Avaliação Mensal - 6º Ano - 2º Trimestre

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Avaliação Mensal de Língua Inglesa – Great Time 1

2º Trimestre
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Ano: 6º EFII

Teacher: Danielle R.A.Uehara Data: ___/___/2022.

Learner: _____________________________________________ Valor: 3,0 pontos Visto d(a) Professor
______________________________________________________ Visto do

Content: Reading, definite and indefinite article, listening and written production.

1. Listen to the conversation. For each question, choose ( X ) TRUE or FALSE. (0.4 – 0.05)


01. Adam feels sad. ( ) ( )

02. Today is Amy’s birthday. ( ) ( )

03. Adam’s friend is not here. ( ) ( )

04. Adam likes movies. ( ) ( )

05. Adam doesn’t like Johnny Depp. ( ) ( )

06. Adam’s favorite food is ice cream. ( ) ( )

07. Amy likes pizza. ( ) ( )

08. Amy and Adam decide to go to the movies. ( ) ( )

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 1

2. Complete the dialogue between Julie and Peter with one word in each space. Use the words
from the box. (0.3 –

Who What’s Why Where How What


Julie: Hello!
Peter: Hi!
Julie: 01
your name?
Peter: My name is Peter.
Julie: 02
are you from?
Peter: I’m British. I’m from London.
Julie: 03
old are you?
Peter: I’m 12.
Julie: 04
is your favorite singer?
Peter: Bruno Mars.
Julie: 05
is he your favorite singer?
Peter: Because he’s great!
Julie: ? I think he’s awful.

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 2

3. Complete the sentences with the words from the pictures. (0.4 – 0.05)

tired excited angry bored

thirsty sad cold hungry

01. My friends are _____________________. There’s a great soccer game at our school today!
02. It’s winter. It’s ______________________. The temperature is 0º Celsius.
03. He’s ________________. He wants a sandwich.
04. It’s late and you’re ___________________. Go to bed.
05. I’m _________________. Let’s play a game on your tablet.
06. I’m hot and ___________________. Can I have a drink?
07. Andy is _________________ because his dog is sick.
08. You are late for class. Your teacher is ___________________.

4. Write about Anna’s perfect house. Choose one word in the parentheses ( ). (0.5- 0.05 each word)

My perfect house

My perfect house small. The walls are .

(IS / IT) 01

The floor is . My bedroom is , and I have

a desk for my . I have a and a
to watch movies.

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 3

My pet is a . name is Lola.
(BUS / DOG) 08 (HIS / HER) 09

I love my pet! She sleeps in my .

(PEN/BED) 10

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 4

5. Choose the correct answers (A, B, or C) to complete the dialogue. (0.4 – 0.06)

01. BOB Hi. What’s your name?

SUSAN A I’m 11.
B Good morning.
C Susan.

02. BOB And where are you from? 05. BOB Who’s your favorite singer?
SUSAN A I’m American. SUSAN A Justin Bieber.
B I’m 10. B Picasso.
C I’m fine. C No.

03. BOB What city are you from? 06. BOB Why is he your favorite
SUSAN A Italian. singer?
B New York. SUSAN A Yes, he is.
C the USA. B Me too.
C Because he’s awesome.
04. BOB Paris is a beautiful city!
SUSAN A Yes, it is. 07. BOB Nice to meet you, Susan.
B Yes, I am. SUSAN A Thank you.
C Yes, they are. B Nice to meet you, too.

6. Read the dialogues. Look at the pictures. Underline the correct words. (0.4 –

0.05) KEVIN: Hi! What’s YOUR / HIS 01 name?

NINA: It’s Nina.

Is this HER / YOUR 02 bag?

That’s MY / THEIR 03 grandmother. HIS / HER 04 name’s Judy .

This is OUR / YOUR 05 house. We all live here.

MY / HIS 06 brother plays basketball.

They’re twins. They’re 10 today. It’s THEIR / OUR 07 birthday party.

Peter goes to school with HIS / HER 08 bike.

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 5

7. Complete the questions with the correct form of BE (am, is, are). (0.3 –

0. Is there a library in your town?

1. ___________ there nice stores?
2. ___________ there a park?
3. ___________ there a movie theater?
4. ___________ there any banks?
5. ___________ there a train station?
6. ___________ there a museum?

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 6

8. Read the text and check (  ) the correct answer for each question. (0.4– 0.05)

Changing faces

When you wear a mask, your face changes. Some masks have red eyes, big ears, and long teeth.
Others have long noses and big mouths. There are happy masks and sad masks, and scary masks,
Ronald Naversen is an American teacher at Southern Illinois University. He loves masks and
collects them from countries all over the world. He has about 150 masks in his collection, but Ronald
doesn’t just collect masks. He makes and studies them! He travels the world to learn about masks.
One of Ronald’s favorite places to see masks is Bali, in Indonesia. Bali is famous for its beautiful
masks. They are very special and can take four months to make. Dancers wear masks with amazing
clothes. When they wear their masks, the dancers are different, and they feel different too. They can
feel happy, excited, or even sad. People in Bali think masks have special powers!

01. Do masks change your face? 05. Where is he from?

( ) Yes. ( ) He’s from Indonesia.
( ) No. ( ) He’s from the United States.

02. What is Ronald Naversen’s 06. What is Ronald Naversen’s

job at the university? favorite place to see masks?
( ) He travels. ( ) Southern Illinois University
( ) He’s a teacher. ( ) Bali

03. Does he like masks? 07. Why is Bali famous?

( ) Yes. ( ) Because of the masks.
( ) No. ( ) Because it’s in Indonesia.

04. Does he make masks too? 08. Do dancers look different when
( ) Yes. they wear masks?
( ) No. ( ) Yes.
( ) No.

PES Teens – Great Time 1 – Written Production 7

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