PH And: The Roles Concentration Lactic Acid-In Duced Stimulation Epidermal Turnover

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The Roles of p H and

Concentration in Lactic
Acid-in duced Stimulation
of Epidermal Turnover

BACKGROUND. Alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic and glycolic chloride stain technique was used to measure epidermal renewal
acids (AHAS)accelerate epidermal turnover and exfoliate the times.
stratum corneum. The roles of pH and concentration in these RESULTS. Both pH and concentration are critical in the lactic
antiaging effects of AHAs is unclear, but a lower (more acidic) acid effect. A t aFxed lactic acid concentration, the desquamative
pH and higher concentration of acid are thought to be more effect was highly pH dependent. A t afixed pH, the turnover rate
effective. of skin was concentration dependent.
OBJECTIVE. To examine the efects on skin renewal rates of lactic CONCLUSION. The desquamative and proliferation-stimulating
acid 10% at pHs of 2.0, 3.0,and 4.0, and of 5%, 10% and 15% effects of lactic acid are very pH and concentration dependent,
lactic acid at a pH of 3.0. suggesting the "flee acid" concentration is the active moiety. 0
METHODS. Twenty-six female subjects participated in this dou- 1998 by the American Society f i r Dermatologic Surgery, Inc.
ble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. The dansyl Dermatol Surg 1998;24:641- 645.

uch attention has been focused on alpha hy- ulation has centered on sulfate transferases, phospho-
droxy acids (AHAs), a group of organic acids transferases, and b a s e s , which are the enzymes re-
found naturally in many fruits, plants, and sponsible for the sulfation and phosphorylation of
foods, which, when applied to the skin, have been proteins, which form the ionic bonds between corneo-
shown to induce exfoliation of the stratum corneum. In cytes.6 At the epidermal level, AHAs stimulate basal
addition, AHAs can stimulate skin cell renewal and cell mitosis, with resultant epidermal proliferation? At
reduce fine lines and wrinkles, thereby providing a the dermal level, AHA treatment in clinical trials has
more youthful appearance. AHAs (lactic and glycolic demonstrated increased skin thickness that is due at
acids in particular) have been used in cosmetics for least in part to the stimulation of glycosaminoglycan
decades, and were discovered to have effects on kera- production! The discovery of these AHA effects has led
tinization by Van Scott and Yu in 1974.' Since then, to the clinical use of these acids in ichthyosis, actinic
research into the physiologic actions of these com- keratosis, warts, acne, and wrinkle reduction.7t8
pounds on specific skin compartments has shown that While the mechanisms behind the AHAs' "antiag-
the effects of AHAs extend beyond the stratum cor- ing" effects remain controversial, they have been shown
neum to the epidermal and dermal layers as ell.^-^ At clinically to increase skin firmness, improve smooth-
the level of the stratum corneum, topically applied ness, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.' Part of the
AHAs reduce corneocyte adhesion at the lowest levels antiaging effects of AHAs has been attributed to their
of the stratum corneum, which results in desquamation ability to exfoliate the skin and induce epidermal pro-
of both normal and diseased skin, the latter resulting in liferation. The fact that skin renewal rates naturally de-
normalization of retention hyperkeratosis.' The exact cline with age has been demonstrated in numerous
mechanism of desquamation is still unknown, but spec- ~tudies.'~-'~ The ability of the AHAs, therefore, to
speed skin renewal is consistent with clinical observa-
From Cosmederm Technologies, lnc. (DOT, EKC, LMO,GSH), La lolla; tions that A H A s counteract many visible signs of skin
and the Immunology b Allergy Division, Department of Pediatrics (GSH), aging.
University of California, Sun Diego, California. The role of AHA concentration and the pH of the
Elaine K. Chun, PhurmD is now at Lakeport Hospital, Lakeport, CA.
This work was supported by Cosmederm Technologies, lnc.
product in influencing the antiaging effects of AHAs is
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: G a y S. Hahn, MD, still controversial, but a lower (more acidic) pH and
Cosmederm Technologies, 3252 Holiday Court, La lolla, C A 92037. higher concentrations are purported to produce a faster

