrometer.

 Based on the relationship between the input

and output displacements, we can define a
displacement ratio as:

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Vibrometer Amplitude Response

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Input Displacement Amplitude

 The input displacement amplitude xi is related to

the measured relative displacement amplitude xr

 If we design the vibrometer so that Hd() is

nearly 1 over a large frequency range, then the
input displacement amplitude is given directly
by the relative displacement amplitude:

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Vibrometer and Seismograph

 The largest frequency range resulting in a unity
amplitude ratio occurs when the damping ratio  is
0.707 and the natural frequency n is as small as
possible (so /n is large).

 We can make the natural frequency small by

choosing a large seismic mass and a small spring

 This explains the large size of seismographs used

to measure motion due to an earthquake.

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Vibrometer Amplitude Response

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24 Piezoelectric Accelerometer

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Piezoelectric Accelerometer
 The highest quality accelerometers are
constructed using a piezoelectric crystal, a
material whose deformation results in charge
polarization across the crystal.

 In a reciprocal manner, application of an

electric field to a piezoelectric material results
in deformation.

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Piezoelectric Accelerometer Elements

 A piezoelectric accelerometer consists of a crystal in

contact with a mass, supported in a housing by a
spring and a damper.
 The purpose for the preload spring is to help keep the
mass in contact with the crystal and to keep the
crystal in compression, which can help prolong its life.

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Piezoelectric Accelerometer Elements

 The crystal itself also has stiffness that contributes to

the overall stiffness of the system.
 In addition to the natural damping properties inherent
in the crystal, additional damping is sometimes
incorporated (e.g., by filling the housing with oil).

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Piezoelectric Accelerometer Elements

 When the supporting object experiences acceleration,

relative displacement occurs between the case and
the mass due to the inertia of the mass.
 The resulting strain in the piezoelectric crystal causes
a displacement charge between the crystal conductive
coatings as a result of the piezoelectric effect.

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Accelerometer Properties
 An accelerometer using a piezoelectric crystal
requires no external power supply.

 Accelerometer measures acceleration only in

the direction in which it is mounted (i.e., along
the axis of the spring, mass, and crystal).

 A piezoelectric material produces a large

output for its size.

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Piezoelectric Materials
 Piezoelectric materials are Rochelle salt,
tourmaline, and quartz.

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Piezoelectric Materials
 Some crystalline materials can be artificially
polarized to take on piezoelectric
characteristics by heating and then slowly
cooling them in a strong electric field.
 Such materials are barium titanate, lead
zirconate (PZT), lead titanate, and lead
 These ferroelectric ceramics are more often
used in accelerometers because the sensitivity
can be controlled during manufacturing.

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Piezoelectric Equivalent Circuit

 A simple equivalent circuit for a piezoelectric

crystal is implying that the crystal is effectively
a capacitor and a charge source that
generates a charge q across the capacitor
plates proportional to the deformation of the

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Piezoelectric Equivalent Circuit

 Representing the accelerometer by a Thevenin

equivalent circuit, the open circuit voltage V is
equal to the charge, typically in the
picocoulomb range, divided by the
capacitance, typically in the picofarad range.

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Accelerometer Sensitivity
 The sensitivity of the accelerometer is the ratio of the
charge output to the acceleration of the housing
expressed in pC/g, (rms pC)/g, or (peak pC)/g, where
g is the acceleration due to gravity.

 The output of the accelerometer is attached to a

charge amplifier, which converts the displacement
charge on the crystal to a voltage that can be

 Most accelerometers are calibrated in millivolts per g

for a specified charge amplifier.

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Piezoelectric Accelerometer Limits

 Piezoelectric accelerometers cannot measure

constant or slowly changing accelerations,
because the crystals can measure a change in
force only by sensing a change in strain.

 But they are excellent for dynamic measurements

such as vibration and impacts.

 The response at low frequencies is further limited

by the low frequency cutoff of the charge amplifier,
which may be on the order of a few hertz.

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Piezoelectric Acc. Frequency Response

 The response at high frequencies is a function of

the mechanical characteristics of the

 The dynamic range of an accelerometer ranges

from a few hertz to a fraction of the resonant
frequency given by the following equation, usually
in the kHz range.

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Frequency Response
 A typical frequency response curve for a
piezoelectric accelerometer is shown below

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38 Pressure and Flow Measurement

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Pressure Measurement
 Most techniques for measuring pressure
involve sensing a displacement or deflection
and relating it to pressure through calibration
or theoretical relations.


Elastic Diaphragms

Piezoelectric Pressure Transducer

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 Manometer measures a static pressure or
pressure difference by detecting fluid
displacements in a gravitational field.

Each end connected to the same line One end connected to a line or One end connected to a line or system and
and measure pressure drops. system and the other end open the other end closed to the near vacuum.
to the atmosphere.
Differential manometers measure Sealed-end manometers measure
differential pressure. Open-end manometers measure absolute pressure.
gauge pressure.

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Elastic Diaphragm Pressure Gages

 Another type is the elastic diaphragm, bellows,

or tube where deflection of an elastic member
is measured and related to pressure.

Elastic Diaphragm Bellows pressure Bourdon tube

pressure gage gage pressure gage
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Piezoelectric Pressure Transducer

 Piezoelectric pressure transducer can measure

dynamic pressures when the piezoelectric crystal
deforms in response to the applied pressure.

