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To: Nancy Myers

From: Corbin Wilson

Date: 5/17/2022
Class: Apled

Chapter 17
Short, Informal Reports

 Report Definition
o Length and scope
o Formality
o Audience
o Purpose
o Communication Channels
 On-Line Reports
o An opportunity for online and on the go report writing
 Types of Reports
o Incident reports
o Investigative reports
o Trip /reports
o Progress or status reports
o Lab or test reports
o Feasibility/recommendations reports
o Research reports
o Proposals
 Criteria for Writing Reports
o Organization
 Identification Lines
 Headings and Talking Headings
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/Recommendations
 Development
o Who
o When
o Why
o Where
o What
 Audience
o In Reports, audience determines tone.
 Style
o Includes consensus and highlighting techniques
 Incident Reports - Documents an unexpected problem that occurred
o Purpose and Examples
 Biomedical technology
 Hospitality management
 Retail
o Criteria – Purpose and personnel
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/recommendations
 Investigative Reports – Examines the cause behind an incident.
o Purpose and Examples
 Security
 Engineering
 Computer Technology
o Criteria – Purpose, location, personnel and authorization
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/recommendations
 Trip Reports – Reports on job related travel.
o Purpose and Examples
 Information technology
 Heating ventilation and air conditioning
 Biomedical equipment sales
o Criteria – Purpose, personnel, authorization
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/recommendations
 Progress Reports – Documents the status of an activity
o Purpose and Examples
 Hospitality management
 Project management
 Automotive technology
o Criteria – Personnel, previous activity
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/recommendations
 Lab Reports – Documents the status findings from a laboratory experiment,
procedure or study
o Purpose and Examples
 Biomedical Technology
 Electronics
 Information technology
o Criteria
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/recommendations
 Feasibility/Recommendation Reports – Studies the practicality of a proposed
plan, then recommends actions.
o Purpose and Examples
 Manufacturing
 Accounting
 Web design
o Criteria - Personnel
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusion/recommendations
 The Writing Process at Work
o Prewriting
o Writing
o Rewriting

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