0 1998 by the American Society for Dermutologic Surgery, Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 611
10764512/98/$19.00 PI1 S1076-0512(98)00041-7
642 THUESON ET AL Derrnatol Surg
ORIGINAL ARTICLES 1998;24;641- 645

onset of effects and to be more effective, but are also lnitial (Acute) Treatment: Weeks 1-3
more irritating to the skin.7To date, however, there has Following staining, subjects were provided tubes of the lotion
been very little objective data on the role of pH in vehicle containing the appropriate lactic acid concentration, at
AHA-induced skin renewal. the specified pH (pH 2.0, pH 3.0, or pH 4.0). Another tube
In these studies, we examined the effect on skin re- contained the placebo lotion. Labeling of the tubes maintained
newal rates of a representative AHA (lactic acid, 10%) at the double-blind design of the treatment assignments. Sites on
the right and left volar forearms of each subject were random-
a very low pH (2.0), a moderate pH (3.0), and a high pH ized so that each site was assigned one of the four treatments.
(4.0). The dansyl chloride labeling technique was used Subjects were instructed to apply a 1/8th-inch bead of the
to measure stratum corneum renewal time under con- designated lotion to each of the sites twice daily (morning and
ditions of different pHs at a fixed lactic acid concentra- evening). Sites were examined under long-wave ultraviolet
tion compared with a control lotion. In another series of lamp illumination on days 1 (baseline), 7,9,11,14,16,18, and
21. Fluorescence intensity was scored on the scale of 0-4 as
experiments, we examined the role of different concen- described above. The endpoint was designated as the day on
trations of lactic acid held at a constant pH on the ability which the complete disappearance of the fluorescent stain
to stimulate skin cell turnover. Lactic acid concentra- occurred or by the peeling away of the stained skin area,
tions of 5%, lo%, and 15%were compared a t a pH of 3.0 leaving no stain.
to compare efficacy under controlled conditions.
Prolonged (Chronic) Treatment: Weeks 5-7
During weeks 3-5, subjects continued to use each lotion twice
daily after the stained spots disappeared. At the beginning of
Materials and Methods week 5, all four sites on the forearms of all subjects were
Materials restained with dansyl chloride. The same protocol as was
used initially was followed. After the restaining, subjects re-
Dansyl chloride (1-dimethylaminonapthalene-5-sulphonyl sumed lotion treatments twice daily to the same designated
chloride) was obtained from Curtin Matheson Scientific Inc. areas of the forearms through to the second endpoint of loss
and was finely triturated at 5% (wt/wt) into white petrola- of stain. The same examiner scored all sites and both the
tum, USP. A long-wave ultraviolet lamp (Black Ray, Solar examiner and the subjects remained blinded throughout the
Light Company, Philadelphia, PA) was used to visualize the entire study.
fluorescent dansyl stain. Baby Magic Baby Lotion & Aloe (The
Mermen Company, Morristown, NJ) was used as the lotion
vehicle since it is formulated to be nonirritating for sensitive,
Data Analysis
baby skin. Lactic acid at 5%, lo%, or 15%by weight (85% lactic Because the subjects returned only every second or third day
acid; Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp., Gardena, CA) was (over weekends), the exact day of stain disappearance was
added to the lotion and different samples were then partially estimated using the following method: on the day when the
neutralized using NaOH to adjust the pHs to 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 dansyl stain(s) was(were) judged to be completely gone, the
as specified for the study. The unadulterated lotion vehicle day of the last score greater than zero was noted and the
(pH 4.0) served as the placebo (vehicle) control. "disappearance day" was determined by adding the last flu-
orescence score (either 1,2, or 3) to that visit day number. For
example, if on day 13 the score was "1" and on day 15 the
score was "0," day 14 was the "disappearance day" (ie, 13 +
Subjects 1 = 14).
The mean epidermal turnover time for each of the treat-
Nine healthy female volunteers, 29-52 years of age (mean, 35 ment groups was calculated along with the standard error of
years) participated in the first study. Informed consent was the mean. Statistical analyses using the repeated measures
obtained. For the second study, 17 female volunteers, 34-64 analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, and statisti-
years of age (mean, 47 years), were studied. cally significant individual treatment differences were deter-
mined using the Student's Newman-Keuls test. The paired t
test was then used to determine statistically sigruficant differ-
Stratum Corneum Staining ences (P < 0.05) between selected treated and control turnover
Each subject had two areas on each of the right and left volar
forearms stained with dansyl chloride (5%wt/wt in petrola-
tum) as per the method outlined by Jansen et al.I4 The petro- Results
latum containing dansyl chloride was liberally smeared over
Hill Top Chambers (25 nun in diameter) and fastened to the Acute Treatment: Weeks 1-3
forearm using occlusive tape. After 24 hours, the patches were
removed and the excess ointment was removed. Fluorescence The mean time for disappearance of fluorescence (ie,
was scored according to a subjective visual scale of 0-4 (0 = epidermal turnover time) was calculated for the nine
no fluorescence remaining; 1 := only small areas of fluores- subjects for each of the four different pH treatment
cence remaining; 2 = moderate areas of fluorescence remain- groups. The mean and standard error of the mean (2 +-
ing with noticeable areas of fading; 3 = large areas of fluo-
rescence remaining with small areas of fading present; 4 = SEM) for the acute treatment phase (weeks 1-3) are
whole, even areas of fluorescence present throughout) to shown in Figure 1. All three lactic acid-containing lo-
quantitate and confirm good stain intensity. tions at pH 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 decreased epidermal turn-
Dermatol Surg THUESON ET AL 643

