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MGT103 Introduction to bussiness

Class: MKT 1618

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Submission due: 29th Oct, 2021
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Student Information
Name: BÙI NGỌC ANH Roll number: HS163153
Room No: Class: MKT1618


MARK MARKED BY Signature of Proctor


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………… 3

1.1 Pupose of individual assignment……………………………………. 3

1.1 Introduction to the managers………………………………………... 3

1.2 Introduction to the company TH True Milk………………………… 4

2. Literature review and critical analysis…………………………………… 4

2.1 The concept of manager skills 4

2.2 Managerial skills of Mrs. Thai Huong………………………………. 5

2.3 Analysis managerial skills of Mrs. Thai Huong…………………….. 5

2.4 Contribution…………………………………………………………. 7

3. Recommendation………………………………………………………… 7

3.1 Positive in management skills of Mrs. Thai Huong…………………. 7

3.2 Negatives in management skills of Mrs. Thai Huong……………….. 8

3.3 Some suggestions to help Mrs. Thai Huong improve her management 8

4. Conclusion……………………………………………………………….. 9

1. Introduction

1.1 Pupose of individual assignment

A country, an organization without a strategy is like a ship without a rudder, not

knowing where it is going. This speaks to the special importance of strategy, also
known as the functions and skills of managers in all activities of the organization.
In order to do this, entrepreneurs and leaders of the company need to mobilize their
functions and roles effectively. To get such results, managers need more than just a
skill to do their job well. This assignment was written with the purpose of
clarifying and analyzing themanagement skills of a manage, namely Thai Huong –
Founder and moderator TH true milk

1.2 Introduction to the managers

Name: Thai Huong

Year of birth: October 12, 1958

Origin: Cam Dong, Cam Pha, Quang Ninh

Entrepreneur Thai Huong: The creator of the "empire" of fresh milk - one of the
most successful and world-renowned female CEOs in the Top 50 Asian powerful

- From 1982 to 1985: Officer of the Valuation Department of Hai Phong city.

- From 1985 to 1989: Officer of fuel construction material company in Nghe An


- From 1989 to 1994: Director of Huong Ha Building Materials Co., Ltd.

- From 1994 to present: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors cum General
Director of Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank.

- From 2009 to present: Chairman of the Board of Directors of TH Dairy Food
Joint Stock Company (TH Milk).

1.3 Introduction to the Vietnamese dairy company TH True Milk

Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company TH True Milk was officially
established on February 24, 2009, as the first company of TH Group with the task
of investing in industrial dairy farms, production technology. modern dairy
products and nationwide distribution system.

To bring TH true Milk products to consumers quickly, safely and conveniently.

TH Group also develops retail chains of TH True Mart everywhere. This is a chain
of systems specializing in providing clean milk and clean, natural foods, produced
from TH farms such as meat, vegetables, etc.

TH true milk is structured according to the function headed by the Chairman of

the Board of Directors Ms. Thai Huong. The advantage of this management
structure is that it is simple, clear, highly logical, well coordinated from cow
rearing, milk preservation and production to marketing consumption. Taking
advantage of specialization, each stage has a leader to lead, direct and collect
results before going to other stages.

2. Literature review and critical analysis

2.1 The concept of manager skill

Technical skill

Technical skills refer to the specialized knowledge and expertise needed to

accomplish complex actions, tasks, and processes relating to computational and
physical technology as well as a diverse group of other enterprises.

Conceptual skill

Conceptual skills are skills that enable individuals to identify, conceptualize, and
solve intricate problems. These skills are important in the workplace because they
allow professionals to think and work through abstract ideas and come up with
multiple solutions to complex issues. Conceptual skills also allow people to
understand how various parts of a company work together to reach common goals.

Communication skill

The manager’s abilities both to effectively convey ideas and information to others
and to effectively receive ideas and information from others. For examples, there
are Rapport Building, Active Listening Skills, Clarity, Showing Understanding,
Flexibility, Dealing with Conflict, Being Available, Assertiveness.

Time management skill

The manager’s ability to prioritize work, to work efficiently, and to delegate

appropriatel such as Planning, Decision making and prioritization, Setting
boundaries and saying no, Delegating and outsourcing tasks, Building a system and
diligently following it

Decision making skill

The manager’s ability to correctly recognize and define problems and opportunities
and to then select an appropriate course of action to solve problems and capitalize
on opportunities

Interpersonal skill

The ability to communicate with, understand, and motivate both individuals and
groups. Some of the most important interpersonal skills that a manager should
strive to develop and refine include building trust, emotional intelligence, empathy,
vulnerability, and listening skills.

Diagnostic skill

The manager’s ability to visualize the most appropriate response to a situation.

2.2 Managerial skills of Mrs. Thai Huong

As a top manager of TH true milk company, Mrs. Thai Huong hopes TH True
milk will go far, bringing the brand of clean fresh milk from nature closer to
customers. To do that, she must have typical skills such as: Conceptual skill,
Interpersonal Skill, Technical skill.