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43 Gas & Liquid Flow Rates Measurement

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Pitot Tube

 A pitot tube measures the difference between

total and static pressure of a moving fluid.

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Venturi and Orifice Meters

 Venturi and orifice meters are based on

measuring pressure drops across obstructions
to flow.

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Turbine flow meters

 Turbine flow meters detect the rate of flow by

measuring the rate of rotation of an impeller in
the flow.

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Coriolis flow meters

 Coriolis flow meters measure mass flow rate

through a U-tube in rotational vibration.

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Hot-wire Anemometers
 Hot-wire anemometers
sense the resistance
changes in a hot
current-carrying wire.
 The temperature and
resistance of the wire
depend on the amount
of heat transferred to
the moving fluid.
 The heat transfer
coefficient is a function
of the flow rate.

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Laser Doppler Velocimeters

 Laser doppler velocimeters (LDVs) sense the

frequency shift of laser light scattered from
particles suspended in a moving fluid.

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50 Semiconductor Sensors
And Microelectromechanical Devices

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MEM Devices
 Since 1980 a new class of semiconductor
sensors and actuators called
microelectromechanical (MEM) devices has

 The first MEM sensor was developed using

integrated circuit technology to etch silicon and
produce a device that responded to

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MEM Accelerometer
 It consisted of a tiny silicon cantilever with an
integral semiconductor strain gage.
 Acceleration deflected the cantilever (due to its
inertia), and the strain gage sensed the magnitude
of acceleration.
 The strain gage and the bar were etched from a
single piece of silicon using the processing
methods developed earlier to modify silicon for
semiconductor electronics.
 MEM accelerometers are now used in
automobiles to control airbag systems.
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3-D Micromachined Structures

Linear Rack Gear Reduction Drive Triple-Piston Microsteam Engine

Photos from Sandia National Lab. Website:

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Applications of MEMS sensors

 Pressure sensors
 for automobile tire pressure monitoring systems
 Accelerometers and gyros
 for detecting orientation and motion of video game
and TV controllers and portable electronic devices
(e.g., smart phones and cameras)
 Inkjet printers heads
 Mass storage devices

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MEMS Fabrication

 Like ICs, MEMS are made by a series of

processes consisting of photoresist
lithographic layering, light exposure, controlled
chemical etching, vapor deposition, and

 The chemical etching process is important in

that tiny mechanical devices can be created by
a technique known as micromachining.

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MEMS Fabrication
 Using carefully designed masks and timed
immersion in chemical baths, microminiature
versions of accelerometers, static electric
motors, and hydraulic or gas-driven motors
can be formed.

 Semiconductor sensor designs are based on

different electromagnetic properties of doped
silicon and gallium arsenide and the variety of
ways that semiconductors function in different
physical environments.
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Semiconductor Sensor Designs

 Semiconductor sensor designs are based on

different electromagnetic properties of doped
silicon and gallium arsenide and the variety of
ways that semiconductors function in different
physical environments.

 The following list summarizes some of the

semiconductor properties that are the basis for
different classes of semiconductor MEMs.

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Semiconductor Properties
 The piezoresistive characteristic of doped silicon,
the coupling between resistance change and
deformation, is the basis for semiconductor strain
gages and pressure sensors.

 The magnetic characteristics of doped silicon,

principally the Hall effect, are the basis of
semiconductor magnetic transistors where the
collector current can be modulated by an external
magnetic field.

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Semiconductor Properties
 Electromagnetic waves and nuclear radiation
induce electrical effects in semiconductors,
forming the basis of light color sensors and
other radiation detectors.

 The thermal properties of semiconductors are

the basis for thermistors, thermal conductivity
sensors, humidity sensors, and temperature
sensor ICs.

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Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)

 Surface acoustic wave
(SAW) devices are an
important class of
MEM sensors.

 A SAW device
consists of a flat
piezoelectric substrate
with metallic patterns
deposited on the
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Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)

 These patterns form
interdigital transducers
(IDTs) and reflection coupler
 An input signal applied to an
interdigital transducer
excites a deformation in the
piezoelectric substrate
generating an acoustic wave
that propagates on the
 Conversely, a SAW wave
can induce a voltage in an
IDT resulting in an output
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Principle of SAW Operation

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Application of a SAW Device

 A wireless identification
 A transmitter sends out
a pulse that is received
by the passive SAW
device via an antenna.
 The resulting SAW
wave is reflected as a
pattern of pulses unique
to the spacings within
the reflector grating.

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Application of a SAW Device

 The pulses are re-
transimitted through the
same antenna back to a
receiver allowing
identification of the
SAW device.

 This device is
commonly used in
automatic highway toll
booths to identify
vehicles as they pass
under a transceiver.
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Application of a SAW Device

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Other Applications of SAW Devices

 Other applications of SAW devices include

delay lines, frequency filters, and a variety of
 Their function depends on the substrate SAW
propagation and resonance and the patterns
and spacings of IDTs and reflector gratings.

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Other Applications of SAW Devices

 With the development of so many different

semiconductor sensors, engineers have now begun to
integrate sensors and signal processing circuits
together in a hybrid circuit that contains transducers,
A/D converters, programmable memory, and a

 The complete package provides a micro

measurement system (MMS) that is small, accurate,
and less expensive than a discrete measuring system.

 Distributed micro measurement systems will be used

more and more in future mechatronic system design.
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