Figure 1. Mean epidermal turnover times (2 t SEM) of volar

arm skin sites treated BID with lactic acid, 10% at pH 2.0, pH Figure 3. Comparison of mean epidermal turnover times (X 2
3.0, or pH 4.0, or vehicle for 1-3 weeks. For placebo us pH 2, 3, SEM) for sites treated with lactic acid, 10% at pH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
and 4, P C 0.05; for pH 2 us pH 3 and 4, P < 0.05;for pH 3 us or placebo during acute and chronic treatment phases. The paired
pH 4, P > 0.05. t test (see P values) was used to determine statistical differences
between acute and chronic turnover times.
over time significantly (P < 0.05) compared with pla-
cebo, with the pH 2.0-treated site (X = 12.4 ? 1.0 days, (weeks 5-7) are shown in Figure 2. The pH 4.0 lactic
P < 0.01) showing the fastest rate of epidermal turn- acid 10% treatment did not achieve a statistically dif-
over. The pH 3.0-treated site (%= 15.4 ? 0.8 days) was ferent turnover time compared with the placebo lotion
not significantly different from the pH 4.0 site (X = (nonlactic acid, pH 4.0). The pH 3.0-treated site (X =
15.6 t 0.8 days), but both were different compared with 10.1 t 0.9 days), however, did produce a significantly
the placebo treated site (X = 18.2 ? 1.6 days, P < 0.05). faster turnover time compared with both pH 4.0 (X =
Visible peeling (desquamation of large flakes of epider- 13.1 ? 1.0 days, P < 0.01) and placebo (X = 14.7 ? 1.1
mis) of at least one treatment site was noted in seven days, P < 0.01) lotions. In fact, the pH 3.0-treated site
subjects, with all seven showing peeling at their pH did not differ sigruficantly from the pH 2.0-treated site
2.0-treated site, and two of nine subjects displayed (X = 9.8 t 0.7 days), which was also significantly faster
peeling at their pH 3.0-treated site. No peeling was than the control and pH 4.0 sites. No peeling was ob-
observed at the pH 4.0- or placebo-treated sites. served at any time at any of the treatment sites on the
subjects during this extended phase of the study.
Chronic Treatment: Weeks 5-7
The mean epidermal turnover times (X ? SEM) for each Comparison of Epidermal Turnover Time during
of the treatments during the chronic treatment phase Acute Treatment (Weeks 1-3) and Chronic Treatment
Figure 2. Mean epidermal turnover times (X ? SEM) of volar
(Weeks 5-7)
arm skin sites treated BID with lactic acid, 10% at pH 2.0, 3.0, The mean epidermal turnover times for each treatment
or 4.0 or with vehicle for 5-7 weeks. For placebo us pH 2 and 3, site during acute and chronic treatment are presented
P < 0.05; for placebo us pH 4, P > 0.05;for pH 2 us pH 4, P <
0.05;for p H 2 us pH 3, P > 0.05;for pH 3 us pH 4, P > 0.05. together in Figure 3. All four of the treatments resulted
in faster turnover times during the chronic treatment
phase compared with the acute treatment phase. This
result implies an increase in cell renewal rate following
4 weeks of twice daily moisturizer treatment even with-
out AHA. The epidermal turnover times for the pH
3.0-treated site showed the most pronounced increase
in effect between acute and chronic use and was highly
statistically sigruficant (P = 0.001) compared with con-

Efect of AHA Concentration on Treatment and

Turnover Time
The mean epidermal turnover time (X 2 SEM) for each
of the three different concentrations of lactic studied is
644 THUESON ET AL Dermatol Surg
ORIGINAL ARTICLES 1998;24;641- 645