2.3 Analysis managerial skills of Mrs. Thai Huong

Conceptual skills

From the very beginning, Ms. Thai Huong chose the path of clean fresh milk and
convinced the board of directors that "making milk must not be rushed, cannot be
for money in the short term, because dairy businesses will live forever with the

Going into the research, Ms. Thai Huong found that currently only 20-25% of
Vietnamese people drink milk, there is still room to increase market share. Big
brands like Vinamilk... have created the habit of drinking milk among Vietnamese
people, she 'boldly' came up with the idea of TH True Milk, exploiting the market
without "rival".

Interpersonal Skills

With a democratic leadership style, being the chairman of a large corporation will
inevitably encounter difficulties and collisions between levels. However, she has
always been a psychological person who encounters many ups and downs, but each
time she chooses a different way to deal with it. Apply the right leadership styles to
exploit information as well as empower their subordinates to perform.

Technical skills

The process of learning, cultivating more experience and knowledge for her work
has brought her great success, skillfully applying practical experience from
countries around the world as well as companies, large enterprises in the country.
Apply and be creative.

2.4 Contribution

With the conceptual skill, the bold and brave decisions of Ms. Thai Huong have
brought the TH True Milk brand to great success, expanding the market. In order
for Vietnamese dairy products to spread further and further, not only the domestic
market has "no rival" but also spread to the whole world and be known by many

With interpersonal skill, Ms. Thai Huong has created a stimulating, free and
creative working environment - this has motivated employees to work with passion
and high efficiency.

With technical skills, Mrs. Thai Huong As the first Vietnamese entrepreneur to
sign a commitment to comply with European and American organic standards
applied to the production and processing of "the world's leading clean fresh milk",
the businesswoman Thai Huong contributes to beautify the dynamic, brave and
creative image of Vietnam in integration.

3. Recommendation

Through the process of analyzing the functions and management skills of Ms.
Thai Huong and the management functions and skills at Vietnam Dairy Products
Company TH True Milk, I can draw the following assessments and comments.

3.1 Positive in management skills of Mrs. Thai Huong

Ms. Thai Huong is one of the businesswomen known in the world for her
valuable qualities, daring to face all difficulties. As a talented, conscientious and
capable person, she has all the necessary elements of a professional administrator.
With breakthrough and novel thinking combined with other skills such as:
conceptual skill, interpersonal, technical, has created the success of TH True Milk
Group today. Bringing a new wind to the domestic dairy industry, creating trust for
customers when using the product

3.2 Negatives in management skills of Mrs. Thai Huong

Thai Huong's strict requirements at work will put great pressure on employees,
making employees prone to stress, the working atmosphere is always full of stress,
employees sometimes will not be able to work. Having a comfortable working
environment, working efficiency is reduced. Making their professional skills can
not be fully revealed to serve the job.

Coverage is still low; distribution systems are in the process of


3.3 Some suggestions to help Ms. Thai Huong improve her management skills

Learn to listen to others

The Secret to Success in Leadership is knowing how to properly communicate

and evaluate your employees. It is the most challenging part of management for
many professionals when it comes to transitioning from a friend to a controller.
When establishing a relationship with a new team, it is important to be upfront and
honest. In addition, assessing the reality and working ability of employees and
talking to them about the quality of work is also necessary and must be done
regularly, but avoid heavy pressure even though you still have to ask them to do

Rejuvenate the staff through employees to achieve their goals

A team of young employees who will have the enthusiastic spirit of youth will
certainly ensure constant creativity in work, plus the manager's mindset will create
the expected products. Young employees will easily adapt to the culture of the
organization and senior managers, it is important for managers to know how to link
them to guide them according to their thinking. Only then can there be a
sustainable and developed organization.

4. Conclusion

Management is a science as well as an art. through others to achieve the overall

goals of the organization. Management science helps us to know theories
systematically and apply them to solve practical problems, not based on subjective
and individual thinking.

Converging all three management skills, Ms. Thai Huong deserves to be a senior
manager - one of the 50 most powerful businesswomen in Asia voted by Fores.
She was also awarded the "Asian Excellence Ricognition Awards 2012" by Asian
Corporate Governance Magazine. To achieve this success, she has constantly
strived to apply flexibly and sensitively her leadership and people skills. At the
same time, it is necessary to "take shortcuts, take the lead", take advantage of new
technologies applied in a clever and reasonable way. She is a typical leader in the
field of corporate governance.

1. Ricky W Griffin. 2016, Fundamentals of Management
2. Nguyễn Hải Sản (2007), Giáo trình Quản trị học. Nhà xuất bản Thống kê
Hà Nội.
3. Báo lao động thủ đô (2015), [Hồ sơ] Thái Hương: Từ cán bộ vật tư đến bà
chủ “ngạo mạn” của TH Milk.
4. Ths. Vi Tiến Cường (2016), Tập slide bài Giảng môn Quản trị học Trường
Đại học Nội vụ Hà Nội.
5. Quản lý học TH, Trường đại học Kinh tế quốc dân

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