desquamation process only, and that later effects reflect

changes in the mitotic rate of the epidermis.
In our studies, the acute effects seen during weeks
1-3 are most prominent for the pH 2.0, lactic acid 10Y0-
treated site. The effect is related to the large number of
subjects (seven of nine) who experienced visible peeling
at this site. Little if any of the apparent early increase in
turnover rate seen for this treatment could be due to
increased epidermal proliferation, but rather must be
attributed to strong desquamation effects of the pH
being 2.0. The later (5-7 weeks of treatment) increase in
skin turnover is no doubt due to true increased prolif-
While the pH 3.0 treatment showed a somewhat
Figure 4. Mean epidermal turnover times (a 2 SEM) of volar
shorter (faster) turnover time compared with placebo
arm skin sites treated BID with lactic acid, 5%, lo%, or 15% all during the acute treatment, the effects were not fully
at pH 3.0 or with vehicle (0%)for 5-7 weeks. For 0% vs 5%, appreciated until after chronic treatment (7 weeks) to
lo%, and 15%, P < 0.05;for 5% vs 10% and 15%, P < 0.05; establish the new steady state. With continued treat-
for 10% 'us 15%, P > 0.05. ment, the pH 3.0 lactic acid 10% treatment site demon-
strated a dramatic increase in turnover rate, eventually
shown in Figure 4. Each of the treatments was adjusted approximately equaling the pH 2.0 results. This "de-
to pH = 3.0 so that the relative concentration of "free layed" onset of action in the pH 3.0 group is probably a
acid" was proportional at the lactic concentrations of true reflection of increased epidermal proliferative ac-
5%, lo%, and 15%studied. Figure 4 shows that the skin tivity. Unlike the pH 2.0 treatment, this treatment group
turnover rate increased with increasing concentration did not show substantial peeling (only two of nine sub-
of lactic acid and that all three concentrations induced jects displayed visible peeling and only early in the
an apparent increase in skin turnover rate compared treatment).
with the vehicle control. The increase in turnover rate Although the pH 4.0 treatment demonstrated an ap-
was relatively greater (and statistically significant) for parent slightly increased turnover rate compared with
the 5% to 10% concentration change than for the 10%to placebo during the initial treatment, the effect is not
15% concentration increase, suggesting that a maximal, significantly different from the placebo after continued
plateau effect may have been reached by the 15% level. treatment. These results imply a largely desquamative
(acute) effect induced by 10% lactic acid at pH 4.0 treat-
ment with a relatively minor induction of proliferative
(chronic) effects. It has been shown by others that pla-
Discussion cebo treatment can indeed accelerate apparent e ider-
Under normal conditions of homeostasis, the epidermis ma1 turnover compared with untreated sites?," Our
is in a state of equilibrium where the rate of cell forma- findings confirm these reports. Placebo treatment alone
tion in the basal layers equals the rate of transit of cells with a moisturizing lotion decreased epidermal turn-
from the granular layer to the stratum corneum, where over time from 18.2 days initial1 to 14.7 days after 5-7
desquamation takes place. Topically applied AHAs can weeks of treatment. Ridge et alz have speculated that
disturb this steady state through exfoliative and other such an increase in turnover rate may be due to an
actions on the stratum corneum. immediate desquamative effect induced by surfactants
The time required for dansyl chloride to disappear within oil/ water emulsions coupled with mechanical
from the fully stained stratum corneum equals the tran- forces applied to the skin during treatment. It is also
sit time of epidermal cells from the deepest layers of the possible that skin hydration from moisturizers may
stratum corneum to surface desquamation. Although loosen intercorneocyte binding within the stratum cor-
the measured epidermal transit time has been used as neum and cause desquamation. Van Scott and Yu6 pos-
an indicator of mitotic activity, Ridge et all5 have tulated that in a highly hydrated stratum corneum, the
shown that under conditions where a state of disturbed distances between corneocytes is increased, resulting in
equilibrium is produced, the epidermis must be al- a decrease in cohesive force and more rapid desquama-
lowed to reestablish a steady state prior to the measure- tion.
ment of transit time if the results are to reflect the full Epidermal turnover times for the stratum corneum
effects of the treatments. Ridge et a1 postulated that the on untreated volar forearms reported by different au-
initial effects seen on transit time reflect a change in the thors range from 13.3 to 18.5 days.'*'' Our placebo
Dermatol Surg THUESON ET AL 645

data agree with these reported values, and once again non-AHA moisturizer in accelerating epidermal turn-
confirms that the normal renewal time of the skin is over. The concentration of "free acid" seems to be the
approximately 2-3 weeks. Additionally, we have deter- main determinant of the effect on skin turnover rate, as
mined the epidermal turnover times following repeated shown in the present studies. When the product pH is
treatment with a single concentration of AHA (lactic 4.0 or more, very little of the AHA is in the free acid
acid 10%) at three different pHs and for three concen- form and the efficacy of the AHA is lost. To optimize
trations at one pH, to elucidate the roles of pH and lactic acid-induced skin renewal, our data suggest that
concentration in AHA-induced skin turnover. the product pH should range between 3.0 and 3.5 to
Compared with placebo, 5%, lo%, and 15% lactic provide 50-75% of the AHA in the free acid form,
acid in the lotion vehicle increased the skin turnover which is the effective entity for maximal epidermal re-
rate significantly and in a dose-related manner, with an newal.
increased skin turnover rate for each increase in con-
centration. The effect seems to begin to plateau at the
highest concentration tested, 15%. References
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